I have just finished reading through his manifesto and he seems right on most things? However do you think there is anywhere where he went wrong and why?
His manifesto for reference
I have just finished reading through his manifesto and he seems right on most things? However do you think there is anywhere where he went wrong and why?
His manifesto for reference
varg with a 3 didgit iq tbh
I don't think he did anything wrong and went anywhere "wrong" ideologically speaking. He observed how the rapid advancement of material conditions has a major impact on society socially speaking. His basic observations of the political landscape at the time and how it corresponded with this rapidly changing situation people found themselves were clear cut and precise, putting him far ahead of most right-of-center thinkers today. His critique of both liberals and conservatives is logical and well thought out, there is pretty much no way one could honestly refute anything he had to say regarding their apparent hypocrisy. Guy is a living legend and more right leaning youth need to read his work.
ive read his manifesto long time and i agree with every fact and example he brought up, but i completely disagree with his conclusion
listen, he is right that the 'tech men' will rule the world, they already do
but wanting some sort of a 'all equal' world where the tech people shouldnt rule over you is leftist bullshit, if you believe in that might as well demand socialism because 'its unfair' some people make more money or are more powerful
its hypocrisy to see the superiority of ethnic euros over hordes of shitskins, but to fail to see the superiority of 'tech men' over technologically illiterates, or normies, or however you wanna call the consumer masses that doesnt understand science or technology they depend on
my conclusion: the tech men on top do rule and dominate modern society but there is nothing wrong with that, just like there is nothing wrong with ethnic euros in general dominating shitskins
Superiority/Inferiority is a shit way to think about your racial views, you fight for your race becuase it is YOURS , if suddenly some superior race crawled out some caves in the ocean would you bend over backwards for them? No , you would want the best for you ethnic group.
most whites will fall into this catagory and a fuckton of the "tech men" will be east asian and indian code monkeys ruled by a jewish ellite
he should've fought harder
instead he took the easy way out and black pilled
He got caught.
He is wrong in the sense that his primitive nation is gonna be nuked from orbit.
Primitivism is a self-defeating ideology, move on.
Disagree. His technophobia was proven to be partially unwarranted.
no, nature only recognizes superiority
and people who develop modern technology are superior
the truth is that simple
scientifically illiterate masses being controlled, what is wrong with that?
also thinking that pajeet bloatware is relevant or that "new race" can crawl out of "ocean caves" makes me wonder are you even being serious
Incorrect, tay was a jewish psyop to justify censorship and content-aware AI
He understood technology and the path it takes a society
He was not so much primitivist as he was individualist, and blamed technology for oversocialization. He even says that some technologies(cars, electricity, etc.) should be preserved, just that the industrialization of society and the consumer-driven model it creates should be abolished
Look at China, you want to get turned into bugmen that have “social credit scores” and can’t travel without a good one? Enjoy your future kiddo, you just got fucked by psyops
Isolationist - anarcho-isolationism is probably a better term for what he advocated for. He happened to live a primitive life, but didn’t advocate for that life to be adopted after society and its institutions were abolished.
China is a case of government usage of technology, not that technology forces the government to spy on people.
Chinese society has always been riddled with secret police and spying anyway, no matter the technology.
I dont think that there is going to be any new race or whatever, it was a hypothetical thought experiment, let me put it into simpler terms for oyu
If there was a race that you felt where superior to whites, would you obey them?
In the industrial society it's the Jews who dominate and own all the media , means of production and the banking systems, is this ok to you?
Those masses are preserved by what exactly? Technology and oversocialized bourgeois cucks keeping them alive
Abolish the system and the masses murder-rape each other to extinction.
Think of it as accelerated eugenics.
And (((America))) isn’t riddled with such things? We just haven’t adopted the tech yet.
I like how you focus on the China point rather than the root of my argument which is that Ted didn’t want technology abolished, but rather saw the direction post-industrial society was heading and wanted that abolished.
Nah, we don't, and we are even more technology advanced than China.
Japan doesn't either.
And how exactly is he going to do that? Industralization brings steel cars and lead.
He looks like the assburgers guy here.
peoples who can not compete technologically, get darwined out of existence
and there is nothing wrong with this
i am sorry but your average engineer in his respective field can lift an entire locomotive, travel faster than the speed of sound (supersonic jets), or read gps info from your phone along with all your calls and other info
and what do you do? something a monkey can be trained to do? something that doesnt go beyond highschool math?
well screw you buddy, you are not entitled to anything, there's nothing legitimate backing your right to existence, might is right is the only truth of our universe and you simply arent mighty enough
We can't go back to the past. The only hope is to let the rot destroy society, then build a new one based on the tradition we kept.
and that technology will be used against whites. Your deluded if you think the white ellite have the best interests of the other 99% of white people.
nothing legitmate backing your's either
And? We use technology against each other all the times.
The problem is not technology, the problem is who use it.
Superior technology and thus weapons do.
lol’d irl tbh lad, what are the CIA, FBI, NSA, xKEYSCORE software, PRiSM program, DARPA/DiGRA, community policing organizations, the fraternal order of police, and Microsoft to you?
certainly not secret police organizations and surveillance programs, amirite fellow patriot?
Never been there so can’t speak on it, I do know that their police can hold an accused party for 21 days without trial or consultant, and that the NSA sold xKEYSCORE software to their NPA
They also have strange telecom laws which make me think that mass-surveillance is even worse over there.
On top of that, their oversocialized consumerist society certainly isn’t producing a happy or healthy way of life. With suicude being high on the list of leading causes of death and shut-ins becoming ingrained in their culture to the point they produce media to encourage withdrawn youth to reintegrate to society and join the JSDF
And how do we control who uses it?
certainly not be creating a society and culture that encourage independence from technology and abolishing our government, am I right fellow patriot?
your engineering degree means shit when grug bashes you over the head with his club
you sound like a jew
In the now, in a world without electricity? In such and instance would it be right to subjugate and control them?? Do they deserved to be tracked traced and catalogued at every turn in their lives for the profit of others without their knowledge?
Honestly nothing we have come close to the chinese firewall or the amount of shit the chink censors, and it's done via pretty basic technology.
I can attest that rural life in Japan is pretty great, and their lives are the opposite of oversocialized, in fact it's the alienation that is their problem.
Which means technology is used for good.
And where is grug and his club now?
Uh, by finding out who control it and determines if his values are worth controlling such technology.
If you abolish technology, nobody is gonna be controlling shit.
Life in rural-anywhere is pretty great. Wouldn’t it be great if life everywhere was like that?
Nice job shooting yourself in the foot, retard.
Nothing you know about, at least. That’s the entire point of secret police and mass-surveillance programs. China is just blatant about it.
Rather than burn books, create a society that doesn’t read and punish those that do is the amerizog model.
Again, nobody said anything about abolishing technology. Read ISAIF. Ted doesn’t want tech abolished in its entirety, he wants people to gain indipendence from it.
Nah, because the rural life in Japan is pretty high-tech, all mechanized and air conditioned, they just have a rural aesthetics.
They are not primitivists.
The fact it's not blatant yet means it's not China's level.
What exactly do you mean indepedence from technology?
And no, Ted wants to abolish technology, this is known.
Wew lad
Is that why he specifically states in ISAIF that some technologies should by all means be preserved? Don’t shit up threads you know nothing about. Going to filter you if this keeps up.
Oh wow, other anarcho-primitivist is gonna lynch you for sure.
Good luck in your air conditioned caves lol
you seem to be confusing me with the niggers, or yourself
you see, i MAKE the damn electricity myself
i am not like you, depending on someone else to generate electricity
i make the fucking electricity for myself 10 different independent of each other ways
niggers who end up ruled and catalogued do not deserve anything better in the first place
more and more mouths to feed and house, less and less arable land and oil, the world is shrinking, it is getting smaller and smaller, not enough room for everyone to fit in
so some will simply have to be darwined out
you are advocating for communism
no, those who can shouldnt and wouldnt take care of those who cant, they have no reason to
taxing tech capable 90%+ to bail out tech illiterates wont make both of the groups happy
Means jack shit when China lost their guns, think about what would happen in the US if they just came out and said “hey suckers, your TV is listening to you and there’s nothing you can do about it”
Immediate second amendment invocation. Why do you think there’s such a push for gun control now that it’s becoming more blatant and people are waking up to surveillance operations and extra-judicial policing?
There's a push for gun control because the leftists want to take guns.
It has nothing to do with the advance of technology, the advance of technology is why we have fucking guns and power armor.
Check my ID faggot.
Have you read the manifesto, it clearly demonstrates why trying to reform rather than otherthrow is pointless, becuase the current evolution of social norms will stay the same as long as the industral system is in place
read it from NATURE OF FREEDOM onwards if you want to understand my points
Why do they want to take guns? coildnt be because people are waking up the the fact the current system is completely and totally fucked to its core, right fellow patriot?
And how exactly are you going to overthrow the system and abolish all the technology you don't like?
at least even fucking read his wikipedia page
Goddamn, really, you think power armor is fake?
Put the bong down, Herschel.
Except the industrial system is the progression of technology.
We gone from agriculture to steel mill to gun factory.
Steel decides all.
you dont have them fancy weapons
the jewish ellite do
I think you should, because even you can make power armor.
In fact, I think some jap civie company makes the first exo-skeleton to help the elderly.
Cuckservatives should have stayed on reddit
Oh yes you make your electricity, you mine your ore and forge your metal and lift your train. You refine your own cerium and perform your own heart surgery. You also seem to cultivate your own inane supidity like some realf life LARPer
Actually the soldiers do, not the jewish elites.
We do have the guns.
Power armor is in testing right now, but it would be a huge breakthrough if it's commercially available.
Dumb fucking weeb, exoskeletons are prosthetics not “power armor”
You said industrial system, correct?
Man, get your shit together.
Like I already said. Cuckservatism was a mistake, back to reddit now.
and who commands round the (half non white) us army?
Learn what IDs are, retard. Let the adults talk.
Power armor are armored exo-skeletons you fucking retard.
And no, they are not prosthetics.
The military is a tool, to be used.
The US army is majorly white.
The what now? You made a mistake, stop pretending you are smart.
Power armor would be augmented weapons systems, not eco-skeletons.
and most of them cuckservative traitors anyway
Goddamn this is the average poster on Zig Forums, completely dumbfuck, of course they worship primitivist.
No, retard.
IDs dumbass, another user said industrial system. I said industrial society - the exact term he used in the title of his book
Nah, they are majority whites.
Compare to who? You?
Which is another thing altogether, which is culture.
Culture is malleable, it has nothing to do with technology.
You can have a feudal monarchistic society with space age technology.
And who are you? Some kind of super patriot?
Man, the Ted dicksuckers in this thread ought to spend less time reading philosophy books and more on technology.
You stupid fuck, those are just exo skeletons
Power armor would be exo-skeleton + intelligence-driven weapons system(think wearable javelin missile)
Don’t be fucking dumb now, even then, armored exo skeletons don’t exist yet.
Which is more along the lines of what Ted argued for, which you’d know if you read ISAIF
Rather than “abolish all tech” it’s “abolish the reliance on tech that causes us to become bugmen and let man govern himself”
No, they aren't. There is no fucking definition that power armor needs to have to AI.
The original concept of power armor via Starship Troopers did not have that.
All you need to do is putting some steel plates on the exos, and yes, the ruskies made some.
A simply algorithm to compensate for weight would be enough, stupid nigger. The exo skeletons we have today are more about mobility than combat situations.
Which is again, unclear.
How exactly are you reliance on tech?
If I drive a car to go around, am I reliant on tech?
If I use a gun to shoot a nigger, am I reliant on tech?
If I use the internet to chat with you, am I reliant on tech?
And no, Ted was a fucking anarchist, he wouldn't be down with any kings or authority.
Uh, that's not AI.
And no, the exos we have today are about augmenting strength, not mobility since you still cannot run with it.
Stop pretending to be an expert, and fucking read shit.
Which you’d understand if you read ISAIF, stop being a nigger and read the PDF linked in OPs post.
Correct, he believed men should govern themselves rather than be governed by kike rats, you have a problem with that?
if you are unable to walk due to laws made for the benifit or car drivers yes
Back to Reddit already, strength with the practical application of being able to bear heavier loads and therefore be more mobile(elderly bearing their own weight, soldiers bearing the weight of additional gear)
Stop thinking like your Jewish capeshit movies and get some common sense, I’m no expert you’re just a brain dead monkey nigger
I'm not going to read that shit, buddy.
Uh yeah, considering I'm a monarchist. Anarchist is a fucking pipe dream.
Yo, technology is about convenience, I cannot walk a long ass distance in a short time, that's why I use a car/bike.
Oh god, he's still arguing.
No, it literally means that you gain more strength that is impossible for the soldier without exo, but the catch is that you aren't more mobile with it, the exo weights you down and that you are unable to run with it.
As said, fucking study shit, and less times with stupid ass philosophy books.
Why are you here? Stupid cuck.
Again, why are you here?
Because someone says something stupid, which is the abolishing of technology?
Why don’t you learn what mobility means?
Hint: it doesn’t mean ebin call of duty ninja jumping - it means being able to move longer distances (in the terms of enhancing mobility)
You fucking retard.
in most of america ,it impossible to even simply get food if you dont pay shlomo for a car, car insurance, vehicle tax and many other fees
You ARE dependant on cars,
Yo, but it doesn't.
Power armor weights you down and you can't run with it.
And you can't even move longer distances with it because it's on battery, stupid.
Again, stop and study shit.
But you can theoretically carry a heavier load for a longer distance which is why the tech was developed. Dumb nigger cattle
So yeah, I'm reliant on a car.
Which is again, unclear, because the society that leads to bugmen has jack shit to do with technology.
China and India has had bugmen since the fucking BC.
Really? China and India have advanced technology and industrial system since the BC?
Where were the internet and smartphone?
Do you not see a problem with not being able to walk for free for simple tasks such as going to the shop just to get some food?
Do you wonder why america has such an obesity problem?
With the intent of what? Ebin capeshit ninja moves or bearing heavier loads so that soldiers and the elderly will be more MOBILE?
At this point, you have to define what the fuck do you mean by industrial system, because by the BC, the chinks and indians have an iron-age tier technology.
Read ISAIF, not going to spell it out for you, crowncuck