Strozk's hearing analisys thread

We need a group of autists to go over the entire session of Strzok's in front of a council. Of course, it was a shit show and nothing got done, but each time they do this we can gather more and more evidence in our favor against their blatant bullshit that not even normalfags could deny.

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Do actual anons still believe in this jewish kabuki? We had ten trillion benghazi hearings and no one got in trouble. This is illusory justice. Anyone who matters gets sweetheart plea deals and then the case gets tossed into the memory hole.

guys in the other thread were saying hillary had SAP info on her server according to strzoks testimony which is a felony no matter how you slice it

This is some pedosmug right there.

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motherfucker looks like pure evil tbh

No shit retard. She put that info there with zero protection so that foreign elements could "hack" her server. She was essentially placing important info on the ground and letting foreign govt get all the info they want as long as they pay to play. She has plausible deniability saying that she got hacked and now we are full on jewish theater regarding justice here. Hillary wont see prison time.

yeah I know that but know we have him on the record testifying that to congress

You are like a little baby
Watch this

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Trump, you better watch out because your supporters will vote for somebody who will not only take your enemies out, but yourself as well for your incompetence of not being able to at least hold people in contempt of Congres.

You can't even hold someone who whored her way to power accountable.

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It’s not a happening until people are CONVICTED of a crime.
So the board should be spammed for literally hours, in every thread, when there’s a thread where the posts are supposed to be made?

Mother of God that's some next level creepy shit right there. What a fucking smug asshole. He knows he's going to get off scot free.

In one of the Trump Hillary debates, Hillary does the exact same thing.

They have an implant that releases neuro stimulants and they get a euphoric rush.

I will find the vid later.

Someone basically already did in the twitter thread.

It was originally in a release from comey's FBI that she had ts sap material on her server. What we learned today from lucky Louie Gohmert is the intelligence community inspector general discovered all but four of her emails had been sent to a foreign address. This is quite literally the highest classification level in existence (that we know of). That's how big a deal this is.

that is both great and terrible at the same time

Tl dc
It was an absolute thrashing
Can't wait till they drag the cunt page and the rest of the traitor filth in front of the committee
Seeing them hang will be funnier though. I listened to every word of it today with good skull candy headphones at work. I was laughing my ass off all diggity dog day

It's a huge deal but honestly I am completely zoomed out after the clusterfuck from today and really don't think anything will be done. There were only like five Congressmen with balls.

HUGE HUGE HUGE Strzok just admitted fbi changed hillary report wording to help her avoid violation of crimes, it was changed on his computer, he and only his secretary had access to his computer and then that it was comey who made the decision to make that change….huge (

HUGE HUGE HUGE Strzok just admitted fbi changed hillary report wording to help her avoid violation of crimes, it was changed on his computer, he and only his secretary had access to his computer and then that it was comey who made the decision to make that change….huge


It was in response to Sessenbrenners questions.

He siad he didnt remember if he made the change on his computer but only he and his secretary had access to his computer.

He claimed his office was used because it was biggest. Thats easy to check. Doubtful.

Questions needed now are:

who byname in the fbi said gross negligence was a term to avoid.

Also is strzoks office bigfe rthan mccabe sor comeys becuase strzok said office size was why the meetings happened in his office.

Has fbi ever changed wording on other investigations to help subject avoid criminal prosecution.


somebody else said
And it was funny that literally minutes before he tried to tell Congress that he didn't know who had changed the wording…


Can anyone find a clip of him saying those things?

Try not to be rude tho, u gotta try, I know its hard. Butt what do you want pol to seem like? The bad guy or the nicer one

Thats not the instance I was talking about but yeah she did exactly that on stage live during one of the debates. One of the weirdest things I've ever seen.

I mean are we going to ignore that the Dems were literally fucking reading objections from queue cards and coordinated the same three things, by the same three people, again and again and again and again.

Was it weirder than when she started coughing uncontrollably and spewed several globs of fucking bright-green phlegm into her clear water glass as though nobody would notice?

Because that was fucking weird.

can anyone please do this for me?

I'm going to start teaching my self how to code and I got an Idea for my first C++ program.

They were mostly women and niggers, most of them barely made it through their scripted lines. Fucking unbearable.

I guess?
As much as we're going to ignore the Dems ignoring the rules of procedure and the Republicans being too cucked to meaningfully inhibit them from doing so.

says the Jewish (((Nadler))).

Top kek.

Brings a whole new meaning to the term "pizza face", doesn't it?

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It's no small wonder why she didn't show. Strozk is a hardened liar and investigator interrogator. He not only effortlessly lied through 7 hours of questions today, and 11 before, the sick fucker looked like he was having fun doing it. Page is a kike and a layer, she's smart enough to know how fucked she is, but genetically predisposed to fall apart and rat out her compatriots. What's her death pool at? I'm sure everyone who knows what she knows is ready to gut her.

Do you mean this?


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I know but what that shows is a coordinated effort working with the "witness" to disrupt a Congressional hearing. It was so blatant that it isn't even fucking debatable. Every… fucking… time…

That's not a neuro stimulant, that's just the buffering screen anons. Somebody needs to stuff some a lot of ram in her.

Clinton recognized the US is at the end, so she just looted everything she could. She sold nuclear know-how to literal terrorists along with the materials to detonate it and instructions to get it into the US. She was a one-stop shop to have shitskin kike golem blow up a nuke in a major US city. But look what's happening. She's going to run for president in 2020. LOL AT THIS CORRUPT BANANA REPUBLIC SHITHOLE

Yes thats it user thanks.

Clinton and Strzok have almost the same reaction, shaking of the head and shoulders.

Anyone who's taken euphoric drugs knows this reaction when you get hit with a wave of involuntary bliss.

Its so creepy because its so unnatural given the situation they were both in.

Is the country entirely lawless at this point? And does that mean the police are not willing to enforce the laws they've sworn by oath to uphold? Are they really in our way anymore?


This is just to wind up normies for DOTR.

I can tell you're at least coming from a good place and aren't a massive shill faggot user, but do you think the fact that you're spamming incessantly is why you're getting banned over and over? Not to mention the fact that you and the other faggot sincerely derailed the livestream thread. Filter + is your best friend my brother.

They swore an oath to the constitution but they are instead upholding an oath to their lodge. That's racketeering, for one thing.

The funniest thing is that if this autist would have posted in the meta thread (which he did), his posts wouldn’t be deleted and he could discuss his autism to his heart’s content. And he did that. But he got answers that hurt his feelings, so he decided to go literally fucking insane and spam the board now for FUCKING HOURS. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever.

Even for pol, you're paranoid.

Expressions in the gallery after Gohmert called him out

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It's intresting how they flipped out over that considering the treatment trump has received by the media.


Why’s it interesting? “It’s okay if we do it” is the foundation of liberalism (because it’s a restatement of “truth doesn’t exist”). They’re geninunely, literally shocked that anyone would dare question their behavior.

htt p://

Relevant link above. When combined with the public release from fbi and what lover boy confirmed again today, foreign "hackers" (likely customers) obtained access to the most sensitive data possible through the IS in her basement. It literally cannot get worse than this without a video of her taking a briefcase of money (from the normalfags perspective, which requires spoon-feeding).

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well ya, and I'm surprised that he had the pair to ask them that to their faces. I would like him to replace sessions

You don’t have to break them anymore. They’re automatically converted to text.

The worst part is this guy admitted to doing what the Congressman stated where as the Trump shit has zero basis in fact. They stand still and support allegations but freak out over facts the guy admits…

1st & 2nd webms

3rd webm

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Look at this at 3:25. Nabler literally had a prepared statement for the point of order and read it from a card. Now if we go back to when we were confused why they kept him on the FBI payroll, he kept his TS clearance, etc it was due to this very moment where they could then use his FBI privilege to raise a point of order and shut down the questions. Totally coordinated between the DNC and an FBI agent, no doubt…

What would be a great title for a memory game?

"Strozk'ed","Many faces of Strozk"? ??

More poisoning the well with masons bullshit. Seems like the kike shill strategy. For any youth or anyone unfamiliar, it is a common shill strategy to blame "masons," a bunch of fat, small-town businessmen dipshits who don't run the world, to distract from the massive Jewish financial control of US gov't that's at the root of all this massive criminality and corruption. Kike shills will try to poison the well with bullshit and distractions.

you mean people bring up something irelvant like what happened in the hearing with the children in chages in order to derail a thread?

Is there a full video of the hearing?

Thank you kindly, user

Has one of these congressional investigations EVER led to a conviction? They seem to be pony shows at best (bengazi) and elaborate routines that end up exonerating those involved at worst (wacco).

You ain't wrong.

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They used to matter user. If bored look at the older videos from the 60s. You will be amazed by the difference.


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Weiner's laptop and the Awan server are all connected to the sales scheme. It was literally nukes and the know-how to dump nukes. Talking Dept of Energy stuff, navy stuff, satellite info, you name it. All for sale. All covered with a massive blackmail scheme.

It's funny how this insane information has been out there for a while, yet people apparently forget. It's the most outrageous set of crimes ever committed in terms of total damage done. But here we are. Hillary 2020 LOL

sounds like a Israel operation

Correct me if I am wrong but the two NYPD cops (dude and chick) first on the scene and who first recovered his laptop are now dead as is their old neighbor who owned a loft across from them, yes?

Louie Gohmert is a savage mother fucker. Great moments captured, user. I was roaring in praise and laughter when I watched this live.

Many on these corners of the internet are aware of this to varying degrees. What matters most is normalfag psychology and understanding of the matter. It is critically important that things like what Louie said today, which can't be disregarded as a conspiracy theory, are disseminated wide and far amongst the normalfags.

Have to keep an eye on him over the next few weeks. You saw what happened when Jordan pissed of RR and the events that followed.

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The (IG) Mccollough that Gohmert was refering to. I'm sure most anons will remember the moment in the first webm.

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This sailor goes to jail… jail… and is still in jail for taking a few photos with friends (stupid) while in a submarine under the unauthorized retention of national defense information law:

… and yet fucking Weiner, Huma, Hilary, Awan and who the fuck ever else are literally transmitting SAP and Top Secret material over a server and nothing….

Apparantly they are already surveiling him and his staff.

He doesn't fuck around, and it doesn't look he's afraid of a thing. That final comment he made regarding Strzok's smirking and infidelity along with the subsequent explosion from the demons were astonishing.

Pres. Trump pardoned him last month, user.

I want to see him hanged.
Hey, let your boss know your playbook is out of date nigger.
Soon faggot.


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NICE. Trump better keep him around his secuirty detail because people who threaten the clintons end up dying.

Fuck this low effort Data Mining thread. FUCK the OP for being that KIKE

Oh very good, thanks user, haven't kept up on pardons. Still though, point stands, these people K-Mart American intel secrets to wherever the fuck and nothing and might I remind everyone here that from 2010-2014 China, somehow (hmmm..), discovered the identity of over thirty American spies and assets and killed them all. Wonder how they got the identity of so many well placed spies. These SOBs literally fucked over people who were giving their life undercover to protect the country.

the only genuine reactions are the pajeet and the woman
everyone else knows fully how this pans out
fortunately, herzbold rightnecktie and zogsby leftnecktie (flipped for mirror orientation) know it ends with intense ferocity

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this is the sign of true spooks

This is a textbook example of Jewish obfuscation from Nadler and why people get so infuriated with their linguistic dirty tricks.

Also he sounds just like Sam Hoidel.


The shreiking was unbearable. Even worse that it cut out Gohmerts final remarks.

swinging from a rope

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Off topic but I think James Woods may be among us fairly often. Many of his tweets which are hilarious coincide with the shit we were discussing earlier right around the same time. If you are here James, keep it up.

Also I liked you in Vampires, even if that movie was degenerate as fuck.


On that note…


Did anyone on the (((left))) express concerns over his arrogance?

Are you kidding? They were acting like they were his defense council, constantly objecting and raising points of order on his behalf. Probably part of the reason he was so damn smug.

one of them suggested he get a purple heart for having his name dragged through the dirt by central-right media

Checked. The ones I saw didn't. The smug fuck is a catholic. figures. They're all degenerate filth.

That's the thing. Nobody in the media seems to recognize that he was being an arrogant absolute prick.

That's amazing to me.

Are (((lefties))) socially retarded?

So what the fuck has Jeff Sessions been doing this entire time?

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talking about drugs in NH.

Recusing himself of anything of importance to try and run down the clock on this presidential term.

Sessions must be an agent of the deep state.

That look is "amused and smug, but still extremely stressed and anxious." It's like he's having an aneurysm. His amygdala are being rocked under the extreme stress.

Either that or he as a neurostimulator in his brain. Compare his expressions to the woman in vid related who had a neurostimulator implanted to treat her depression. Wouldn't put it past ((them))) fit him with a Deep Brain Stimulator to ensure his compliance and make he does not turn rat. Mild shocks from the stimulator also serve to keep him calm and in control when he gets flustered, the same way it works to alleviate depression.

Left - crazy eyes from SCOTUS pick "protest" a few nights back. Right - chick behind Strozk that kept trying to be seen by camera today.

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Does he not know that there's treason to deal with under his watch or is he ignoring it?

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