Italy: "Saying go away to non-EU citizens can be racial hatred"

0 fucks given by Salvini (pic related). Huffpoo article but the ruling is legit.

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Someone shoving a bomb up the EU's ass can be considered nationalist hatred as far as I give a shit.


If this man isn't pardoned, then we know the score as regards these 'based' Italian nationalist parties.

Looks like the Italian courts are still full of (((judges))) left over from previous cucked governments. Salvini still has a lot of work to do.

Also, who sits on that court?

I'd like to see who these guys are.


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Any spaghetti niggers able to get us a read-out on the justice of this court, and/or which ones (if any) are Jewish?




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you always know a (((jew))) if they mention q before you do in a negative/sarcastic tone of course

used as you did, usually a sign that you should be referred to as (((you)). not sure at this point, but the signs are there.
the overton may not be there for that kind of thing yet. we'll see. and they've got a lot of more important shit on their plate than dealing with every little court case, it's not like someone takes the reins of parliamentary power and suddenly actually becomes "god-emperor." but there's enough evidence that salvini is /ourguy/ that lack of specific comment on this shouldn't cause any reasonable person to doubt it, imo only people with unreasonable expectations or with (((agendas))) would say something like "if he doesn't pardon this one guy then salvini's a kike puppet" etc.

this. it's like this everywhere. here, poland (although they've been doing a great job cleaning it up), italy, the uk, etc.

Classic oldfag-style post.

Accurate post.

But if addressed to a EU citizen it isn't racial hatred… The wops should start telling the krauts, frogs, limeys, spics, slavs and kikes to go away.

Best post ITT.

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Being the slippery snakes they are, that's the kind of situation where they would suddenly no longer be Fellow White People, but instead a poor and oppressed wandering Middle Eastern people unjustly persecuted entirely on account of their religion. Remember the 6 gorillion, goyim!

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Sounds like bullshit lad.
Definitely bullshit. If they can say the things they have and do the things they have, they can pull this guys ass outta the fire and send a fuck-you to the court.
Bullshit supreme. Its not just some 'little court case', its a guy getting lynched for 'hate crime' for telling these mongrels to go away.
That's a fight worth winning, now.
>imo only people with unreasonable expectations or with (((agendas))) would say something like "if he doesn't pardon this one guy then salvini's a kike puppet" etc.
That's funny, because imo the only people who would suggest such a thing are those who are themselves pushing agendas and want to discredit fully-feasible policy actions as (((unreasonable expectations))).

Are you fucking retarded?

Based Salvini gives no fucks
Hang the supreme court for treason!

I remember when I was a kid a stray dog wanted to come into my house.
I told it to go away.

If race is not real how can there be racial hatred???

Salvini needs to actually do something about this


It's a fucking shitshow and (((gersdorf))) doesn't even know if she's the First Chief of Supreme Court.
Also Macierewicz was stopped less than halfway through from purging Jaruzelski's buddies from the army.

Wiesz czemu polscy sędziowie są niezawiśli?
Bo nikt ich jeszcze nie powiesił

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

It gets better
Translate it

Kek wills it.

Just cut their balls and let them be.

Salvini supports BASED migrants who pay taxes and follow the law, the fist black senator in the history of the republic is from lega nord.

Jew right there.

Black powah!1!1

Nigger did his job.

Phonephosters get the rope too

He’s a BASED catholic with two kids, praise kek.

Question Italians should ask themselves: What Would Sam Hyde Do?

Allmost all judges in Europe are jewish or cryptos (((Neanderthals))).
they will swing in a breeze on DOTR

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Not enaugh. There are negroes and semites with EU citizenship. But it would be good start.

Does storming the Supreme Court and lynching them all count as "discrimination?"

Jus' askin'…

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Oy vey, goyim have invaded our homelands!

Gas yourself

It's because those in power aren't scared. They need to be fucking terrified in no uncertain terms.

Racism = preferring.
Salvini = God.
People now openly being racist.
There's still hope.

This form of activist judges in Italy belong to 'Magistratura Democratica', meaning democratic magistrates. They're a hard left group of subverters which completely control the judiciary, responsible for the witch hunt against Berlusconi - the sole right wing leader of the past 30 years.

America is going through much of what italians have been through. You either remove these toxic elements from your democracy, or they will steer it off a cliff.

Yeah, we get it, Shill-kun, he isn't a pagan high priest with a direct line to Odin, or literally Hitler, and he didn't send RWDS through Rome after 5 minutes in office so oy vey it's nothing.
You're a snarky teenager. Filtered.

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so what, go away.

SHISHman, please. You can merely postpone the ROPEing and you know it.

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Article 282. Incitement of Hatred or Enmity, as Well as Abasement of Human Dignity

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Can't wait for all my neighbor to be BASED right wing catholic nigerians like toni iwobi.

fuck you jew

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good. I'm Italian the more shit like this will happen, the more right-wing we'll go. We're slowly reaching the boiling point.

Last time I checked being citizen had nothing to do with race.