After weeks of glorious sunshine and a heatwave it looks like things are about to change
After weeks of glorious sunshine and a heatwave it looks like things are about to change
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Maybe we'll get lightning, maybe thor will strike down a crowd of protesting shitskins.
Praise Thor.
You're a shill. Much like these bots here and their memespeak.
This is geoengineering. Nothing more than the elite playing with the world.
Thor is too busy recovering from his battle with Moloch and the Sunday terrorist. He’ll be back next week.
Focus your mind.
Align your intent.
Picture your desire.
Grant your power.
The Old Gods are with us.
Never forget that.
Reminder shitskins come from the desert, while real Europeans thrive in the damp. Rain is natural to the white race, while Africans and hajils melt like the Wicked Witch when the gods send water from the sky.
I was riding through my local stretch of woods yesterday and beseeched the old powers.
I did so openly, audibly, and in German, too.
(I basically think in English at this point, that's how much I use it).
I asked for strength and protection of both this nation and ALL Germanic people.
As coincidence has it, Anglo Saxons are Germanic, too.
I did my part.
As long as "Germanic" doesn't include cucks.
good let it
This could easily be turned around to be "proof" of "God's" punishment against London for allowing Trump to set foot on sacred Anglo soil.
Your second pic is a turtle, user
It's not anglo soil. It's obviously Arab soil - London is a caliphate.
It could also be perceived as "the storm is coming". Let them be afraid.
HAARP is/was real, and it actually did do weather modification experiments. you don't belong here
If they turn around and somehow gain the will to destroy the jews and others then they would actually be excellent assets since they're so close to the source of the pozz.
Frey (or Freyr): The son of Njord, and twin brother of Freya. He is one of the Vanir, a second group of Norse gods, but lives with the Aesir as a hostage. The god of fertility, horses, sun, and rain, his possessions include the magic ship Skidbladnir. He travels in a chariot drawn by the golden boar Gullinbursti, and had to give away his magic sword to win the hand of the giantess Gerda.
Not an argument. Take your bullshit back to >>>/x/
Look at all that proof. Thanks for admitting that you were wrong.
Look, why the hell are you saging?
However, today is Thor's day.
That is because our societies are getting gayer every year. Someone is probably afraid to get sued by someone else over water from the sky.
Also, brown mayor.
There is a massive anti-Trump protest scheduled in London for the day this storm is supposed to hit.
I pretty much sage all my posts, it's just a habit and not a slight against the thread.
I use sageru in its primal form, don't wanna bump the thread with my random posts.
Well stop it then.
Ah, you sound like a shill.
Either a shill who's trying to make us look fucking insane, or retarded.
If neither, proof of elites playing with weather like a sci-fi movie
And the fact that Thor (Thunor) is god of the rain and storms, either way
By trying to be humble, you've become disruptive. Knock it off.
/x/ is dead you double nigger.
Let it rip in peace.
That doesn’t mean the content can come here.
HAARP is a real thing.
What it does, and does it work? No one knows.
Leave the dead alone, lest you attract them.
Two words
Don’t spam /x/ shit here. Go back to /x/. Cloud seeding? Sure; we’ve verified that the concept can be used to cause or diminish rainfall. Microwave-based weather manipulation (or whatever it is you faggots claim about HAARP)? PUT THE FUCK UP OR SHUT THE FUCK UP. Zig Forums is a board for truth. We don’t accept uncited claims here.
Some day they'll realize that HAARP was an exercise of radio reflectometry.
I'll never doubt the Druids ever again.
Cloud seeding and microwave-based weather what?
Now who sounds like /x/?
Maybe you need to return to where you come from. Which is not /x/.
Because /x/ is dead.
It’s honestly like poetry.
Gradually I began to hate the jew.
It’s interesting that every post you make is obvious spam.
Yes, but that has nothing to do with our discussion.
That's funny, I come to an equal conclusion when every single reply to my posts has been calling me a jew, Zig Forums, a shill, or a soyboy. You sure this board doesn't have any active bot posters? :^)
I would be genuinely shocked to learn that there is any block of time during which a paid shill is NOT scheduled to be posting here in some effect.
You've already admitted you're just here to disrupt and sow chaos and you're being paid for it. Your posting style is incredibly recognizable and as time goes on it will only get worse as more and more lurkers and anons become familiar with it. Just remember what goes around comes around and snarky little cunts like you never end up sitting pretty in the long run.
Fuck off kikechan.
We are the true chosen people
You mean I could have been paid to make high quality posts on Zig Forums instead of for free? Sign me up.
Show me the screencap then, fag. Believe it or not but there is more than one person that isn't a neetsoc posting on here
>everybody that I disagree with is a jew
Brits are pussies.
Here's the scale and Iceland for comparison
I'm not giving you fuck all cunt, but I encourage you to keep on adding to the pile by posting with you shitty little mannerisms. Like I said, you're not half as clever as you think and I'm not the only one who sees it. Don't expect me to reply further to anything you say ITT.
… What? I thought the British Isles were known for being particularly rainy. This is a lot?
WAIT, WHAT? You fucking limeys don’t get thunderstorms? How is that even possible? How does rain even work that it doesn’t thunderstorm there, particularly when you faggots get so much of it? You haven’t seen a thunderstorm since the very first Republican state convention?! YOU HAVEN’T HEARD FUCKING THUNDER SINCE BEFORE THE FIRST BATTLE OF THE CRIMEAN WAR?!
That's actually pretty funny. Saved. Anyone have the original gif without le happy merchant edited in?
Search "WeatherWar101". tons of proof. You must not have realized that "search" is a thing now.
That just looks like a standard summer storm for me. I guess Trump brought American weather to the bongs.
Here's another example of manipulated cloud cover: The system is not "sci-fi", it's called NEXRAD. The golfball covered towers used by "Doppler radar" use microwave beam systems that look exactly like large versions of the Active Denial System dishes which heat people with microwave beams for crowd control: A flat surface that reflects a microwave as a coherent beam.
When the NEXRAD duty cycle is cranked up beyond the once every 10min or so, the microwaves actually heat the air, often leaving tell-tale ring or interference patterns in thin cloud cover.
The weather shit you see on TV is down-sampled (blurred / low resolution) to obscure the fact that humans have controlled the weather since early 1900's. They sprayed cloud seeding chemicals from towers on hill tops before airplanes were reliable enough to do it.
Come on, this is babby's 1st redpill material.
Are you intentionally triggering me?
he could've said .787, but it's easier to just say .8
Am I the only one that sees a merchant in that pic? For real not shitpost.
Polite sage for off topic.
When the time comes to kill, will the Old Gods condemn me for my actions? Some scores should be settled here on Earth.
Really? They're wrong 90% of the time. The weather will be hot, dry and sunny
unless trips break the spell I assume user will be right.
Balloon loicences revoked for the duration of nthe storm
Yeah, that was the first thing I thought.
Good luck if you ever take up flying. I'm sure your autism will stop a cloudburst from tearing you apart.
Volmet != Meteo office
Frankly I am shocked.
If you're a fucking normie it isn't. If you're on the spectrum at all it's painful to say .9.
This is why Tau is superior.
Depends on who your killing. Enemies of your kinsmen? Go ahead. Kinsmen themselves? No, cases could be made if they are a harmful element, but even then shunning is better
I can hear the wings tearing already
Official thread theme.
How long until the balloon goes up?
It's up, it's a tiny piece of shit. They won't get it close enough for anyone to see it.
Here, you'll notice immediately that it's a way more active forecast and that it covers a way bigger are than a national office.
What did the Israelis mean when they said they stole Iran's clouds? What is cloud seeding via silver particles? Is weather control a reality? You do the research.
*israeli ziocunts
Can a comet just wipe that fucking place out and Africa, please?
This is the most pathetic news I've ever seen regarding weather.
4-7x that much is cause for concern in my own country, kek. I guess we don't live on a flat bog though.
HAARP is one of about 20+ Ionospheric 'research facilities' which are a great way to hide the fact they are quantum/scalar electromagnetic weapons. Anyone who isn't a newfag should be well aware of them and well studied in them.
Odin was literally appeased by swinging the enemies of your tribe from a rope and tree, what the fuck do you think?
Did it rain or so? Hit me with TL;DR
Odin had a great and abiding loathing for ascerbic asides, I concur and bid you shoot yourself in the face. Only 1 bullet mind, filthily sneaking literally next to appeased deserves a small belly rub.
That's typical cirrus aether boy.
See how they look like the sand in water that has been effected by current. That's because *shock* air and water behave in a similar manner, currents waves and streams.
This is nothing to do with redpill and more to do with misleading and occupying people who have taken babbys first redpill, i.e. 9-11 was an inside job perpetrated by various factions of international jewry.