What’s the truth about the occult and magic, Zig Forums? We once had a thread on esoteric hitlerism and Michael Serrano. We know the elite practice some form of ritual based magic, but is it real? And can we harness it?
What’s the truth about the occult and magic, Zig Forums...
You mean Miguel Serrano.
Yes, phoneposting, my bad.
Hermes is the real deal
read the Kybalion
Pol is already steep in the occult. Many here use the posts to fuel their chaos magick. But what makes it laughable is the order of nine angles uses national socialism as a Chaos LARP, like a Halloween costume and you are their energy source.
I prefer a cute angle. Preferably a gymnast lady
Witchcraft is degenerate. Zig Forums is a christian board.
checked for triple three.
read into the Thule Society. all of the NSDAP were magicfags.
Anything you can imagine can be manifested into reality. Desire and will are your best friends.
fuck off moarpheus
I can tell you that it's real. I don't know from whom the jews stole kabbalah, but there's something about it's principles that they seem to successfuly apply as real world magic.
The encoding of complexly orchestrated events for example. Bush senior gave a NWO speech infront of the UN on September 11th 1990. 11 years before 9/11. This is applied kabbalah. And there's many many more examples.
I believe it has something to do with synchronising perception. Focusing the 'consciousness' of people and somehow synchronising alternate potential timelines. Think of the double slit experiment as evidence for the idea that perception alters reality. Now if you have a media monopoly, you can 'synchronise' the perception of vast quantities of conscious human beings, and somehow increase the odds of a desired outcome. This is very roughly explaining my current hypothesis.
I also believe that the jews stole Kabbalah from some other ancient culture that they genocided god knows how long ago. All of the technological advancements we enjoy now are created by whites but they jews steal and use all of it for their purposes. It's a constant throughout history.
Nine Angles fuck little boys at initiation.
As far as I can tell esoteric hitlerism contains these few basic cornerstones:
-An eternal conflict between the jew (darkness) and the aryans (light). As lifted from indo-european iranian mythology.
-Vishnu and/or the Creator chooses to manifest as a person in world history to set up events that lead to the correct outcome of fate (They must die and you must live, victory upon this plane).
-Hitler is an incarnation of a herald god if not Vishnu himself. His loss was inevitable but was necessary to set the right conditions for the birth of Kalki/The Last Hero, the last incarnation of Vishnu on this earth, after the dark will be destroyed to never return.
-Our souls choose to be born into this world to fight the darkness/jew, we must do anything we can to fight the jew while at the same time remaining spiritually pure because that is the only way we can recognize Kalki when the time has come.
-Kalki will cleanse all degeneracy and darkness (jews) from this plane. The people who stay spiritually pure will be the only ones to survive and help him.
There is a schism however over if Kalki is the Anti-Christ or if Christ was/is Kalki. But in both cases you can say he is anti-jew.
The hyperboreans?
So we’re waiting for Kalki to come and wipe away the Jews. Will it come in our lifetime? How do we prepare for it? Or fight ourselves?
Thats the funny thing. You didn't thought it would be easy would it? That some random user on the internet has answers that monks for thousands of years pondered over?
This is literally the last battle for humanity. Nobody knows how to do anything. But we know what to do:
kill the jews.
The jews have, so to speak, jewed pretty much every nation/ people in the world at least once if not more, and now they have jewed pretty much half the planet at once. If these prophecies are correct, then the simplest way this all happens is the jews being mass expelled from the west as the global petrol age comes to and end (which is what is beginning to happen now)
this time they have one single place to go. And once they are all (or almost all) there, Kalki will find himself in a position to nuke the fuckers. The destruction of the eternal deceivers, the children of lies and darkness will be the definitive end to this Kali Yuga cycle and signal the beginning of the 8000 year climb back to the peak of the next golden age.
I pray we see this event in our lifetimes.
The real question is why would you want to?
No, you fuck off O9A. You fucking subversives make me sick. Fuck you and fuck Atomwaffen. I hope you all hang.
Moarpheus is scared, boy.
If you want to learn magic aka metaphysical hacking OP then start with Robert Bruce's MAP training course and pic related, Bardon especially. The occult is real, but it's not spooky demon gods. It's just other planes, hidden mechanics, etc. Like getting to tweak subtle rules of a simulation and connect with wildlife from other dimensions. Not many are truly ready for it because it's not a redpill per se. You know how they say only the pure of heart can weild the power of god? Well you need to be at the right maturity to deal with this stuff. I've been studying the occult for about a year, and the most development came to me from changing my life, outlook and personal character, not from reading books although lord knows I've read hundreds just to filter down what works, which is Bardon and Robert Bruce Almost "magically" things started to make sense and I made connections on my own that made everything fit together. You have to be ready to handle occult truths, you can't just jam it into your head like a redpill. I wish you luck user. Our universe is vast and dangerous, but I assure you it's much warmer than the cold vacuum of the dogmatic materialists.
Sage because these threads always bring out the worst cancer.
If it works, it is real.
It has its weaknesses, as no power is ultimate.
The 'elites' of our time have a temporal power. Just as in Europe they were hoist by their own petard and thus left no generation of heirs.
We've dug up older roots that go deeper, that pull up sweeter waters. By even looking at German natsoc occultism we opened doors to knowledge nobody else has or is willing to wield.
Why not? Wouldn’t having unmatched power be a good things for us?
You mean (((Robert Sepeher thread)))
Let's me teach you something about (((Bob))).
You're a bad writer, poor researcher, and your whit suffers from dishonest intent. A Zig Forums thread doesn't have to be edited to perfection. In fact the rawness of chan style speak has more appeal because we're suppose to phone-post or do a quick jump in and jump out without consideration of how we appear to normie standards of diction and spelling. It's not a fucking blog. You don't need unrelated news sources or constant self-bump posts to justify these empty meaningless threads. (nb4 it was real in my mind).
Your esoteric hitler threads are a collection of the same fucking posts, fake Q&A, and tired memes for 2yrs now
They're boring and they're false. You're a failure at meme magic. You're a bad black magic psy-op wannabe. Your youtube shit is barely watchable half-hearted attempt, stolen from other youtubers. LOL, sometimes stolen from your own older ones.
You've never been on our level.
You've just been insanely persistent and had the support of the (((mods))). But it's not working. Your threads are dead and sink without your constant weather forecasts and "I'm having a nice day to day, lads!" bumps. It's sad and lonely in here. And all you have to blame is yourself for choosing bad research, fantasy history, and being dishonest as fuck. If you were good at any of this you wouldn't be copying Imkikey's pathetic style of shitposting all the time like a 10yr old jewish boy. You're void of creativity. And that's typical of you modern hipster occultists and LA kikes.
Hitler was a Nietzscheian, all his memes were Nietzsche or based on REAL ARYAN HISTORY – the Thule was shut down. It's a Jewish larp now.
occultists are beta males.
I have been seeing the rabbit and the sacrificial rabbit everywhere.
Screencap this post, for August 3rd will bring with it a new dawn. It will not be very sudden, but it'll be apparent within your own life, rather than something global.
Rabbits were associated (maybe LARP-ily) with the child trafficking organizations a few years back. Also fuck your retarded “hurr something happen on date” bullshit.
Now that's some reddit spacing
O9A, James Mason, and their associates from Temple ov Blood and the Black Order have another thing coming if they think they can subvert our movement. We've had enough of their infiltration and enough of their Theosophic bullshit being constantly shoved down our throats. You faggots are done here. Run along back to wewelsburg.
KIKE (((MODS))) anchored this anons thread but it's important.
Remember that all these occultist nazi groups are run by Jewish pedos and Crowley regularly pops up in these threads. (((Robert))) is a global mod now.
This one is for your mum.
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You posted a Pentagon and got double 5's
Some mystical stuff right there
The Q thing is ritual magick
You did that joke already (((ROBERT)))
We need to step our child sacrifice game up.
Don't ask, don't tell. Especially on public forums. Everything you need to know is already there. Find it yourself.
Robert sepehr books are actually decent, Talks about Aryan origins of all the great civilizations and cro magnon. Even names the jew occasionally.Good sources too, the same sources being touted on Zig Forums stop being a fag I constantly see you spamming this shit
Mememagic is real and its a side effect of time travel.
Kosher thread, thanks JIDF
>(((we))) at Zig Forums are stupid and believe in magic
The Occult merely is hidden knowledge. It only becomes bad when (((they))) and/or shabbos goyim profanely try to interpret or use it for their own advantage. Guenon called this the Counter-Initiation, which is Modern Masonry as well as other esoteric LARPing organizations today like AMORC. The original Rosicrucians disappeared long ago, and they were good people. Some say they are still with us, perhaps they never left; yet as the times get darker in our age, as does the necessity for further concealment in order to protect such knowledge from being profaned which has happened to all esoteric orders throughout time.
First they preserve, they revive tradition, then a kike infiltrates and they have to make a new order else where.
Looking up Robert Bruce got me a doctor and some old Scottish King, am I just retarded or what? Can you please spoon feed me the sauce user I've already spent a half hour looking up your pics sources and am a lazy boy. thanks
True, but Guenon cucked out and joined the hippy sand niggers aka Sufis.
The jews are a priest-like class that went awfully wrong since its the nature of things to go from pure to corrupted, true to false; they served their usefulness and in the modern world they are pretty much by essence condemned to play a toxic role as a joke and shadow of what they once were: no more prophets and holy men from them, it's now the era of psychanalists (Freud), economists (Marx), etc..
He joined religions and "sects" for the sole purpose of learning the esoteric secrets, he was searching for proofs of the Primordial Tradition which left traces left and right around the world; also he was sort of a gnostic and as it imply he was looking for knowledge about everything.
It is hard to criticate Guénon without reading like half of his books, and i've read everything except the correspondences.
I'm familiar with the double-slit experiment and wave-particle duality. You're going to have to explain your conclusion that it is evidence for perception altering reality, though, because to me that just doesn't follow.
Serious answer? i am not going into the topic of the reality of magic and the graduality of that reality, its used as a psy op against you know who biggest enemy, christianity.
The book is "Astral Dynamics" by Robert Bruce, and he built a training manual from it called "Mastering Astral Projection: a 90 day guide." I recommend Bruce and Astral Projection because in his book Astral Dynamics he recommends a falsifiable experiment you can use to prove it's real - place playing cards facing outside against your window, project outside, snap back to your body and write it down, then check to see if you were right. If you get it right every time…well you connect the dots. You can find free PDFs of both online.
Bottom of thread user. This user came out of nowhere and began to talk to us and then it just became very cool and had everyone captivated for days when they dropped the pretense and only talked about certain things and answered questions. I dont know, it effected me and others but I dont know much about the subject so maybe you will
Thanks a million, I've been saying that I would try my hand at all this esoteric stuff for quite a while. I just never found the time and resources. Now that I have said resources I will most certainly make the time.
Also checked
A Jewish ploy to make the right look bad by flooding it with schizophrenics and other retards and to distract people from topics that actually matter.
Finally somebody checks em. My divine 77, then my hermetic 33. I made a helpful post on infiltrating Jewish organizations and got Hitler dubs. Three dub posts in a row. Kek rewards the helpful and the redpilled.
At this point the proper term is white genetics pool.
Zig Forums doesn't believe in magic bullshit
JIDF pretends to be us and makes shitty threads so that newcomers run away.
Stay newcomer! If you value truth and your survival we are your last hope.
JIDF has failed repeatedly on pol regardless of tactic. Anons cannot be swayed by such things which is why we are good at what we do as we don't give a shit what anyone says or thinks.
it doesn't ? i confess i have only a vague understanding of the experiment or relevant principles. i was under the impression that the impact-distribution pattern at the other end of the slit shows that when somebody observes the experiment, the pattern shows that the slit were penetrated (ayayay, so dirty) as particles, however when the experiment is not observed and the pattern is later studied, the impact pattern shows that they were penetrated by waves rather than particles.
is that not it? i know this doesn't prove anything i said, but it's the reason i'm speculating in a specific direction (based on the assumption that the jews knew what power a media monopoly would give them, in this specific kabbalist sense, before they could ever make the experience to confirm this). I don't know if I'm expressing myself correctly here, not english native.
Basically jews knew of two powerful forces through which they would enslave the world. Before they even sat out to do so. One was usury, and the other was the media monopoly. I theorise that the latter is because of their need to synchronise consciousnesses for their kabbalist jew magic.
Yea and because anons can't be swayed we had the majority of posters believe in meme magic.
You truly think anons… fucking the chan sites… are going to become pro Jew? Come on man, this is pol, there is no chance that happens.
Why bump the thread?
Simply say that:
Pol doesn't believe in magic and pseudoscience
and shills in this thread try to push newfags away.
Then mention that
Zig Forums is your only chance of surviving newfags
lurk and learn.
Truthfully? Because I am an intergalatic entity of over three hundred thousand years old who is well versed in akashic trepa as you may know it and have, for the past three centuries, been searching for some very specific things on Erdah which coincidentally in recent years I have found Zig Forums to be very good at helping locate without realizing doing so.
Outside of that, I shall heed your advice and lurk and learn my child. As you wish.
Hah yeah very true of course, no chance in that fantasy being real. Anyhow, goodnight to you user.
Ignore the thread newcomers
It's created by JIDF and is spammed by their shills pretending to be us.
Real Zig Forums is intelligent and educated.
Have you seen the latest Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn? They claim to hold a true succession from the Rosicrucians. I know they all say that but this one seems like it could be legit.
It really isn't. Especially after kikey drove most rational posters away.
esoterics are there but as will all powerful tools there are degenerate users and uses. stay away from satanism and most things that label themselves as occult. if you choose to learn more look to indo-aryan religion and traditions
reminder that vedic hinduism and yoga are aryan
Well not quite. Under human observation (or not) the light shows properties of a wave and a particle simultaneously: there is an interference pattern produced on the screen, and time-lapse photography shows that the interference pattern is formed in discrete impulses. Hence the "wave-particle duality". Where things get interesting is that under very precise measurement; i.e. with equipment capable of observing through which slit a quantum-object travels; the interference pattern disappears altogether, even though objects are detected going through both slits randomly. It really is a fascinating experiment.
I thought about your interpretation some more in the meantime and can sort of see how you arrived at it. I would argue, though, that it's not so much "perception" altering the experiment as it is the means of observation; the effect is achieved well below the level of perception of any human onlooker, and certainly cannot be observed directly by any human onlooker.
Oh look another thread made in Tel Aviv trying to denigrate Zig Forums.
The truth is you're a faggot, nigger.
What I understood from the experiment is that quantum mechanics work above the dimension of time. It's not that somehow the universe "knows" to turn off if you're watching it. As I understood it, you can imagine it as the photons being "above" time and able to retroactively change their own timeline. At the beginning of the experiment the particle is in an undetermined duality, but at the end it collapses into a single point of data. If we imagine the particle existing above time, then when it gets collapsed it collapses across the entire timeline (beginning of experiment to end of experiment). So it's not changing if you observe it, but rather just observing it changes it retroactively because it isn't bound by linear time. If you collapse the wave by observing it with a sensor, you collapse it across the whole timeline so that it always was a particle. If you don't observe it and leave it in the undecided "both" state Schrödinger's Cat then it stays that way. But to a layperson it looks like the universe knows what you're going to do before you do it.
I investigated them for years. They are run by Charles Cicero an old Jew Freemason and his ex-stripper wife Tabatha Cicero. One of their rival offshoots is run by David Griffin a Trump Supporter.
So it depends *which* offshoot you are talking about. Many have lineage ties to Rosicrucian groups from the 1800s and earlier. They are all Freemason affiliated.