Holocaust 2.0 confirmed, led by Trump.
But in all seriousness Trump just BTFO'D sharblue sills, eurocucks, and Jewish globalists all at once.
Trump Rants Against Immigration During Europe Tour
Blue checkmarks kvetching about this on twatter
nice pic but your (((CNN))) article is cancer and doesn't quote the best parts which are from the Sun interview.
Absolute madman.
He needs to travel to and occupy England.
Well Trump is saying that the Sun interview was fake news because it completely misquoted him and falsified what he said about Theresa May.
Funny enough he only doubled down on what he said about immigration, he was only mad that the Sun made it look like he hates May right before they met.
Either way I feel like the (((CNN))) article gives an updated article on the situation while throwing in a little bit of outraged liberal tone for the salt mines
Trump telling the truth? Absolutely.
Is this good? No
Muh drumph saying immigration is bad will only cause them to double down. By this time next week they will pass an eu law demanding all residents house at least 3 refugees and their families and they will celebrate how much they stuck it to drumph.
Watch out Trump, they'll arrest you for wrongthink!
Oh, right.
If they did that, they'd find out what happens when you fuck with people who can fight back.
This. 70 % of trump's cabinet stays kiked
And further grow the already fast growing right in Europe?
I don't see how you came to this conclusion. For leftists maybe yea it will only cement them more but for moderates and swing voters it will help to normalize this kind of rhetoric since in Europe you're an "ebil nahtzee" for saying stuff like this. If they see the president of the US using the same rhetoric as groups that they see as far right it will help shift their over tonight window further right to accommodate the far right parties that they see as more normal
Overton* oops
Also I'd like to point out that if center right groups like CDU become more lenient on immigration it will lead to a surge in AfD votes and CSU will likely split meaning AfD has a chance at entering government.
Instead of ranting, Trump could promise pardons to all of his supporters for clearing out and killing non-White immigrants right here at home. But then they wouldn't be around to buy, shop, incur debt and produce children who do the same. I imagine his major concern with immigration in Europe and its affect on Europe's culture is the possibility that a Muslim Europe isn't going to be amenable to cooperating with judeo America or its banking class.
So far I only see it resulting in deranged leftists and kike journalists being blatantly honest about their hatred of Europeans.
he said no trade deal unless there's a hard Brexit. he's trying to force May's hand. what do you want him to do, invade the country?
Instead of making up hypothetical situations that play out in your head, you could take what he said at face value, kike.
Im British and I wouldnt mind the US invading if it meant Trump taking over the negotiations from the morons we have doing it right now.
They're already fleeing in droves to Israel.
Which is funny, because they're fleeing the circumstanes they created; which they created because they wanted to simultaneously blanda-up the White population AND motivate them towards hating Muslims (so they'll be more likely to support Israeli action against Muslim Arabs).
This has been the history of Jews for hundreds of years.
German citizens always gave a chance to radical political movements like DVU or the Pirates so that they can have a shot at politics. Problem is they are always fixated on one specific problem and have no fucking clue about everyday politics. They sat still during economical debates, during any international problems and didn't have anything for domestic policy as well. And now the AfD is screaming about muh immigration, will most likely get their 5-15% voters and throw out their rebellious attitude the second it's time to stand in line for all the sweet benefits.
AfD is just another kosher controlled-op outlet IMHO.
We're seeing an emergence of these faux-opposition outfits across Europe, and sadly, it seems to be working. Take that as you will.
If he did that he would lose the support of the US population, including the vast majority of whites. He'd be removed from office instantly.
What we should do is clear out and kill neo-Nazis. That we probably could get some support for, and then maybe we'll make progress on keeping the West nice and white.
No he wouldn't.
Definitely wouldn't.
So you're Jewish, is what you mean to say.
Neato sport.
how i love this guy
Oh Christ, will you trailer trash neo-Nazi retards just kill yourselves already. AfD represents an important cultural and political shift in Germany. They advocate policies that are pro-German, nationalist, anti-immigration etc. and them becoming more popular is crucial to keeping Germany German.
But you worthless subhuman neo-Nazi filth think that because they're not calling for the extermination of Jews they're controlled opposition and we shouldn't support them and instead just wait for Hitler or fantasize about some revolution that never comes.
durr anyone who disagrees with me is a Jew
I proposed it partly just to insult you but the more I think about it, the more I believe exterminating the neo-Nazis is the first step to keeping the West white. It would also help purify the white gene pool seeing as all you people are ugly as shit, low IQ, trashy, high time preference garbage. You people are the absolute shittiest tier of the white race. Exterminating you accomplishes a dual purpose and we could probably get enough votes in the senate to get it done.
Britfag here, please do.
I can see that u are a kike with a uteris. Fuck off.
Yeah, you're Jewish, we get it m8.
Nah, its just more kosher trash m8, which explains why you love it so much.
Who said anything about disagreeing with me?
You're pouting about MUH NEO-NAHTZEES while shilling for a kosher party.
You're Jewish.
That's called baitposting, its a form of shilling and you should be banned for it. Reported you just in case you aren't polvol2 as is probably the case.
Yeah, again, we get it, you're Jewish.
Do you have an argument besides screeching like the Jewish woman you are while the mods do nothing to maintain board quality?
You'd think America hasn't got it's own black problem the way the trumpniggers carry on about Europe here
Still at least it helps them get to sleep pretending that the agent of zion they elected isn't a jewish puppet
Why is it nobody is depicted in the (((media))) as "ranting" in favor of illegal invasion?
Ever hear of John Paul Jones? During the American rebellion he sailed to England and straight up jacked a warship. Caught them completely by surprise, it was like if the Viet Cong stole an aircraft carrier.
So, it will be the same tired d&c then? Lovely.
then you'll be next on the wall for treason and reactionary bourgeois contempt over the white working class
Thats not an argument.
I desire screenshots for personal nourisment.
Just in case a newfag reads your garbage i'm gonna bite.
Trump is barely a year in, what you just suggested is as realistic as a car accelerating to 100mph in a splitsecond. It would take at least 3-5 years for 20%+ people to agree to just all evict non-whites and a few more years plus additional propaganda to get around 10% agreement of the population for a successful implementation of violent removal measure after he declares it and then deal with the following civil war leading to countless deaths including that of white people.
Strategically, the earliest he should start proposing to evict non-whites is in his second Term like Hitler proposed to evict all Jews, not declaring to kill them all because evicting is easier to swallow for the population and has the same result of a non-white free country.
Its amazing how posts that lay out the truth draw out the (1) kikes.
Which means absolutely nothing.
You mean stepping on the gas in a high-powered vehicle? Who would ever do such a thing!?
You can't just step on the gas! The car has to run for AT LEAST a year! Only then can you step on the gas! (What do you mean 'the car will run out of gas by then'? Shut up!)
So, why don't we just do it NOW and go straight to the civil war and win it? You don't have an answer to that.
This. The other anons are blatantly shilling ridiculous proposals in order to change board culture to not support Trump though. He’s not Hitler but he’s the best we have for now.
Golly, I wonder why berniebros are desperate for welfare. It's almost like they have the IQ and work ethic of niggers
You're the BAHYEEESED faggot here, look up what Overton Window means. Just talking about it means more people will now consider it a mainstream opinion. Even if he did absolutely nothing material about immigration, a fucking POTUS talking about it is a huge break from current trends. Even the PM of Hungary said his election wouldn't have been possible without Trump paving the way.
>Even the PM of Hungary said his election wouldn't have been possible without Trump paving the way.
Why MAGApedo Trumpniggers must die
#421,654 in a series of 6,000,000
Its so funny.
You note that Trump talks a lot of shit and doesn't do anything meaningful. The Trumpnigger shills come outta the woodwork to kvetch and moan about how important Trump is, by juxtaposing him with European faux-Nationalists in bed with kosher interests.
Then you point out they're faux-Nationalists in bed with kosher interests.
What will their response be?
We have an example in this thread already, and there was no response whatsoever.
So you're the jew journalist who wrote it. Neat, I guess. Still no (you's) for (((you)))
I wish the mods would ban shills here.
Orban does what any kosher conservative has done for the last 100 years, he says one thing and does whatever his jewish bosses tell him.
My job of pointing out that you copy-paste jewish D&C in the sad belief that you can turn people against Trump and get your welfare candidate into office? I would say job well done. But please, tell me more about how much better healthcare will be with single payer, fellow white.
Why are you on Zig Forums, a board renowned for the red-pill, yet here you are promoting jewish illusions pretending the most jewish president since Roosevelt is actually secretly on /ourside/?
Breibart and reddit more than meet your needs, this board isn't for you MAGApedo retards
Whats really interesting is that, that's probably a Zig Forums actor.
They come in here and LARP as MAGApede retards to do exactly what they're accusing me of - trying to get people to turn against Trump more aggressively.
I think the guy is not optimal, and is insufficient, though he's funny and is a preferable choice to a servant of liberal progressive Jewry. Still not optimal, and not sufficient either.
That would ge excellent.
I came to this conclusion because cognitive dissonance is powerful. Ie.. a society of cucked out germans with a huffpost tier government and media apparatus will have living proof of the evil trumps language against diversity. Wifes relatives are from euro. Literally met them and they were expecting to arrive in 1930s germany when they got off the plane. #notmypresident is on steroids over there.
Pic related means Trump is a nigger puppet
>AfD is kiked, user. To prove it, here's this article by my friend (((Raphael Ahren))). Check and mate.
Building support on policies that are not yet accepted obviously takes time.
Even a high powered vehicle can't do that, there is something called acceleration, speed is something you build and not something you have from one moment to the other, this was a metaphor for building support over time.
Because there are not enough people to win it NOW. Most civil wars in history needed minimum 10% of the population to succeed, do you believe that 10% of the current U.S. population would join if Trump declares civil war and violent removal of non-whites tomorrow? If yes, i would like to know where exactly you got that information from. I would be surprised if it's even 5% right now.
Because i mentioned two strategies, one is eviction and one is removal. Those two are different concepts leading to different responses.
Did eviction lead to civil war in nazi germany? Barely. However, had they openly declared to kill all Jews at day one, there would certainly have been a big violent one. If you simply declare to kill all people of X race, they will know they have no other choice but to kill you if they want to avoid death, however if you declare to evict them, apart from a few outbursts and a bit of resistance here and there at the beginning, and even a moron like you should understand this basic human nature, if given the chance to avoid violence most people will choose to leave rather than fight to the death for no reason, especially subhumans.
Also let's say we had 10% of the population agreeing to violent removal right now, declaring to kill them might be quicker but lead to way more death of white people in the following shitshow, whereas eviction takes a while longer but will not insue in a country wide civil war but only a few controlled bursts of violence here and there with a weak resistance.
If you have no problem with countless white people dying and most likely russia or china invading as our country is vulnerable, even though we can avoid it , you're either a shill, a traitor, or an impatient idiot.
…or a chink puppet
< i drawled them myself on my free mossad laptop
You know how they said Russia was interfering in the US election? Well, that wasn't exactly untrue. You see, the majority of kikes are from Russia. Russian kikes. Russian is the 2nd biggest language in israNIGGERel, behind hebNIGGERrew.
I'm learning their language. presently, I am memorizing kike runes.
< download (1)
I found the mossad retard.
You think I havea dedicated folder for this faggot?
All jews in the multiverse need to be lined up against the wailing wall and shot unironically In one extreme multi universal holocaust, with long guns aimed directly at the base of their skulls, where the spine meets the neck with a nerf squirt gun it will be very fun to watch for everyone involved.
lol, I didnt even have to read your post, just recognized you by your images and filenames.
You're truly the biggest faggot on imageboards right now hasbarafag
This is what America used to be, and it will be again.
Inter-dimensional multiverse Holohoax?
Trump is a Kike.
Trump Is Not a Kike until the next shit poster.
Hasbara hasbara hasbara - D&C doesn't stand for 'District of Columbia'
But what Trump says about Britain losing its culture due to immigration runs contrary to the policies that Jews promote for Europe, and by his words Trump-the-Heretic blasphemes the BBC narrrative.
It's a good thing.
< download (1)
You mossad are so sloppy!
Zio jews are complaining about the muslim invasion of Europe and rising "antisemitism". So, how does this BTFO jews? Kikes at Brietbart and Michael (Weiner) Savage and shabos goy like Hannity speak out against the muslim invasion constantly. These retards are all Trump supporters. So btfo how again? It's just following the zio narrative.
When Trump starts saying that niggers are a problem in the USA, then i might take notice, but for now he's just bashing the easy target muzzies.
It doesn't matter how much anyone loves Israel. Within a few months, Israelis will make their own country uninhabitable.
Considering the amount of kvetching and oyv eyying they cause on a weekly basis I would say they are far more than that.
They obviously need to play along with Pissrael but they have been called natzeehs so often it has lost most of its bite. They are still part of the system in one form but by far the best one can direct his vote towards.
Until DOTR
fuck nu/pol/
You're just a leftypol shill, is what you are.
Saying >1 means fucking nothing, you're a faggot.
And helllooooooo kosher sandwich shill!
Actually, it says a lot.
See, a (1) and done is a typical shill manuever - pop in, make a post, pop onto another IP and keep going. They do it all the time.
Hence, when you see a ton of (1) and dones, good chance you're dealing with shills of some sort.
And here you are, aiming to pull a combo breaker I wager.