Brit/pol/ #2850: Oooooh Roory Steeeewart Edition

Rory Stewart: I will double foreign aid spent on climate change fight

Peter Hitchens: Why we need a more British capital

John Bercow plans to stay on as Commons Speaker

Former Plaid cumrag leader 'compares Brexiteers to NAZIS' after posting sketch of EU arm-wrestling with a swastika

Family had reported London Bridge attacker to police, inquest hears

The MLK tapes: Secret FBI recordings accuse Martin Luther King Jr of watching and laughing as a pastor raped a woman, having 40 extramarital affairs - and they are under lock in a U.S. archive, claims author

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Good lad

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Slay your scrotum

xth for the patron saint of Zig Forums

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kill your mother

Hard boil your eggs

destiny is such an odious cunt americans ruin everything

butter your toast with dick cheese and taint butter

good lad

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love life me

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the modern birthday is a shambles tho

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How can one man look so much like a spastic

tory blood innit

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Couldn't watch this life as wagies need to sleep. Get comfy and let's watch BIG DICKIE together

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Fucking hell. One of the great stories of the last half century is the white flight out of london. That these foreign and libgay spastics who replaced them (having driven them out) then declare it an english city really gets my gears grinding. Go to essex (or now further afield) and ask the white residents what they think about london and immigration, you complete clowns.

I fucking detest these spoilt children and their orwellian 'double plus good diversity' slogans.

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This fucking yid, lads. He's one of the scoobydoos who went on QT to openly admit that multiculturalism was punishment for his despicable race of bed-wetting neurotics having been called 'yids' in the past (by probably a handful of people). He's definitely near to top of my hate list.

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avg stream, spencer shills for the EU like a dummy

look guys he's super trad! oooooo rooory steeewwwart!

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"How about you realise political parties are illegitimate but so long as this circus exists we're going to pick the best of a bad bunch"

"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes."

Why doesn't she go to India if she wants Indians? Britain is British.

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I see he's a fellow BIG DOG lad
>disgusting 'hug an arab unless he's minding his own business, on his own land', open border, (((neocon))) kike wants one of his people's puppets reinstated
Imagine my shock.

truly a man of the people

Tbh, the High Tory gang behave like children, like politics is some big game.

>"i-it's only i-i-i-ironic h-h-heh"

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To hell with people like john cleese tbh. They do fucking nothing. He'd still declare anyone wanting to do anything about all this a nazi. Fuckin ell, lads. How do even live in london, SA?

Ironic memiry while our girls are getting hooked on drugs and locked in basements across the country, complete obnoxious cancer.

you should know by now mate

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>"here's how Barclay Euripides-Hickman can save the Tory party and make it based and epic again!"

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Why/when did they jump off the OH JACOB REES MOGG train?

Love what the Chinese have done to Canada.

I'm assuming around the same time he did his loaf of bread comment, but even then you had Moggmentum still sucking him off.

Missed that tbh

They were actually promoting Gove a while back for fuck sake.

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Fair enough, funny how no one bar us care about his build on the green belt comments smh

Kek. How long until you become the next 'vile racist' to be featured in the daily heil for an outburst on a train?

Slags in my city really are the biggest coalburners in the country. I blame the influence of Cheryl Cole.

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I'm fucking seething with the state of this country tbh. It's another one of those days that I think 'what is even the fucking point - almost all of my countrymen are total cunts anyway - and they fucking deserve the hell that's coming their way'.

God what a confused mess

The Left has no actual values, they just struggle for pleasure and powers like animals.

Tbf these are just rancid vacuums who will say anything in the moment. They literally aren't even worth considering human. Nothing they say or do means anything.

For one thing, it means you can honestly say you did what you could at the time.

That quote sums up the whole of the post war zeitgeist tbh (and reinforces the point I was making here ). Depressing.

HTG just straight up fucking ignored it and continued banging on about him.

About twenty minutes lel.

Attached: Mogg - green belt is a corset.mp4 (720x720 2.99 MB, 3.18M)

Yeah, good point.

They are just stroppy cunts, the Aussie journos were spot on.

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What do I do though? I bitch about it on here, and occasionally to one of my mates who seems to have an open mind, but for whom none of it has any real meaning anyway (he being a london-dwelling careerist). There may be simmering resentment out there, but those who exhibit this are still mostly just mindless decadents and plebs.

Try to get ready for disaster, I think. You're right that most of the country is retarded, and they're not your burden to bear.

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hope for the future, lad

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Arseholes to the lot of em.

Chin up sport those routes ain't gonna drive themselves

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How can anyone look at this map and think "remain won"? You have to be fucking braindead.

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Feels good man, even Cunterbury and Tunbridge voted TBP

There's literally already a feminine form for that word, "petra". Bizarre.

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They literally are my burden to bear, inasmuch as my entire life has been shaped by the people and the social and political climate around me. Things have never been more institutionalised and prescriptive. I am (like most on here) just another failed zog-puppet.


John Cleese is based.

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Because they don't look at that map, they look at the cope-posting which reinforces their elitist and anti democratic agenda.

sharted myself for fuck's sake stupid protein ghost shits

Kek. Aussies really are puddled.
Wouldn't be surprised if 'peter' is just a catch-all moniker for any other human. Could possibly even be applied to wildlife:

And the comments are cancerous. We know, lad. Also he isn't baste: he's an expat boomerspastic.

ngl it has been fun watching them seethe over this, and it's not just us they are pissing off with this

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Knife crime, burglary and robbery all soar in London under Sadiq Khan, damning figures show

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wow so baste


he needs to get his head kicked in tbh

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I get that a lot of people may have voted labour under the assumption that they were lying, but that still doesn't account for this hot take. Absolutely pathetic tbh.

Nah I think the human animal is better than that, what she said was due to years of brainwashing. If she was wired up naturally she'd spit on the ape and put herself and therefore her people above all and not be a self loathing embarrassment

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And just weeks before durying the local elections they were banging on that Labour and Tory losses were Leave losses meaning that the country had changed its mind and wanted to remain.
They are such cunts.

It could not be clearer that the cunts in the EU want and NEED us to stay so their faux-utopian nightmare can continue.

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lasses bully on another level to us. cruel


The problem is that people are so easily programmed without God. Just dangle pleasure and threaten social ostracism and you can mould people like clay.

what britain needs is a Fuentes-like figure to unite the zoomers and boomers

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The tattoos on her arms (presumably of something wanky like 'be the freedom you desire to see take flight', but in mock arabic) are the icing on the cake.

Being a woman must be fucking awful, at least with blokes it's brutal honesty.