Virtue signalling = dopamine rush

Liberal do-gooders, whether christian or not, receive dopamine rushes for behaving so goody goody by pretending to advocate for rufusegees and/or immigrants. This is why liberals fall all over each other to "out-liberal" the next liberal, and they come up with insane policies like abolishing ICE, no borders, and extends to white guilt and breeding with niggers. But they're not really doing it for others, they're doing it for a dopamine rush.

The conundrum we face is, how to best point out this self-deception?

All we are is honest with ourselves. We're not concerned with a short term dopamine rush, but the overall health and sustainability of our culture and country.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This actually makes me wonder, how would an individual without dopamine afflicting his brain behave?

How do we fix these metally ill junkies ?


Like a strung out methhead. Skittish, unable to sleep, manic and unstable.

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low GABA?

You don't. If it can't already be seen for themselves, the best solution is

There used to be a story you could google about the liberal's amygdala and the effect emotions had on the left-wing brain. If you google it nowadays you get "HOW A CRAZY NEOCON GOT CONVINCED INTO BEING A BERNIEBRO" or some bullshit. There was also an article a while ago about how you could magnetize or electrocute a part of someone's brain, and their threat reaction would go down. They'd also be less religious.

I recommend reading these articles to understand the kind of ant that willingly lives in an antfarm and will defend it right up until it becomes physically uncomfortable. Bro let's change the subject, I bought the sickest skinless Taiwanese cat last night, now I know what you're thinking, and yes it figured out how to eat from my retro pez dispensers.

shitlibs really are the pinnacle of selfishness.

People are born with a set political view, that's what I'm certain about.

btw OP, everyone is addicted to dopamine
It's the means in how we get it that's important.

Read pic related

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Nice opinion piece. Not only did you provide 0 evidence for your claim, but yet again you see fit to use Christians as your example of faggotry.

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If you thought you were going to let that slip past, you were mistaken.

then all you have to do is make it impossible for them to get that dopamine rush, or increasingly difficult and absurd

No kidding. Most thing are done due to a dopamine rush. It's equivalent to substance addiction. It starts with advocating for niggers once in a while and soon that no longer triggers the release of dopamine, so nigger advocacy becomes more frequent. Next thing you know your hair is blue and you're calling pedophilia a sexual orientation.

Fix their addiction? They have to hit rock bottom. Get them to the point where signaling cause harm, either by making the repercussions for signalling painful (physically or emotionally) or make them have to go to such extreme lengths to signal that it becomes impossible for them without destroying their lives.

"You can't get a dopamine rush with your brain splattered about" - Wyatt Mann (1488)

spooky trips

Virtue signaling is a drug and soyboys are addicted to it.

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Zig Forums is nothing but virtue signalling to the specific virtues of this board. They may differ from society's virtues, but it is still nothing but virtue signalling in thread after thread.

It makes me sick.

learn to search retard

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So, that's pretty much everyone here on Zig Forums.

underrated post

calling everybody a kike shill is the opposite of pushing for excellency. this board is a sea of mongoloids with a few individuals swimming on it to make actual contributions.

Then why is so much brainwashing necessary via (((media))) and (((education)))
I think perhaps we are born with a pre-disposition, but it can definitely change.
I bet plenty of /pol anons were liberals at one point.

We've been talking about this for years, they aren't actually "christian" or "liberal" or anything. What they are is the natural hall monitors among the white race. The kikey ones who want to socially signal their orthodox opinions to show how high status they are in libshit society. At the same time they are wealklings incapable of materially productive labor who spit on the white men who produce everything in this country and the very surplus they rely on to survive. That is merely further motivation for them to despise whites they consider right wing as they are scum who aren't of the "thinking class" like them whether they are a pipe cutter or geologist the fact that they find oil to make the world run or feed their pudgy soy asses by farming is to them the lowest status possible. Thus they see no problem with whites being effeminate pussies guzzling coffee in an urban shithole while muds are enslaved to do all the work(badly even with constant oversight).

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Problem is that this is essentially a drug addiction.
A chemical addiction at that.

You're right. We've been deceiving ourselves for too long. We love jews now. Hurray for white replacement. Everyone should support LGBQTZXR9000

Thanks based user for showing us the way.

shitposting on Zig Forums is little different
it's not the drug it's how you use it

Dopamine could very well be the cause of their loud and senseless vocalization but how does Christianity goes into this? They are by far much more modest than say mudslimes.

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sure is summer in here












Exactly, and their freakouts and their fucked up behaviour is basically just instant withdrawal symptoms. This is a drip of dopamine, that spikes with every signal and every retweet. We can cause anguish with every verbal thrust.

Dopamine addiction is one of the reasons a populace is easily controlled. The present age of technology allows Jews to create interesting ways of doing it. Whether its a snickers bar or virtue signaling, it's all the exact same method of control. Brave new world

Well no shit. Leftards are always drug addicts and they virtue signal on twitter while being nowhere near diversity and knowing what it's really like here.

The answer is simple: 1) Force them to live up to their own standards, e. give all their personal possessions to their precious poc pets and live next to them in squalor 2) Actively ship shitskins to them by writing all their addresses+phone numbers and passing them out to refugees and ghetto rats and the like, we all know they do not actually want them like Samantha Bee but they will be forced to learn whether voluntary or not 3) Tell them if they hate whites and being white so much that they should kill themselves

I was one. But I was never heavily invested in the liberalism to begin with, though.

Every leaf on here is thinking vid related.

Kek'd. Look at this blackpill and laugh. Those of us who really care about Zig Forums values do stuff in real life. Get a life, faggot, and don't blame others for having one.

Touching the Raw Amygdala
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

So ex-Liberals keep telling themselves. In 4th grade I had a teacher talking about Hitler being insane, and asked if he were insane, why was he able to get as far as he did? No answer. I have never, since my youngest years, let myself be guided by what others think if it seems to be incorrect to me. There was no Liberal phase.

I know it's easier to pretend you share a common weakness that you've now overcome than admit that you're faulty to yourself, but you're still the same easily brainwashed idiot you were back then. All you've really done is built mental defenses against specific examples of sophistry that you've already encountered, not bolstered your immunity against sophistry itself. I'm fairly certain you're either born with this immunity or you aren't.

I was mostly a liberal for environmental reasons. But even though I'm right wing, I still consider myself an environmentalist, but not the insane-CO2-is-going-to-blow-up-the-earth crazy type. In 1992 I wanted to vote for Ross Perot even though I was too young to vote, and Donald Trump considered running on his political party's ticket. So, even though I identified as liberal into my 20s, I wasn't really all that liberal.

What did it for good, I was at the 2002 stop the Iraq war before it starts protest, which was sponsored by ANSWER: Act Now To Stop War and End Racism. But I noticed a strange thing. There were literal black supremacist groups there. They were screaming how white people were the debil and how they wanted dey reparashuns n sheeit. It was at that moment I realized that we weren't here to "End Racism" but to end white people.

You can push this as far as possible. The politicians themselves, they must be targeted by the rapefugees. Give them all dox of cucked politicians who support the destruction of national interest and sovereignty by letting in these invaders.

Very much this. I've been involved with the "far-left" in my early 20's (diy punk scene) but always was appaled by "muh refugees/muh migrants". I was already NatSoc deep down as a kid and instinctly never trusted a single word from a commie teacher (pleonasm).

Best solution so far.

bullshit, faggot i feel fucking great and i sleep like a breeze. fix your life motherfucker if it's like that.

Oh so it's just a thinly veiled kike thread. Even spelling Christian with lower case c.

Martin Luther all the way faggot. The Brausebad awaits you.

Classic Leftist projection.

Imagine being like you all the time.

Man, dopamine is such a retarded thing. You would think that its made of reason and logic…but often its not. The precursor to dopamine triggers is that of beliefs. Specifically beliefs of when you think you are "doing good" or "outcompeting" other people. "Being superior" this network in your brain that is connected to dopamine it is.

The thing with "being superior" however tho is…well…its VERY easy to manipulate it in other people…ITS ALSO VERY EASY TO MANIPULATE IT EVEN IN YOURSELF. Think of all the athletes around the world, who have different sports, to one person throwing a stick really far gives him a dopamine rush "I practiced for months, I listened to my trainer and got a good technique for throwing the javelin! I am the best….(actually of the world according to his own logic, deep inside)"

Now this logic applies to most things in life. Even to druggies, junkies, lawyers, politicians, those who go on bowling trips…many people like that. Every single person, because of their own internalized logic (and inability to see other people their ideas, in other fields thinks that out of the millions that they are special, and good and great!). If you really wanted to, christ I did it myself countless times… I could internalize logic that would give me huge ego boosts. I could say to myself (well on average, these things I am better at than most normal people, and since I am kinda poor I would say "well austerity is what makes people strong, it is good to live in virtue!)

and the thing is that its very reasonable to do this since one could easily argue against the popularity fallacy. Its also the reason why many of us here on the chan are so apt at destroying societies notions of what is good and right (and winning in the information/memetic warfare). There are in this life almost no reasonable ways to find proper standards at which you could find yourself reasonably superior to others. But if everyone thought like that…well. More reasonable people, less dopamine, less retarded happy and motivated people. The whole world would turn into a slump lol

A slump would be an optimistic outcome compared to the destination we're headed for right now.

And what you just described is very normal. It's like talking about boxing.

You truly are the dumbest people alive

That is not surprising.
All National Socialists are environmentalists because National Socialism is the application of natural laws to human populations/ governance.
How can you have a healthy race going into the future if you are destroying the environment that should support future generations.
Any outlook that does not include care for nature and environment is inherently jewish in nature.
Seeking to get rich at the expense of others, (for example, those who suffer because you damaged their environment) is inherently jewish behavior.

Please give me your address. I can arrange for entire families of 'refugees' to settle in your home.

The least a man can do is to leave the world the way he found it.

Actually, I realized my original argument is faulty:
>Then why is so much brainwashing necessary via (((media))) and (((education)))
I think I must have just woken up when I wrote that, it's back to front.
It's pretty obvious that the reason that so much brainwashing is necessary is exactly because people are born with a set political view.
And that view is most usually National Socialism.
Liberalism is learned, forced onto us.
National Socialism is natural, it comes from within, it is Natural Law.
Any organism that did not inherently embody National Socialist priinciples/ behaviors would not reproduce enough new generations to still be around.

READ THIS, Newfags

Isnt most of the warfare that society is focused around now around attention? I read somewhere that attention is now considered a commodity of sorts. So, attention is heavily linked to dopamine. As such it is reasonable to assume that we are the few main actors fighting for control over it. We the dopamine warriors.

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Plus they get it for doing absolutely nothing of worth. They don't have to grow up, they don't have to sacrifice anything, they don't have to behave in a moral way or show any self-discipline, they don't have to do the hard work that charities do to actually help their pets like working at a food pantry or soup kitchen or handing out clothes to the homeless, they don't have to donate any money, literally all they have to do is point. and. click.

No wonder there are so many SJWs. They get all the benefits of being an upstanding member of society without having to do any of the work or practice icky self-denial. They can munch on twinkies and swill Starbucks while others starve, they can continue all of their sexual perversions, drug use, and leeching off their parents and still have that sweet sweet sense of superiority.