Dutch Muslim Say, If you don't like diversity, leave
Can someone do a proper translation on this video and add subtitles. Or if someone types out the translation I can try to add them.
Dutch Muslim Say, If you don't like diversity, leave
Can someone do a proper translation on this video and add subtitles. Or if someone types out the translation I can try to add them.
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Full video here, starts at 15 min.
If you don’t like White Christians having a say in their own country, get out of it.
Why are people encouraging the rise of a totalitarian ethnostate ?
I hate leftists
And the leftist in America tell us to go back to Europe So basically they want us ded.
And go where you nigger Muslim parasites?
Maybe he wants us to Immigrate to the Middle East and takeover and build it up because they are incapable???
He is basically saying "if you those people don't like change or Holland changing yada yada yada then they need to leave muh diversity is good". Stupid typical shit from muzzies as always, never met one they had anything meaning full to say. All back stabbers too, if shit will hit the fan here they will be the first one to shout "not all muslims, we love holland etc"
if someone gave me a million dollars and an infinite amount of time, I could not make people hate diversity more than they already are right now.
Can you give an exact translation so I can add subs.
Imagine having the audacity to migrate to a foreign country, shit up the place and make everyone hate you, and then tell the native population to gtfo if they don't like it. The absolute brazenness of these shitskin's cannot be paralleled.
The only way out of this trap is war and a white ethnostate. We have to do it soon, because whites in the US are being outbred and aging. This needs to get started.
Well, I don’t have to imagine it. I witnessed it in my own lifetime.
What people have to understand is this is how shitskins operate. They are stupid and stubborn. There is absolutely no reasoning with them. Whites have to start a race war and get their own country asap or die trying.
"It all belongs to each other, they don't decide if you belong or not. You're the one to decide. If they don't like it - we're reversing the roles here - if they don't like it, that changing the Netherlands in which different people with different backgrounds live together in a city like Zaandam in a district like Poelenburg then should leave. You are part of this country, you are 21 you said said?"
"You have a future here, you are also busy with Algemeen Dagblad with you own YouTube channel. You have a future and it isn't about, according to me, your integration you need to be accepted in this society just as you are.
Last line is gibberish to me because they both, per usual, really suck at speaking Dutch.
then you should leave*
He is saying rot op, which is basically the same as telling someone to fuck off. Which ever you like. Fuck him.
and you own*
I'm fucking up too it seems.
and your own*
Fuck me I'm gonna sleep.
Fear really is the only thing they understand. Unfortunately anarchy will have to break out first. Western nations must reach a point where upward mobility in society becomes impossible for whites before any rebellion happens. You're right, civil war will have to break out before the shitskin problem can be dealt with.
This guy is a Dutch politician by the way.
These muslims just understand that if they get kicked out, the gibs stop and they are back to their sand castles. They will say whatever they need to keep the gibs flowing.
You move.
Thanks for the ammo sandnigger.
Having him tell a native to leave shows their true colours.
Thanks working on it.
Video with translation here:
Save it, spread it.
Kek. No wonder the right is gaining so much ground.
He is not the only one.
I remember at least a half dozend foreigner in Germany calling for Germans to be deported from Germany for the crime of not wanting to share their country with aliens.
you mean like this one?
Let it happen, we need to do some spring cleaning.
They understand it, they think that they can play our kindness forever.
Is he speaking to intolerant violent religious newcomers who rape and murder people or is he speaking to people who say mean things?
Diversity is not our strength.
Unfotunately, labor party their diversity golem hit back and now the mudslimes formed their own party. He's head of it, currently sitting in parliament with 3/150 seats.
The reason shitskins do this both in Europe and the US is that they believe whites are too cowardly to execute every single shitskin.
he's right you know.
Because they don’t understand the white mentality.
relevant screenshot is relevant
pick your poison…
No, the only way out of this is acknowledging the inevitable–globalism. Technological advancement will see the end of the nation-state. What we need is a homogeneous globe. We can't expand eternally within our own borders. We can't continue to compete in an ever evolving and growing world. Either we conquer, someone conquers us, or we all cease to exist in the rising tide of brown. Those are the options.
This marks a new development in the rhetoric offered by 2nd generation refugees, who are European educated. They are using our own sword against us. Our penchant for Idealism and emotional triggers of a Utopia where all people can live in peace. This rhetoric is appealing to the masses, as most have been brainwashed or not known the heavy weight and conflicts a multicultural society brings.
I wonder what other, rhetoric they will adapt from the locals and switch it on it's head. Quite effective and intelligent.
I see more of a Brazil happening on a grander scale, where race hierarchy is just further entrenched. Condemned in public practiced in private.
All i really want, is for all Jews to go home and stay there. They finally have their home, why can't we just ship em back, and fuck off. Let the Arabs and Jews dish it out.
Jews or no jews, we're going to end up in the same situation. Technological advancement will continue to make the world a smaller and smaller place. Meanwhile the non-white third world, namely black Africa, is experiencing a population explosion. We have rising non-white powers that are entirely sociologically different from us and would conquer us at the first chance. Only a select few control many of the major resources, and as they advance we'll lack access to those resources which are needed for our own advancement. There's so many areas in which any given group is at a disadvantage to another. Eventually one of these groups will seek to conquer the others, and instead of it being a Persian empire, or a Roman, or a Mongolian one, it'll be a global one, because the technology permits it. I want that to be us. The invasion of "the West" is the perfect opportunity to start and ride a wave of racial nationalism into the future, and create foreign policies and educational policies and domestic policies that seek to set us up for conquest. Plus the only way we can ever hope to advance into space and beyond is by stabilizing our home planet, which requires a global people. These idiots that preach "going back to nature" are preaching regression and self-destruction. If we "go back to nature," then in 200 years the Chinese, or some other group, will enslave or exterminate us.
Says the faggot Muslim that wants everyone to follow his shitty desert religion of dysgenic masturbators.
He's going to be made to leave. The Netherlands belong to the Dutch.
Racism is true, there are races superior to others in a number of things. A bloodline and a race has strengths, some are a lot more clever than others which is just nature.
The opposite get taught to the masses: there are no superior races and everyone is equal. It is a lie.
In the past when migration happened, it was a slow progress. It was insanely more difficult to move from one country to another. Usually it involved you losing some possessions or something else. Also there was 0 safety net so for a lot of people this would have never really been a good option unless out of desperation, violence or war. So usually assimilation in history occurred with a low number of foreign nationals entering a country.
But the migrant influx is so large and massive, and it doesn't get suppressed at all. So even the kids of these migrants retain their original parents their values, or even move them into a more extreme direction.
This will only end one way.
I think "globalism" is a tainted term although very similar to Mason, Serrano, and Yockey's underlying idea of the future. A unified European bloc with ethnic groups within the mass as being inevitable. Yockey actually referred to it as true Internationalism. All 3 sum up the defeats of the last 70 years as essentially being the idea that the gods or some higher order demands something far bigger than WW2. All signs point to that if you factor in the recent migration crisis that'll ultimately force a fight to the death on the European continent and a unification of necessity that'll be lasting in the end.
No single nation can or will take back the nation to its old state. I see the metaphysical side more clearly than the political. Something bigger is being demanded from us collectively.
The whole point of the "Go back to nature" is to not rape the planet entirely. 90% of the plastic in the ocean is from Asiatic countries and the Nile. We (as is western civilization) can co-exist with nature and still maintain our technological prowess. It's about efficiency without polluting every single resource basin. Isolationist policies would stem the explosive population boom we've been giving to NIGGERS in Africa. They can't farm or herd domestic animals themselves, without foreign aid the population of Apefrica would be manageable. "On no the poor chillen" should be a forgotten phrase.
That guy should be hung up on a fucking lamppost btw
And so far they have absolutely zero reason to believe otherwise.
Tell me which country you will not be shitting up and maybe I will.
The damage we don't do to the environment, others will do. We can't go isolationist without hindering our own advancement, as we're reliant on non-white peoples who currently control the resources we need to produce our more advanced technologies. When they advance to our level, they're going to begin to hoard the resources they control that are necessary for more advanced technologies, because at the end of the day, we're competing. We're competing demographically, technologically, scientifically, economically etc. If we cede ground, they'll take it. If we fail to take ground, they'll take it. The only way the world can ever be as you want it is if the world is homogeneously populated by us. The only way we can protect the environment, live peacefully, expand into space, completely eradicate all major diseases etc. is to remove the uncontrolled element that is foreign populations. Imagine a world as unified as the United Kingdom, or better, the United States pre-'60s. Imagine having every resource on earth at our immediate fingertips to produce any technology we need. Imagine having a population that is behaviorally and intellectually similar across the entire planet, which functions as a unit toward achieving common goals. This has to be the future. There can't be a good future when competition exists, because competition threatens advancement, and opposing group self-interests hinder advancement. Just think about every major plague in history. Where did most of them start? Asia or Africa. Their evolved sociological structures and group behaviors and intelligence led to the conditions that made those plagues, which inevitably killed us. Who cured them and nearly eradicated them globally? We did. We only failed because of non-white populations refusing, or lacking the ability to conform to our sociological structures, behaviors etc. I just don't see how there can be any good future without global homogeneity. As someone who responded to me in another thread called it, a "global Reich." Kikes did get some things right when they talk about "destroying whiteness" and destroying our identities to have us work without things hindering us every step of the way. What the kikes get wrong is not acknowledging genetics and evolution. We need to destroy identity by exterminating all competition. When it's all gone, we'll work like a well-oiled machine and we'll advance at a pace never before witnessed. I just don't see how there can be any other way. Fuck the nation-state. I want the planet, and from there I want the universe.
The blame goes to the white liberals who allowed this to happen. You don't invite a rabid dog into your house and then blame it when it bites. You blame the idiot who invited it in the first place.
Jews you mean. Jews constitute the majority of "whites" advocating for our current circumstances. They constituted an even larger majority before three generations of indoctrination bred a population of white allies. I listened to a podcast/debate last night between a jew and a French Canadian. What was interesting was the jew was very open about the jewish role in multiculturalism and open borders, and he was very open about the evolutionary development of "jewishness." That is, behaviors, predispositions etc. This is the area people need to start delving into more. We need to start focusing on genetics and evolutionary processes and pressures and how people developed unique traits and predispositions and the like. You can't not have segregation to some extent when we openly acknowledge our differences to such a degree, and how, even instinctively and subconsciously others are negatively impacting our way of life simply by living amongst us.
needs to be immortalized as a meme
That's dumb. Nuking land makes it unusable. Also East Asians are a bigger threat to our future than niggers, who are only successful at breeding and nothing else. East Asians can actually maintain advanced societies.
No such thing. You can not be both a Muslim and European.
Yes you can. You can't be both Middle Eastern and European though. Islam is just a stupid ideology and religion.
Tell that to the Albanians and Bosnians.
He's not a random shitskin, he's a member of parlement from the muslim party…please nuke us.
Both need to be removed.
Islam is inherently anti- White.
Can you beat that:
A state secretary in the German foreign ministry of Palestinian origin (arab, born there) declared the she and her analphabetic, not German speaking father are “more German” than AfD MP and their membership.
The foreign minister who made her state secretary and personal assistant is now Germany’s president (and his socialist party has less electoral support than the AfD).
I've had muslims say the same to me back when I was able to have somewhat civil converstions with them.
What is more disturbing is that I have had natives of my own country tell me the same.
Natives of my own country who live sheltered middle class lives and have never lived as a minority among lower class immigrants like I have.
As much as this muslim cunt has a shitty attitude that pisses me off, I will still ALWAYS hate the traitors more.
That will only ever happen for white males
White females will always have upwards mobility among shitskins
The biggest problem I see is that the only thing worth fighting for, 1488 is increasing hobbled by white women betraying us in various ways making it abundantly clear that they are NOT worth fighting for.
The only thing worth fighting for is WHITE MEN (no homo)
The ONLY reason white women matter AT ALL is to make more WHITE MEN
Then we cull the various niggers in Africa, outside of the Khoi-San who are non-violent and then repopulate it with whites.
Oh yeah, we have to kill the bugmen too fucking termites.
Fucking faggot.
These primitives think they have a giant fairy in the sky on their side.
We really have put off the genocide for waaay too long.
Or a South Africa…
This. They've been fooled by the Kike propaganda into thinking the white man truly is a cuck by nature. They don't realize that we've merely been sleeping, and they're going to get a shock now that we're waking up.
That's how you got into your into your situation in the first place. If you remove Christian traditionalism, don't be surprised if everything else falls apart. Poland and Hungary don't have the issue of being replaced because they keep their religion intact.
As soon as American agriculture is run by beaners an negros the population explosion will fix itself.
NO. Everything you just posted is wrong. European culture has never been Christian. Celebrating the Yule, Mayday, none of that shit is christian. You know what is christian? Catholic mobsters from the south. thats Christianity's gift to Europe; Catholic Mobsters. Fuck you.
No. He is saying. If you do not accept our colonization, die. That is what he means.
can you smell the insecurity of the muslim cucks?
lmao, my grandparents fought for this soil, and I will too if I am forced.
I want to react with rage, but I think this could push many people over the edge. We should spread this shit far and wide, maybe spread With Open Gates along with it.
I once wondered what was going on in the minds of libtards and their pet shitskin golems, then i realized that they are simply cancer that needs to be purged without questions.
Yiff in hell christcuck
This is exactly what happens with the young Muslims that grow up in Europe. They may live in whatever country, and speak its language and have its passport, but in their daily lives, they speak mostly Turkish or Arabic and are surrounded by Turks/Arabs and the main guiding ideology that informs their worldview isn't Christianity or secularism or cucked liberalism, it's Islam. And these second and third generations don't integrate at all, they become even more aware of their Muslim/non-European identity, being forced to live in what is essentially a foreign land to them, and practice Islam much more devoutly than their parents or grandparents did. And the devout version of Islam tends to explode.