Listen up Zig Forums commies are going hard today, so what is your feelings about this insanity.
>I am a commie you idiot
Other urls found in this thread:
ffs you pinko shill faggot at least use the board right
Hooktube, webm, and mp4 are all valid alternatives. Don't be such a fucking nigger and put some effort into your shit.
You mean kikes and their golems.
About what? This is any other day, basically.
That's the point.
I was a really edgy Facebook meme bro and basically liked any page that posted memes, and for the longest time I thought the commie pages were ironic…
This could have been such a good thread, but you fucked it up so badly you incredibly lazy faggot.
Fuckin lul'd at second pic
Morgan is such a fucking retard he even makes a communist look good by contrast. go fly a kite piers
No problem with the topic, but I think I'm on board with mods just nuking these shit OPs until people get it right.
Why is this bitch even alive after this interview? "I am an enemy of the state!"
White people are far too nice, and your world is being destroyed because of it.
Because Jews.
Yeah, sure seems that way… But wait and see what happens.
You are going to live to see something which is both beautiful and horrifying. Whether you'll live to see the other side of it, well, that'll depend upon how badly you people fucked up our willingness to show kindness and empathy towards other beings.
Snapple Fact:
There were 90 million Germans in Germany in 1941.
There are 82 million 'Germans' in Germany today.
There are approximately 50 million Germans in the United States today.
German ancestry is the #1 reported ancestry in the United States today - 1 in 4 amongst White Americans, of which there are 200 million.
If we did try to do something we will be demonized on the media.
Gun grabbing faggot vs. anti-white Paki commie thot. I care for neither. Let them kill each other.
Nobody cares, and besides I’d dick that Pajeet and turn her into my honorary Nazi waifu. Sage for taking the side of (((Piers Morgan))).
Soon it won't matter.
Piers Morgan is a kike? I thought he was just a paddy good goy golem working for the kikes?
My kindness and empathy abilities have been pinpoint targeted to only those I care about user. I would say that is becoming more common, which isn't going to bode well for all those that we don't care about.
I just hope it happens while I'm young enough to participate
What's with all the "will there be race mixing in the ethnostate" shills today?
You will.
I swear it.
That's why the kikes love him.
Communists…they'll soon all be put against a wall and shot.
It's getting to that point that even the far-left is tired of playing these manipulative games with the rest of the idiots who call themselves liberals and conservatives. They worked them so long they're unable to even break out of the fucking illusion to be radicalized lol.
How y'all going to hang everyone you disagree with when you are too fat to even heave yourself off your bed?
Hopefully soon enough.
Half German half Hungarian here born in America. I can only contain my bloodrage for so long.
Don't these faggots already have /lefttypol/ already?
Tell me what is a larp?
poo in the loo pajeet
You do realize actual communists don't give a shit about Antisoy, right?
I also have yet to see a straight up nazi beat anyone up. It's always been the opposite.
"Together, we created something beautiful" with a picture of a family? Edgy?
What the fuck is the problem with you kikes if you think that's edgy?
More effort, please.
Communist Control Act of 1954
Great Seal of the United States
Long title An Act to outlaw the Communist Party, to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities, and for other purposes.
Acronyms (colloquial) CCA
Enacted by the 83rd United States Congress
Effective August 24, 1954
Public law 83-637
Statutes at Large 68 Stat. 775
Titles amended 50 U.S.C.: War and National Defense
U.S.C. sections created 50 U.S.C. ch. 23, subch. IV § 841 et seq.
Legislative history
Introduced in the Senate as S. 3706
Passed the Senate on August 12, 1954 (85-0)
Passed the House on August 16, 1954 (305-2)
Reported by the joint conference committee on August 19, 1954; agreed to by the Senate on August 19, 1954 (79-0) and by the House on August 19, 1954 (266-2)
Signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on August 24, 1954
The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.
Also free helicopter rides
Shit OP fucking neck yourself you braindead lazy fag
Remember, not too long ago, when these people were arrested and hanged.
Never happened. America has always supported communism.
She is alive because she is not actually an enemy of the state. She is a tool of the state. Communists are dumb as dog shit.
communists and nazis are two sides of the same jewish coin. youd realize this if you werent under extreme cognitive dissonance
Cmmunism and capitalism are two sides of the same shekel, not National Socialism. National Socialism/Fascism is the true third way.
How big was the protest against the Chinese dictator visit vs this Trump protest?
Enjoy your ban. If you think this is a good tactic, then use it yourself, moron.
Stop bumping this shit thread, you embarrassing degenerates.
third way for the kikes to take over the world that is
Kikes hate children unless they're brown. They don't even have their own kids much these days.
My Jewish extended family was nice to me when I was a child.
I don't think the hasbarat troll knows what the echos mean.
Is she an indian? Is she remnant of those indian commies with who Yuri worked with?
Can we feed her to our atheist girlfriend seeker?
Why does she hates her country she invades britain? Does she not know she would go in gulag for treason under real communism?
PS: there will be some Zig Forums autist who would say she's cute and would fuck her, we can use that.
Nigger, what is your feeling about a question mark?
"Luxury communism, often called fully automated luxury communism (FALC), is, in essence, the idea of fully embracing automation. The theory is that in the near future, technology will have advanced to the point that most mundane (and some less mundane) work tasks can be done completely by machines."
You mean the same media that takes it upon itself to demonize us daily anyway? I genuinely don't understand wtf optics cucks are even talking about.
meh , i bet she smells
thats not untrue
but then we still have capitalism for the difficult tasks that requires profession and licensing
I shudder to think of the population boom should that happen; Look what modern medicine has done to the turd world.
I'm not too worried though, people like her couldn't govern their way out of a wet paper burka
Pathetic jew.
cuckchan is really the worst cancer
Well cuckchan told me (cripple chan) to come back here.
>disgusting shitskin is a (((communist)))