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Well that explains everything.
dementia has seized the old broad, finally.
Awful baby-eating kikelover should die and take every one of her hellspawn with her.
No. It is a very clear message, if you hadn't figured it out already, that the ragheads are there to murder any White people who think about getting rid of her and parasitical merchant banking interests she fronts for. White revolution goes through the crowns.
What, you don't believe it?
This is what will be used to keep pushing the "we wuz European kangz" myth. Your royal family is pozzed. Your government wants to see you blacked. And muds are raping your children.
You're running out of bongs, Bongs.
Also it give the leftists justification to open the gate to the muslim world leading to a caliphate. Now people can say that the Queen has islamic roots, it's ok that muslims take over.
Should ring their bongs with a fucking carpet of nukes if they have no intention on fixing their shit and no self-awareness to nuke themselves. Trump-sama please irradiate all of Britain, ty.
I'll believe they said it, but it sure as hell ain't the reality.
Fake news, it's been so goddamn long it doesn't matter.
British royalty has been a joke for centuries m88
OP is a goner
This is a clear cut signal to the White Britons. This is an open declaration that Airstrip One is now fully in the hands of the mudslimes and if they don't allow themselves to be subjugated willingly in their own homeland they will be severely punished. It's also a signal to pisslamic shitskins all over the world that England is welcoming them in to rape and pillage as they see fit. I wonder when Britbongs will finally start openly rebelling against this shit. It baffles me how they haven't already. It's so fucking brazen.
I faintly remember this being a long time conspiracy that this would be something the (((Royal))) family would claim. Can't remember all the fucking details though thanks to alex jonestein level sperging in the conspiracy scene. Think it has something to do with bringing about the anti-christ or something by uniting all the religions together into one. Didn't the world religious leaders also get together for the first time ever not too long ago?
It's silly to say you are related to someone you share a common ancestor with from over a thousand years back.
Even if I was a direct descendant of Mohamed myself, the amount of DNA I inherit from him is probably tiny due to dozens and dozens of generations of Aryan bleaching.
This is known since the age of Charlesmagne i.e. the song of Roland.
Charlesmagne married one of the muslim princess in Spain and she converted into Xianity, so it didn't count.
I guess they've shared Britain with whites since the beginning. I suppose the people who want to stick up for white Christians are really just racists on the wrong side of history. I've been a fool.
Then this one, which I don't get to use often enough.
They're really going all out. Fuck Britain.
You mean fuck the kikes, shitskins, and traitors who control Britain.
Fuck Britain and the kikes, shitskins, and traitors who control Britain. How do you like them apples?
Can't take you seriously when sandniggers are running around gang raping your kids.
If you remember that israel refers to the faithful christians, and not the country with the same name, this seems plausible.
Absolutely. That's exactly where mainstream Christcuck thought is at.
Don't look back in anger mate!
This what happens when you let Jews in. All that you were, all that you loved. Destroyed. I still can't understand how Jews think this will end well for them.
Bongs will now be Muslim with bong blood. A nation with nukes and no commitment to Israel. The mixing will increase Muslim intelligence to be sufficiently lethal.
Reminder that the Jews are only successful because they obtained European blood which boosted their intelligence significantly.
Britain should be returned to Denmark. They seem to have no concern for the future of their island anyway as long as its not ruled by le ebul jerrys! UKIP polls at 4% lmao. And UKIP is more tame than most other European so called "far right" parties. They may get brexit but what good will that do? The flood from the former colonies will still continue. They're more Americanized than America at this point.
based us protestantism
Go wash some more nigger feet, fetishist.
based foot washing slave morality
surely you mean (((german-greek)))
Who's laughing now, Limey?
Ah…the first step to renouncing her religion and her people.
Sorry, Brits, you've just been thrown under the bus. Your own Queen, whom you've always given your love, has separated herself from you, now claiming she's "something more" than the rest of you.
She's taken the first steps to cucking her entire nation.
The line of the Stuart's is starting to look pretty good right now, eh?
Personally, I'm a direct descendant of God, himself…
Faggot as usual
Kek, Zig Forums is always right.
>remembers reading some oldfag go on about how the (((Royals))) are pisslam mudded at some point along the gene tree
Friendly reminder that the regent of England hasn't been an actual Anglo-Saxon for 852 years.
WTF I love Jesuits now
Yea, I'll bet there's a lot of Brits right now that are rethinking that war, and rethinking whether or not the right people won.
Never forget, Hitler actually liked the British people and respected them, he didn't want war with them.
And now it turns out he respected them more than their own royalty, apparently, did.
You could do worse.
Oh, wait…you already did.
Looks like he bows to her too. Home soil advantage.
Muslims are number one ally of the kikes since always. You fell for the Israeli vs Arab Palestinians dialectic, you fucktard.
The Iberian Peninsula was Christian before the kikes conspired to open borders to the Mohammedan invasion. Then there was their "golden age", where kikes, alongside mudslimes, would make Christians their slaves freely and rule the whole region. 700 years of judeo-islamic invasion before getting defeated and expelled from the region. Yet, they cry they were "persecuted" by Catholics as if there was no reason for that.
Palestine itself was basically Christian (most of them true Hebrews who got converted by Christ by the first century; don't fall for the Pharisaic meme they were ALL expelled from Palestine by the Romans), that until mudslimes invaded and took the Christians as slaves. Then, AFTER the Mohammedan invasion, Jews immigrated to Palestine. Still so, they despised working with the land, it was seen by them, just like by the Mohammedans, a "slave job". They focused on extorting Christians until Christians started to get killed, expelled or converted under judeo-islamic pressures.
There's no best ally to Muslims as the Jews and vice-versa. The current Shiite opposition is an exception to this rule, the "Palestinian" cancer nowadays is another one, but you fucktards keep confusing things and falling for Zig Forums memes.
The English alliance with Muslims fits perfectly with their nature. England was took over by the Jewry long, long, time ago, same as they are tools to ruin and impose Jewry plans in this world, way before USA became their pawns as well. Now they took the next step to get rid of Europeans and Christians, both considered their arch-enemies, even though they have always lived parasiteing both. Again, France and England will make their best to ruin the World. They had enriched themselves with Illuminists and Masons, then Jews and now with Muslims. Soon with their Babylon Prostitute version of a government.
Israel is just part of the plans, they already have Paris and London as their allies (same as the UN, the dialectic trap neocons, even Trump, use to fall for), but they are not the Jewry itself. Israel is not the end goal, but a mean, and they are not enemies of Wahhabists at all. ISIS themselves were allies to Israel and were born thanks to the kikes.
You idiots need to stop falling for these leftist memes and must focus in the Jew. To the hell with Israel and their pseudo-enemies soap opera.
Maybe it means Bill Clinton is gonna kick it soon.
Queen or no queen, invaders need their asses kicked.
Excellent post, user.
After Anne or Cromwell, it all was a joke. Jacobeans were right. Primogeniture is the only way for England.
I don't know if i'm the only one, but i'm just tired of turning on the tv and seeing all these assholes still smiling, pushing propaganda, raising taxes and being as biased as possible
it's hard to see how there's any 'plan' and if there is, the 'plan' has nothing to do with real progress for regular folks
but Britian does seem quite chaotic though, secrets and levels of mad means unpredictability
I might just kill myself instead now. with a nuke
That comic literally depicts (((assrael)))
Stuart's were scots and the real line is dead
Daily reminder that Mohammed was a Jew as his mother Amina was a Jew. Islam and Judaism. Same cult. Different madman.
no shit, all the elites are related and all figures in the past are as well they fucking inbreed like mad
why did you forget christianity?
gas yourself you will burn in hell
Happy to watch the British race war from the comfort of my chair.
Praying something better is built on the ashes.
It is.
Jesus is a fucking kike nigger
This is a economic strategy. The West can't compete economically with the growing shitskin population, so they are attempting to just merge with the niggers and maintain their kingdoms.
Welcome to the caliphate bongistan. I hope you enjoy hearing the adhan called out from the Elizabeth tower five times a day.
And just like the last kike that responded to me posting that image, you simply ignore it's contents. Lurkers will see this, you have revealed your hand again.
The best part is, you'll be back tomorrow and we can do this all over again for the lurkers who didn't see it. Until tomorrow, kike-san!
They are getting ready for a switch to Islam
You might have a point, but it can be countered by the fact that Hebrews were Judeans, and that Judeans are still Semites. Why should I let a Semite tell me who God is, or what I should be doing with my life when I have plenty of source material back here in Norland.
Hebrews have also had a bad reputation long before Khazaria. Also this is a thread about British Monarchs larping as Semites to pay homage to a bunch of pedophiles that existed way back in the day.
Why are you quoting a jewish historian again and again?
And no, the OT is not proof, you need genetics study, not holy book.
The Pharisees were not semites, they were the ancestors of modern day Greeks, and were hated by the ancient semitic tribes such as the Khazars. Pharisee is from a Greek word (pharisaios) taken from the Heb/Aramaic "Perisha" meaning "Separated one. Contextually this makes sense in the timeline of the bible.
You see, he's still here. The same kike that can't accept that a jewish historian would tell the truth about the biblical tribes.
Just like the other day I will explain that just because someone is jewish does not mean whatever they write or say is false. David Cole being a prominent example.
What truth?
And dude, this is Zig Forums, people disregard anything the jew says, especially when this truth is in the jew holy book and is not supported by anything else.
What's this dumbass shit, the khazars are an asiatic-turkoid tribe.
What the fuck is wrong with christians on Zig Forums?
Oh wow, nice argument, dude.
But this is all you can do.
Half are shills, and 70% of what's left don't know what they're talking about. The other 30% like me don't care where they came from but nevertheless despise jews for what they do. They killed Jesus and their "holy book" depicts him in hell boiling in semen.
Stay buttmad, disarmed slave-bitch of the Islamic Republic of Britain. Enjoy your tainted halal-slaughtered meat. Meanwhile I'll be eating pork, bacon, and a good fucking burger.
Damn, nigger filters but he still keeps replying.
Keep it up, I'm here all days. Thor bless.
Told you, no rights to the crown.
itt: monarhists who actualy belive that royal family are descendents from God himself and it's their natural right to rule
monarchist scum are worst than nazis. you people should be hanged in pulic squares alongside your precious social parasites aka royal family
Britain is owned by the same kikes that own and run America
Monarchists are the original right wingers and they result in the stablest regimes.
The fact some monarchies are cucked, such as this queen, doesn't mean all monarchies are shit.
Only the best should rule, their should be tests and leaders should get run through public lie detector tests before they can run for office.
the Pharisees were members of the Sanhedrin and were thus definitely Jews. Also they were known as the teachers of the law, and Jesus had problems with them being too (((legalistic))) and demanding people follow the law to the letter instead of following the common sense intent of the law ((("don't heal sick people on the Sabbath!"))). Their sin was adding to the law, making it burdensome and impossible to follow. They were separated just as all holy men are told to separate themselves and be holy.
I think most evil jews and evil christians are descendants of the Pharisee way of thinking. Also mother-in-laws, heh heh
I see you kike!
read Hobbes' Leviathan then attempt to criticize the concept of the institution monarchy I dare you
You’re not very intelligent.
The Queen is part jewish/Rothschild and Britain is controlled and run by jews just like America is
You're the retarded kike pretending that Britain is run by muslims and not jews, muslims are just some of the many invaders you jews brought in
His problem with them was the usury and prostitution.