I've been a Zig Forumsack for years, but I've almost never seen this subject come up, and I've never really thought about it much either, because I'm not in a union. However, it makes perfect sense given what we know of how jews act and think and what they do that they'd embed themselves in something that is nestled right between law, politics, and the labor force.
A family member of mine has been in a union for decades, because he works for the state he lives in. I started talking to him about it because I saw a newsletter of his written by the union kvetching about some court decision. When he was hired for his job as head of IT a couple decades back, he was "forced" to join the union, a union which has exclusive right to represent the state workers. No employee is allowed to represent themselves or hire anyone else to represent them as a worker in any labor dispute or grievance; only the union, THIS union, is allowed to do that. The workers themselves have absolutely no voice, the union alone speaks for them. I say "forced" because, as fucked up as all the aforementioned sounds, here's the real kicker: you don't need to join the union, it's optional. However, you have a fee deducted from every single paycheck you earn that goes directly to the union, regardless of whether you are a union member. Additionally, these state unions exhibit even more insulting audacity by taking millions of dollars – much of it essentially stolen you could say all of it, if you want to go down the 'all taxes are theft' route – and throwing it at political candidates. The majority of the time, these candidates are progressive shitlibs, and the unions do this under the pretense of doing all this "for the worker," as if all their motivations and purely for the best interests of all the average joes.
You might think all that is just fucked up. You might even think that that situation should simply be illegal or unconstitutional, and you'd be right. Apparently, there was a case back in Feb that went to the Supreme Court because someone challenged this policy, which almost all states in the country engage in. The Supreme Court ruled (5-4) that yes, demanding people pay you to represent them and taking their money from them even when they decide they don't want you to, is in fact unconstitutional. Now, state unions all over the nation are screaming and bitching about it, dressing it up as "rich billionaire anti worker extremists assaulting workers' rights and trying to erode protections." This line is from the CT state union website:
The irony is enough to kill someone, and hopefully it fucking does. I say all this just to make people aware of something I didn't really think much about either. Local politics are not the only battleground on which our people need to win, unions are fucking kiked to shit and should not fly under the radar. J-dar, rather.
This applies to ALL unions, not just state ones.
I simply used a state union here as an example to highlight the point that these are fucking organizations that proclaim themselves the ONE AND ONLY voice of the working class, and that not even the working class themselves are goddamn allowed to speak on their own behalf. Keep this thought in your mind; we already are keenly aware that the yids own the media, the banks, the courts, and education; anything dealing with laws, communication or money, but rarely does the topic of unions ever show up on Zig Forums.
They're as traitorous to the people as any diehard bleeding heart progressive Marxist. Remember that when DOTR rolls around.