New STD superbug could make 3,000 women infertile every year
yea its called "coalburnitis"
no treatment
Make a new thread when it's 300mil per year, then it may be relevant.
Thank goodness I'm not a whore and only sleep with my husband. jej
Gays have a much higher risk of getting STDs though, so…
Though you joke…
It is likely a nigger disease.
I could see the numbers increasing depending on how wide these women spread their legs on a daily basis.
3,000 a year isn't really enough to be significant, unfortunately.
God finally answers. All STDs should result in inferitility. That way, the trash doesn't procreate and can disappear within a generation (give or take a few generations because such degenerates can also "reproduce" via indoctrination/molestation/etc.)
This is how most dangerous pandemic would like not some super-virus that kills in 24hr burning itself out like in Hollywood horror movies. But spreading nonlethal and thus "non-serous" decease that destroys fertility (who cares today?).
Since it already targets degenerates (STDs) that's good, now if only someone could nurture a sample of the virus such that it can go based on race + through air, we'd have something good. Although, if it was airbourne that could be dangerous since it could mutate to go after everyone.
Not all jews are ultra pozzed so they will still push degeneracy through media. Also atheism will make sure degenerates will stay since they have to fight against anything religious and human nature of lust.
This the same family as TB and M. Avium, it's a really friggin small bacteria
that grows slow like a fungus, sometimes it lives inside cells almost like a virus. I don't see it becoming very pathogenic though. Plenty of other STDs can make you infertile as well.
Off topic. What worries me is bugchasers creating a virus that alters body chemistry creating a host that craves the virus even more. Like toxoplasmosis except with reverse pressures of evolution. A benefit to the virus caused by the hosts. Fags are going to create a dangerous smoldering suberbug, not whores.
whats under that special tab user???? nano-virus isnt special
Nature is the ultimate thot patroller
This shit can't reach the black community soon enough
Looks like the sterility bacteria can now be synthesized in a lab. I guess we can hope the Venter Institute isn't down with the (((globalist))) agenda, huh?
Although beneficial as you said, it'd be nice if we can reverse the propaganda that made them trash in the first place. They are victims to (((govs))) just like we were before being redpilled.
Can anyone calculate the effect on kids per woman?
Why the mods anchored my thread about ethnic viruses that infect mitochondrias?
Which one is it? Link it.
GMO, next.
Wow took forever to post this…
Came here to post this.
Thank you based nature
It sounds like a bacteria, not a virus so airborne is a feasible method
Please do not waste one fucking cent into researching a cure
mother nature isn't a feminist.
wilt Chamberlain?
It's a 1 line thread. The idea though perhaps has merit. I don't know. I wouldn't anchor it. My guess is it looks like the JIDF shills that spammed pseudoscience in the past few days so mods thought it's yet another scifi bullshit.
Are there any other side effects other than infertility? This sounds like something roasties would purposely catch for free life time birth control.
Nah, there's other effects they don't like, like itchy pussy.
we should send SJW cunts to spread this in subsaharan africa
That is most excellent news. That means, that degenerates are eliminating themselves from gene-pool thanks to this wonderful new invention.
I wonder if this disease gets personified like Ebola-chan.
spread this to Africa
Key points:
12.1% average, confidence interval 3.7 to 39.4%
And this study is nearly 10 years old.
Imagine how bad it is now.
It really is.
She's still right about it.
Higher than what? Heterosexuals?
Only because all gays are having thousands of partners, doesn't mean sluts have less of a chance to get infected.
You're interpreting the statistics wrong. Both sluts and homos are likely to have diseases.
Depending on the homo the homo has a higher chance but you can only be infected once and then you'll never get rid of it.
Just saying.
That better stays that way.
Fucking niggers.
Yeah, title correction:
kikes invent new virus and release into first world countries
this is just like the "money shot" in jew porn, cum on a woman's face instead of in her vagina goy, now it's another reason to scare people into not having normal sexual relationships with someone they love.
Niggers were more likely to test positive for MG [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 12.1; 95% CI: 3.7–39.4]
no, you're not, it's even worse than that
niggers are 12.1 times more likely to have it
multiplied by the 1.2% prevalence, this means that 14.4% of the coal is burning
mycoplasma genitalium confirmed for being racist
Just to add, this "new" disease seems to be telling us that the much touted "Generation Zyklon whose women reject race mixing" is nothing "it's going to be ok" propaganda by the jew.
In reality the situation is worse than ever, and Gen Z girls are more affected by race mixing propaganda than any other generation (based on infection numbers).
HIV is the main tool for pregnancy prevention but you're right in that it all adds up.
Around 50% of pregnancies are unplanned but welcome, the figure might have been even higher before the kike invented HIV = AIDS = Heterosexual problem.
Population control plain and simple. There's a growing body of scientists who reject the HIV=AIDS hypothesis and even if they're wrong, when you take a proper look at the figures, the chance of contracting HIV from sex is scarcely a reason to suit up.
When "high risk" women (those KNOWN to engage in high risk activities like sex with bisexual men, non-Whites, IV drug users, or to already be infected) are factored out then you're left with less than 100 new cases of infection per year in the entire USA (in White men).
The moral of the story is, that if you avoid high risk women (and non-Whites obviously) to the best of your abilities, you're about as likely to be struck by lightning as you are to contract HIV from straight sex.
If govt "safe sex" campaigns were really about preventing infection, then they wouldn't push condoms (which can and do break) as the primary way of reducing your risk.
Avoiding risk groups reduces your chance of infection way more than using a condom (assuming the official narrative about HIV is true), and there is no reason whatsoever that the govt couldn't make HIV test kits widely available/available for free/dispensed from machines like condoms are.
So does putting on a condom.
So does signing a "sex consent form".
They take about 1 minute and are more reliable than condoms.
Neither are condoms, but a positive test which is acted upon DOES provide 100% protection.
Video related:
It's that fast.
did just seeing that blood give anyone else the creeps?
For roasted whores who take niggercock in the ass.
To any non-white anons looking for something to dedicate their life to, contract this disease then head down to Africa and do the world a favor.
Roasties btfo by based nature
Oh no, I caught Rockefeller fever and now I'm helping to depopulate the globe in accordance with the Georgia Guidestones haha
I'm shopping it around but I'm pretty sure roastitis would penetrate more.
Good! Sluts shouldn’t breed.
I'd consider hiring some folk to contract the disease and spread it to as many unwanted women they can. They get to live their ideal life and we get our sterilization. Worst part is it would work so easily. Employ lets say 1000 men to fuck at least 150 unwanted women every 6 months? That's 150,000 sterile women in 6 months. Enough to dent a population of people.
Im disgusted….But I support your vision.
However degenerate it is, the end justifies the means.
I aint give a fuck about the whores. Shame about the rape victims and gullible retards dragged along to degeneracy.
Godan always answers. Stop praying to YHWH christkike. Stop calling (((Joshua))) Jesus and his father Godan.
Hollyjew sells wha will scare the goyim into spilling their wallets open. It's propaganda. If people knew half the truth of what goes on with pandemics, they'd purge most if not all 3rd worlders by now.
Make friends with nurses and people who work ER, user. You won't regret it and it'll make you prep like nothing.
Checked. Someone find the info and see what's what.
I know this is rhetorical but you know how many mudbloods can't get proper treatments or transplants due to being so varied in their genetic backgrounds? Also if Zig Forums wants to cause some damage use the term mudbloods to describe mixed race people.
This begs the question, did this the product of natural mutation, or are there still people working in the shadows to find a way to peacefully exterminate niggers and the like? That is, after all, who will be most affected.
It's incredibly difficult to get a grasp on what is and isn't a sexual transmitted disease at this point because of homos. They take so many anti biotics constantly that you're left with super bugs being created resistant to it all.
This could be just about any fucking thing but they're never going to admit the homo life style is degenerate so they will claim it's an STD rather than a disease of any other origin.
What 16 year old girls fuck 34 year old niggers?
Prostitutes. These are the victims of Rotherham working their trade.
That sounds more like a death budget than a death warning. Is 3000 the number Satan requires for the next act?
You forget that homosexuals might also sleep with women.
Agreed. The future belongs to biowar. The Chinks are ramping up.
So are others.
That's nice, fuck off moshe.
I'm past my prime but I'll take one for the team.
It's the gays that are walking STD factories, not lesbians. Probably all the anal.
bisexuals are the common vector for the transmission of faggot STDs to normal people
And sharing needles.
Nothing of value was lost.
It does seem contradictory, I think they are blowing smoke since it hasn't been studied that long.
Another anti-degenerate disease? Thanks nature.
Do they mean an actual virus or is it just code for owning a cat?
Biological warfare has been with us since the beginnings of life. Photosyntesis was the first weapon of mass destruction deployed on Earth - it killed billions of tons of anaerobic organisms trough generation of super-toxic oxygen from harmless carbon dioxide.
Biological weapons are self replicating, capable of independent targeting and spontaneous retasking trough mutation. They are thus totally uncontrollable which makes them pretty difficult to use.
Its like Harry Pottery.
Oh, believe me, Eurotrash roasties are already doing that every day.
God is Good
So even nature wants population control? Release it in Africa.