China can’t match Washington’s new tariffs as it has in previous rounds, so it is reviewing plans to hit back in other ways
China can’t match Washington’s new tariffs as it has in previous rounds, so it is reviewing plans to hit back in other ways
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What will they target ? Soy ? kek
Prelude to China calling uncle and grovelling for mercy.
They won't last 10 minutes.
19% of their shit goes to the "states". you imbeciles shipped the factories to china. you need the goods.
>An American company that ships cherries to a coastal province in southeast China recently encountered a new hurdle at the border: Customs officers ordered a load into quarantine for a week, so it spoiled and was sent back to the United States. American pet-food makers, meanwhile, say they’re facing more rigorous inspections at ports, which delay goods from reaching shelves and ultimately hurt sales. And a U.S. manufacturer that exports vehicles to China recorded a 98 percent jump in random border inspections over the past month, throwing the firm behind schedule.
That's what happens when you're entire paper economy is driven by U.S. exports. We're already fucked and know it, but the least we can do is take Chai-nah down with us. Check mate yellow dragon.
Nigger I don't need 10,000 different utensils made of shitty chink plastic in order to make dinner. I can divide the yolk from an egg with a metal spoon.
The only leverage could be tech firms but the favour is clearly going for the US, which is a great opportunity to save the Western World from the yellow menace.
And yet they still can't make enough boats to sail over here and take the farmland they need so much more than we need plastic shit for dollar stores.
apparently you do. otherwise you wouldn't buy them. stupid mcfatty.
Awesome news, as soon as the American (and European) companies start to feel any threat to their businesses they’ll start building their shit in other countries then they’ll shutter the factories in China and the dirty chinks lose in the long term.
Uh oh, looks like the companies will have to bring those factories back to the states and pay US workers to make the goods.
That'll really fuck the american people.
they'll buy the corn and soy from brazil.
great job maga-tards.
Sure, but China doesn't really have US tech firms, so that's a moot point, and the Chinese consumer will opt for the black market instead if they actually do ban US tech products, and nothing of value will be lost if its those companies listed.
how does my dick taste, user?
Feels good man, less corn to make tortillas in USA, beaners btfo.
Your dick wouldn't make it past my lips when hard. US corn is made into ethanol, which is not exported as food.
lol no
y'all getting raped by the chinese.
Why would Brazil need to import two things which they are the co-leaders in world production behind only US by a small margin ?
Because despite being a top producer you still need more because you have 1 billion people?
maga-tards are on crack at this point
These bugs really didn't see this coming, and their idiotic response is 100% chinked. It's a disturbing redpill to accept that the enemies of the white man can be so easily defeated, yet these feeble shits have been allowed to abuse us for so long because the vile jews fucked everything up.
your soap dropped, nigga.
Thanks for admitting who you are and your purpose here, Mr. 16.1. Go ahead, post more 56%.
you are one salty bastard, ain't ya?! no wonder the chinese will slap you beyond the island chains and put bases in mexico and canada just to fuck with you bitch ass.
Okay? And when the US applies tariffs on another $200billion in goods in retaliation? Because the US has not hit the China -> US import cap even though China has hit the US -> China import cap.
What did these chinks think would happen when they tried to fight with a larger, significantly healthier economy that imports more from them than they do?
US economy is much more needed to the world then the world is needed to the US economy, Now you do imagine China economy, paper tiger was already slowed down the last years and now they are fucked, a economy like china needs like plus 10% growth by year to even be healthy. Its going to spiral down now.
Also, brazilian market is considered more closed then the chinese one and its in the eye of the storm to collapse if reform arent done in that shithole.
Do you think brazil you be a escape for chinese niggers? Think again, depending on a shithole like that over US is suicide.
One billion people ? for fuck's sake american, your people are always validating the stereotype that the average american have absolute no knowledge of the world around them, Brazil is less populous than US by 110 million people.
yes, because the world needs whatever the amerifat military industrial complex has to offer.
that's literally the only thing your industry produces.
The US has the natural resources to be 100% self sustained.
So false buddy!
pretty much this.
so much of imported goods from china are near disposable trash. Amazon is completely flooded with Chinese garbage.
They don't. They get built by another wholly internal industry. Creating more jobs and keeping more money in the states. (((your))) post helped prove his point. Did (((you))) mean to do that?
I´m not american, nigger, those are the facts, 99% of the world economy today was build by US, god, the chinese economy is only what is now because of US uplifted it to have a cheap electronic market.
yeah, man, iphones grow on fucking trees.
wakanda tier delirious motherfucker.
And here I thought we were talking about China.
Sorry to break your heart faggot but I'm /thatguy/ who grew up on Alton Brown so I hate special tools and I use glass containers and Bee's Wrap to store things so I minimalize all plastics used.
China imports 70% of their food from the US. As long as they are kept out of Africa, the US has them by the balls. They can backtalk and threaten all they want, the fact is out there - America halts food shipments, their whole nation collapses overnight.
i phones are for the chinese … you think if apple falls apart america will
heres a proposition… we dont have iphones you dont have flour
you ain't got the industry to make jack shit.
factories aren't built after 5 minutes of clapping. it takes time.
whatcha gonna do until then, timmy? play new age music and smoke marijuana?
it's funny because it's true
turn china into one big north korea … we are playing in the big leagues now boys
Depends on which goods we're talking about here, tungsten which is very important for dozens of industries are completely dominated by the chinks, the whole world combined don't produce more tungsten.
Suddendly the prices of metalworking tools will skyrocket in US because the chinks will retaliate by overtaxing it, and since they dominate the market US will have no choice but to buy it from them.
its true like her hair color , aka not true
I guess I asked a retorical question , and an idiot responded.
well played (no response required)
(14) posts of ravaged ass. Can't wait for the tariffs to get higher.
oh, shit.
They are already overtaking Africa as we speak, Zimbabwe for example adopted the chinese yuan as their national coin, and their land is full of chink farmers.
you can't wait to pay 30% more for your daily stuff? cool.
"buy it from them" …
or go to war, the chinese have to play ball.
so what is it worth , to both sides???
we are going to find out cause this is exactly what is being put on the table , its not even a question of what if. Just wait and find out.
But really tungsten, is that going to keep us from going into the future??? Maybe user.
I guess we are playing a game of civ 5 and trying to figure out if we are on land that has oil or aluminum … but maybe we just need to discover a new tech to make it ok????
interesting times
and 30% less for freedom , stop being a jew and thinking money is the most important thing in life
Yeah, and that's why SEALS and Green Berets are all over Africa now, under the guise of "fighting islamists". Chinks are constantly getting all sorts of problems with their colonization, and not because of lazy niggers. What I don't get is why Erik Prince supports them.
he thinks he's free. lel
Kek what are they going to do? Stop shipping their garbage to America? Good luck with that.
China collapse when?
Yeah, damn I didn't think about that. China has been doing me a favor with their low price lead-laced fish sticks.
i can sense your fear
The goons don’t run anything, no matter how much they control.
The chinks even have a base in the horn of Africa now, they're preparing themselves for a possible 'happening'.
Start calling everyone a kike and you'll fit right in.
Time to raise prices on exporting water and crops.
embed my dick, faggot.
I checked the link but it doesnt work cause Im in china where were have tungsten and are most free people
I eat mangos that neve get old
my people rule world with pure women … most greatest women … they only eat fish
I have calculated freedom ratio , china 80% more free than US
1) we are so free we dont even create , we just take the IP from US
2) our women, so beautiful
3) we have more tungensten than america, we go to trade war america has no tools , we build everything we win. We are even free to commit suicide as you can see by the people that work in our factories. In america sucided assistance is a crime … so old school
so as you can see we will win this trade war , by enslaving our own people to the point where they commit suicide and with tungensten because that is really the only point anyone has put in this thread and no one has made any suggestion to how much tungensten is worth to china
no bread for you idiot , i like you pics though … more americans , less asians please
Ha! China has reached the end of their ability to retaliate. We could tariff another 400 billion in goods if we wanted.
Keke this is the problem with dictatorships like China.
They can't appear weak so they don't negotiate and strike back while it would be much wiser to come on terms with Trump and make the lowering of tariffs and ending the tech espionage easier.
Instead they double down and drive the truck towards the cliff with greater speed.
China is fighting a fight they can't win since they basically built their economy around parasitism on the US like any commie does(SU did until Reagan pulled the plug).
And the US can just buy more quality shit elsewhere for cheaper. The lwo tier shit that you really can't produce in the returning industry.
Nigger does my chicken breast and produce come from China? No? What the fuck else are "daily stuff?"
2 of our Super-Carriers could defeat the entire worlds' navies combined in about 48 hours.
Trump should be using quotas not tariffs. That way no one can bitch and complain about muh free trade!
We ship tons of chicken, beef, etc. to china just so the chinks can butcher it and package it. The reality is that most of our exports to china are raw materials that Chinese industry requires. We aren't selling consumer goods on any significant scale. When we do sell a finished product to china they just pirate it and sell it themselves.
Why do you think Trump is trying to become Kim's friend ?
Holy shit what niggers. I think everyone in the world is tired of their shit and soon their people will be too.
Chinese goods are too expensive. The failure rate of Chinese goods is through the roof. Only 1 out of every 4 products manufactured in China actually work. Chinks have to make something 4 times in the hopes that 1 of those times they'll do it right. American manufacturers could easily beat that failure rate. The only reason why the Chinks make everything is because the Jews intentionally killed of manufacturing in the West. We don't buy chink shit because it's less expensive, we buy it because kikes intentionally bankrupted their competitors.
Opinion discarded.
North Korea is a barren chunk of rock. Had it had anything of value, chinks would have pillaged it ages ago.
Chinese Internet Defense Force BTFO once again
U.S.S. Chad Ford-class
This user is right
if best Korea had something special about them other than rocks and shit climate, the chinks would have got their hands on it and then they would what they always do when they seek a landgrab. Send millions of their chinks so that the majority of population is now Han chinese therefore it is now China.
I wonder if it is actual chinks from mainland China or their expats from their new colony (Canada).
They are the exact same thing
Woah how reliable, did they pull that from their ass like they always do?
My condolences for your country user
Pic unrelated
I have found their data collecting to be more careful than others
China's famous last words. For 3000 years and counting.
It's K-I-K-E. Anyone can say faggot.
I love the CIDF that is running rampant in this thread. They must be getting fucked hard by these tariffs. I bet it's the guy that's been posting the chink porn of the girl with the bruises.
North Korea is not Hong Kong.
A conflict with North Korea could actually destabilize the surrounding Chinese régions because they are very poor and ethnically Korean, they would have a hard time to be on China's side.
A Chinese invasion would frighten Africa and South East Asian States, and break China's cute sneaky Panda diplomacy.
The rare earth metals used by the recent high tech industry have only become useful recently, after NK became a paranoid nuclear shithole
NK doesnt have the technological infrastructure and knowledge to extract their ressources
Maybe they are paranoid not because they only want to keep the regime alive, but also because they want to maintain their sovereignty and control over their ressources in a Banking Jew World with their own nuclear arsenal
I could see a US-NK ressource deal happening.
The US gets the rare metals for its shitty iphones
NK gets money, stability and legitimacy
sorry i'm french drunk tired and retarded
Holy chinese shills! Chinks are the new kikes?
When did this happen?
lol get fukt China, you kikes of the far east. I can't wait for you to flip on that nuclear reactor you're so proud of and certain it won't backfire. Go on and shoah yourselves.
i though jews were allergic to ts memes? (((21))) so far.
yeah, everyone that needs a cellphone in the us, already HAS a cellphone. plus there's all those leftover obamaphones to be resold. there's no need for more of them. let the faggots get by on version 51 or whatever and so what if they don't get version 67 next year …
we don't need the rare earths from nork. we've got our own.
look it up, one of the world's largest resources and what used to be the world's largest producers of rare earths is right here in the usa, on the border of california and nevada.
right now, Trump is gutting epa regs and before long, we're gonna be able to re-open that motherfucker.