Trump Curse strikes England - loses 1-2 to Croatia


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You think they fucked?


This is getting serious.

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Enjoy some fun once in awhile. If you weren't here shitposting like a motherfucker during the 2017 Super Bowl you missed out.

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I like to have social events because I am not a loser, but I know where you are coming from

And this just in.. France has surrendered.
Vive Croatia!

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Just because modern sports are kiked with globalism that doesn't make them bad, except for Handegg which was made for TV and only single braincell bearing americans enjoy

I sincerely hoped they did, oh man if I was president I'd be fucking top diplomats of every country.

Fuck off drumpfnigger

Hello John Oliver!

Betting on the Croats

I have $300 to my NEET self I don't think it's smart for me to bet, I have to accept that if they win I lost out. I have a really good feeling about Croatia, I truly do believe in meme magic there's no way Croatia's gonna lose. Fuck France.

Hello reddit, go back to the_zogald

I despise soccer but seeing the greenteeth lose to Croatia is lovely. I hope Croatia goes all the way.

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Smoking hot milf First Lady not good enough for you?

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Is she your typical woman leader? Or is she actually a net benefit to her country?

First time they met.

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And I should be specific, I mean to her people; the ethnic heirs of her nation.


post more

user I am worried about you

The bikini pics are not her. At least the orange one isn't.

Footniggers will hang even before kikes on the day of the pedicure.

Lighten up.

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There are some more claiming to be of her but few are genuine

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What's wrong with American Football?

She loves him. Totally enamored. She wears orange for him. She is a woman and cannot help herself. Trump is a powerful man.

>promoting niggerball (((proggraming)))

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100% she gave him a quick blowjob to "relieve tension." It's must be amazing to be Trump.

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Tits>Ass it's the law of nature.

Croatia doesn't have any niggers though, user. Besides, name a single sport that was invented by niggers.

Found the soyboy

What if they didn't give you consent?

69th amendment : thou shall grad the fat ass

ass is a constitutional right


>law of nature niggers
FTFY fucking cuck

user, just because something isn't easy doesn't make it a sport. Do you think e-sports are real sports too so long as it's something like Guilty Gear or whatever?

I am sorry user, but she is in fact married.

A fat Ass is an indication that the woman will become overweight in the future. It's also a key characteristics of nigresses. Really people who like an ass better than tits is a retard

esports is the future , dont sexualize tracer

I'm heavily medicated. I fucked that up. I apologize and shall an hero now.

but tracer is a degenerate butt that sexualizes herself every day

Didn't know Pepe was a walking soy bottle

It's a bastardization of rugby created by jews to plaster as many commercials as possible. It solely exists for the sake of television and its short bursts commercial-break nature makes it easily palatable for the average braindead fool.

Handegg was around for decades before television even existed, Clueless One.

Modern handegg literally exists for television.

More curse

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Hi /pol.

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Sad because true.


it does because having no fidelity would immediately make her unattractive except to people with shit taste


That's EXACTLY why moder sports are bad, WTF are talking about!?

This one is even better.

Only reason she hasn't pinched his ass and winked him

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LBC caller wants England to lose World Cup because the team is multi-racial'

Aryan Croatians destroy Jamaican anglo niggers

. It’s not about a huge ass. It’s the hip to waist and her thighs. If she’s got muscular thighs you can be sure she will be fun.

She’s a cultist.

Why are there so many retards on here pretending that Trump is anything but the servant of jewry that all the Republicans and Democrats are?

He isn’t. That’s not the Jews operate.

Die you worthless NeoCon cheerleading retard

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Any sport that exists professionally exists tp be televised you fucking moron. Do you genuinely think that every other professional sport that is televised exists "for the love of the sport?" Literal brainlet.

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I'd be so damn charming and handsome they couldn't say no.

She is legitimately one of the hottest women I've ever seen, she's absolute perfection. Too bad I'm not president of the US, I'd give her the ultimate dicking.

Lol, you're going to get shot, mossad agent.
And Trump, the monster living in your closet, is going to be the one to do it.

The Groat team represents them better.