This is really fucking fire and fury right now and not requiring an explanation. Fuck.. they are going for the throat and his mannerisms… holy fuck, get in here anons…
Strzok testifying now
This nigger cant control the glow even with all these sheboons trying to slide the hearing for him.
nothing is going to happen, this is more bread and circus bullshit. every single traitor in that room needs to be publicly executed
Never seen such seething hatred in a committee before…
Letter and package has been sent to FBI confirming HRC intent and conspiracy for coup in Honduras
Starts on page 121
You best start believing in happenings.
Comey blatantly and openly lied under oath when he testified. Nothing will happen. FBI is immune.
the fucking kikes and dems are acting and talking like shills. I bet one of them will say they feel sleepy.
the very same fbi that is being investigated. I hope clinton get raped to death, but no criminal charges will be brought against her. The entire system is against us.
Cummings - "Confidential human sources"
Anything is better than the (((people))) who control America.
Stop your downvoting and pathetic attempts to meme her to safety, CIAniglet.
There is something about this guy, I can't explain it without sounding like a retard. But my spidey sense is just going off to a level I haven't felt in years. Something about his mannerisms and the way he responds.
Well, he's jewish for one user.
Also, his father was CIA in Iran when the Shah got cuop'd by the pisslamic republic.
Lying his ass off, this is hard to watch without raging.
This guy though user… it's even beyond that. I have honestly never used this word to describe anyone, ever, but "evil" really is the best I can come up with. Just his mannerisms, words used and expressions. It's a different level.
Strzok just said he got the "Hillary" deal. The IG allowed him to go through his personal devices and determine which communications were work-related.
It's not even that hard for explanation.
Someone needs to ask this glownigger if it was appropriate to sleep with his co-worker as a married man. If he is willing to breach that, is he not liable to breach FBI policy/
user from another forum makes good point. Look at the two agents behind him. I have never seen that at a committee before. Is he under arrest and was escorted there?
I think the guy on the right is council. He handed him a note earlier.
that chad on the fucking left looks like he hopes dude tries something so he can plant his face in the ground
Agreed. He is eye rolling at the testimony lol.
I thinking the bitch made a plea deal to not have to take the stand … and they didnt want to announce that yet
Hah seriously though, Chad on left looks like he has mega fury and is ready to pull a head off.
He has the facial expressions of a woman.
Anyone know how to link back in to qresearch ?
1) go to homedepot
2) buy rope
3) tie rope in noose fashion
Use the index faggot. Catalog was taken out due to huge shill attack.
He's a fag. That "spidey sense" is the cringe you feel when you see such an effeminate loser. A combination of contempt and bullying instincts kicking in.
You forgot the most important step.
Le unbiased DRUMPF smasher. FBI are your friends goyim!
You might be throwing that in there but at the end you conclude no charges and meme irresponsibly.
Evil…. telling you… this dude gives me the "what the fucks" for the first time in decades.
They are now trying to claim Russia is hacking the upcoming midterms… lol…
dog and pony show
political theater
Muh Russian Boogiemen
"One way or another". Did he just threaten Trump?
even if it is not … the preception is hard to fucking shake
I see two americas very soon, You fucking mexicans might actually get your aslatan by default , just cause we dont want to put up with the dems of the west coast any more.
But we will be taking that oil
Thats why full disclosure is coming in October.
For any who missed how it started
can I get some context on this user , that was very vague and I was busy shitposting
meme irresponsibly? Ok. You do realize that no charges were brought up against clinton for her emails, no charges for comey lying under oath, that info on clintons coup in hondoraz was handed over to the same corrupt fbi. every investigation ends up just being a show were nothing happens to the criminals.
He stated (Nadler): "Accountability and exposure of this President is coming… one way or another"
Off topic but holy shit hahahhahahha Nxivm getting btfo.
Goodlatte nailed it on the fucking head.
Thanks user. I missed it and forgot today was when they were doing his testimony.
Don't forget to archive.
Dems pulling their typical bullshit and asking to release the transcripts to allow the lawyers to get their stories right for who is called next (Page). This shit is like clockwork….
I think that means more so that the truth will come out no matter what.
exposure doesnt seem like killing someone, and I dont think this guy is dumb enough to telegraph an assassination attempt.
all blue states will be leaving the union before next presidental election.
check my dubs fags , sorry its fucking true … this might even be trips true i feel it in my heart
One way or another though? I mean, yeah, you're probably right but given the corruption and that they will do anything… to anyone… at anytime… who knows at this point. It's all fucked.
now im confused
Don't see how they could as we have bases in every state. That would take a hell of a lot of secret planning and no way it would be unnoticed. Maybe one state or two (CA and OR) but, all blue states? Shit….
Is he under subpoena?
He claims he isn't, the Chairman says he was served. Fuck if I know…
Why are you faggots so hung up on the truth?
The truth is already obvious. People just don't care.
Thing is, people care but NOTHING is ever done about it…
By the way, the Dems fucking applauded him earlier after he answered a question from Gowdy. They, the people tasked with questioning a witness for corruption…. clapped when the witness answered a question….
it would be a shame if someone found where nadler lives and shot him dead
If he gets off, his odds in the death pool is going to plummet.
One second nigger, I'm gonna give the mic back after 32 minutes of my 5 minute time, but first I gotta say…
"I reclaim the remainder of my time"
Have you forgotten about the rat king? All of them are involved.
These Dem fucks don't ask any questions. It's all speeches, misdirection, lies, obstruction of others, leading questions, race/identity shit and Russia. If there is one thing… one fucking thing… that truly makes me feel even a small amount of emotion for the first time it is the utter and total fucking bullshit corruption and destruction these SOBs have caused.
Who the fuck is this Nadler piece of shit and why haven't I heard anything about him before?
I'm sure he's steeped in the swamp, any good links to established swamp monsters, aside from, presumably, being a jew
he was one of the kikes (yes he is jewish) that was trying to gain access to the ice detention facilities… as to who he really is… he is a man that should be shot and killed
dbl posting
from kikipedia….
Nadler was born in Brooklyn, New York City, New York. He graduated from Stuyvesant High School in 1965[3] (where his debate team partner was the future philosopher of science Alexander Rosenberg, and his successful campaign for student government president was managed by Dick Morris).[4]
Nadler received his B.A. degree from Columbia University, where he became a brother of Alpha Epsilon Pi,[5] in 1969. He received his J.D. degree from the part-time evening program of Fordham University School of Law while serving in the New York State Assembly in 1978.
Nadler is Jewish.
Jerrold (the jew) Nadler of New York's 10th congressional district, Manhattan.
I get your pissed user but no need for that shit. Don't fuck your life up by posting such shit. Just go punch a punching bag for an hour. Never put yourself out there to be fucked over for a fury moment.
He is a jew. Dual citizen. And kikepedia works to scrub that bit of info.
"20:25, 28 June 2018 (talk) . . (22,247 bytes) (+19) . . (People come here looking for Jews.)"
I hope when they execute him they do it publicly.
This fucking guy is going to get away with it… Congress is so useless…
Ms. Jackson Lee- "uhh..Hillary Clinton was vindicated, missuh Pootin iz a hacker, das my quession"
Bix Nood Russia Russia Imbleach
U luv Amerika
Here comes Jackson NigLee. Race, race, race, Russia blather coming.
You type in a way that immediately gives you away. You need to have your boss walk you through chan culture versus reddit culture friend.
yo nigga just be sayin yes n no n shieeet, you iz in crimi natin yo self
Fuckin niggers…
1) Children stolen - Race
2) Putin - Russia
3) 2016 Russia
Like clockwork…
he's lost a lot of hair in a short amount of time. He knows he's fucked.
He needs to lose the whole head.
Yeah yeah, heard it on here for the past 7 years and then another 10 before that when we used Rickshaw. Back on topic.
we wuz patriots so muh russia
This dumb bitch literally just used her whole time to talk about Russia… lol… this fucking shit is so comical from these dem scumfucks.
ooga booga gimme some chicken
boomer cuckold general?
The picture is photoshopped.
he will
Guys, go to 2:24:21 in the video and watch Nadler. Just watch closely. He objects and then (this is key) he literally fucking reads his objection reasoning from a card, literally has his head right down reading it from a fucking queue card. They coordinated this so much it is undeniable.
saw this too
"In 1992, Ted Weiss was expected to run for re-election in the 8th District, which had been renumbered from the 17th after the 1990 U.S. Census. However, Weiss died a day before the primary election. Nadler was nominated to replace Weiss."
Big thinke
we must feel sorry for poor hilary
t. trump immediately after winning the election