Lets check in on our good ole friends national action.
Oh it would appear the UK has murdered them all.
Lets check in on our good ole friends national action.
Oh it would appear the UK has murdered them all.
Other urls found in this thread:
another crybaby thread, yea they murdered you
good , now stop crying about it. If you org wasnt a piece of shit it wouldnt get fucked over. You are weak
Shit like this legit reminds me why they banned all of brit you are just such pieces of shit
what can any of us do to help /ourguys/ from abuse from the state? any way we can try to get judges disbarred or corrupt police fired?
sage NEGATED kike
What makes you think hes British
checkout the replies to this thread, pure bs shilling
no real bumps its just me and the shill bots here.
The one real person you have replying is saging all day
remember to sage so you dont bump the thread, i dont know why he said im a brit but it shows that they are useless idiots with no reasoning behind their movement except to shill
I can guarantee hes a Brit no one has such a snarky shitty demenor but a brit nigger
Your a cop arent you? I know for a fact they monitor this place after NA tried recruiting here a few years back
what the fuck would you know about the world, except your fucking basement dwelling loser ass
you are so mad no one cares about you
so we have it confirmed that britian is not coming to your cause? Who do you want to help? Who do you need?
What is the point of this thread but to shill for your cause. No one cares , get fucked mate and keep crying … im listening , and laughing
i'm gonna lurk this thread just to bump it every time you try to sage bomb it. No one on Zig Forums besides a nigger, jew or actual shill would support the fucking state arresting people without any actual laws being broken.
What in the holy hell are you fucking on about? Is it that time of the month or something?
you dont know shit , you are not even a person your a bot shit with nothing to live for
more bs replies to a bs thread.. ur a cop , ur a brit , ur snarky
wow , most of your leaders must be dead because the replies here are brainless
keep recruiting for mate, you realize that now you have joined a group that is retarded right.
Look at this thread, reread it and see if you are proud of your side here and what they have accomplished. This is really the best you guys can do.
Are you proud of yourself.
A britiish cop can our Zig Forums your ass any day. I make meme magic in my sleep bitch. You cover your face cause you cry like a virgin loser on their 40th birthday
Whether you think NA are CO or not, the "criminal antisocial behavior order" which was revisited in 2014 is interesting to look into, as well as the the way antifa inserts themselves into groups. 22k a year isn't pocket change, and yet they'll pay it just for dirt on your friends. We're already in the dystopian universe sci-fi authors wrote about. We're already hopped up on ritalin, SSRIs, and hormone therapy. We're already sent to bootcamp for wrongthink and threatened with death in a cage for anti-partyism.
What's left?
about this thread being shit and you shills sucking cock.
what the fuck is this thread about?
This is how you deal with nazis!
Yeah your a cop.
go ahead , it will prove my point more that this thread is pure shill content.
you should be bumping the thread because you have something of worth to say, not because you want to counter someone who is out right calling it shill content.
If there was something of value here I would not be reply spamming like this. But every reply just shows more that this thread is created by useless idiots that want to push an agenda.
They called me a brit and a cop … next they will call me a jew and a fag. Its a stupid tatic to try to gain support for their cause. But the thing is no one on this board cares about being popular.
Call me names , even if they are not true ill fucking own that, but its not gonna stop me form calling out your shill crybaby useless content
What is the point of this thread?
youre* mate
If your to lazy to read the British intel community waged a literal psychological 4th generation war on NA and stripped the of civil liberties bullied harassed and murdered them with the help of none state aligned political entities like hope not hate
You refuse to arrest child molesters because they're brown, but you'll go online and angrily post at people about how they're upsetting sensibilities.
You guys are a Monty Python sketch. It would be funny except children are being raped.
Now here is a real reply , thx user
the answer is this place right here is left. There's more but I think its a display of hope at least.
Remember when a documentary crew tried to make a film on how NA were literally ISIS?
They tried to get people to go on a rampage or blow something up. Turned out it was just some poor kids who loved their race. Nothing violent happened so they didn't get their BAFTA. Poor sods. I heard they put up some stickers though. Glad those madmen are doing hard time for that horrible crime.
Stay mad bro, lose the admin position.
Hey Britbongs, unban National Action.
I sure am gpad Zig Forums is happy some kid got his skull caved in, in prison because he put a sticker on a lamp post.
absolutely jewish
check my first post nigger, two suggestions for britbongs to pick up on
so you admit you're blatantly spamming the thread yet you're not the shill, i will never cease being amazed at how absolutely retarded someone can be.
the literal inverse applies to you to perfectly, every sage is a kike pushing an agenda of "its ok for the state to incarcerate dissidents that break no laws"
i give no fucks either, yet your only contribution is "everyone against state abuse is a shill", you have nothing to stand on.
do you believe this type of abuse was common knowledge on Zig Forums? we knew brits excuse muslim rapists and murderers but not that the courts were actually arresting whites for breaking no laws. It's purely political in its origin, relevant to the UK's current state and brings light to a topic thats yet to be brought up. Your turn, what is the point behind spamming a thread you believe has no value while interacting with what you assume to be comments from robots? Your own words betray your action. If this is truly so irrelevant, report and move on with your life. But you won't because you intend to hit bump limit and sink this as quickly as possible because you know mods won't bury a real thread.
Fuck Zig Forums, they're 90 percent muslims from old /int/. That's why they don't seem to care what's happening with their home country.
These are why the anglos deserve total extermination. But the poles and pakis are doing it for us already, lol
Reminder that all options for peaceful settlement have been foreclosed and the shill who got first reply is JTRIG.
There's no reason to think that National Action isn't just another British military provocateur psychological operation like every other neo-nazi white supremacist group in the UK (see "Radio Aryan").
Billy Roper will save our race, you cant stop balkanization with lame shill disruption tactics.
Stop trolling, PMC spook.
Notice he formats his post the same as the pedo from the Tarantino thread and other known shills.
HNH only exists to give false validity to controlled opposition groups. If HNH was involved in "campaigning against" advertising and talking up the impact ofNA then that all but confirms they're a state operation.
Every single entity covered by HNH is controlled opposition, that's why HNH exists, to validate govt ops.
Notice that 75% of 8/pol/ posters are private military contractor provocateurs, including you.
Obvious kike is obvious. Reminder to send codenigger an email if you dont like how our mods cant ban this retard.
Hi /trannypol/
Correct. HNH serves the same role in the UK that the SPLC and OPP serve in the US.
You kicked the hornets nest with this one OP, JTRIG shills on suicide watch. This story means peaceful opposition = death and puts all non-underground groups off the table unless you have a death wish. They will spam this to 750 and the next thread too if you make one.
“Israeli art students you say”
The standard analysis of CO "National Action", including the jews behind it.
HNH has also extensively covered American white nationalist groups and organizations, and for the exact same reason.
22k a year huh
That's more than some people make working a job.
I wonder who'd have the funds for that.
Exactly. HNH's front page is as good as a roster of CO new kids on the block.
The org was instrumental in raising the profile of "Millennial Woes", who within year was speaking at international meetings of the alt-kike.
It's amazing how most people can't see this.
Imagine being that lost and lacking in thought that you would actually pay some chode that’s never done anything in his life to bloviate about his troubles.
Both sides are run by military intelligence/special operations.
It's illegal for the US military to engage in domestic pyops like this, but it's probably not illegal for the UK military to do it.
There's no reason to think that Civnats aren't just false opposition propped up by government intelligence to keep people supporting ZOG.
Did I ever say they weren't?
It’s actually illegal for both to do it.
I assume you're referring to Millennial Woes speaking at the 2016 conference of CIA front American Renaissance?
It's very likely that the whole NEET shtick was just a cover story. Bear in mind we only know what MW told us. For example, video from the "charity book store" seems to be nothing more than a closet with a few bookshelves.
Remember that the "official MW narrative" is that HNH went to the DWP with proof that MW was employed (making money from YT) and they stopped his sickness bennies.
This is problematic for several reasons, least of all being that the DWP allows up to 16 hours work a week while in receipt of ESA.
Then we have the bizarre situation of HNH having the dox of a "right-winger" and not publishing them.
When there was finally a "doxing" it came through the usual channels used to promote CO new kids on the block. The Daily Mail etc. Notice how these people always get full spreads on every tabloid paper.
Jews promoting the operations of other jews and govt?
Okay. Even worse then.
That means "Radio Aryan" is an illegal domestic psychological operation of the UK Ministry of Defense and British Intelligence Corps.
That long ago already?
Nonetheless yes, there was pretty rapid acceleration of his visibility after the promotion by HNH.
Hope not hate also receives government funding.
The pic you posted isn’t helpful for rational discourse but this is what happens when you go full neo-nazi in most western nations. You will literally be killed/ and or completely destroyed by the kosher legal system and mason controlled police force.
This is a reminder to any anons you are stupid enough to think that you can openly call for the elimination of Jews/ niggers etc and be any kind of legitmate “National socialist” party. Take a page out of the leftists book and don’t be stupid enough to ever reveal your true intentions.
If you want to do more that just LARP you need to see past the defeatism and D&C of Zig Forums and become a doer and not just a talker.
The media is key to this, this is one of the greatest tools of the Jews. Disemination of information, creation of media platforms and reaching mass ordinances for redpilling. We need as many people as possible redpilled, because if the people are firmly ideologically against their rulers they will be brought down. This should be the main priority of anyone on the right wing.
We need to create a whole culture around the movement, music, art, fashion, aesthetic etc. A Self sustaining culture embodied by a hard to subvert ideology is extremely difficult to destroy.
Infiltration of the system is also extremely beneficial, the more people in the system to slow down/thwarte anti-white policies the better.
Only after enough people are informed can we have a real political movement. Otherwise we have to go incognito and have to play the slow burn in government.
If you want to go down the revolution route you could but it’ll be a lot harder than you. expect (((peace keeprs))) to Shoah you and because of cucked western gun laws even more difficult. Although you burgers have it far easier in that regard.
Organisation is probably as important as the redpilling of the masses.
Zig Forums is not the best place to organise but you should hang around in susectsble social circles of competent people and/Or redpill your friends and work with them.
Non-profits working for our cause, cults, political organisations, business circles, religions should all be utilised to organise. Cults/ secret societies are probably the best methods of organising that ensure loyalty and security of information. Those idiots who think Zig Forums is a secret society are idiots, any alphabet agency can look at what we post. Nothing is secret here.
The nazi party itself was founded by the Thule society, which itself was a set of semi-influential German nationalists.
Every organisation needs it and lots of it. The more of it the better, we need right wing George soros’s funding our activisties. Or at least a few wealthy anons getting the gears greased. Every user should be Ingaged in money making activity. The Jews became powerful because of their wealth, we need to do the same thing.
For our movement to succeed we need more than just politics but also a moral and spiritual revolution. The degradation we see today stems from a moral decline.
We need only look at every religion around the world to see the transformative effect it has on society. Along with outliving any political movement it acts as a great unifier and barrier against social and political change.
Crafting a relegiom is no easy feet and rules of conduct and scriptures need to be written.
Religion is also a big point of contention and divide amongst many on Zig Forums, this is something that needs to solved through constructive debate as soon as possible.
While Christianity has many positive aspects it isn’t conducive to our ideology.
Christianity preaches universality and forgiveness, these are against our ethos.
We need to deal with the major points of traction amongst us namely relegion, how we achieve the ethnostste and our economic policy ( less important)
Td;lr It’ll take years to redpill enogh people and get the momentum nesseary to achieve political change. While I believe we should put our energies into the points mentioned as a multilateral approach is needed to spread risk. Developing ethnic bio-weapons would solve 90% of our problems and truly secure the existence of our people.
Nuclear weapons are difficult to obtain, incredibly expensive to create and make any area uninhabitable.
On the contrary developing a virus could be done in your shed with the right equipment and expertise. At a fraction of the cost and barriers for entry.
Very informative. Yes, all those inconsistencies in the narrative do make it sound like a typical choreographed/scripted "doxing" operation that these intelligence front organizations engage in. The SPLC, OPP, and Antifa do the exact same thing in America. It's nearly identical.
They are all illegal operations man. Check the Geneva Conventions about psychological operations. The numerous UN treaties and NATO regulations about this stuff. It’s all fucking illegal.
I deal with these faggot Brits everywhere. This whole thread was started to target me as demoralization effort. The damn spook is sitting less than a mile away honking his car horn to respond to my posts. Knocking me because of my teeth that they caused with ultrasonics in my sleep triggering me to grind my teeth out of place. That was Mossad.
Yeah don’t get me started. I have been at this for decades now.
If it’s not this bs it’s entrapment. Antifa works for the CIA. Those dudes wearing all black involved with Antifa, they are trannies. They take dicks so they can do illegal shit for their “cause”.
Watch out. Your mom has been turned. She's planning to poison your Hot Pockets.
My mother died in a hospital in the early 90’s
More proof of the Hot Pocket poison plot.
Hey op, nice job linking to the sources faggot:
Seems legit
Give it rest dude, you don’t know a damn thing.
1. Hal Turner spent five years in a Federal prison.
2. Hal Turner was an FBI/CIA agent provocateur.
How can you say that after I figured out your mom's Hot Pocket conspiracy?
I'd noticed that the SPLC performs the same function in the USA. Negative promotion (reverse psychology) is simply too effective for any nation state to miss the chance to form a group dedicated to it. It's so much more credible to ordinary people, than "friendly" promotion by colleagues, because no one expects that someone would compliment their enemy.
On a lesser scale, the various CO e-celebs will do the same type of negative promotion for one another, hence the willingness of e-celebs to regularly devote entire videos to their "enemies". It's a brilliantly effective tactic though, must admit.
Something else just occurred to me, MW's accent seems like it might have been cultivated at Sandhurst. He didn't always speak like he does now.
When Woes tells me what he wants from me, I will let you know the price.
your mom
It's obvious what he wants. Your 3 inch circumcised Anthony Weiner.
The interesting part of all this is the fact that Hope Not Hate has now shifted its focus to the US. Their company is run on a for profit model that relies on getting government funding to "fight terror." Are you ready to watch them and the splc duke it out?
That’s what you want in your rusty pos trick. What does Woes want?
Do they need a policy man?
Can we meme it?
That's what your mom said to you.
It’s like the 80’s all over again only the mom jokes are worse. Pretty sure I already banged your mom.
Don't forget about OPP (One People's Project), run by obese black "former" US Army intelligence officer Daryle Lamont Jenkins.
It really is a deeply powerful psychological manipulation technique, isn't it.
Right. I see the various "white nationalist" personalities engaging in this behavior on a near weekly basis. It a major component of their psyops.
What is Sandhurst?
If Millennial Woes has any kind of serious criminal record, then that would make him a good candidate for recruitment as a UK national police informant/agent provocateur.
Spotted the boomer.
Is he homosexual? All British field agents are homosexuals. They bring them up out of the boys schools.
You’re correct I blow my mushroom clouds into vaginas.
How do you not already know that Millennial Woes is gay?
On another note, what region of England does Andrew Carrington Hitchcock's accent come from? It's a very weird, distinct accent and I've heard it before, but I don't know its geographic placement.
If you're not familiar with ACH's voice, you can find many of his podcasts on YouTube.
I always wonder did they do this type of shit to past nationalists? It seems the 80's had a brief moment where nationalism had a bump
>Hope not hate is still assblasted about their antics nearly 2 years later.
>Whispering the words "national action" into Amber Rudd's ear will cause her to go into anaphylactic shock
>National action has so many waifus that they held a beauty padgent called miss hitler. It got national news coverage.
>Benjamin Raymond's double chin can hold a two pack of mountain dew and 3 entire bags of Doritos. These can be witnessed while watching his interview with the BBC.
>National action was so effective that antifascist groups started copying their style of posters.
>Members of NA were able to walk into antifa protests undetected and just take flags. They would never have been caught until someone recognized ben's eyebrows and flipped his shit.
>When in a house organizing a protest, NA members accidentally gassed themselves with a smoke grenade
>National Action's tactics were so effective that a certain ex BNP member made a channel to prove that they weren't effective, and failed spectacularly in the process.
>Stating national action's name on any thread will cause GCHQ shill to flip their shit and spam everything.
>The Anti-Racist group National Action Network can't get the top search result even two years after the group's disbandment
>deep packet inspection analysis proves that national action chats consist only of A E S T H E T I C images and the words "ICANTGOTOSLEEP YOU FUCKING MONGOLS"
>National Action members are the most powerful race in existence.
The fact that mentioning their name anywhere on the internet causes a swarm of autistic fury tells me they were real
The British Army officer training academy.
In the UK forces people with regional accents have them "corrected" to sound upper-class this helps to verbally set them apart from the rank and file.
Exactly my thought.
I don’t keep track of the sexual perversions of other men.
No it doesn’t you tard it means that you can’t openly advocate natsoc rhetoric and cause a ruckus.
You gotta turn down the rhetoric to even be publicly allowed to exist.
While national action where for the most part LARPers who achieved nothing and furthered the stereotype of ignorant skinheads the media so happily like to portray to the people.
There’s no evidence in the article that theirs any Jewish connection just “ e looks like a dew!”. The writer was obviously too lazy to do any research.
That reminds me. I created a thread a while back critical of LARPers and the need to go incognito to get into mainstream politics. Create something like a “real” Conservative party.
The amount of shills was astonishing over 200 posts of > muh PR. Shills are fucking terrified of any genuine right wing organzaction trying to appear palititbale to the plebs.
Because playing dress up and doing hitler salutes got the movement far.
If anything it shows we need to target universities for recruitment.
As much as you hate it being true, there are many people on the right who can spot a kike by its appearance.
It's to be expected that people involved in high level CO will have their identities protected by the security services; people making the "proof" demands know this. They know that the "proof" they are demanding is impossible to supply.
But we don't need it.
Those leading Britain First (Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding) are just as obviously jews pretending to be Christian.
In cases when someone claims to be leading a nation-level "right-wing" party then the burden of proof falls on them to demonstrate their racial, religious and political credentials. Failure to do so should always lead to a tentative diagnosis of CRYPTO-KIKE, for the safety of all involved.
he types like a faggot from Zig Forums and Zig Forums constantly shit on NA because they're pathetic faggots.
take this, for example:
or this
Honestly, these faggots are just disgusting. too much Joe Owens has fried their (((anglo))) brains.
This. They had the best strategy, which is why they were blitzed so hard. They memed IRL and it worked perfectly.
You were probably criticized for being a grotesque faggot with absolutely zero understanding of our circumstance, political strategy, the necessity of youth appeal, the fact that "conservatism" is kike capitalism and will never be redeemed, the fact that being palatable to plebs will get you fucking nowhere except for water down your message so much that you become completely ineffective, the fact that every revolution in history has been enacted by a small cadre of radical men, so on and so forth. TL;DR just kill yourself, people like you are deadweight.
Very lulzy.
Listened to the podcast, pretty wild that one guy got stabbed in the neck less than one day in the slammer. I wonder if it was a kike-hired hit.
Evidence, please?
If not this is just accusation.
You are implying that if right-wingers just act nice and play the jews' game, they'll be allowed to fairly compete for power.
Either you're very naive or you're being deliberately obtuse while trying to steer anons into giving their time and support to civnat/conservative parties which are in many cases designed specifically to give a safety valve outlet to the votes of exactly that type of person, while allowing them to maintain a sense of hope.
A man with no hope left is very dangerous. A man given hope is defused "the white genocide isn't going to happen after all, relax, just wait a few more years and Europe will be far-right across the board, relax".
All lies.
The same tactic is being used with Brexit, which it has clearly been decided from the outset will never be allowed to go through. The vote was allowed to fall on LEAVE because the resultant drama is good for those in power, while there is no real threat of the UK leaving the union.
Those on the right feel hope and are pacified, those on the left feel anger and terror and are energized into action. The end result of Brexit will be an acceleration of the Kalergi plan, not a retardation.
So once again, every Op os ConOp, goyim.
Never organize.
This is getting very old.
you retarded (((faggots))) post this shitty boomer article every time, it proves nothing except for the fact that boomerniggers dont understand anything
People here know what a kike looks like.
Their faces are the evidence.
People here know what a kike acts like.
Their behavior is the evidence.