"Why is there an epidemic of young black males being shot by police?" This is the type of video you won't see any outrage about, the police did exactly as they are trained. Notice the disgusting 80 IQ mudshark and her brood of dogs (most likely pitshits) attempt to defend their kang. Hopefully the kang in question succumbs to his injuries, he is currently in the hospital.
Bodycam Footage Shows Police Shootout in Tulsa, Oklahoma
InB4 pitbull apologists find this thread and tell us all what good dogs they are with training.
I absolutely fucking hate niggers with every fiber of my being. I absolutely hate their fucking white nigger monkey pet women with every fiber of my being. t. really pissed off fucking Canadian
is being an angry leaf even legal in leafland?
Fuck no.
Whenever a cop has asked me to get out of my vehicle, I've always complied before they shot me. Maybe that's just me though.
Note that the police didn't shoot the nigger with lethal rounds at first, they used a paintball gun 'pepperball'. They only used lethal force after the nigger pulled out a gun on them.
Mein gott im himmel, this creature is retarded. Not being a Burger these videos are like a trip to the zoo
thread music/sound track for clip
Shit man, the sarge got tagged, what a waste of resources to try to reign in this crook.
The moment these zoo animals arrived in North America on (((slave ships))) was the moment we became a failed state. It was over before it even began.
Ever notice how when a white guy is raised around niggers, he doesn't himself adopt the mentality of a nigger, and just kind of hardens up and tries to find a way out, while white women almost always turn into bleached niggers? They sound exactly like them, they act like them, they move like them, they dress like them etc.
I want OP to be put in this situation.
I want all black cops when it happens.
Then I want someone to go online and say racist and means things about OP when he's in the hospital and his mother is crying over his comatose body.
Have a fucking heart.
I hope you at least asked them if they had jurisdiction over you.
it is pronounced "juris-striction" Don't be trying to get me on no contrapment.
Cops is filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement, all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
OP here, you're gonna need better bait.
Just ponder for a moment the quantity of tax dollars expended on this traffic stop.
What absolute nonsense, you deluded retard.
Like 50% of all Americans are negrophilic cuckolds.
That is because women's entire purpose is to be empathetic. What happened to the women who did not relate to their captors after all of their village's men were slaughtered? They were removed from the gene pool. Repeat for all of human history until maybe 100 years ago.
It is the man's duty to keep the empathetic women in check and guide them well. I believe it is the responsibility of the modern and future man to guide women back to the right track, the jews obviously spew constant propaganda against this through every form of medium so it is an uphill battle, but one worth fighting.
money well spent
The sheer arrogance and selfishness of bringing such a cross species abomination into the world as a mulatto half-white/half-sub Saharan black. Every one I've ever known was a borderline psychotic and confused person with a constant identity crisis - I know that's pure anecdote but I wouldn't be surprised if the data corroborates.
See, that would never happen. The reason is that we're not niggers. Lol.
at 10:45 that disgusting white cunt is obstructing
You want OP to be a filthy nigger criminal? Wow you must really hate OP have a heart man.
I hope Sarge Mike is ok. This shit needs to be fixed real fast.
I am convinced black criminals do not have the abstract thought to understand guns. To them it's a big stick to wave around to make people do what you want them to do. Like their dick or banging on a loud trashcan looking really scary. When it might actually be used on them or against someone they don't understand they can die or someone else. They will bare their teeth like an animal and mumble "dem ain't kin, never gave me nuffin" and go on their day. Their brain cannot grasp mortality of another or themselves. "I living now, don't see no big deal" Fuck criminals.
No matter what, whitey is always wrong and blacks are always right.
This sacred cow bullshit needs to stop.
Cops are always wrong.
We don't need them.
Weird I’ve never been shot by da popo either. It’s probably jus cuz I be white n sheit tho. Probably has nothing to do with the fact I follow simple instruction like giving my name instead of asking “ayo wut jurisdickshun y’all have go get your district manager nahmsayin”
For the love of Christ moishe, we're not going to create an anarchist society so you can finally unleash your unbridled pedophelic urges. We know that's why you kikes keep harping on about it.
I never said we don't need laws.
Fuck pedophiles.
We don't need cops.
Shut up with your pedo-hate, jew
If we dont have cops who is gonna shoot all the niggers that need to be shot?
We need cops not zogbots. There’s always going to be a need for law and order. If we didn’t have kikes and their shitskin pets roaming the streets we wouldn’t have to have as many cops and the ones we had wouldn’t be stressed out from dealing with niggers all day. Kick out the nonwhites and 80% of the problems are gone just like that.
Kill your self
Fuck dude, this site is filled with underage people.
Why are you here? In a way you've contributed to what happened on the video. People like you have made excuses for criminality that over time and land destroys society. You will not be satisfied until America's crime turns into Brazil, and while criminals take and kill, you will whine about their poverty or understanding their point of view. You, and people like you have created this problem. You may have never done anything illegal, but in a way you are worse than the nigger in the video, because people like you are the reason this is happening. Draw a fucking line.
I don't have immunity to shoot niggers the way cops do. Right now cops have immunity to shoot all the niggers they want. I do not. You gotta piss with the cock you got.
Guns? Really? user they do not have the abstract thought to even understand how a civilized society works let alone deadly weapons. Sick of seeing this shit.
The sheer fucking patience they have to show. I have kids and even I have never been forced to be that patient and repeat myself nearly that many times. Can you imagine a job where
is not only a requirement, but something you have to practice on a daily basis?
And she keeps spouting the same shit.
You can tell there is one rusty as fuck wheel working overtime, shared, between both of their heads trying to figure out how to get out of the situation. A person that works with the mentally handicapped would probably quit if they had either of these subhumans come in, let alone both of them. The fact this is a 30 minute video and that the latter 29 minutes isn't just silent waiting for the coroner to show up and pronounce both of them dead is astounding.
This gives you immunity to shoot all the niggers you want brainlet
I would be shooting niggers 8 hours a day faggot. I want to out source my nigger shooting.
I would trade all the niggers for a world completely overrun with that subtly uncomfortable creature in a heartbeat. At least it is white.
no massed mag dump, maybe because at gas station.
sgt takes control of squad like an xcom boss.
ok you, squaddie with low morale, go see if he has a gun. "
Have a heart? Oh fuck you and your majestic levels of faggotry. There has never been a society in the entire history of mankind that has even remotely come close to attempting to help such a violent and universally moronic group as this society. It's not even fucking close but day in and day out the upstanding members of society are forced to deal with this utter bullshit because of people like you and your fucktarded belief that muh emotions and muh heart should be placed above standing up to criminal activity. It isn't societies fault they continue to make bonehead decisions. It isn't societies fault that there isn't a single example, throughout the entire fucking long history of mankind, many thousands of years, of one single county, country, town, village, city, anything, anywhere, ever… EVER… that a black controlled area has been anything other than a pile of shit. Have a heart you write… yeah… the world has had a hell of a lot of that and yet we still deal with this stupidity every fucking day. If society didn't have to deal with these anchors we would be well into the stars by now but… no… we have to have hearts in your eyes. Fuck you.
Oh look, the faggot who posts D&C also posts defending fucking children.
You are part of the problem
Body camera footage was released and charges were filed against John Chatman who is accused of shooting at police in a QuikTrip parking lot last Tuesday. John Terry Chatman Jr., 34, was charged Wednesday in Tulsa County District Court with three counts of shooting with intent to kill, possession of a firearm after a felony conviction, obstruction, driving under suspension and driving with an improper tag. A warrant also was issued for his arrest. Prosecutors say Chatman shot at three Tulsa police officers during a traffic stop in the parking lot of the QuikTrip near Harvard Avenue and Interstate 44 on July 3, according to a news release from the District Attorney's Office. One of the officers was shot in the leg and was released from the hospital later that day. Officers returned fire, striking him in the chest. He remained hospitalized Wednesday. The names of the officers involved in the shooting have not been released.
Tulsa police spokesman Shane Tuell said the agency has adopted a new policy of waiting at least five to seven days to release the names of officers involved in shootings. Previously, TPD would release their names within two to three days. Tuell said that wasn't enough time for the officers to inform family of the situation and, sometimes, temporarily relocate for safety reasons. He said officers often receive threats after being named in a shooting. Tuell said he believed the names of the officers involved in the July 3 shooting will be released soon. The officer who was shot is on medical leave, while two officers who fired their weapons are on routine administrative leave during the investigation. State records show Chatman has served time in prison for convictions of second-degree burglary and distribution of a controlled dangerous substance.
Sgt is so calm after being shot.
Niggers can be black men with training as well.
You still wouln't want a pack of them anywhere near you.
Fuck you nigger
They are whiter than you.
They never show the gun?
The Sgt was great.
Americuckold is upset.
jesus they are going to die in some real shit
fucking excatly!!
number one reason I want a race war and a race war right fucking now
I have to go to QikTrip, and I have to worry about these fucking niggers everywhere I go
And all of the fucking jews who have usurped power via politics and all of their other corrupt and degenerate business interests
Therein lies the problem, if this how they conduct themselves over a simple traffic stop, consider what it's like for unarmed whites walking around, and females.
this is why I am no a big fan of cops anymore, they're just standing in the fucking way of the genocide that is needed
Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
This is how clownish our country is. They could've stopped the nigger in the beginning, instead let him drive off to a crowded gas station. Then fucked around and ended up in a spastic shoot 'em up, running back and forth like retards. Luckily someone pumping gas the next door didn't get killed by these retarded cops. Then they say, "Don't worry bro, you'll be fine," as he's bleeding everywhere.
The political correctness is getting people killed. And these cops would attack YOU if you even tried to stop these niggers. Fuck the cops and fuck niggers. Our country can be so much better than this and people don't have to put up with it anymore.
While I agree with the general sentiment, every vehement cop hater I've ever met is pro-kike.
You mean these Israeli Defense Force trained goons calling themselves "police"?
Go in the police stations. They've got SPLC and ADL handouts all over the place. I was a little shocked when I saw that in my small town police department.
And it's all shit telling them to watch out for "white supremacists" and crap like that. So no, these cops aren't my friends.
the ADL and SPLC proudly claim they (((train))) for free more than 15,000 cops nationwide every year. This is how the system works. jews support the niggers, train the cops, and the law abiding whites get fucked. And the Fed prints the dollars to pay for it all
Most cops aren't idiots and are well aware that bullshit is… well bullshit as all it takes is a few days in the field and they will know who the typical threats are. Much like in the military where members are forced to all take "racial sensitivity training". Members attend but nobody gives a shit and nobody takes it seriously as anyone with even a remote stem of brain cells knows full well which groups are the groups you avoid or put your guard up around. This isn't rocket science or some new thing as they have been acting in such a way since the dawn of fucking mankind.
Is the dog okay? I heard it barking at the end, so I hope so. A shame the nigger didn't die on the scene though.
I did one better.
And, of course negated sage.
every cops, and I do mean every one I have ever met, and I have met a lot of them, this is what they say. "Israel is our greatest ally in the middle east"" they learn it by rote, and repeat it.
Just shoot my shit up
All I can think of is all that time wasted.
As I grow older I understand the various aspects of policework more. Time, patience, understanding and having to deal with absolute degeneracy regulary is exhausting. Think about what these men could have been doing if they didnt need to deal with idiotic niggers daily?
They could be building homes, spending time with family. Working on gardening in the community. Engineering new ideas. Fixing old systems.
Instead we got dumb niggers. Pic related.
I hear ya brother
I don't think I have ever met a cop who has even mentioned Israel or, hell, any politics at all. Not saying you are lying but I sure have never heard it as the cops I have known do every damn thing in their power to steer clear of any political talk.
All the fine tax payers will continue to pay for him to be kept alive, and then pay for his public defender, and then to keep him alive in prison. Oh, and they probably paid for the gas that went in that van, before it got $Pepper Ball, $Pepper Ball, $Pepper Balled. Probably been paying for this nigger and the crackhead to live, eat, fuck, breed mongrel dogs and sell drugs. Nigger probably has a couple of other baby momma she-boons. They are paid for as well. By the time taxpayers are done paying for this nigger and each one like him, including paying for both guns involved in the officer involved or other negro shooting, and the bullets, they could have actually afforded to have a white family.
Agreed and checked. The mother ispartly to blame. Fuck her too.
I remember when I was 13 I stole a candy bar and my mom had to come to the policestation to get me. She was the saddest i have ever seen her. She said nothing to me on the car ride home. I said I was sorry. She said, its my fault.
Hit me right in the gut. Feelsbadman.jpg
Without a doubt. My parents would have mauled me had I ever even shown disrespect to someone for no reason let alone the bullshit these assholes commit. They would have defended me in public but thrashed me into a wall afterwards if they felt I was guilty. In fact I would be willing to bet every man who has done well in life had similar upbringings and that is a massive reason we aren't fucking up constantly as adults. If these dingleberry fucktard women didn't fuck the entire city due to their thirst for whatever the fuck then the amount of mongrel leechbabies effecting society would be quelled down big time… but no… society is forced to endure them…..
His mother deserves the same fate.
not if they are your family members, and you've grown up around them.
Checked, makes sense.
The moment christcuck mind poison was instilled that beget allowing jews to be here to jew their nigger wares it was a failed state.
They be living on Mars exploring Jupiter's moons if it were not for niggers and jews.
To be fair Christcuck societies had a long history of running well for many hundreds of years… until someone got the bright idea to bring in living farm equipment but not dispose of it afterwards. Besides, this isn't some western only issue as the sellers in Africa sold their own to every fucking place across the globe… but only the west thought it was smart to keep them around. Big mistake.
All American police are trained by israel and the hiring process is finely tuned to only accept people amenable to ZOG policies. They are a real, real problem in this country and shitskins act as an obfuscating layer that convinces people that cops are on "their side". In reality, low-level shitskin terrorism is a business model for municipal police.
I have no sympathy for any shitskin AT ALL they are nothing but parasites that want what whites have and until they get it and it all turns to absolute third world subhuman shit they leech off of us with the help of the most ugliest hook nosed nation wrecking rat cunts to ever curse this existence wich is the jew.Then once the nation is wrecked they move on and leave the fruits of their filth behind however now they think they have a home nest have metastasized their ass cancer on a global scale.
Niggers are obsolete farm equipment as only that use could justified their continued existence that use is over yet it won't stop the rat jew from flooding your countries with them and then pushing policy that holds retarded monkeys in higher regard than the native whites who built an existing structure for US to live in which no jew or shitskin like them can never maintain without us let alone recreate.
It took them, what, like three years to turn a successful, wealthy, secure and thriving country like South Africa into a shithole. Hell… Japan had two fucking nuclear bombs dropped on two of their cities and those cities are now pristine and beautiful in half the time it took these mongrels to destroy a once world class city like Detroit.
They are the real life version of the Zerg and just consume/destroy anything and everything in their path.
16 years old
And kikes are the South Korean kid that set them loose.
Shitskins will turn this planet into a desert
That was a fun watch.
Kill youself