I implore any anti-Europe (not EU) americans to visit the european countryside.
You will literally get your love for Europe back as well as your mojo.
I recommend this for people who lose hopes as well, go there and enjoy your brief paradise.
I implore any anti-Europe (not EU) americans to visit the european countryside.
You will literally get your love for Europe back as well as your mojo.
I recommend this for people who lose hopes as well, go there and enjoy your brief paradise.
I'd love to, but I don't want to give the EU my money.
It's worth it, and we need more whites in Europe.
European territory is far more beautiful than the American landscape. Unfortunately, I'd rather deal with feral niggers and goblinos than psychotic savage desert rats.
Laugh at us for being uncultured relatively uncivilized euromutts, but that at least gives us a chance. I've seen your passive people and sheep to the slaughter watering those green fields with your blood is all I can see.
Uh, do you really think the desert rats are roaming the countryside, really?
They are mostly in cities, you will find more rural niggers than rural dunecoons.
There are some fuck retarded americans who think europeans really are pussy asshats when gun ownership of Europe is only 2nd to America, with some countries above it.
Another piece of shit thread with no value whatsoever.
just kikes think that, white Americans actually love Europe. Dont fall for the kike d&c.
Fuck off.
They weren't largely until Merkel starting pushing them deliberately to the rural areas just like Obama did for 8 years in the U.S. Maybe if you intend on visiting Europe within the next 5 years or sooner. Beyond that I'd stick with Eastern Europe any day of the week then risking running into a muslim gang lurking behind a narrow ally, which is what they do. They specifically target Americans.
There were some villages that Merkel flushed desert rats in, and now they voluntarily move back to the hive city because traditional life is too boring for them.
The rural are by far the safest part of any part of Europe. The most common foreigners would be some asians, unless you go to France, which has a lot of africans.
Or even cities, as long as it's i the V4.
They are both equally beautiful, but in their own way. Pics related
another bot-post
Some cities in western Europe are still okay, as long as it's far away from the capital.
I visited Starsbourg last year and preferred it to Paris.
Rural America is too desert-y and the culture there is frontier culture instead of the medieval culture in Europe.
Your anger does not negate the fact that this is a poorly created, shitty thread and has no relevance to the board. How about you fuck off with your low-effort threads and learn how to make a proper thread with value and relevance?
Shove this bot post right up your ass
can i get that in vid link to go?
is there any europe version of vid related?
candid shots of otherwise ordinary places
I went to the countryside of England and France back in ought two on tour with an orchestra (violafag)
It was awesome. It was white as fuck back then and I was 18 and from Utah and could finally drink beer. I climbed every step on the eifel tower and stood right where Hitler did. Also climbed the same steps.
Really cool trip. We got to perform right in front of the notre dame cathedral in Paris during the French national music festival they used to have. Muzz filth fucked that one up , no more music
This. Unless that's your thing. There are some really nice areas but 1/3rd of the country is littered with that desert feel.
Oh yeah went to Stonehenge too. That was fucking a trip.
I'd love to visit Europe if I could, but fortunately, the average yard around here looks like the village your photo.
Oh fuck off cunt.
And where do you live?
Well, minus the hedges. We mostly have rock walls.
Northern Maine.
My uncle cuts trees up there on the coast as an arborist and he loves it up there
Oh yeah, that's definitety one of the places that feel like the Old World.
Too bad with all the liberals.
Spent a great deal of time in the Italian countryside, I can confirm. Quaint and traditional families living their lives out with the utmost hospitality. (If you're White.)
Literally zero liberals here, all those faggots are in the kiked southern end of the state.
This is the reality the blackpillers don't want you to see.
They want to make you lose hopes, when hopes are all around you.
Nice, maybe I should go sightseeing.
Croatia is also a beautiful country, with gorgeous women and they're very nice and still very much European. Just don't be part of their ancestral Slavic squabbles and you'll be okay.
There are half-white mutts in Europe who hate Europeans.
Just random pics from the web.
Bottom photo is Eastport, easternmost part of the United States, it's a sleepy little fishing village that has a yearly pirate festival which is pretty fun.
Sieg Heil from the mountains
Wish we had a real desert in Europe. Las Vegas must be great (if you don't count all teh degeneracy).
Vegas is unadulterated shit
Flat fucking hot desert spic filth land
Nice, our mountains are tiny compared to Utahs, but we do have thousands of lakes.
Oh, sorry, sig heil.
But is the desert besides it that bad too? I always wanted to capture that "road trip" feeling riding down a desert road in a vintage muscle car blasting 70s rock. That's what America is to me.
Wow, just fucking kill me now. Sieg heil.
Subtle D&C thread. Americans don't hate Europeans.
Except for the fact I’ve seen endless videos of people killing, stomping the shit out of each other, homeless people being stabbed, and bricks being thrown at heads of already beaten people all seemingly filmed in Russian/Ukrain countryside. I’ll stick with living in Iowa where I can actually defend myself via a firearms, and people don’t act like niggers…
WESTERN EUROPE, idiot. Slavs act like shitskins.
Been there and done that. Lived 4 years there. My children want to visit now that they are older and we have to go back next spring for a wedding but honestly-Fuck Europe. You embraced the Muslim cock now you can suck tourist money from Mohammad's dick. ALL the EuroFag does is hate on the USA. We have nothing in common there are no ties that bind us and as soon as we can remove ourselves from NATO and move our arms to Poland the better. I am fucking sick of having the EU on my back, I am sick of their bullshit.There is a HUGE difference between say those fucking pigs in London, Paris, Berlin, and Rome and the people in the countryside but until those people rise up and kill the urban multiculturalist they can drown in their own blood.
Actually Americans wanted nothing to do with European ideas and tried to forge a new republic free from the degenerate idols of Europe. The USA was in most ways diametrically opposed to the European system at the time. Where we fucked up was ever trying to apply Euro-Jew ideas to the USA.
Why do I have to go to Europe when my homeland has identical weather patterns, identical landscapes, and even towns that are ethnically and architecturally identical to my motherland?
There goes the euro-hating american retardation again. WE, the people, did not embrace it. It was the (((governments))) of our nations, and specifically the (((EU))) that forced it upon us.
The EU is not Europe; Europe is not the EU.
How fucking retarded are you? That's one of the last white states in the country, Maine. Most of the pictures in this thread are the United States.
There is no we the people in the EU, you retard. It was not forced upon you nice try kike boy. The EU is EUROPE, don't you even read your faggot "treaty" that creates that Frankenstein state. It doesn't matter what "the people" want and that was pointed out at the time to you retarded ass breathing eurofucks. What the hell though "the people" signed up and love it. Shit look at any poll of the subject the eurofag loves the EU dick up the ass. Your countries have no real autonomy and when you try you will be sanctioned that was spelled out at the onset and "you/we the people" voted for it. So at the end you wanted it, now go back to sucking muslim cock.
Here comes the retards.
Proven wrong right in this thread, some burgers are retarded.
Europeons are still ungrateful about American help, and equal NATO, an anticommunist operative, with occupation, when countries like Germany aren't targeted with nukes anymore. What's more is that after all that money was already poured into their countries, they don't feel the need to pay their debts. America has the right to be angry at you W*stners.
Ukraine is a shithole but i love it more than the US when i visit family
That still doesn't give me an answer as to why I should visit eurocuck.
those are usually race mixers or the racially mixed, so who gives a shit what they think
you don't need American english-irish-italian-polish mutts, no. maybe to help fight the race war while the native europeans capture the young beautiful european women and chain them up in the breeding pits to procreate the next generation of purebred europeans. the "white" meme only applies for America, for European countries literally everybody that is not the indigenous ethnic group needs to get the fuck out. a pole in England is not much better than a paki in England, they're still not English
wrong, only baste yemen comes close
and even in European countries where there is some ability to get guns, you can only get shitty guns unlike in America where you can build .300blk ar-15s and carry glock 19s with 17rd spare mags
So what about that "muh guns but never use them" argument, Europeon?
Occupying half of the continent while handing over the other half to the Soviet Union after arming it can hardly be considered help. Just look at the damage the American occupation has done compared to the Soviet occupation.
Most people in the US descend from degenerates and lunatics deported from Europe. They gained hatred for Europe because they were not good enough for Europe. The US ethos has always been nearly identical to that of a communist. As long as they remain fat degenerates, they will continue on their agenda of White Genocide.
Then get rid of the EU.
I'm just saying, I'm not going to come to Europe and give the EU my money, and I don't want them to have my money because they're bringing in browns, and bringing in browns reduces the effectively proportional number of Whites in Europe, so…
Get rid of the EU.
Then I'll come to your Europe every year.
But not until the EU is gone.
Because I wont give them my money.
Because they use it to bring in browns.
Which reduces the number of Whites in Europe proportionally speaking.
Which is why you need more Whites in Europe to begin with.
See what I'm getting at here?
(I'm suggesting you lead a coup against the corrupt elite which have hijacked your societies, before they kill you all for being bad goyim.)
Spoken like someone who has never left the state he was born in. Both Europe and North America are breathtaking.
Nigger what? There are multiple distinct biomes in North America that consist of rural areas. The southwest is desert yes, but that's only one part of the country. Do you think that rural areas in Maine are desertlike? How about the ones in Georgia? Or Montana? Stop spouting dumb shit.
Wait, so the most free, fun, and party like period in history is the American occupation? Wow, wish we could've been "occupied" then, I'm sure we would've put those postwar investments to good use.
Okay so let's see, Ukraine is in war, Yugoslavia broke away in a war and now it's imporvished, Czechia isn't anywhere near Western levels of income although it was one of the richest countries in the world before the war, the Baltics are poor too, and they're loosing their people to immigration, Poland's economy is none existent although we use to be extremely diversified, meaning we are poor as fuck too. Truly wonderful… unless America is to blame for everyhing bad in your country, right.
Burger here. We're not anti-Europe. I cannot visit the occupied Fatherland unless I come to liberate it from its oppressors. To see the Holy Land in this sad state would be more than I could take.
Reported for low quality thread.
The death of Europe will first come spiritually and then physically. Eastern Europe still has some semblance of sanity by refusing to be displaced by niggers and towel heads, they may be poorer but they have a better chance at survival.
Op here, this thread is depressing, just like Zig Forums.
No one gets along.
Occupied by who?
You say that yet you're here on the internet entretaining yourself. You can't eat tanks and rockets, and if working is all you've got (not counting those one off state sponsored holidays, woo pee), then that is also spiritual death.
Go ahead and party away while your people are being replaced, no one will miss people like you anyways.
False ditchomery.
No one was being replaced in Western Europe in the 90s when American presence stopped. Numbers of nonwhites were minimal.
And somehow we have retained our culture and don't have any shitskins at all while advancing at an ever increasing pace
Because W*stners act like peons.
You could say the American occupation made far greater advances unlike the Soviet occupation, where it all just stagnated and turned everything into a shithole.
It was a process of demoralization, they took away what it meant to be a part a people. The Post War era was nothing but preparation for the racial destruction of Europe.
Economically they may be better but culturally and spiritually they can't even compete. It is easier to resurrect an economy than a people.
I never said you should, you dense nigger. I was absolutely baffled as to why you even responded to me, but then I realized you are a semi-literate monkey.
This. Stop blaming people.
It's actually more like a less pozzed San Diego outside of the strip and your a 20 minute drive to some pretty intense Mountain Forest and springs. Don't listen to any of the kike faggots in this thread who say otherwise, nut Nevada has some of the beautiful valleys up north. The Untouched desert is a wonderful maze of lights and stars at night. With some initiative, Nevada can be your State as well.
Black pill time.
UK doesn't have any non-niggered countryside any more. The NHS is used as a battering ram against white communities. They ship in brown dentists and doctors and nigger support staff. In the last 10 years my local surgery went from zero niggers to 1/3rd of the staff being non-white. Amazon is doing like wise when they hire negro drivers for all their deliveries and have them live near to the rural parcel warehouses.
Even if you live in the middle of no where 30 minutes from any town you're starting to see niggers and pakis regularly now. They're not living on your street (yet) but they're starting to shit the place up.
There is no modern Europe without the exploitation and slavery imposed upon the USA by the glorious leaders that wish to suck off the globalist cabal. ALL of their socialist utopias and grand posturing is built on trillions of dollars extorted from the USA tax payers. Never forget as an US citizen that ALL of the nations in Europe have assfucked the USA for 30 years without lube and 43 years with the lube of the specter of Russia and full blown Commie takeovers.
Been to rural Norway and it's beautiful, but I'd still rather be in rural America.
The right looks like a shit hole, it's covered in brown dead grass and very few trees
NHS won't hire UK doctors. They want those fuckers over their own.
(implying anti-EU americans aren't JIDF shills)
We are taking Europe not EU.
The war was already decided by the time America got involved. They helped the communists defeat the Germans and then went "oh shit, communists are our enemy" shortly afterwards. It's almost like they keep doing the same shit and that's why the middle east is now full of American weapons being used to kill American soldiers.
I've never seen a better argument for keeping the EU than this post. Fuck, maybe Brexxit is a mistake if it keeps you out of Europe.
Dont be such an asshat. Did you really fall for Trump's NATO bashing? Haven't you figured out yet that he's just playing to redneck egos, but isn"t serious about anything he says?
And we've gotten more out of NATO than the Europeans. We get to use Europe as a base to launch our ZOG wars and even get some European and Canadian troops to help the kikes spread misery and death.
The communist revolution was financed by American (((bankers))) and their war crimes were suppressed in the media in order to keep the public from sympathizing with those fighting communism
Many of the "american" soldiers they deployed in Europe were niggers. Are you going to deny this?
That is actually on point. NATO must be dissolved that is one of the first steps in the reset. The EU is the enemy of the USA and has always been. The US pushed and financed the creation of the EU at the behest of ZOG.