Drunker than Juncker

The president of the EU showed up to the NATO meeting so wasted that he had to be held upright the entire time (pic related). Given that it's desperately important for the EU to portray strength and stability in this time of crisis, how bad has Juncker's intoxication damaged the credibility of the EU in this period of crisis?


Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-12 (1) Jean-Claude Juncker stumbles and is helped by leaders at NATO gala - Daily Mail - YouTube.png (1601x729, 876.19K)

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0%. What credibility? What damage? You act as though their behavior in public actually affects the organizations. NATO isn’t going anywhere. The EU isn’t going anywhere. Jews will slaughter a hundred million whites to keep it from happening. No one is going to wake up from some kike puppet being drunk in public.

Because it does, dipshit. I'd explain why but it's obvious that you're a normie, a shill, or a retard, so there would be no point.

I don't know if it actually does, but symbolically it's telling a lot, and symbols DO matter.

Do you realize how easy it is for the press to hide things they don't want the goyim to see?
So why did they show this? Why did Junkers want the press to publish this?
He isn't drunk.

The money shot, Juncker quickly checks to make sure the camera can still see him being "drunk".

Stop believing the TV.

Okay, go back to the Fox News comments section. You clearly know fuck all about the world.

Most tards drink liquor themselves and would cheer this pathetic fat kike Juncker on

So the EU's Shill Command has come to this

Angela, I am the liquor.

Was it intentional or is he drinking because he knows NATO will soon disintegrate, and the TARGET2 system will soon explode, leading to the collapse of the (((E*)))?

Attached: 2000px-Target2-Salden.svg.png (2000x1333, 172.89K)

You're a retarded torfag, but I watched the whole thing regardless. That performance at 1:00 reminded me of the show Palpatine went to see at the theater.

Pop culture references aside, I don't know how Trump can stand being in proximity to those faggots. What sacrifices he makes for us!


Yeah… SURE! Like Hillary was just a little bit dizzy because of the weather. The old jew parasite's days are numbered!

Attached: history repeat itself faggots.jpg (563x542, 32.39K)

"Dude I was completely juncked last night!"

It's not like he's elected or anything.

Thanks for admitting that everything I said is true.

looks like the mid stages of parkinson's, either way he should step down.

You're spot on, these Anons are blind and gay.

Kill yourself

Show me where I said it’s okay, you illiterate sack of shit.

In your first post faggot. I'm amazed you typed all those words while clearly having no idea what they meant.

Thank you for admitting that at no time have I ever said it was okay. Eat shit, you fucking illiterate faggot. There will be no damage done to the EU or NATO because of this. No one will be punished because of this. These people are held to a different standard than us, and they are puppets of the people who created the organizations. They do not matter and the organizations are not harmed by them, because the organizations will continue to exist as long as jews want them to.

Prove. Me. Wrong.

That motherfucker has a rich history of being an alcoholic who can't control himself and shows up drunk to important events.

No strawman.
Simply a rejection of your position.
Or rather a statement of my rejection of your position.

My impression of your position:

My response:

How about you prove yourself right first?
None of us here are oracles.
None of us here can see the future with certainty.
What we can do is CHOOSE whether we oppose this kike hellworld or give up.
If you want to give up, then go ahead.
And go away.

My response:

The enemy is strong, but Whites still exist in the hundreds of millions.
We are not a dead people. We are not even a dying people. What we are is a people UNDER ATTACK.
If you were actually one of us then you would be spending your time and effort to redpill more Whites on the reality of the ongoing genocide of White people and on exposing ZOG.
You should be trying to make the fire rise.
Instead, you come here and attempt to discourage and demoralize anons.
Shame on you.

Your impression is false. You simply aren’t intelligent enough (or are too paid) to comprehend the difference between your strawman and what I actually said.
It’s a strawman. Grabbing our guns and killing jews and their puppets would destroy the institutions. It’s the only thing that will, in fact. No scandal, no behavior, no speech, no hearing, and no whistleblower will EVER do ANYTHING to change the status quo. The ZOG will not arrest the ZOG.

t. jew

The "EU" is a tyranny of foreign occupants.

Attached: EU ratings.jpg (900x399, 97.55K)

Attached: bane.jpeg (650x325, 17.97K)

Junker is known to be an alcoholic

Attached: 1494999918998.jpg (960x639, 76.61K)

True but that doesn't exclude other kike related diseases, does it? He might pass out like hildebeast or grow some cancer inside of him for a change.

they are unelected user…. they rule with an iron fist and dont care about the public image because short of killing them the public can't do anything about it

Are you retarded?

Juncker is a drunk fuck, in past occasions he has also been drunk on the job. He's literally the perfect example of a completely inept leader who spends most of the time being drunk.

No. Unfortunately not, media is just sweeping this under the rug and only alternative outlets report on it and only a set percentage follow those alternative outlets. The rest of the cattle close their eyes and ears to all of this, or they might see it and think he's a drunk retard who should go, but still believe EU is needed.

It will only start piling up when a crisis happens. Different cultures will turn on each other, it's just inevitable. Every multicultural country has at some point a war over beliefs or customs, and when that happens grave losses are suffered by both sides (leading to compromis) or one side gets annihilated.

If I'm not mistaken you can spot him going around the back at 1:55. He's getting real tired of their shit.

Hello (((EU Representative)))

Already a thread nigger.

Not even remotely an argument. Thanks for admitting I’m right.


What are you even talking about?

I can't embed the hooktube or youtube one, because it's already posted in the other, presently locked, thread. I didn't think of (((vimeo))).

btw, the fun begins @ 2:00

Attached: 1289787513873.png (345x369, 33.75K)


The kikes will gaslight anything.

it would be a shame if someone shot and killed juncker

And you know Juncker's drinking habits, because you read it in a jew newspaper?
You don't know anything about his drinking habits, all you know is what the jews have decided you will know, through their TV and newspapers.
What you're referring to when you say "Juncker", is a stage presence.
Character writers also embellish their characters with quirks like drinking too much, liking to grope women, being partial to swearing, being known for taking swings at hecklers etc.
You take this as reality, because you fail to understand that the entirety of television "news" is a reality TV show without the label.
As another user alluded to, nothing these people do has any bearing on their institutions, because they're just the public face of the real string-pullers.


It's not possible to fake such a state. Dude was drunk as a skunk.

But you're right, he's but a puppet.

Fuck off, Interpol troll. We're tired of your (((medlesome ways))).

In reality Tor Kike, how do we even know his name is Juncker? Did you name him? Actually, that might have been a (((point))) you were making. I am honestly not sure if I am making light of your asinine questions and train of thought or repeating what you already said. But there is one thing I am sure of, Tor posters contribute nothing to the discussion or information provided within any thread. All those zeros in your ID are a direct representation of what each of you has to say.
Saged for Tor replying.

Zyklon Ben, if you watching, make a cartoon of those two guys holding up a picture of Europe with the EU flag over it.