Sometimes I think wrapped kikes are more dangerous than nose kikes. They act the same ways, and there are 1200 million of them instead of just 15 million. Also they are technically "people of color" which is the one thing nose kikes cant claim and their one weakness.
Wrapped kikes have the downside of not being able to blend in (no crypto ability) and they dont have a WGG - white guilt generator - although they are working hard on making one.
- corruption - cronyism - graft - mysteriously appearing in top positions - lazy - no culture of their own (veddas is from whites) - parasites
I will also state that the Bible original was from whites as well. torah was written 5p0 years after the Bible, kikes just invented some shit and backdated it so it seems like they were first abrahamic faith.
They're shitskins, but good shitskins. Their entire culture is founded on defending themselves and removing kebab, and they pull off a sort of monotheism pretty well unlike (((some religions))). Their temples also have services where anybody can come in and eat while listening to a sermon about life and spirituality or whatever, and it's all run by volunteers. They're good people. Not our people, and not a people I'd ever want to integrate with, but a good people.
Elijah Rivera
This. A martial tradition. Have yet to hear word of degeneracy out of them. Not expecting but wouldn't be surprised if they had a higher aryan percentage in their admixture. Not shitskins, but dark coffee with varying levels of cream.
Your steak isn't even rare. You think you know what rare is? That's medium-rare at best, and I know my rares. I have a rare right here, and you have no rares. I bet you think Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is rare, well it isn't, you normie trash REEEE!!!11 get out.
Like Asians, I don't mind them in small numbers. They work, pay taxes, aren't inclined towards crime, and for the most part don't make demands for accommodation.
Jaxon White
They look like retarded, physically and mentally inferior races do (not white). Shit hole countries are made by shit people. Jews rely on these peoples to infest white countries as a means of destroying the white host nation.
dont wanna be around them like any other non-white but i can't say i've ever really had a negative encounter with them. I recall one that had a pretty good sense of humor and gave as good as we got when he'd get called a raghead, those incidents would generally end with both sides laughing.
I may not know every variety of head wrapper but the interactions I've had with Sikhs have been A-OK. Also, they are not kikes and do not act like kikes, at all.
Aaron Watson
Are you fucking stupid? The only thing stopping attention to all the poos we murdered and enslaved during the colonial days is the fact they do relatively well outside their literal shithole and leftists don't support you unless you're a truly criminal violent subhuman.
Connor Cook
They're a big issue in the more metropolitan parts of Australia. They flock to the tech universities of course, and end up displacing white-collar workers. Those that don't have their job outsourced to India are often replaced by an Indian migrant willing to work for less. It's not just the blue-collar workers who are losing their jobs. Another dishonourable mention goes to the Chinese, they come here with shitloads of money and buy up all the property (pics related). The economy has gone to shit and I expect the housing bubble to burst as soon as the cash rate rises. Furthermore, a ridiculous portion of Australian exports go to China. If they put tariffs on us we'd be fucked.
kikes kept other kikes as slaves and named them Christians, this was during 66ad when Rome destroyed Jerusalem, crucified and disemboweled 500 kikes a day. The bible also refers to jesus as a jew, a rabbi, and the king of the jews.
Thomas Russell
The same way I feel towards the chink kikes. Indo-China war when?
Unironically this. A pajeet was telling me about how China want to build a railway through Pakistan to the Arabian sea for easier shipping to Europe. Problem is, the proposed railway goes through Kashmir, which India, Pakistan and China are all fighting over. Apparently there's high tensions in the area and it could boil over into something. Of course, the Pakis also want to fuck over India, so they're mostly collaborating with China. China probably wants to claim more and more territory in Pakistan as well. Once the railway is built, it'll make it much easier to lay claim on areas of Pakistan and expand slowly, Israel-style. They're also doing ethnic replacement in Tibet and Xinjiang.
Tyler Torres
it's nice to hear posts like this. well balanced racialism
You shouldnt undermine the seriousness of the Jewish agenda but comparing it to some Sikh power play that isnt even comparable. Even chinks, dont compare them to kikes, they arent nearly as bad even if they are a cancer of their own. Kikes are by far the most virulent cancer and the backbone of anti-whiteness.
Better than muslims, actually one of their biggest nemesis. Playing loopoo bollywood music was a method to psychologically terrorize them on the battlefield. They're also not kikes which is a plus.
Nolan Walker
Sihks and poos are not the same. Sihks are /r1b/rothers
Caleb Fisher
Sikhs must have some amazing propaganda minister in their midst, because over and over again you see people going: "wow, Sikhs are so based, here are the same 3 talking points every time and did you know they carry a sword?" in the most random places.
Henry Clark
jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism jew judaism
Maybe the 650million lower caste indians but Brahmins and Sikhs are bro-tier Aryans
David Morgan
No, there are just a lot of them fucking here.
How is this D&C you halfnigger, where does the "divide" part come in? We were never united with wrapkikes in the first place - not for our benefit, not for a fight against the heebs - there is nothing to DIVIDE.
James Jenkins
(((The Bible)))
No. You did just reveal yourself as a kike shill however. Reported.
Austin James
At the moment they don't seem to be nearly as dangerous as Jews to Western civilization. Perhaps someday they will begin to obviously rival the Jewish menace, but right now kikes are the main enemy.
Nathaniel Reyes
Sikhs haven't been waging millennia-long total war against every other race on the planet. Futhermore, while your bullet-points are largely applicable to hindu and muslim pajeets, they are a laughable farce when applied to Sikhs.
Sikhs are running commercials in the midwest about how they're not muslims & American as Apple pie. Basically these bastards are starting a pac like cair, aipac & committee of 100 (which nobody here ever talks about!)
Nicholas Nguyen
Btw where are the White people PAC's we would be unstoppable if the best of our best stepped up!
Nathaniel Russell
Sikhs are just Hindu renegades.
Ian Smith
EXTERMINATE. Bunch of giant cunts. Even other shitskins hate them.
Adrian Carter
Are you the JIDFags trying to change ZOG to COG?
Juan Cruz
Nigger that's most things.
Reported for abusing the report system.
Jacob Lewis
95% of h1b visas to the US are from india. to steal tech jobs. let that sink in for a bit.
William Gutierrez
Bravo. You now have two entirely different gas masks issued to some people.
It'd be a shame if a country attacked with a chemical agent.
Charles Allen
I've thought about this a lot. whites need a religion similar to Sikhism (racially conscious, militant, has our own style of dress so we can identify each other, etc). I think Aryan man should not join sikhism since it is a religion for curry niggers and does have its own ethnic aspect. I think we should take some parts of sikhism, and mix it with our own version of mysticism.
Michael Ross
BC resident here. There is nothing "Aryan" about them. They are just a middle IQ group that is successful thanks to decent values (education, status seeking, taboos against drug and alcohol use).
Lots of them here become gangsters. Vid related.
Cooper Mitchell
You can fuck off with the poojews back to India during the pogrom then.