The hypocrisy of the Left as shown here. The Left calls him a nigger traitor for being a nigger that works at ICE apprehending illegals and these commies.
Leftist Activists in Portland Berate Black ICE Agent, Repeatedly Call Him a ‘Fuking Nigger’
The absolute state of leftypol.
Part of the deal with the Left is that in return for what they call their protection, you're required to stay in ideological lockstep at all times. US blacks as a people are disproportionately hurt by illegal Mexicans between lower-wage job competition and gang rivalries, so it's logical that blacks would be opposed to endless beaners. Illegals outrank blacks on the Progressive Stack now though. This guy broke the rules by sending tacos back to Mexico, so now he's a nigger, according to the same people who would have flipped their shit about him being called a nigger if they didn't know what his job is.
God, youre dumb shills.
Niggers with jobs at ICE get temporary honorary aryan status until we clean our the kikes, beaners, and dindus. Then we will give them $1,000,000 and a one way first class ticket to whatever African nation they want for their service. US Citizen status stripped, of course.
Overton window shifted
Time it says nigger?
No, they don't.
In academic circles, it's what is known as the "Trumpnigger effect".
No they don’t faggot
The point of this line is opportunity of fucking with some leftypoo faggot for it's own book of sacrety rules.
clearly this one does
this is how fucking detached from reality these people are
Pretty much.
.gif is my sides.
t.Candace Owens
The wage argument shouldn't be relevant within the goals of this board. A sufficiently autarkic White futurist society may not even have jobs in the sense that you think.
That's the thing. Leftists think that niggers and spics can get along. They think "racism will stop" if whites were gone. Whites have been arbiters that kept the peace in these communities so that they don't kill each other.
Well, they are stupid faggots, but they aren't wrong.
so much for kike "intelligence" shlomo
Did you also make this post?
Broken clock.
What happened with her doxx network?
When the (antifa) mask falls off, we're all revealed to be nigger haters on the inside. Right and left.
I salute you black man, thank you for keeping our beautiful country safe from the ILLEGAL beaner scum. legal taco-humanoids are ok though :3
These was some other time some antifa were beating up a black proud boy or something and calling him a nigger.
Anyone who comes to Zig Forums and places blame on Jews because his cigarette wouldn't light is a fucking moron.
Yeah, Jews are children of the devil.
But some of this responsibility rest squarely on the shoulders of whites and blacks for being such stupid niggers.
These eternal children have no idea what they're in for once the gloves are off, do they?
They're not going to die for their cause. Their bubbly little middle-class existences are too comfortable.
I cannot wait for these losers to fold en masse like the beta pussies they are when shit finally hits the fan.
It's true.
0.5% Jew according to the DNA test.
Shit like that needs to be recorded and trending. Imagine the pressure antifucks face when people see them no different than the "white supremacists" they claim to fight against.
a broken clock is on time twice a day
antifa are not my new friends nor is ZOG
look at it this way, niggers are niggers
What's more important is that the kikes run these operations like cults.
Notice the lady love bombing him. That's a cult practice.
I'm not really sure what you're hoping to achieve here. If some nigger zionist proud boy is getting his shit kicked in by antifa and berated explicitly as a nigger, that is a point in antifa's favor. It might be isolated, it might be emotional, but it is superior behavior to nigger loving proud boys fighting for the right to keep corporate poison on grocery shelves and promoting degenerate sex/drugs/rocknroll under the guise of "freedom".
If only the US actually were fascist. These people would immediately capitulate and hide in mommies basement.
If we were not right, if we had not the enemies utmost of wickedness, we would not be opposed in the least, and would have tremendous support.
Maybe I missed something, but I don't physically see the faggot calling him a nigger and the voice sounds like that of a fellow nigger.
Not saying 100%, but this seems like a nigger calling a (((based nigger))) a nigger which is standard for niggers, niggers.
Wow, the fucking mental gymnastic hoops you leftists jump through is nothing short of amazing.
How dare those racist commie Democrats be so racist.:^)
Yeah why do you think the roach filtered the word in the first place? The civnats got too bold and received backlash, now they're trying to make up for lost time. Look at the catalog, the board has become a cuckservative news aggregate.
JIDF and whoever has been on a roll in here lately shilling the place all to hell. Obviously no one on Zig Forums wants a shit ton of blacks (or any other race besides whites) in our nations and we realize that even the most "based" Trump supporting black guys will only breed offspring that will regress towards the mean and want gibs through the power of the state. We understand that culture is down stream of biology and in order to preserve our culture that has pulled the world out of the sewer, they all need to go back. With all of this being said, the normies need to see Antifa calling "Honest all American black police officers" Niggers for the sake of the propaganda effort. Shill in hell Jewfags.
At this point are the opinions of leftists even worth a damn to give a shit about? For example, if they are anti-war, anti-interventionist and sometimes even anti-Israel (when it comes to the far left), why haven't they ever mass supported politicians like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan? Do the leftards and commies really have to be so concerned about the different political and social views of paleocons and libertarians?
Get back in the oven.
If you guys didn't know: mexicans and niggers hate eachother even more than they hate whitey.
Yeah. We know. Stoke their racial hate.
You have to be a fucking dumbass if you think they actually believe anything they preach.
I thought you were better than this, 8/pol/.
Got you lamppost picked out?
too much text, the right can't meme.
Too little attention span.
The left can't concentrate.
some of them really, really do believe. They'll also be the first ones lined up against a wall and shot by the glorious "socialist republic" they'll have worked so hard to instate
The left is filled with such petulant pants shitting children.
Who's saying that? It's good propaganda. D&C the left.
a video with 'NIGGER' in it instantly goes viral.
this one has just cost antifa hundreds of members among their ranks.
Lefties always lie about their views on race. As long as niggers are at a friendly distance, they'll continue the noble savage disguise. But we all know they hate niggers. From personal experience, most lefties are delusional and hide behind their virtue-signalling and democratic ideals. It is a deep cognitive dissonance.
This is how delusional they are. Poor oppressed black man might hurt whites in the middle of the class crusade.
I could really use a webm so I can spread this.
Thats pretty intolerant of them.
Now thos is shitposting
I'm not sure why you're so insecure you can't acknowledge that fact. You must not be an actual NatSoc, seeing as how Hitler would talk about it were he alive today.
Leftists hate nothing more when their pet minorities refuse to do what they tell them to do. Remember countless other 'uncle tom niggers' like those black republicans and the comments from leftists like 'fucking coon nigger' and the media which usually always race baits and jumps on this shit let it slide?
God they are so fucking weak.
This isn't anything new, and it's not the "progressive stack." Niggers were attacked and shamed going back to the '60s when they first started all this shit, if they broke rank. The first big "black" activist groups would do the same thing. Lefty boomers don't call them niggers, but they call them house niggers. Same thing. A guy at this same event called someone a race traitor. It's funny. They already chased white women largely out of their groups with this shit. I hope they start going hardcore on niggers and beaners. The leftie rats think because they vote democrat that somehow they'll just automatically transition to full blown socialist/commie, but it's not happening. The same reason they're democrats, through thick and thin, is the same reason they'll never transition. These people are so heavily indoctrinated and so well established in their ways, that they're going to sit there like an anchor when the kikes and tiny bit of white leftie filth try to conform them to their ideals, and they'll sink the neoliberals and the progressives together. There won't be a shift like there is on the right, which is largely white (homogeneity works yet again), largely toward accepting nationalism/nativism without much of an issue (the issue is almost entirely with neocon politicians and talking head kikes). Our shift is successful. It's still going. Their shift is going to divide them from the greater black and brown populations and give us much more power as a group (white interests). Whites are heavily influenced by educational institutions. Black and brown people are not. Those are their areas of indoctrination. They have no base in the black and brown communities in their mid-twenties and older. What I see happening is the democrat party will continue to get darker and darker, and the kikes and leftie whites will divide into a small group, expecting wrongly the unity of non-whites, and as a result of their division, we'll have more power as a voting block than we've had in decades (whites on the right are largely united and growing by the day as they chase every last white in the center toward us).