Gorka just went full NAZI on FoxNews Hannity
Called media kikes "lizard people from another dimension" 1:40 "They're like cornered rabid rats"
jews BTFO
Gorka just went full NAZI on FoxNews Hannity
Called media kikes "lizard people from another dimension" 1:40 "They're like cornered rabid rats"
jews BTFO
what are jews going to do in the next 10 years???
Fortifying Israel.
Gonna be bright, lad.
The reptilian thing isn't really a Nazi meme. It's been a part of popular culture forever even before the lunatic's writings became public. The mini-series V, for example, is based around the same idea and got high ratings.
Awesome show.
Gorka wasn't talking about kikes, he's a rabid Israel-firster, contrary to what the Kikebart interns who shill here say.
Nigger please.
Truth is stranger than fiction. David Icke did nothing wrong, other than not naming the reptilians for being kikes.
I now have no doubts, these fuckers read pol. We were just talking about lizard people yesterday
Is that why Israel wants him dead? You're not even trying now you incompetent kike.
If Israel wanted him dead, he would be.
That he’s still alive while likely being surrounded by Mossad agents says he’s not doing anything they are mad about.
It likes walking into a gas station with the setup being a guy shoving his finger up your ass to stimulate your prostate so the leftists can get you attracted to grounds.
It’s not real, even after you get shot up with meth an insulin afterwards. It’s still bullshit. The blond Cutie in the car outside was leagues better btw
Nigger please, you realize real nazis are still alive right?
Israel is not omnipotent, stop overrating them.
Holy smokes get fucking wrecked kikes
Nazi's don't have a country.
You are the new Jews, exiled from your homeland.
Not a nigger, and it’s really fucking annoying to have some half breed le56% call me that.
There are no Nazi’s, just fags larping and Nazbol using this site as a honeypot.
The fucking what?
Some are still living in Germany as veterans.
You realize some nazis actually join the Bundeswehr afterwards right? Like Gunderian.
Nigger, you are objectively wrong and there are more nazis than fucking nazbols (which are a meme).
No, my nigger.
Your ass is in exile.
As for Israel killing someone, not hard. They’ve done it before, and no one even knew it was them. Where’s Bill Cooper at these days?
Hello, where's the argument at?
Except nazi hunters are incompetent, and plenty live to their old age in S. America, or even Germany.
wtf Gorka is the real president.
Those are National Socialists. Nazi’s are something completely different my small minded le56%
OK, whatever you mean, the point is that Israel is not god, they cannot kill anyone they like.
In fact, it took a war or two to take Saddam out for example.
Israel doesn't want him dead. Some left-wing kikes smeared him to attack Trump, but he's an Israel-firster and hero among the likudniks/neocohens.
Can you tell me the objectives of Likud?
Show me a map with a nazi country on it in 2018.
Your people are in exile.
My friend. Israel doesn’t have to lift a finger. Who do you think controls the street gangs in the US?
Iraq wasn’t about Israel. It was about breaking Iraq up so the power structure could be redesigned. You don’t invade a country while it’s economy is strong, which Iraq’s was right when the first war started. Their economy was one of the strongest in the world. For Israel to not get crushed by a non-Arab Muslim power, they had to have Iraq weakened. There never was a plan to invade until well after.
Yeah not in exile you silly twat. You have no power here. If I say the blonde rides the unicorn guess what.
What the fuck is a nazi country?
Never go full "lizard people." You can concern troll all you want. But always keep the "transdimensional reptilian shapeshifters" to yourself.
All the fucking good it's doing them.
God these fucking schizos on Zig Forums.
Who and what proof do you have?
Nigger, so it's about Israel. What the fuck are you doing?
Checked for someone hasn't read the Golan thread.
People running their mouths about power in the US, the US government is terrified of the street gangs. Then people wonder why I grabbed Israel by the balls.
Germany is Germany, not a nazi country.
This board really does get worse with these boomer schizo.
You guys are pathetic. It's another media kike puppet trying to make conservative/right wingers look like dumbasses. He didn't even mean jews in the first place.
It's fucking National Socialism you dumb niggers.
This is an Israeli thread user.
We literally just had a thread about Israeli controlled drug trade. Go fucking read it instead of being a fucking nigger on my board. Some of you brainlets deserve to pushed into a volcano.
It wasn’t about Israel, re-read what I posted. I am not spoon feeding you like a child.
Yeah because I want to type out NatSoc everytime.
Some of you here are the biggest niggers I've ever met.
That doesn't mean the nazis aren't still living in Germany.
They fucking annoying aren’t they.
Checked for you sure are, heeb.
Gangs are more than about drugs.
I fucking re-quote you:
So it's exactly about Israel.
The Nazi’s are an American thing, they are completely different and aimed at completely different systems. Educate yourself you lazy nigger.
Hello Jews.
Hello jews?
Oh, hey, kampfy is still here.
Fancy that!
Yes, hello, Jew.
Are you confused?
You must be. This isn't reddit. Nor the National Review.
Go back and read again. The Middle-east isn’t ran by Israel. There is a single country in the middle-east that dominates everyone. They even dominate here in the US is some places.
Hello jew, how are you?
Hello again Jew!
I'm 100% Walton & Johnson read Zig Forums. They're limited in audience but they are on terrestrial radio at least. Houston and New Orleans are their only major markets. Me i like to listen online on WCPR (Biloxi, MS).
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about?
If Trump cucks out for the kikes in syria(which I bet my life savings on, seeing as how he touched the mighty kike wall, and has his children married to jews), it should be THE LAST STRAW of support he will get from his supporters and NatSoc types.
Pathetic show of display.
The radio won’t even play my jams.
Checked for you already blew it.
You and that counter-heeb you've come a-shillin' with are terrible at this game.
Hello jew.
Whatever you say kike niggers.
Enjoy being under 21 while you can.
Even Goebbel said nazis, quit being triggered cucks and embrace power word.
The are Arabs, in fact the only true Arab country in the world.
I was saying that because its the exact fucking wording kampfy used to use while banning people for questioning kosher moves.
If you want to pretend though, that's cool bro.
SO, which alt-right discord sent you here?
Nigger, you are a schizo and you are dumb.
Thanks for conceding
They work around the FCC lines they're given. Every car still has a radio.
Hello jew, why don't you say anything?
What's to say?
You behave like a Jewish conservative in every way imaginable.
Now which discord sent you?
Yes, jewish for not believing that the arabs rule the middle east.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Israel wants Assad dead, like Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi. Assad isn't dead. So much for your theory.
How exactly do I behave like a jewish conversative, jew?
Well I don’t listen to talk radio much, puts me to sleeps. Both of those cities are too dark for me. I prefer dem white girls.
Love W&J. Downloaded their app, so I could still listen to em.
No, you're got it the first time.
All of the above but ESPECIALLY:
I know.
I don't get it, explain to me.
Because that's what jews would do, fortifying Israel.
Are you a hyper-insomnia-para-condrioid?
Blue posters are actually Jews and niggers irl. As in they open their eyes every morning and they are niggers and Jews all day.
Lol believe me they are definitely aware they broadcast from nog occupied territory. knows
That word, what is that word, theater.
Hah, no, fuck you jew, and your shitty (1) and done OP shilling thread.
I dunno. I'll let the anons decide for themselves.
I stay away from leftists as much as possible.
So I present proof, you dismiss it.
Prove Israel can kill anyone they like.
The bar for “full Nazi” is really low these days huh.
Sage because clickbait
Hello jew!
You didn’t present proof you gave a link to a shit rag that is used as a soft entry for propaganda purposes for low impact articles.
It’s propoganda
And it means he will be done, faggot. His base voted for him not to get into any wars, they already found him bombing Syria to help his kike friends bad. If he bombs again, or gets in a war, good bye second term.