This shit really sickens me.
White employee fired for detaining a nigger stealing from store
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Why even work (in such store) then? If nigger steals from you you get fired for doing nothing, if you call the police you still get fired for oppressing a nigger.
Is this one of those based niggers I've been hearing about?
spread this around so people can boycott the store
No. Just typical a thieving, lowlife nigger
thats the hope
Starting to wonder if these stores don't have some kind of scam/loophole running. Think insurance abuse.
It’s a liability issue for stores you dumb fucks they don’t need anyone getting hurt on their property and getting sued by a kike lawyer he would have been fired for doing the same to any race
Sadly, lots of corporate chain stores have "just let them take it and leave because we don't want to anger the negro" policies. Walgreens does this at some locations; the whiter area one near me had 2 negresses that would openly come in, fill two shopping carts, wave at the cashier, and leave without paying, weekly. Because store policy was don't even say anything to them, and don't call the police until they have exited the store. The Walgreens in the blacker area (or at least, near the hospital, where negros go for free drugs etc) keeps cops on duty / calls them quickly and you see niggers being wrangled back to their natural environment (jail) regularly. Another "just let them take it" store is O'reilly auto parts. No confrontation or calling police allowed, and no security cameras allowed in stores. Also not allowed to keep high theft items in secure areas. So, niggers take car wash kits and rim scrubbing items, and trashy whites / indian (woo woo woo kind) scum occasionally just walk in, pick up a big item (last time it was a fucking generator) and walk out, like it's no big thing. It's sad.
fuck the insurance companies, fuck the store, fuck any cowardly faggot who won't do what's right
This x1000. The civilized (that means white) man must do what is right. Fuck jews and their lawyers and shekel priorities.
or the inevitable victims of the black thief, you ABSOLUTE RETARD
no its just that they're pc pussies. Scared of getting bad press or sued for infringing on a nigger thief's rights
Well thats a problem….for them
From what I've seen, the few based niggers either leave for white areas to get away from other niggers or they were adopted by whites as toddlers. Have you ever seen a nigger potato farmer?
Then the Jews should hire armed security to deal with law breaking niggers. It’s not the fucking cashiers job to play hero and stop 300 lb groids from getting their gibs.
it is the cashier's duty as a white man to keep some (probably no 300lb) nigger from stealing weapons and ammo, and the company's duty as an american company to not fire such a fine man
What if they tell the white cashier to stop the negro and the cashier gets hurt or killed in the process? They are just as liable under the law for that. It’s best just to let the cops handle it that is what they are payed for.
Its not the job of any citizen who steps in to stop a crime in progress, but as members of a society, we should want people like this. People like him should be rewarded, not punished.
Why work at all when over half your income goes to ungrateful non whites that are mad they aren't getting even more of your money? And would rob you and get you killed or ruin your life if you fight back?
Look at this faggot switch his narrative.
Probably a nigger himself.
You faggots don’t really understand how easy it is for someone to file a personal injury law suit and fuck a business over do you? I am not saying it’s right I am saying it’s what happens.
So wear a disguise and steal niggers will figure this out the more cucked store policies become
Its not right. And it won't get better by fucking surrendering to the kike lawyers. And this was florida. I dont think you can sue quite a frivolously as in california.
Behold the stranglehold that (((lawyers))) have us in. Every employee is replaceable, let the nigger walk out with a stolen gun, just stick your thumb up your ass and pretend this is fine, etc etc.
a dead board of directors can't make kiked up policy
Why are you crying about the business's loss when you implied they are kike run?
The suspect was armed with a gun, I'd rather become fired then dead because of some stupid policy.
The nigger was trying to steal a gun and ammo, The white man was thinking of protecting his family/community I'm sure.
Why did he report it anyway? Who the fuck cares
The kind of thinking that led the store manager to think the nog shouldn't be detained is similar to the thinking that puts the J-left and their non-White pets in the street to demand that ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) should be disbanded because they arrest illegal aliens.
They marshaled street demos against ICE last week.
WTF? I'm no fan of cops in general, but a civilized society absolutely can't do without law enforcement…
There is no such thing as an 'international nation'. It's an oxymoron and a retarded concept. But there are shitheads in our population who just want to end the enforcement of laws against non-Whites.
Of course, Goyim will still be subject to arrest and prosecution.
And people still believe in year 2018 that morals are not relative, kek.
If we weren't in clown world, the manager would have gotten a fucking medal instead of being fired.
As if random niggers are smart enough to do that.
This will lead to the same shit that happened in China, when citizens were discouraged to help victims with the fear of a lawsuit. This will give us a lot more anti social behavior.
I bet that store has coupons for free items up to a value of $50 per African.
Every place I worked as a teenager had that as the reason. It isn't worth your risking your life over property that's insured and easily replaced when niggers decide to nig.
They don't have to be smart. Jewish lawyers monitor the news and get in touch with promises of fabulous riches (minus 50% for expenses, schwartzim!)
Disgusting mindset. Anglo-Saxon society made it a notorious offense not to physically block and apprehend felons. It was a crime not to set up the hue and cry, raising a crowd to chase the thief or other malefactor out of the village.
White men take responsibility for the good, you demoralized half-Jew. Paying professionals is what we have to do to handle the excess of nonwhites, who come from societies where you're expected to steal anything that isn't bolted to a wall and guarded by dogs.
Shame on you for even thinking this.
Yeah its a liberal fucking twilight zone. The nigger will get a settlement next im sure.
OP, you gigantic faggot. Mind typing a short summary of what happened?
i don't have that lib lawyer article cap about black defendants saved but it should be floating around at least a couple of threads.
By the way, quit calling Marxists "liberals". They are obsessed with naming things the polar opposite of what they truly are.
This, usually the only time a nigger nigs slightly less is either upbringing by whites, white dna, or both. Still can't take the jungle out of the monkey, though, which is why anyone here better not start believing in BASEDniggers
You can see that smile on his face beaming with pride saying, "look ma! I got into nigger college today!"
And you fags wonder why the Western world is dying at the speed of light
(((someone))) will do it for them
This tbh.
They all want the same thing, just have different means to lead to it.
Spoken like a true statist. I bet you're European.
This also reminds me of that white kid that got suspended from school for not participating in that anti gun walk.
What a fucking joke.
Diversity is our greatest strength
A classic Zig Forums dilemma.
Funny how just about every major libertarian thinker was Jewish, huh? Autistic individualism in the face of white genocide spells one thing: extinction.
There's only one way for people to wake up to the fact that something's wrong, and that's to get the nogs nogging. People have a tendency to only solve problems when there's a crisis
Stop pretending that you kikelbergs weren't shilling for open borders the whole time, fuck off you co opting piece of shit.
I have supported Academy since their early days as a small regional company in TX. This is bad. Shame on you Academy. I have made my last purchase from their stores.
things that happen
vid related, gyppos trying to steal get trapped by employees.
guess who got punished for this?
This isn't just regular cucking
This is
Fuck, I can't stand when people scream like they're being murdered when they're in no real fucking danger.
Typical day in Amerimuttistan. This isn’t even good news either. Sage.
They aren't relative. Just because two societies do not share morals does not mean they are relative, because there is still an agreed upon moral standard within those societies. Moral relativism is literally just people from some other culture trying to move the Overton window so that their moral system is accepted. This wouldn't be necessary if morals "were relative" in a general sense.
They're the same thing. "Liberalism" was used to kick the pillars out from under European civilizations and pave the road for full Marxist take over.
Then you go to court and get paid. After thousands of lawsuits, eventually they'll get the picture.
Call them and tell them. We have the power to apply political pressure through boycotts too, especially since we are the majority. We need to start beating the left at their game.
Know from experience that most of the time you can't take the jungle out of the nigger, not matter how early you take the Nigger out of the Jungle. Knew a few niggers growing up who were adopted by white people before they were more than toddlers at the most. One of them was as ghetto as could be despite his adopted parents being upstanding people who tried to teach him white values. He would rap, call white people crackers, blame whitey for everything, you name it. It didn't help that the school we went to was ran by a Vietnamese bitch who actually hated white people (Wouldn't let me call home after I had to fight a spic to get my lunch back from them and made me sit for 4-5 hours in the office until my Mom came busting into that school wondering if I'd been kidnapped while letting the spic make like 20 calls home to get his parents to come pick him up) and hired self hating white people who would encourage any behavior of niggers, spics and other nonwhites to assert themselves over white people and discourage white people from standing up for themselves.
It's good when this happens because it radicalizes whites.
And a thread died for you to linkpost this cancer that everyone on Zig Forums has seen ten thousand times over. Go back to cuckchan you faggot piece of shit.
So let the nog get away with a gun so he can rob rape and kill whitey? Yeah, fuck of shill. Let those faggots sue the law abiding white man so that other fellow whites will wake up and rise against this retard clown world shit.
When shit starts becoming apparent that crime is happening to you or will happen to you, only the truly cucked will stay docile, but the majority of the white race, deep down, aches for the chance at civil break down and war. Jefferson counted on this
How do we setup a Patreon for this guy?
Tallahassee local here. The local article says he's put his house up for sale because his family can't afford to live here anymore
This story needs to go viral.
for information when the shit hit the fan
Wage cuck risks life to protect jew boss's profits.
Lucky he didn't win a Darwin award.
Working in a store is more dangerous than being a cop, but cops are the ones paid to deal with stuff like this.
But yeah, great (((work ethic))) there goy, have a pat on the head.
But wait, it gets better
So not only did he risk his life for retail wages, but he knew that the nigger he was tackling had a love of weapons and was likely armed.
Of course they show the doting wife and 2.1 children.
This is the kind of cunt he is helping out:
A Go Fund Me has been set up for him. They’ve only raised just over $2500.
I bet if this nigger who stole set one up he'd get half a mil at the very least, I hate this world
Knowing their disgusting, hateful and degenerate behavior, they will kvetch around the "muh systemic racism!!!" narrative because it's not like they can form any kind of rational thought. Literal political zombies holding dragon dildos.
Another kike statist method to break society's unity to strengthen their own power. Kikes always go after any force that unifies, like a moral code of a given culture.
Manager should be shitcanned immediately if the CEO hopes to save the store and its reputation asap yesterday.
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong board. Zig Forums is two blocks down.
Where'd you get that cuck poster anyway faggot? Sounds like a jew doing jew shit. This country was only great when it was ethno-centric white and we had segregation for the nonwhites. This country was founded by white men that intended it only for whites, whatever they may have thought about slavery. FYI most white nationalists are down with the Hood of Good, but that's the thing, it was segregated back in the day and they want to get back to that. The best generations of this country were white "racists" who got shit done and countersignaling that screams JIDF or cucked faggot trying to shit things up further into being a multicultural clown world hellscape. Good job retard, you sound like a Sargon or Krout shill. American Nationalism is White Nationalism. Saying otherwise is like saying you can be a German Nationalist if you're black and thinking that includes you. Wait, are you some 56%er who enjoys mudsharking?
You obviously don't get that 8pol is a group of Nazis. Right now you're shilling to have dudes doxed because you don't like what they have to say, like some coward. Why don't you post your info first and expose yourself shill?
By the way, the celtic cross looks like a fucking bullseye when some dude wears it. Try manning up and wearing the Iron Cross or the Knight's Cross. Wait, no, don't touch a brave man's symbol with your dirty greasy 56% cuckservative hands, and fuck on off back to reddit while you're at it
I'm not not finding any dox on this guy. Anyone else care to help?
Trying to verify if GoFundMe is even real or a scam. About ready to call the Sports Store and ask for a contact number
That's where you're wrong. Also your walgreens doesn't fucking care ENOUGH. None of the employees want to put people in their place meaning they're dead inside. If they cared they would have someone go pretend they are getting off shift since walgreens is mainly plain clothes with a shitty apron on IIRC.
Literally pretend to be going off shift, follow one of the nigresses out, get in your car, call the police and give them a description. If they get into a car give a license plate, if the company doesn't want backlash they don't have to point out who did it and neither does the person. It boils down to "a concerned citizen". Put the blame on a random shopper in there that decided "enough was enough"
Why can't you faggots make proper threads? I'd like to know more about this story, but I'm not direct linking to fox jews. For fucks sake, next time you make a news thread, provide some context or an article summary and preferably not a 5 word opinion that everyone on earth shares.
Been trying to dox Dean Crouch
Just want to verify GoFundMe is legit before I signal amplify.
Plus I want to make sure he's not a registered Democrat (FUCK THOSE GUYS)
I can't find any social media presense
you could always take the link and run it in archive, faggot
Liability is a shit argument. They used to make this claime with skateboards. all that's required is a posted sign stating no liability, like at a parking lot anywhere.
Ok, I'm mad now.
>get in trouble with the (((law)))
Everything wrong with the west. If that happened in Asia the man would be a hero for stopping a shitskin nigger monkey.
My employee would get a medal for that. Am I the only uncucked boss left?
That's one of the few instances a citizen can detain someone. Stores can physically detain shoplifters until cops get there.