Ignored and covered up for (((reasons))) unknown.
Now compared this to the Celtic and Viking writings (will post below) of 500-800AD…
nb4 Imkikey anchors threads for no reason
Ignored and covered up for (((reasons))) unknown.
Now compared this to the Celtic and Viking writings (will post below) of 500-800AD…
nb4 Imkikey anchors threads for no reason
Other urls found in this thread:
Oera Linda Book is no longer larp
manuscript claims nords fleeing atlantis settled all european coastlines to include Greece.
I really hope all of this is accurate because the commonly believed alternative, "we wuz Africans and the we wuzn't for some reason", is just boring by comparison.
It dates to the time of Globeki Tepe, so Joe Rogan fags might be interested to know that this is proof of a real culture.
Yeah that matches the style
straight notches
It's a piece of wood so the carbon dating is accurate.
Out of Africa is retarded at face value and even the author of "out of Africa theory" many years later wrote an article "rethinking out of Africa". Its anthropological dogma.
We don't all come from monkeys and niggers. Humans all evolved separately.
I'm talking less about evolution and more how the "out of Africa" theory tends to completely overlook the "out of" part. It's like a book that skips the climax and just tells you things you already know.
then how come we can breed with negroes, genius?
source on pic
>news just in, ancient northern europeans were incredibly similar in culture and language before we got kiked by latin and (((phoenecean)))
Pretty much all mammals who have lots of hair have white skin, look at your dog or cat, then look at shaved primates. White skin was the original and dark skin the corruption.
The system will be completed.
the secret to the white race (I believe) is in the VINCA CULTURE
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Obviously you don't understand rh- & rh+ bloodlines fucktard
Odin got the runes from God
how about you look your mother and father in the eyes … or i mean your neighbors
Bullshit (((Robert))) posting. Blood type is created by what dieases your ancestors fought off. Neanderkikes are fucking kikes.
lol what?
God is a Germanic word from the Gothic Bible that means Godan, Odin.
This trash again? Do you realize that numerous SPECIES not even subspecies can interbreed with fertile offspring? niggers arent even the same species as us as you filthy shitskin
wtf imkikey isn't the mod anymore I thought?
He's the global mod who monitors 24/7. Or at least his (((team))). So he likes to anchor all culture and history threads and leave up (((esoteric))) and twitter/facebook/brietbart/youtube/cnn /news/ and Alt-Right activism threads only.
You’re aware that those are genetic markers, and not the blood types correct? When a person is RH- it means on a specific chromosome there is a different sub pair and sequence that the other what ever percentage of people. Less than 1% of the people in the world carry this genetic marker.
It has both to do with blood type. I am O+ in bloodtype and I am RH-, as in I don’t have thesis monkey DNA.
Rhesus monkey
If I was an ancient aryan and found myself trapped in a cave with a Denisovan QT for the entire winter following my successful mammoth hunt, she'd keep my mighty warm under my furs during the winter solstice.
Nothing to do with bloodtype, fuck off kampfykike
You’re a nigger, so nobody cares.
You’re aware that those are genetic markers, and not the blood types correct? When a person is RH- it means on a specific chromosome there is a different sub pair and sequence that the other whatever percentage of people. Less than 1% of the people in the world carry this genetic marker.
It has nothing to do with blood type. I am O+ in bloodtype and I am RH-, as in I don’t have Rhesus monkey DNA.
Delete it again kikes. Go right ahead, just proving my point that you’re niggers.
An epic adventure set in the last Ice Age. Europe, 20,000 years ago. While on his first hunt with his tribe’s most elite group, a young man is injured and left for dead. Awakening to find himself broken and alone – he must learn to survive and navigate the harsh and unforgiving wilderness. Reluctantly taming a lone wolf abandoned by its pack, the pair learn to rely on each other and become unlikely allies, enduring countless dangers and overwhelming odds in order to find their way home before the deadly winter arrives.
You know why they called RH that (((Robert)))? Because they just use monkies during the tests. You're dumb.
nu/pol/ doesn't care
Who is Horlter?
nu/po/ would rathet bump "learning Hebrew" thread
Sure, but that doesn’t change what it means cupcake
Hi, kikey. No one is going to believe you.
Exactly, gotta get everything to be kiked.
What about the ancient writings under sea though? I am fairly certain it is much older than that.
yeah, he's still here, as a global mod. Fucking cuckstain.
What is this? Current year papercraft techniques?
Polar bears and brown bears can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
They are considered completely different species.
They also started diverging only about 150,000 years ago, which is about the same length of time that Whites have been almost entirely separate from blacks and browns (before modern times).
Indeed, some separate GENUS animals can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
A good example is American bison (bison bison) interbreeding with cattle (bos taurus).
Genus bison crossed with genus bos producing fertile offspring.
Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should.
Whites have the largest neanderthal mixture of any modern human group.
Blacks have none.
Indeed, admixture with neanderthals combined with over a hundred thousand years of well isolated evolution spanning multiple brutal ice ages is what gave rise to White people.
Fuck off gook we don't want your Bukkakese whores.
>>Ignored and covered up for (((reasons))) unknown.
Because the translation is; KILL ALL JEWS. Also, don't forget the spics and niggers. Have no mercy and make sure to bring some milk home on your way back.
(((Robert))) is full time.
Yes, these are the Aesir who split from the hyperborean race along with those who settled the Atlantic and Mediterranean. The Germanic peoples and the Slavs are both their descendants.
You fucking nigger. I'm right here and this is my first post in this thread. Stop fucking imagining that all the posters here are this damned homonculus you've created from your depressing schizophrenia. No I am not smiley, no I'm not bob, no I'm not that retard from TRS who's name I forget, but I'm right here. So stop getting riled up over nothing you damned fool.
As always.
I'm interested in this finding, what could this mean for our origins? Please, no we wuz tier shit, cause it's very simple to say "we wuz X" and then leave it at that, surely there's more to this story, and I'm looking forward to it.
Fucking retard, as already pointed out, the word God comes from Godin.
What do you know? Have you stood in the well of Hvergelmir?
all pagans will burn in hell
Pretty fucking sad responses to a good thread. What have you become imkiked/pol/?
that picture is retarded yeah butthere were large groups of aryans in the middle east at the time. but they wouldnt have been "nordic" which is a very specific subclass of aryan, and they wouldnt have been semites, they would have been sumerians, assyrians, hittites and babylonians. enemies of semites.
"we wuz" really doesnt apply to white people, because there actually is evidence that we had large impacts on the cultural shaping of the ancient world far beyond just europe.
all christians will be converted to islam by the year 2030, because they were the same spineless cowards that forsake their own ancestral gods for a foreigner religion. you cucks just bow to whoever is in power.
You know nothing of Hel. Why don't you use the Hebrew name "Gehenna" from the Mishnah or Sheol?
Helheim isn't even hot. It's just a drafty weighting room.
Europe was an afterthought, the smallest of all of our holdings during an age of reversal. Though now the wheel has turned, and we will forgo our Altruism and do what must be done, as we have age after age.
Mine is older and less fake.
Can't unsee it now.
Reminds of a thumb print pattern
It’s always the same guy too.
Kikey is castrated. He wants you to believe he is still hovering over you because that belief is the only way he can have power over you.
Grumpy face with hat? Would make a good meme.
I know, though at this point I find him amusing. His psychology is very easy to read, though I've been watching this for years. Only thing I'm unsure of is if he was also that "Imperial Cultist" namefag that was around briefly. He was the same strain of crazy, so I hope that they are one in the same so that there are fewer of that type.
I miss how kikey kept the cuckchan bullshit down, but he would have killed the board eventually and it was showing. We need to be in a better position than either though, as the gobals/vols have been garbage.
except random overly long bans from global mods for spurious reasons, just like the roach
He bans threads all the time
I'm going to kill you
Jews wants you to believe that.
>Imma get you Oliver Robert rawr!
Uh huh. Thanks for the contributions, fellow anonymous.
Fuck me you illiterate retards are making me mad. Your level of knowledge regarding anthropology and evolutionary biology is plain to see with all the 'hurr durr fucking white blood pure and clean, so supar!'
Are you fucking kidding me. The reason whites are superior is that we have all these crossbred mutations from the rise and fall of other northern civs and tribes conquering each-other. No semitic or nigger blood doesn't mean you're pure AND that's a good thing. How do you think we survived so many Ice Ages in ancient times? Or the many germs and diseases which we became immune to, don't read a book like pic related if you want to learn about that. Even though Mr Diamond is mostly right, he fails to address the genetic question yet talks a great deal about germs and immunity. Another question recently posed was that Africans through having to expend more energy fighting tropical disease instead of growing that brain. Hence no stable civ, no enlightenment or any real advancement, only witch doctors and grass huts.
We're done here.
I thought God came from shortening the name Godanaz, which I think a proto-Germanic name for Odin.
This apparition will die with you, blackpill, and only with you.
I'd have to be pretty damned high to actually miss kikey. And specifically thinking about when I'd ramble at him until he broke character while rachposting. He still committed blasphemy for banning anons who got great digits.
He has a name for every accent in our people's existence going back at least 13,000 years. Though the -az suffix is getting back pretty far in time, so good work. Realistically we'd have to work back to the last days of Hyperborea, linguistically, to be truly certain what the most proper name would be. With this said of course, that understanding of linguistics would lead to the most powerful understandings of the universe and our people that we could ever dream of. If we can manage that, then we could go much further beyond where our volk has ever gone.
Every word you have said is a lie.
Yeah maybe if you don't actually know world history lol.
This might be useful for you. Check tl;dr.
China sucks, though
Miscegenation is disgusting. We should never gift the others with our genes.
You are so incredibly full of shit, dude.
Well, you CAN breed with them, but doing so seems to always destroy European culture and erode their land holdings… really makes you think, eh?
Imkikey got banned a couple months ago. This is a global board now. There's free speech on here again and no turkroaches. Great thread despite low effort.
No thanks.
You'd think these people would get training before they're sent here.
Chinks have the highest neanderthal admixture
Lowest IQ people: Abbos of Australia with denisovan admixture and sub saharans with no neanderthal admixture
And only one.
Interesting. What if "neanderthols are extinct" is a lie to hide that these fucks have been hiding since forever.
Looks a lot like the pre-celt/viking and definitely pre-island nigger maori carving in NZ. Same ones are found all over the world and over 10kyo.
Then what did we come from?
An owl wearing a top hat?
Check the swastikas on the first row of symbols. Nice.
The first use of echos to point out the Jew!
Actually, it's child abuse.
How would YOU like to be the product of miscegenation?
Yea, me neither.
Ohohoho! JIDF created shitty chart without source and explanation, based on imagination. Dear o dear.
Where is israel on your shit, rabbi? Here:
Read that, juden abomination, and correct your fagottry.
What is real is data form Svante Paabo&Johannes Krause 2010 research. Neanderthal admix:
- Middle East, Semites, 20%, up to 40% in remote Caucasus and Taurus valleys
-Southeast Asia, 10%
- South Europe, 2%, up to 4% Cyprus
- Middle Europe, 1%
- North Europe, close to 0%
Krause gave Interview on RTL radio 2010, which was promptly prunned, all data locked in Max Planck institute archive.
Semites are Homo Sapiens + Homo Neanderthalensis hybrids. They are not fully human. They are part nocturnal beasts.
Been telling you guys this for years. Oera Linda Bok is the real fucking deal.
Neanderthals are extinct in their pure form. What happened?
They pillaged and raped Europe Cro-magnon area for millenia. But, that was also big mistake and their downfall. They simple miscegenated with Cro-magnon. Born HS + HN hybrids took over. Prefered white Cro-magnon blod over Neanderthal one. Like niggers novadays.
Interested, why semites cirkumcise their young males? That's because Neanderthal in his pure formhad goat like penis without foreskin. Due to hybridisation, foreskin started to develop, so they began to chop it off.
Why is that their god Baphomet looks like goat? It is ancient form of Neanderthal male in their collective conscience.
What does it say?
What could these ancient symbols have possibly meant? I'm at a… what's the word…
Truth. Every mixed race kid (especially if part of them are black) have been maladjusted and unmotivated.
I have to hand it to you Schlomo, you are the most dedicated shill I've ever seen. Over a year of neanderkike shilling with absolutely no success at all and still at it anyways.