Well between this and google removing view image in google search i think we need to stand up to the big tech companies any way we can and so no you will not gimp results and services. I'm angry and want a meme war against big tech and silicon valley themselves. Or else we will lose something we really need to survive. No more of the big guy stomping on the little guy. We can make what's happening to Facebook happen to Google and YouTube. But only if some one tries and trying hard enough catches all eyes. The whole world is watching you big tech and silicon valley and we don't like what your doing to technology, the internet and even free speech and thinking and thought. You are stifling creative thought and the freedom of information to flow. You are going into a dark direction big tech and silicon valley and we've noticed and don't like what your doing to sites functions and search ability. We don't like how you've strangled innovation and competition and users and your not invincible and can lose your users as fast as a bolt of lightning. Heed my warnings. There will be action. reaction, and consequences. Like your reputation is on the line and can become junk status over night if a scandal big enough blows up or if people are moved to action and what ever is left of social media. Never think you won't ever be caught with your pants down and never think you can mess with the wrong little guy. You can get bitten by the dogs you feed if you starve us too much. Meme war could be a possibility even from the wrong guy you stomped on and messed with.
Hooktube loses search function no thanks to YouTube
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't kept up but I'm sure not much more is happening than Facebook writing up a large invoice to enact the surveillance and censorship the government wants.
You want to maybe try this thread again with some non cancerous formatting and without the kekistani turbofaggotry?
Are you 12, from halfchan or just really gay?
We need to rape silicon valley.
lol, go back to school you underage nigger.
you didn't explain what jewgle has done to hooknosetube
but you should build better tools, no javascript
Do it yourself you lazy quadroon. You want to rouse us with this shit tier OP? Go back to Reddit.
I think what happened was that Hooktube put up an ad for NordVPN a few days ago, which monotenized the website, which gave jewgle legal grounds to order a cease and desist for them to stop using jewtube API, which must be copyrighted. I strongly doubt that it's a coincidence that Hooktube operated unmolested until a few days after they put up their first ad.
You can still use Startpage video search to find videos and then replace "you" with "hook", but it really fucking sucks that Hooktube lost its own search function, plus the channels, plus the related videos, plus the comments, and I am fuming mad. One of two things needs to happen: Either somebody else copies hooktube and makes a whole new website that is not associated with Hooktube that does the exact same thing, and never makes the mistake of putting ads up. Or, somebody creates a way to use the jewtube search, channel, related videos, and comments functions, like a browser addon. Until then, we're going to have to suffer a significant quality of life decrease or get honeypotted hardcore by the worst company in the world.
Hey, there was this thing only a few 30 year old boomers remember, right clicking the image and clicking open in new tab doesn't give you the thumbnail
your priorities show how much of a faggot you all are.
at least he made a thread
thanks, I get it now.
Middle click is faster
t. 25 year old
Shh, kids can't understand wheel clicking, or CTRL clicking.
Hmm… lately they have attacked archive sites and now this. Are they trying to limit meme/pol attack options in their non inventive retard ninja way?
I'm moving to North Korea
As if I'm gonna let some faggot who buys meme t-shirts and considers HWNDU the pinnacle of trolling lecture me about priorities.
Good. Hooktube autists are cringey, and the guy who made it is an Asian incel who funded that Asian on white porn to get back at Zig Forums.
dead google employees and board of directors can't kike up the interwebs
Use Startpage to copy Youtube links and use Hooktube that way.
Fucking kikes, man. I hope somebody finds a way to get around this altogether, like making a browser extension that adds the various features back in.
Why are you still using google? Guess I should also ask why you are such a faggot OP.
Any evidence for your claims
There's a basic plugin for Firefox that puts the view image button back.
Nothing changed for people who want you to post hooktube links instead of youtube ones, faggot.
How about you stop crying about people having standards and start improving your behavior instead?
asian girl on white guy porn
I love that shit
dang bro you some kind of power user. mad respect bro.
I just checked, its working for me.
Its asian male on white female.
You fucking degenerate.
anyone that posts boomer meme should get a month ban
both produce the same mutts anyway
Why don't you?
The problem is that hosting popular data intensive sites like hooktube is expensive. And if you can't run ads then its nothing but a money sink.
If the faggot posted source, we could self host.
What can we do to help? Youtube fucking sucks.
I have no idea how
yeah that is a very serious problem, no wonder hooktube guy wanted to run that ad. I guess there's no legal way to run a site like that without losing money, unless maybe there's a BTC address to accept donations, and even then idk. maybe if the owner linked his gab like the hooktube guy did and put a BTC address on gab
Why is this happening? is there a good alternative to hooktube?
I personally used to enjoy more my videos on this site because I have a shitty computer that has problem loading 1080p and 720p videos on youtube.
fuck off schlomo its true,visit hooktube.com if you don't believe him or me. the same thing happened with scroogle being banned for scraping google results and providing anonymous google searches a few years back.
Currently debating which of these lapel pins will make me look more american.
hooktube never served the videos from youtube it merely stripped the tracking out of them, the videos were still served from youtube (google owned and operated) google video servers.
if you wanted to save a video from hook tube it would present a googlevideo link. and any anons that used it would have had the same experience.
the google servers saw this site was being used by the altright and was scraping content from the wonderful tolerant internet giant of diversity. so they got banned from the api and the space went to some underprivileged black lesbians instead.
I have been looking into this a bit more, outside of the hooktube debacle, and actually am noticing a seemingly concentrated effort to limit or remove archive capability and also the saving of videos from the typical means. Oddly enough this seems to coincide with several media publications trying to inform readers not to trust such things recently (Slate, NYT and SFC that I have thus far found). Are ((they)) attempting to ninja limit our ability to keep records on their corruption?
I can almost stomach the homo-erotic undertones throughout the whole thing but "2dads.tv"? What the actual fuck.
What was it?
kike book
HAHA I've got a better one: Facejew
Get it?
The problem with this that not everyone on kike book are jewish… Maybe face boom?
Praise Kekistan!
Fuck off r_donald
face boomer
Not All Jews Are Mono Lithic
I Love The Alt Right
Being Black Is Okay
Why did autistes stop running that ad clicker addon? That was ass raping the big companies.
I guess they got bored. It was a very simple code and open source so you can do the same thing anyway but seriously it's the best add-on since (((coincidence))) detector.
never gets old