California university works to reduce number of white people on campus
California university works to reduce number of white people on campus
Remember when we were called conspiracy theorists and white supremacists for saying that "diversity" is code word for "fever white people"?
For California it really won't represent the state's demographics unless it's at least 70% bean.
There are still "white" people in CA? Why haven't they moved? Oh, that's right they are failed fucks who are cucks anyway.
kikes will still be over represented in the diversity lottery
What a dumb response.
Sage for Commiefornia thread, KYS OP.
imagine being so insecure that you have to go to Zig Forums to talk shit to guys that, if done in real life, would probably get you to piss the panties you wear out of solidarity before you got your second round of mindless "shame" chanting out.
Of course that is just an assumption based on current trends. Never know if some sort of real civil unrest may start and that piss is replaced with the involuntary bowl release after an uneventful death by the many means available.
Of course, that is just an assumption based on possible future events. It could be that you simply involuntarily piss and shit yourself both before the rampant low IQ nigger robs you, then subsequently shoots you because he only knows animalistic feelings that tell him to kill things weaker than him, possibly as a left over reptile response to hunger. Even though he undoubtedly had some Skittles in his pocket. Of course that is just an assumption based on current and possible future trends.
You could just die from old age, childless and accomplishing nothing other than shitposting on a Mongolian Basket Weaving forum you sought out to disrupt. That is based solely upon you though.
Regardless, your future ends with your own personal extreme amounts of fear and no acknowledgement of said fear by anyone other the last person to see your eyes cry out for comfort, which they won't provide by personal choice.
This was pasta.
Polite sage for contributing nothing.
Imagine being gay
Yes goy, don't organise on the basis of race, just drink your soy latte and watch your pornography.
Good. White people need to stay out of Marxist MK centers.
This. Whites need to save their race by becoming truck drivers. Stay out of universities and become a burger flipper.
Hail victory! hail our people!
I fucking hate jews.
Nice argument.
I'll keep pushing this point. Most white people add negative value to society because they sell out to non-whites. If all of the stupid whites were gone then the ones who are left would have a much better chance at fighting back.
Stop spamming, shill.
The problem with white people is that we are too good natured. We tend to think that everyone else thinks like we do. We're too trusting.
Of course, it doesn't help that we've had generations of our bravest slaughtered in world wars.
diversity = make everything the same
inclusion = kick out whitey
California school are a major source of indoctrination, whites are going to start leaning conservative again lol.
True, but we must continue to fight with the forces we have left. There are only two outcomes. Victory, or death.