Seems like a good way to redpill normalfags on race.
Post niggerball memes ITT
Seems like a good way to redpill normalfags on race.
Post niggerball memes ITT
We had better be streaming that shit croatia is all white and France is all nigger its racewar with a ball
LBC caller wants England to lose World Cup because the team is multi-racial
I hate to break it to you, but England already lost the World Cup because their team is multi-racial. To Croatia, whose team is not multi-racial.
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
Argentina's team was whiter than France. Lmao
Seems like niggers are better at physical activity than whites, jews have controlled and manipulated whites for centuries, asians are smarter than whites…
like I'm genuinely curious how whites aren't like, the 3rd worst race. I get if you're just rooting for the home team, but if you look at it objectively there's basically no way that whites are the master race.
or like maybe just because England has sucked dick for years now
Reddit go home
Sounds like you just need to stop using our inventions as well.
The black athlete is a myth spread by jewish media.
Blacks only succeed in sports that require little to no thinking, like boxing, which requires a lot more rote practice and muscle memory. In sports that require thinking on the spot like hockey, the black presence is all but non-existent. Also, see: the Black Quarterback meme.
Further, you're posting in a thread about the "English" nigger team that lost to the all-white Croat team
And Soccer requires no thinking?
Blacks aren't successful at football, that's the whole point, they've had millions ploughed into promoting African nations and they never come up anywhere other than 2nd best to whites, blacks in England's team has seen us lose every time
Okay, maybe blacks are worse. Kikes and gooks still totally fucking outclass whites at basically every turn.
This is incorrect. See pic related. What would such a map look like for Asians? Admittedly, a map of countries by Jewish influence would be a bit more expansive than the Asians, but still not comparable to Europe. Europeans have dominion over Earth by divine right, demonstrable by centuries of de facto control. The Jews have only held substantial control of anything since WWII, or around the time of the Dreyfus Affair at the earliest – and suffice it to say that their grasp even after but a few decades is beginning to slip.
t. jew
So why do they want to come to our universities?
Why have they invented nothing while we've invented everything?
You're an idiot
You are retarded.
The reason jews are so into buying football clubs is because football is such an effective way to socially re-engineer working-class male beliefs.
Football is the primary vehicle for the softening of White male working-class beliefs towards niggers.
This is done by making the "hero" of the club a black.
Then they do the "banana trick", where they stage a supporter from the player's own team throwing a banana at the player.
The aim here is to induce guilt and shame in the White male supporters, who will then feel a twinge of White guilt-by-association, and be triggered to go out of their way to "support the lads" by renouncing "racism", participating in "kick racism out of football" etc etc.
It's very calculated but also very transparent.
Suggesting that football can be used for anything positive for Whites in its current form is ridiculous. The whole thing is tainted. It is a jew weapon and one of the most powerful.
Damn. They're so…white! It's beautiful.
All forms of Niggerball, be it soccer, NFL, NBA etc. are just a psy opt on the white male. That is why no white man should spend a penny on this shit or a minute watching it. Lift weights and train to kill with hand, knife and gun instead.
So white people shouldn't play sports because mainstream media has pozzed them?
Glowing idea.
Good stuff. Thanks for sharing that.
Meaningless games don't determine who is better, retard.
Give me an all white team any day
That was the norm, just a few years ago, until they tarted to force nigger and sandnigger in, France first.
They no longer support young white boys to become football player. That is the reason the French team is so niggerish. Same happened in Belgium, they are even proud and boastful about that social enginering. Side effect, the Belgien team now speaks English.
I hope the Croats destroy the Kongolese
t. kike
jews literally have 85 average IQ, including ashkenazis. they had to fake some shitty studies to LARP as having 115 average IQ to explain their "mysterious" influence (immoral huckstering)
Asians are good at memorization. They've yet to innovate since industrializing. Jews would be nowhere without leeching off of the west. They only rise to powerful positions through manipulation and nepotism and make their money through speculation and screwing the goyim over.
Chimps are better at climbing trees! Checkmate nazis!
For the recent influx of newfags, and as alluded to by , this is a great example of the standard non-arguments of the left.
the presenter didn't respond to anything the caller said with anything other than name-calling and bullshit. They're so used to having the only acceptable viewpoint that they don't understand how their non-argument will look to people who disagree or are just on the fence. A lot of people who are in the middle on this issue will watch this and perhaps slide a bit more towards opposition to immigration.
The more people who call in like this the better.
This guy gets it
Dont limit yourself though
Anything that works can be viable
In my countries news they made sure to have every article and news report showcase the nigger players and nigger supporters
Like a goddamn blacked advert
They have destroyed everything that could distract me and my rage is immeasurable
Yup, however I will cheer for any all white teams and I hope Croatia crushes France to further exemplify that diversity is a weakness and unity is true strength.
Coincidentally around the time they started using niggers as poster boys
needs more before and after
It doesn't prove anything, no matter which side wins. It's just a fucking soccer match, not an extensive and careful study with tons of samples carefully taken from different segements of the population. For someone who claims to be muh master race, you're not very bright. Plus, you're using a soccer match to give youself emotional validation. How fucking stupid are you, exactly? Retard! Idiot! Moron!
It doesn't fucking matter! This is fucking bread and circuis bullshit! Hello! McFly, anybody home!?????
Just check out cuck /sp/ it's become a good baseline for genz. Basically 80+% of the whites there are going full racist, if not yet full 1488. Fertile grounds …
Is what I've heard online so far
Pic: French to Belgians this Tuesday
It's pretty good indeed. However, there's a great spam of (((traps))) and (((trannies))), but that can be countered easily if you're willing to post there. Even just dropping some of these for shock value get people to come to the right conclusions by themselves.
It's pretty good indeed. However, there's a great spam of (((traps))) and (((trannies))), but that can be countered easily if you're willing to post there. Even just dropping some of these without context get people to come to the right conclusions by themselves.
Doesn’t matter, these are the kinds of emotional and illogical tools the media will use to push dieversity. Croatia wins and we get to push humorous memes making fun of the niggerball teams all losing to aryans
Seriously though, use your supposed high-IQ for a couple minutes to figure out the possibilities
Whites are about to dominate niggers in yet another world cup
That is partially true but it's fueled by the key biological reality that blacks enter puberty and reach peak phusical maturity far at a much younger age than those of European genetic stock. Any European American who attended middle school with blacks can attest to this fact.
Black boys enter the physicality-enhancing stages 9f puberty (i.e. rapid gains in muscle/skeletal growth, tone, and coordination) around age 13-14 while European boys only begin "filling out" around 15-16. Black men also reach peak physicality around age 18-19 and maintain that through age 25-26. European men won't reach peak physicality until age 22-24 and will maintain that state well into their early 30s.
In a world where the "farm" systems for professional sports begin selecting individuals for athletic success when they are barely pubescent, of course they will wind up self selecting for a racial group that appears wildly superior due to their earlier entry into puberty. The problem is that group also "burns out" at a younger age and generally doesn't reach the same heights of physicality that Europeans can achieve through their slower process of development.
This is also why you see whites so "overepresented" among the ranks of athletes who have abnormally long careees with sustained success. The restorative abilities of a black "freak athletes" body will be burned out by the time they reach their late 20's and their skills will be in full decline by the time they're 30 (See: Michael Vick or literally any black superstar in a sport other than niggerhoop).
>>>/cuckchan/ is that way you fucking pilpuling kike
If you have any reliable citations on hand for that I would like to see them. Becuase it also makes sense from a financial perspective. You need only pay rookie talent so little and kikes can save tons of money with exciting flash in the pan athletes who retire early and are readily replaced with younger up and coming nigs. I am thinking of Bolt, who was a freak of nature, but fell apart on the track for the world to see at a pretty young age.
You must have missed the bit about being under American rule after WW2.
So in 1867, Malaysia becoming a British colony was pure fiction, and they still use the UK electrical system and English language today because fuck, why not?
You could have made a better case if you had referred to the European concessions in, among others, Yokohama, but that's just being retarded
It is the contrary.
Nigger are terrible at football, the young ones even worse.
What France and Belgium did was to skew the selection process for young talents. They excluded deliberately French and Dutch boys from the selection, trained only sand-nigger and nigger.
This was somewhat controversial after a former trainer at the French FA disclosed this practice several years ago.
This year the Belgian FA has boasted about this fact, not selecting by ranking and spending a disproportional amount in support for “disadvantaged” young ones from “problem quartiers” speak they showered nigger and arabs from the muslim ghettos with money and support.
As a result of “integration” the team speaks English among its member, because that is the only common language everyone understands, not French and Flams, the language of the land.
The fact that Croatia is in the finals, is not because they are above average white player but the other European teams are weakened by the integration of foreign, oriental and African player. Africa has never won a single world cup.
When European teams were all white, a Croatian team would not have a chance to reach a final.
They have to wait until all European teams are niggerfied, for a chance to win the world cup.
It seems like you've never boxed. It seems like you're a pussy boy who boxes keys with his finger tips.
Pattern recognition is very important, but blacks win on account of reflexes and, frankly, physical superiority.
How much bucks/hr? My current job market is in decline and Im interested in nigger dick ingestion. (((You))) seem very proficient at it.
Cmon user. Gotta give credit where credit is due. Chinks in spite of thekr monumental flaws, have a metric fuck ton if invdntions under their belt.
They are a 3k year old civ and they still keep architecture from back then.
Block priting, fireworks, the chukonu, fucking martial arts, are just some examples.
Whites are really fucking good, but they didnt invent EVERYTHING.