Its unlikely nogs would just leave behind the loot. I wonder what we are not being told.
Jewish Supremacist Likud Party Zionist Shot Dead in South Africa!
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Could very well be jew on jew. Jews have immense solidarity…until they don't. Then watch out!
/Ourguy/, og no!
Niggers probably shot him because they thought that he was a wealthy white person. If it's true, then it's ironic because Jews were responsible for cultivating anti-white culture in that country.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ one is not enough
WTF I love SA niggers now!
Isn't it fun when your own kikish hate for white people comes back to bite you in the ass?
Imagine the outcry from the vile media elites
Wat?? (((Geller))) doth project too much.
Yes, there is. ALL of them.
Checked for bitchslapping newfag kike lovers
Watch as more Jews are hurt by their pet niggers and Muzzies, suddenly things will start being done to stop the immigration.
"All of them" is still not enough. Don't forget traitors.
I'm not sure if it's entirely related (I haven't kept up with SA politics in a couple months) but the local KANGS in their government appear to be consolidizing power.
considering that most of them are Bantu that came from the north, it's really not suprising since they're doing the same thing they did on the countries they left.
Likud politicians might be a threat to local government (or perceived as such), but if you want to rule out the locals, there's another possiblity.
Kadima (another yidish party, leftist) lost the 2009 elections when Likud formed a coalition with other righ-winged parties.
They've been struggling to regain votes for a long, long time, and one theory I've seen around is that Kadima's old leader, Ariel Sharon didn't agree with Benjamin on a lot of things. Namely, he wanted to leave the palestinians well alone.
Ariel's gone, and his suporters divided, but that doesn't mean they're not trying anymore. Since they're leftists, there's a very real possibility they're doing what leftists do when democracy tells them to take a hike: murder your way into government and then nepotism your way into staying there again.
In my opinion, it's Jews jewing Jews. With any luck, oposition of Likud destabilize the Knesset while Syria is doing it's thing right now. In fact, attempting a coup when a large portion of the army is out defending the Gollem Heights would be a smart move: not only you catch your oponent with his pants down, you also paint them as imperialistic invaders of your neighbours, bolstering your position on leaving them the fuck alone.
What about the fashy based nationalist and globalist Likud sponsored NeoCon jews that run America?
That shit was un-needed, thebian
The fuck is with that?
weak b8 m8
t. ((("Hello fellow white supremacists")))
Big bad boy dogs should have chokers not harnesses.
lone wolves… do not draw attention
Yes they do and its much easier to prosecute 1 lone wolf than a ->de-centralized
Jews - and in particular highly political Jews such as this Tribe organizer - formed the core of anti-Apartheid movement. It is Jews who dispossessed the Boers and other Whites who had built SA and once (in error) welcomed Jews as immigrants.
There is just something righteous about retribution.
punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act.
"employees asked not to be named, saying they feared retribution"
synonyms: punishment, penalty, one's just deserts;
Just have to let our (((fellow immigrants))) shoot up the kikes. Then you'll see things change.
Back when evil Whitey was running South Africa, Jews were perfectly safe there. Thanks to kikes supporting Mandela and trashing the South African economy with global boycotts, South Africa is now dangerous for everybody, Jews included. Cutting off the nose to spite the face.
bump for being the change you want to see in the world
Sure seems like the good ol' irony of berzerk golems but OP specifically mentioned no looting or dismembering of the kike corpse.
Something stinks and it ain't niggers' BO.
Is it plausible that we can somehow direct the violence towards SA's (((White elites))) and away from Boer farmers?
Shit happens eh?
"Other sources told the paper that in recent months, Kowensky was allegedly “involved in fraught wage negotiations with staff members at his company,” which went into liquidation last year.
“Some speculate the murder may have been revenge for the many lay-offs,” it reported. “His friends and family would not be drawn on the matter.”"
Funny thing is Israel was the Apartheid regime's single greatest supporter. The ultra Zionists were open allies with the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging. What's more is that Israel was the only nation of any note that recognized the Bantustan known as Bophuthatswana.
No idea what led to that Jew's death, but the Afrikaner-Israeli collaboration has historical precedent. It's not exactly a mystery why some of South Africa's wealthiest elite are diamond merchant Jews (De Beers).