uh oh guys… We're totally triggered by gooks fucking human trash.
Uh oh guys… We're totally triggered by gooks fucking human trash
Other urls found in this thread:
Good thing we don't watch porn (degenerate filth) and don't masturbate
Might be time, hurt my back jerking off this morning.
The epitome of "NO U".
What the fuck were you doing?
Not quite as interesting as the first time I saw it half a year ago.
Im not sure why asian and white is a problem. Is there an issue at all? I havent read anything bad about it.
He just said he was jerking off user.
Well then allow me to explain to you friendo that all forms of racemixing are frowned upon here at hatechan Zig Forums.
You mean they crowdfunded a whore to lose her citizenship in about 5 years?
Yea, I'm kind of slow. Sorry.
Naw dude, AM/JF
the M is for "Manlet," and the F is for "Filth"
Hapa are the weirdest mixed race. Mulatto's might take the ugly and stupid crown, but hapas look deformed.
tbh i'd rather see that than niggers. bestiality is disgusting.
Racemixing is bad, but one of the situations depicted is more pathetic than the other
Asian "men" should just get TRT and try jelqing instead of being perpetually mad.
It isn't any different than destroying your DNA by fcking a nog. You are still destroying a work of art that took the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people to accomplish…can you imagine a community art project that involved the lives and lifetimes of hundreds of thousands of people that you chose to take a huge shit on by destroying it completely?
Also…I hear nightmare stories from men (and yes, IT IS OFTEN MEN who are the problem with race mixing since they train from preteen ages using jew porn with THE SOLE PURPOSE OF RACE MIXING…anyway…these nightmare stories of men who marry Asians (one of them is a friend of mine and he is so relieved to have a American woman he can talk to rather than his foreign wife, who doesn't understand him and he doesn't understand her either. The live a life on the edge of divorce because they really had nothing in common other than sex. Also, if you think White women are bossy, you haven't seen anything yet when dealing with an Asian woman. Who wants to control your entire life, including finances…and who will gaslight and sabotage you if you don't comply.
No idea, quite the puzzle there bubbo.
Betas deserve it, and not every country in the world has Weimerican family courts
Yeah well we arent 4chan and race mixing is a sin
Was this made by buzzfeed only they would right a title like that.
jej, this is gold.
Is there evidence to prove that it was crowd funded and not actually funded through (((shell accounts)))?
"This thing just happened and you'll never believe what happened next ;0)"
do you doubt legitimacy of Peter from North Korea or Alja from Somalia? (^:
Welcome to the current year goyim.
What a completely reliable and trustworthy set of individuals I guess Kim Jong Un decided to give his people access to the Internet to show the wonders of living in a utopia.
I guess you could make an argument that it was his fault…I am not defending him for racemixing I think it is horrific. But I also think that some people have a stronger notion of commitment than others…for certain people divorce isn't the first option when they have made a lifetime contract that was a horrifying mistake by marrying someone that they have absolutely nothing in common with other than lust (that porn issue jew driven race mixing agenda rears its ugly head again).
I dont see a white female … all I see is a fucking nose
we dont need proof … all shit like this is liberal shit
liberals are just one big corrupt cirminal satanic organization
reddits is for asians bro , china owns california
Muh dik, shouldn't be a primary, or worse yet only reason for making AN ETERNAL VOW IN FRONT OF GOD (or a government official)
It was a reference to pic related, EA made a fake petition
These faggots still deny white genocide as well, when all they want is to kill whitey.
Checked & jejjed.
t. bluepilled on the kikes
I remember when I first heard about this from a streamer I used to watch. He was talking about it like it was great:
That was the same day I discovered one of the regular guests is an unapologetic furry
I disagree, most hapas I've seen (including one I dated before ridding myself of the degeneracy that is racemixing) we're pretty cute, I haven't come across an ugly one yet tbh. I think the worst mixes are mulattos like you said, black and asian, and mexican and white. Of course, mixing black with anything ends up with some ugly ass people, so I didn't feel the need to specify every race mixing with niggers lul
Think about it, THEY blinked. They didn't put a nigger, they knew it would piss normies not even on the chans off off so they put an asian.
No, it was the failures from /r/hapas because neither white nor asian girls want to date hapa guys.
keep it going, jews
Its the same as racemixing with nogs bit worse since asians are actually better than any nog could be
Im pretty sure this is months old.
Old news. Sage for slide thread.
Yeah, this is retarded.
Those look like the female version of Elliot Rodgers.
And I never said hapas were ugly, just deformed looking. Every last one I see appears whitish at first, but strange. Then I find out they're mixed race and then it explains everything.
The only mixed race that's tolerable is castizo's. Pic related.
Plus, I think the whole site is just a troll site to instigate raysischan. IDK why though. It's connected to hooknosetube somehow.
Do you not know what a Castizo is? Because Italians aren't them.
Incorrect. My white wife, whom I have impregnated with my seed of superior intellect and creativity with our fourth child. My white Italian mother couldn't help herself when she met my half black-half filipino father. Now my superior genes have hybridized with my sexy swedish native indian blye-eyed american wife. Fuck with it, you insecure cuckold.
They had to pool their resources all across the world from thousands of people just to get a white woman to fuck an asian man? Does reddit's leftists never learn that their mere existence demonstrates the validity of our statements.
We're on so many levels of cuck here that I lost track.