Hey Zig Forums just stoping by to share some long lost gems.
Op from a few years ago said he took these pictures while urban exploring an old Shell chemical plant. According to the poster the place was cleared out and demolished not long after. Not much else to say so Ill get to postan
Once Im done posting I would love to see other anons post their own hidden gems or lost board culture. We preserve these things best by sharing and diversifying the protection of these images. Its up to us to keep neat things saved for the future.
Also I dont remember making the document, but I have a notepad full of links that look to have been grabbed from the original thread. If it looks like this thread wont be locked or deleted Ill post the links, otherwise its probably best to keep them safe from being shoah'd
Well this is kind of fruity. Lots of esoteric meaning behind the eye though… Probably nothing to worry about
Moving on swiftly, the next section covers some goddesses which are apparently company seals or something? They are set up on a different wall from these murals but nearby, or at least they were. We will come back to the main mural and the side murals after I post those.
Its a shame to think all of this gorgeous glass was destroyed but, eh, such is the way of these things. Noticing lots of neat little symbols along the sides.
Especially interesting is that the 3 goddesses and then the 6 goddess murals got their own window separate from the wall with the main one.
The last picture is a real beauty. Full body, not so high on detail but its a nice picture for whatever shitty camera these guys were using.
A few close ups of the full body mural. I wish whoever this was had taken the time for a full picture sweep. Maybe they did, but memory is failing me and this is all that I had saved if it wasnt all they shared.
I forget what the internet sleuths dug up about the tablet, but damn if this isnt some fine glass. What do you guys think?
I cant quite tell, but I think these last three pictures were close ups of some of the more interesting parts of the full body mural. Lots of very pretty imagery and good composition. Wonder what it all means?
Small note, someone in the thread had said that the three obelisks on the crown represented D.C., London, and the Vatican, which are the three capitals with prominent Obelisks near their hearts.
Not much else of the speculation really stuck with me. Anyway! More pictures in a hot minute!
Charles Davis
A few notes of importance before I post the next batch! Pay attention to the lower right badge on the third picture, a cute little EU flag stowwed away in what I think is the dutch flag? Nice touch guys, bravo.
On some more recollection I think these pictures might have been posted almost 8 years ago now back on halfchan Zig Forums. I remember OP had mentioned there had been brief protests by some mask-fags out front, evidenced by the abandoned signs in pic 1.
I think I have only shared this collection once since that thread all those years ago, so its nice to go down memory lane and relive this a bit.
I forget if the van in picture 3 belonged to OP or not. According to him this was a popular squating location so maybe not? I tried to leave myself some clues in picture names it seems.
Okay, now I post the extra tasty pics, maybe only one or two posts worth left.
Hudson Butler
Im double and triple checking my folder but it appears these are the last pictures. The first is a blurry picture of the other section of the full body mural. And then… Who here noticed the cheeky little dragon peeping around in the second set of pictures? Well a closer look reveals this dragon wears a name tag.
Incredibly subtle.
Oh! And another easter egg for secret hunters here in picture 4. Also part of the main murals side bars.
And revisiting the dragon theme, picture 5 is a last grab from the full body mural.
So guys, what do you make of this? Interesting art or corporate admission of occult history?
In the states, there is a huge market for old stained glass. This kind of stuff would have fetched a fucking fortune.
Anyway, when when you say OOP posted these images? This a first for me and I've been lurking for a while now. I remember some user doing a NK dump in 2015 and it wwas fucking beautiful there, never saved the pics though. Wish I had, they would have been useful during the US NK summit.
Also bump, I want to see what some anons have saved. my stuff was lost permanently due to hardware failure after new years last year. There was this that happened tho that has retreated from memory. WTCO.
Vintage NK pictures? Yea, that would have been amazing to have had on hand for the sumit memes.
As to your first question, these were dumped originally in either 2011 or 2012 on halfchan if memory serves. These pictures survived 3 dead hard drives, two lost USBs and the death of my previous motherboard.
I really never collected anything special except for these, and I am so glad I kept them close to my heart.
Are those pictures from that massive tower in Pyong?
Tyler Young
Where do I start? Could be tempted..
Jaxon Cox
And I mean raw, un-soldered.
Jordan Powell
me looking at these stained glasses. was that some vampire headquarters?
Nicholas Gutierrez
Good work OP, memory hole threads are great for board culture and help anons put together facts they may have forgotten.
On the subject of Shell, wasn't there an user that was connected to the company who was being flown into the middle east somewhere, and had info to drop? Whatever happened to that guy? Hopefully someone remembers this.
Gabriel Bailey
No, more recent. 09-12 stuff. NK looked truly beautiful, cleanliness of Japan but more modest and bit more quaint.
Yea, I tried, nothing could be salvaged. I was depressed for awhile about it. Even still, it stings a bit.
ANd no, that is World Trade Center One. It lit up like this one night. It can be looked up and you'll find some rich important kike died that same night. NYFD downplayed it all.
Antique fairs/festivals/stores. I've see 2ftx4ft pieces go for $300 dollars before. All depends on the era and quality tbh. But rich housewives with interior flair love this shit.
Dylan Jones
Post the links to what's already figured out, the shell motif itself is a traditional sign relating to the pilgrim, the glass in the pictures is Masonic/kabbalistic allegory.
I remember this thread thanks for the blast from the past op we used to have quite a few urban exploration threads it was a simpler time
Easton Ward
That WTC thing actually rings some bells. I think I saw the thread but never bothered to read it. Spooky.
Again, this is all ancient memory, but I was pretty sure lots of folks honed in on the goddess murals right away, something about how Shell was a conglomeration of a precurser company called Seven Sisters. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Sisters_(oil_companies)
Following up on that, a few people thought that the company had some esoteric Nazi connections, but no one came up with any links better than this one.
I have one more link, but looking it over it appears to be a very old tourism website that actually had pictures of the goddess mural for whatever reason, but left out information about the massive heron/gull/bird mural with all the blood harvest and jew/nazi symbolism.
Ultimately Im going to leave that link out because Im pretty sure the moment I post it the link is going to die permanently.
Justin Turner
Fuck it, you guys are worth it.
Keep the thread bumped while I am asleep with lots of good stuff okay?
Cool, the scallop shell relates to St James and the Santiago pilgrim route, there could be connection in the design to our lady of the pillar, which would also connect to Masonic/Kabbalistic understandings of such, instead of pilgrim stations along the way i suppose gas stations.
I like the colours used for the maidens, the primary and secondary, reminds me of when you see oil and a puddle all the iridescent colours seperate, does the central upper one hold an apple?
The name of the place seems to be The photos on the tourism site seem to have been taken on 11-09-2011. Interesting date
Can any dutchanon contact the photographer?
Caleb Green
As far as the Pentagon goes that relates to Venus, and indeed Venus was considered to emerge from a scallop.
The earliest recorded basis for that is the Goddess Nazi (Nanse) emerging from the waters of the Persian gulf, some 5,000 years ago, the Pelican was her symbol, she was a Goddess of birds and fishes.
Seven Feminine spiritual archetypes are common to kabbalah and Freemasonry in terms of seven liberal arts etc, but of course they go way back and as the Pleiades were generally ruled by the Goddess relating to Venus,the constellation of the Goddess Nazi was Pisces represented by a fish and a dove/swallow, rather than two fishes, that was also understood as the astral sign of Inanna/Venus, thus there was a planetary and constellation correspondence.
It's reasonable then to take the Goddess Nazi of the Persian gulf as the motif of an oil company…
It's not a "scallop", it's a Pectin. This is what the company calls its own logo. The social club for Shell employees is called "The Pectin Club". t. ex euro oil fag
Michael Barnes
Pelicans were thought to cut their breast open to feed their hatchlings in medieval times. Self sacrifice. This became an alchemic symbol for a step in the process of making the philosopher's gold.
I'm telling you that no one at Shell calls it a "scallop", whether the term is biologically correct or not. The logo is THE PECTEN, a proper noun. You will never find any conversations or documents from inside shell or between Shell cultists by searching the word "scallop". This is about inside names and terms, not fucking biology.
Benjamin Ward
I didn't say you were wrong, the Pecten, Latin for Comb, traditional accessory of Venus along with mirror.
The article mentioned clearly he was influenced by esoteric christianity and freemasonry.
So the Eye would be a Lutheran influence and the Pentagram from Freemasonry.
Dylan Jones
the eye of lucifer/horus is way older than that and the pentagram aka the outline of the goat of mendes is the "scapegoat" that had all the sins put on it.
it all stems from lucifer nd the synagogue of satan
Carson Morris
The eye is a traditional Lutheran motive to describe God, it no doubts goes back to Germanic Polytheism as a way to depict the one-eyed Odin.
The Pentagram goes back to the cult of Pythagoras, but was also used in the near east.
There is no reason why an eye motive would not be fairly universal, since it's and eye motive.
You seem unaware that Re had two eyes, one was the eye of Horus, Mercury, and the other the eye of Hathor, Venus, a particularly fiery and vengeful eye.
The two planets of inferior orbit were always seen relatively close to the Sun, emerging and re-emerging into its light, hence the eyes of Re.
Zachary Gutierrez
YES! I remember that! It was supposed to be massive but I don't think he ever got to reveal it fully. I just wish I could remember what it was about.
Josiah Reyes
Here’s some Zig Forums tier shit from inside a refinery, still in use from when we were trading with Nazi Germany
It's a Shell company. Quite literally. How deep it goes from there, I don't know, just wanted to throw in a Captain Obvious.
Adam Walker
Oil was considered 'blood of the Earth' in the occult or they're producing the secret sauce of missiles of transmutation made from blood alchemy by distilling the life force of children. :^) There seems to be a mixing of symbols, phoenix being reborn after a major conflict probably WW2, the swastika looks like a hamfisted addition though. The Blazing star within the 8 pointed star with those colors represents alchemy; which alchemy is consider guided by the Demiurge, which is contained within the alchemy circle and it's radiating. Notice that the wings of the two pelicans make the Freemason compass and square.
The claw looks like a G.
This one is arranged like the Kabbalah and pyramid S&C into the pattern, impressive. 9 out of 11 Hermetics, red(alchemy), white(theurgy) and blue(astrology) priestesses represents the three schools, the white one is holding what seems to be a rose head or a philosopher stone as a gift from God. Below them are the profane normies/base elements being boiled like they're in a distillery, the fire not just being hell but also Inner Fire perhaps, the Spirit is commonly represented as fire as it was mentioned so in the book of Meditations as the Inner Fire, which a lot of scientists try to commune with for inspiration. Sun/Moon Peace/war Fire/Ice Life/death Interesting how they made the right hand path all the mean stuff.
That is Mother Earth, the Spirit or in Gnostic Christianity– Sophia, spirit of God. The diamond represents the platonic element of air in 2d, there's a lot of occult texts about wind/breath carrying spirits. This why she's inside of a diamond which represents the cross as well as the element of air– being spirit. The Goddess is surrounded by shell companies and subsidiaries, that exist only on paper and she is holding up the alchemy laboratory as the true master. _____
This research laboratory uses alchemy and might have been involved in the research of the rocks of transmutation or had a really important part post-war, perhaps they're Knights Templar which love roses, The Spirit, fiance, Latin, Christianity and alchemy. However, if it was made by the Rosicrucian Freemasons it's the same people that made the Georgia Guide stones and wrote the book 'The Arcane Schools'– very popular book in the Thule Society. tl;dr This is a Freemason alchemy laboratory involved in some crazy shit.
Christopher Hall
It goes very deep and was always associated with the love Goddess, the Santiago pilfrimage ended on a supposed worlds end beach, were the shells were collected, but the Mesopotamian Persian gulf mythos was concerned with beginnings and emergence.
The Goddess Nazi emerged from the waters of such but she became a pilgrim herself when she had to hit the road after the Elamites destroyed her city of Nina, she relocated to Nineveh.
No, it isn't. It is the eye of Lucifer. The Rothschilds own a significant share of Royal Dutch Shell, and they've never been Christians. They are Luciferians. Hence, the recurrent symbolism in everything associated with them.
Chase Wilson
She is within the Pegasus square the Field constellation in Mesopotamia, representing land/creation/paradise emerging from the Apsu waters, within which the tree of Life was planted, and naturally as a field contains all elements and the basis of alchemy.
I appreciate this, you're doing it right. Don't forget that the success of Chingis was at least half due to his intelligence network, which allowed him to strike with perfect timing at exact places and exploit fracture points. We are everywhere and nowhere
Its nice that people are talking about the glass murals but, I kind of made this thread to share other lost Zig Forums content. Lets not spend forever on just the one thing okay? At the end of the day we can all just agree most companies are run by sick fucks, and some of those sick fucks made these pretty looking stained glass windows and thats pretty much all of value to be had.
James Anderson
Well I looked through my various folders and I found this little guy. Maybe syria general would be interested in this little vintage boi
The Pelican goes back to an old, but erroneous legend. Supposedly, mother pelicans would pierce their breast to feed their young. This symbol is commonly seen in Catholic churches as an allegory for Christ and the Eucharist.
Syrian Electronic Army, basically their meme unit as far as I can tell. No clue if they exist in any capacity anymore. Considering that picture is 5 years old and I have not heard of them since, I would assume not.
Eli King
Oh man, who else remember this shit? NASA did a meeting or screening for various generals and shit. Among the slides was a section on future warfare. Most of this I bet you could find with some google-fu, but I think this might be the only one I saved.
Second one is a random day that the shill robot just happened to break down completely. More funny than anything. Perhaps you will rethink the next time you see someone cross posting a thread from halfchan though. In all likelyhood they are not cross posting. They are a bot.
Is there anything left to save? Is this place nothing but ashes? The entire front page is low effort half assed kike media reposts with stock images. How did it get this bad? Where the fuck are the mods?
This one is from when obama care was going through its first or second cycle. Special guidelines and stipulations allowing for special medical care of jews for their severely polluted incestuous genepool.
That is a fortune in glass. A barely remarkable Antique Enamel Shell advertising sign can fetch well into the thousands at a local auction any day of the week. These panels considering the subject matter would be impossible to value, but I very much doubt that if this building was professional demolished that they would have not have been at the very least removed by the men who did the job. I’m surprised they weren’t stolen beforehand frankly.
Carson Campbell
Awesome blurry pic. Illegible pics are my fetish because literacy is White Supremacy.
Robert Flores
Neither of those pictures are blurry, put your glasses on retard.
Mason Clark
Second one isn't high res enough to see the shill post's text.
Brayden Carter
Yea that one didnt survive the trip from then to now. Oh well.
This is probably going to be my last post. Not anything special. Just a picture of 17th century mines.
Really wish more people had posted in this thread with content of their own but oh well.
I remember both threads. That fly around guy lead went to a dead end.
Parker Stewart
They were prominent in the early war, fellow anons and myself used to help them on liveleak and other points in the normalfag distribution. This is when the entire media and most normalfags were 'bashar is bad, FSA(ISISrael mercs) are good'.
Dominic Wilson
Similar to a few things we may recognize
Could it be a depiction of beings from other dimensions stepping onto our material plane?
anyone else remember the story of that shell employee that wanted to release some serious information and went to the (insert arab country here) government for protection?
He was posting from some underground bunker somewhere. He posted some gps coordinates that were right in the middle of what looked like an artificial lake that may have been related to some bank.
Did anything ever come of it?
Nolan Hernandez
turned into a global board, basically the same bullshit as halfchan now. Sorry I don't have anything to add to the thread user, all of my stuff is gone. A question for any user reading this, there was a book put out by some kike, and the whole book was bragging about how mossad infiltrated islamic groups and radicalized them, anyone have it?
Jayden Richardson
ok you now have my interest. Please post more of this stuff.
Holy fuck. Checked and a bump for this. Did that Dutch user ever check back in? Anybody know what became of him? And who were the 3 journalists for reference purposes?
Henry Lewis
As far as I can remember it's Israel buying ISIS oil through Turkish ports.
Benjamin Phillips
Reminder that urban exploring ain't dead and most definitely is not criminal (as long as you don't do criminal shit), though if you do happen to get into danger territory a bit of a good disguise always helps. Nothing too flashy, though, the more generic and unassuming but away from your real looks the better. Here's a guide I found on it, hopefully it's alright. polite sage for mostly off-topic.
Jacob Morgan
Like the last one, but much more complicated 3d instead of 2d…you need to imagine all of this in infinite directions in infinite motion. The your straight line path becomes possible based on how they are all interlocking at any specific moment. So below, we know that a trajectory of a straight line path can be carved out of a Phi system by 'riding primes' and more of the primes occur in certain sets and groups of quadratic equations. Thus your 'trajectory' looks as though it is sudden stops and starts (see all 'ufo craft' which move in this manner…right angle hard trajectories moving from one point in the trajectory to the next prime 5' or 50 million ft away…'space' is immaterial when you are moving in the geometry of the construct. All you have to do is define the trajectory that you wish to follow because all space is full (dragon curves)…in other words all space is ocupado…there is no 'space' in space. picts for rough illustration purposes…of course a complete FAIL in complexity. ;) saving that gif…very nice.
I am very thankful you took the time to bump this thread, just having people talk about the Iran+Shell Oil thing is better than I thought, but could you not post a bunch of gigantic pictures about nothing? Fractals are cool and all but this thread is for lost board culture and forgotten content.
On the same note, Id ask the same of everyone posting /crypto/ stuff. Its not really necessary to post a bunch of big distracting pictures, especially when they barely have anything to do what you are talking about. Clam poster who brought up the Nazee connection kind of gets a pass, since his pictures are actually related to his post, but these random 'psychadelic' and /x/ tier pictures dont really add anything of value to your posts, just makes them bigger and more obnoxious.
Hope you understand, and dont spam in the future.
Jacob Evans
Anyone remember the name of the Jew who died the day of the weird WTC One smoke?
Christopher Ortiz
you could always filter me…I won't cry
Matthew Murphy
I try to only filter bots and shills. Really I would rather you just become a better poster rather than go away. I have no Idea what the hell your other posts were about, but I was glad you made them. It bumps my thread, it gets other people talking, even if I dont know what they are talking about either.
With a really hard to record history like that of image boards its important to have posters like you and me. Its healthy, and its good for the oral tradition.
Aaron Russell
There isn't anything more lost than ascension/resurrection…but I see what you are saying…one more set. I think I saw him in another thread, so I was just pinging him to see if this is where he is going…this isn't really about fractals…they simply didn't have the complex imagery that we have now to express themselves with stained glass…but I yield after this. To me the links are irrefutable.
you seem unaware the ancients called fallen angels "the watchers" and that God gave original dominion over earth to satan before he was kicked out of heaven.. he watches this earth and all we do,
Jace Morales
Reminder not to fall into religious D&C, that's for threads actually relating to religions.
what an absolutely beautiful stain glass piece must be worth a literal fortune but why would they have such a thing in a shell chemical plant? just joking clearly some kind of illuminated rituals went on there
Christian Rivera
yeah sure buddy, cuz jews want masons dead
Joshua Martinez
Do you remember space elevator threads? bots/shills/newfags shit all over his threads here. He's gone now. This place hasn't been Zig Forums for a long time. History is even being rewritten here about board culture.
Adrian Clark
So let's post a few remnants from an older and truer age.
that looks like water vapor coming off an industrial air conditioner as the water evaporating from the hotter side condenses below the dew point outside
Isaiah Mitchell
The golden days of the internet are over. There always will be bunkers out there though, hidden in an ocean of shit. Small ones, not very potent. Like monasteries, just keeping the flame quietly alive.
Internet as a medium became too ingrained in our daily lives. We're bored by it. We've exhausted it's possibilities, so now the only way forward is to preserve that which you learned and move on in real life, spreading your knowledge further into the community around you.
Take your cross and try to bear it. People will see and follow.
Some of the families involved in Sandy Hoax had won the lottery multiple times, with one guy winning it 11 fucking times. Ten years earlier, there was a shooting in the same lottery office that led to changes in state gun laws. AFAIK no one has ever seriously looked into this in any of the Sandy Hook threads posted here or 4chan. I'm posting the few infographics I have about it, but we are way overdue for a dig thread on the topic.