Stormy Daniels Arrested At Strip Club
Stormy Daniels Arrested At Strip Club
Haha you just know this was a setup to nail her for prostitution. Love it…
They arrested her because someone touched her during some stripshow? Sounds like bullshit intimidation tactics. Just seems like it's going to inflame the issue and make Trump look worse. Why not just drop it?
Nobody is going to care if Trump is a sleazebag.
Like, to cause pretense for a larger investigation that will nail her for the (obvious) other prostitution she's done?
This isn’t Cuckchan. Sage.
No clue but I do find this hilarious as I have no doubt the John went into the club with a camera just waiting for her to proposition him. Whores are like clockwork so this was just waiting to happen but it cracks me up how fast it happened. She sat and made up a story which attempted to destroy the country and ruin lives… what the fuck did she expect…
.webm unrelated but posting it because I found it on an old USB and I'd been trying to find it for a while.
Wait……she was STRIPPING??? Who the hell wants to see THAT??? Isn't there some mandatory retirement age for over the hill skanks?
The 'word' "thot" is utterly disgusting. Just call her a filthy whore.
Thats the point
Worse than a NAZI who runs a Gerber Gitmo, ripping babies from their mothers?
But she's speaking about without getting sued?
This isn't Reddit. Kill yourself.
kek watching these kikes lose their shit as they continue to lose everything they have gives me life.
damn i think this Zig Forums post might stop millions of people from using well established slang
You belong on reddit, drumpfcuck
This board is ours now
Yeah, fuck those Trump-rulecucks, amirite fellow enemy board user?
>This board is (((ours))) now
Ok Moishe, whatever you say ,':)
I agree fellow channer.
In Ohio it is illegal for anyone except the family members to touch someone semi nude or full nude.
Because (((they))) are desperate. Even if it means bringing a sex and human trafficking cult to light and throwing many more to the wolves, they’ll still keep steph Clifford going.
It’s cheap knee-jerk outrage, but if the (((msm))) pick it up, then they no longer care about keeping their shit veiled.
More likely this is something she set up herself to keep her in the headlines.
Good, fucking cunt deserved it. Imagine having your entire life worth be based off fucking someone famous. You then exploit the fact that someones cock was inside you to go around flapping your sweaty cow utters while old fat guys throw federal reserve notes at you. I thank god every day I was not born a succubus. I have had dumb whores spread rumors about fucking me before then they all join some weird little club together when you won't be commited to them shit is fucking weird man.
What, it just means "That Hottie Over There." Cool your tits sweetheart.
Sounds more like a setup to keep her name in the news.
Probably paid the cops to to do it, seeking front-page "news" advertising.
No it doesn’t you faggot
It’s a word cheef keef coined in his song love no thotties because it rhymes with “love nobody” and ever since people have tried to rationalize it as “that hoe/hottie over there”
It’s niggerbabble
No, it means that you like speaking like a nigger, you faggot.
It's nigger"speech".
Something interesting I have noticed about her layer, Michael Avenatti. He has two main focuses, in terms of clients, at moment.
1) Daniels - You already know this but just a reminder if you didn't already know or see our older investigation, she has links with that sex cult and that sex cult has links to sex trafficking of minors.
2) His other would be push/client is reuniting "families" of illegals and their "parents" and has massively objected to the DNA test. I think this is important to bring up because in another investigation we did here it was deemed highly likely that these kids were not going to parents and were instead being delivered right into the hands of traffickers.
So he defends two groups… both with similar links… hmmm
kinda makes white house look like a clown house
if you want to demonstrate power, intimidate or whatever, make a cia hit, its what they are there for
this just makes the whole thing looks silly and pathetic
No. This one is: >>>/oven/
You reek of nigger culture. Aren't you just making your parents proud.
damn word police on duty
not for liberal establishments
Yeah, pretty sure it's impossible to stop retards like you from talking like niggers. The brainwashing is too deep.
just what
Yeah, laws surrounding stripping vary by state. Some states disallow touching. Enforcement also varies by state. I think some of /ourguys/ from the local PD thought they would make sure that club was compliant with all codes during stormy's visit.
Democrats would do all that, plus send the IRS after the strip club's books. I bet no one there pockets their tips and doesn't declare income. Nope, not these fine upstanding whores.
Reading the police report she walked up to an undercover female cop and grabbed her and looks like she shoved the undercovers face into her tits motorboat style….
stormy violated state law by sexually touching female customers including an undercover vice cop while performing.
What… the… fuck. Burgers please explain this to me because I connot comprehend.
see the post just above yours
I used to go to the strip club with my girlfriend and her friends in college. They would all let the strippers rub their tits and ass in their faces. There is seriously laws against girl on girl in a strip club?
Well if the stripper randomly goes up to customers and grabs them outside the backroom, yeah…
seems like entrapment. everyone is there to watch the strippers and get titties in their face
Yeah in case you didn't know this ancient mummy used this whole Drumpf thing to revive her whoring career.
Soyboys love her now because they believe her allegedly banging drumpf a decade ago will somehow remove him from power.
yep. technically it depends upon which us state and sometimes the city will have particular laws, but generally speaking in almost all jurisdictions it is illegal for a "nude" (definitions vary) performer to touch a patron in a sexual manner, as this crosses over into prostitution, whereas "dancing" is a totally protected 1st amendment act of free expression, goy.
back in the day, in atlanta, this required they still have on their garter, which they used to collect bills for tips. in dallas, in clubs that served alcohol, this required pasties and a g-string, same with louisiana. in tennessee, or at least in nashville, this could be completely butt-assed naked but the clubs didn't serve alcohol, they had a bar "next door" in the same building and you bought there and brought it over
nashville tn used to allow "no hands" touching ie she could rub one out of you through your jeans with her cooter during a lapdance. atlanta was strictly no touching except for tips in garters and the girl couldn't even tweak her own nipples or touch her own cooter while dancing. dallas the same. some states like louisiana used to have no touching at all and tips thrown on the stage and the dancer required to be separate from the customer by at least 3 feet, they had the stage surrounded by the bar to accommodate this. the laws did not differentiate by sexes of the customer being touched or touching the dancers
fuck if i know. but the above gives you a sense of it.
i don't give a rat's ass, this is from back in the 80s and 90s and from memory, it's been over 20 years since i've seen an irl naked woman other than my wife, just wanted to clear up some misconceptions
Nice clickbait, op
You forgot to say zog, Aaron.
The only time I ever went to a strip club there was some 50 year old whore with wrinkly paper thin skin and bolt on tits with stretch marks all over them. Almost made me puke.
Go in a college town much better
Probably was, fuck her… she still grabbed someone against state law. Let her rot in jail be it entrapment or not, don't care.
What is the justification for the oldest occupation being illegal in freedomland?
Charges Against Stormy Daniels Dropped On Technicality Amid Human Trafficking Investigation
At approximately 11:30 a dancer using the stage name Stormy Daniels, later identified as Stephanie Clifford made her way to the main stage and began performing. The majority of the patrons got up from their tables and stood immediately adjacent to the stage throwing dollar bills at Ms. Clifford. During her performance after removing her top exposing her breasts she began forcing the faces of patrons into her chest and using her bare breasts to smack the patrons. The officers observed Ms. Clifford fondling the breasts of female patrons….
…Ms. Clifford leaned over, grabbed Det. Keckley's head and began smacking her face with her bare breasts and holding her face between her breasts and against her chest. Ms. Clifford then made her way over to Det. Lancaster and performed the same acts on him forcing his face into her chest between her breasts and began smacking his face with her bare breasts."
Trump needs to tweet out the police report and something like:
Leftists can get away with anything this country is a fucking joke.
Because sometimes you need to make an example out of someone.
Who reported the illegal touching?
No. Go to a small town shitty strip club and you'll literally see skanks with oxygen tanks.
Women lie all the time.
For example, you're a woman, and you lie all the time.
So you definitely know women lie all the time.
Oh wow you're a misogynist you say women sometimes ever are bad.
lol, okay catholic alter boy, if u say so.
He didn't say that.
whoever arrested her is retarded and they were right to drop the charges
You just got fucked, kikes.
Nope, I'm not tired of winning 8^)
Undercover vice cops, so no, it's happening.
I guess this means she won't be watching shark week with Trump in 2 weeks?
Propably muh christian values.
Imagine being a 80 year old Kardashian and the menopause has hit, and the shaking and sweating and the moodswings and you have nobody to cuddle that's going through similiar because you ran out of nice guys to rip off.
Have some Schadenfraude>