Pretty interesting end to the game there lads.
Why is England so pozzed?
Because you let it be.
Because you are so tolerant.
Because you are diverse.
Fuck you
Pretty interesting end to the game there lads.
Why is England so pozzed?
Because you let it be.
Because you are so tolerant.
Because you are diverse.
Fuck you
Saw pictures of Croat cheerleaders a few weeks back. I am firmly on Croats side.
The purest team won, you english bullpreppers
Breddy gud!
Niggers support Croatia though.
Niggers are on the English team
Niggers aren’t completely stupid.
Niggers are fucking stupid
The duality of man
why'd you let them on your team?
sage for shitty thread
But african's are the pinnacle of human athleticism! OY VEY
I know it was a shitty thread, but I just wanted to rub it in to those English cucks
Sports are the bread and circuses to distract from sandniggers like Khan ruining the country. Too bad their sins are catching up to their entertainers.
Here’s the real question, how did Usain Bolt get so fast? There aren’t any cop for him to run from in Jaimaca.
Also (((Nate Copper))) fails again.
I think that I will be tempted to wager on Croatia winning the World Cup at this point. The French team has too many niggers on it.
Unlikely honestly. let's just hope
nothing wrong with betting on the white race
Check'd and Zivio Ustase!
He still hasn't learned to stop asking mexicans their worthless opinion.
Reminder that half these players play for English clubs the second international tournaments end.
slava croatia!
slava ukranyia!
(((Anglos))) and S*rbs btfo’d.
The state of the UK when I heard massive cries and shouts over a football. Get your priorities straight, plebs.
You're right baste friend.
I support the underdog :)))
t. (((Anglo)))
Subhuman (((Anglos))) and S*rbs are salty and I love it.
Deserve to anally raped by France tbh
It's the only way.
Okay, Moishe.
You sound mad.
Слава Україні!
Croat team are the only team this tournament to have mentioned politics by devoting their precious victory to the people of Ukrain.
Russians will be supporting France next game.
I am.
So many missed opportunities and so much time wasted by Croats in the second half.
Whatever. Next time we'll have a more mature team.
You failed to capture my condolences, as well as the Donbas. :^)
that license looks a little cheap
I know, and fucking good on them btw. Jewtin is a mongrel and most Russians are slaves to that puppet. Russians are also mostly still sympathetic towards their communist past and have been a constant threat to Ukies and Baltic people.
the dipshit Croat coach who posted that got fired
fuck Ukraine
Crimea is Russia defending itself against ZOG
jej I didn't know this. Go team Croatia!
t. ukrop
Majority of Russia's government is Jewish though. Russia is part of the (((BRICS))) side of ZOG.
Considering the following:
>here he goes with Stephen (((Cohen))) bit again
Regardless of Putin, Crimea was just another territory expansion for Israel/US/NATO.
I'm glad Russia said FUCK OFF, just as I'm glad Russia helped Assad.
Maybe it's just because I'm pissed that my team lost against France but are even their victories well deserved considering that most of their team isn't even ethnically french? It doesn't really feel like a victory for France and more of a victory for Africa.
Just because jews have been shitting up sports with globalism and mystifying black athletes as superior (they aren't) through the media, that doesn't make them bad. Except for Handegg, a sport literally made for American TV commercials.
they'll lose 7-0 to the french somali team
So Nigeria vs Croatia.
Very unfortunate how rabid these neocons sometimes rave over Putin being the best thing since kosher salt. I have nothing against Russians, just hope they wise up soon before more bad stuff happens.
Actually, Crimea is an eastern ZOG expansion for Russia. Don’t be like those alt-kike movementarians who worship Russia and Dugin without knowing what they’re getting into.
A lot of these people are no different than the alt-kike e-celebs and movementarians who think Russia is “baste” and the savior of the white race is Jewtin. They’ll completely gloss over the facts and blindly support Novorossiya.
>Ukraine 2014 (((revolution)))
By your logic the kikes were the aggressors for launching the initial attacks in the Six-Day War.
You wouldn't want to admit to that, would you Schlomo?
Donning a Jewcap doesn't necessarily make someone a Jewish slave
Keep it up Moishe, your time is coming.
hes has a point you know (tm)
Fine I take it back.
Now answer my point about the Six Day War
is this the same guy that made the lets learn hebrew thread?
careful you'll make it malfunction and start shitting out either pedoshit / cuckspam / or incoherent profanity
Not relevant to the topic at hand. Gas yourself.
Neither is you spamming the same Putin is a kike infographs.
Putin's not a "goodguy" or one of "ourguys".
But he stands up to ZOG.
I would refuse to go to war with Russia, other than outright Russian invasion of American homeland (ie Red Dawn)
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The Swedish team was white though, well apart from that one nigger at the end.
Couldn’t be further from the truth, he IS ZOG. Gas yourself.
Checked and keked tbh
another nigger team knocked out of the kike cup, will white croats destroy french niggers in the final? lets hope a white team wins.
Croatia's team may be white, but God is a Serb
Real niggers naturally recognize the superiority of the white race.
Exactly, dubs confirm
Did the Croatians win the score?
you soccer faggots are worse than hand egg fags
its ok this is your thread, and its making me laugh
I dont think there is any football team that has not shot balls in your moms goal, yes they did
I have never watched or played soccer outside of maybe women’s soccer for obvious reasons.
I prefer to roll around on the mats with other sweaty grown men wearing Asian cut pajamas like a proper man.
Yay the white people win!
Same, I like to watch the winter sports because it is tough and interesting.
Figure dancing is a beautiful artistic sport to watch.
I like. It doesn’t have the sex appeal of gymnastics, but I like it. Far more graceful.
It goes even further than that.
Not as white as Croatia; Croatia is winning this cup, Ustaša 14/88!
Za dom spremni!
Yea but it will be destroyed soon. :*(
I wonder how she got her hands on that ;-)
no niggers in Croatia
It's the same reason why niggers wear the Eagles jersey all year long in handegg even though they live on the opposite part of the country and it's the whitest team in handegg.
There isn’t a lady there I wouldn’t copulate with.
Checked and confirmed as accurate.
Now the based Croats must beat the filthy French team full of digusting Africans. Americucks and other homosexuals will be as butthurt as they were the day after the election.
Onward to victory!
I've wanted Croatia or Poland since the beginning.
Now we have based Croatia vs aperica. Croatia must win!
Good luck against Goldman Sachs, Croatia.
What the hell is a soccer?
Which is funny because there isn't one there who would copulate with you
South Africa black supremacists. They're still mad over British colonialism. If you're white in SA you got equal reason to as well.
98% white country.
Of course we have no nogs, nor the desire to import them.
That looks familiar
Croatia must destroy the even more pozzed french team in the final. We must channel our energy to help them.
So, objectively, who's liable to win, France or Croatia? Also how black is the French team?
100% apes
It's more likely that France wins, but then again, that was the case for England too.
Panem et circenses. Can't believe there are people on Zig Forums cheering this shit on. Back when nations actually competed it might have meant something, in the same way that circenses meant something when they weren't slaves being eaten alive by starved lions, but those days are long past.
That's why we root for all-white teams against niggerised ones.
This is the sort of poison that was being "tweeted" out during the England Croatia game with 1000s of likes etc without any irony