I just got my 23 and me results back to confirm my white heritage. It turns out I'm 13% ashkenazi jewish. WTF. How the hell did this happen?
What do?
I just got my 23 and me results back to confirm my white heritage. It turns out I'm 13% ashkenazi jewish. WTF. How the hell did this happen?
What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
2. Name the jew everywhere you go in public. You’re immune from all criticism now, and can tell people anything you want (meaning truth.
3. When the real jews start to threaten you with assassination, just suicide bomb a synagogue.
after voluntarily giving your dna to the government there could only be one choice.
Time to swap those lederhosen for a yarmulke!
Well, see, when a man and a woman like each other, the man will put his penis in the woman's vagina …
Margin of error.
23 and me is shit as well, they admit to fucking with pure white's racial info.
Shit thread, but a good time to remind people that they add less than 1% Jewish or Apefrican on purpose to "stick it to those evil nahtzees"
Dude you can get a free vacation to isbreal now
Do a dna test at a private lab faggot - it cost the same
You got any Eastern European ancestry?
Obvious slide thread. Report and hide.
My mom literally just got hers back, she's adopted so curious.
National Geographic had told her primarily German and Scandinavian when allegedly she was mostly Irishm but 23andme said like ~1/3 British and Irish, then some German, ~1/8 Polish, then small slivers of Scandinavian, Iberian and Southern European. Then less than .1% Native American and South Asian which is probably bullshit even though she's best goy as hell and they have no reason to fuck with the results other than to throw off suspicion of others. Still really glad there's no kike though.
The mailman does. I' think his name is slobachek or something.
post screen caps so we know you're not lying.
Yeah that's false.
20 kike and me are known to fuck with white DNA. They did it with mine. 0.1% Jew even though I know for a fact there are no Jews in my family on both sides.
Meaning you didn't get the results you wanted, so someone must have fucked with them.
The owners of the site admitted to it you fucking idiot.
Well that's a little backwards, very 2014. Convention today is that the woman puts xir penis in the man's anti-penis, asserting dominance in an inclusive manner. You need to keep with the times, user.
I'm showing you otherwise. Got some proof of your claim?
How about no?
You got the "no" part right. No evidence.
Nat Geo is fucking terrible. Small database.
This is a lie. See this:
This. Don't deny your heritage, user. Start learning hebrew. Find a good local synagogue. You are what you are. Don't make it worse by denial.
No retard. Read the sentence again. My family has kept records dating to at least 1453. 23 and me tests for the past 500 years (because this is the DNA that matters the most). I know for a FACT there is no Jew
One thing tho: you need to have your parents tested to see if the jew is your dad or mom. If it's mom you're in the tribe. If it's your dad it doesn't count.
Morgan and his colleagues were caught between a rock and a really-want-to-mess-with-racists place. It would've been fun to throw a "10 percent West African" in there, but then they might have a pissed-off, dangerous person at their office, waving a gun. "Since we couldn't do anything to the results (and we wanted to), what we did was add '< 1 percent' to each African category of ethnicity. That way we weren't lying, and they would both be wondering how much under a percentage point was. We always try to round to the nearest number because we sometimes hear about percentage points, but for them, we leave it open to whether it's a one or a zero."
Read, nigger, read.
Unless one of your male ancestors got cucked or something which considering 500 years, probably happened at least once, but that doesn't guarantee that it would be jew or that they didn't lie or fuck up somehow.
obvious bot post
That doesn't disprove what he said at all and I don't believe it myself. But this is some niggery.
Convert to Orthodox Christianity. Christ compels you to follow the TRUE religion that was promised to you.
23 and me tests farther back than 500 years.
Let's break this down:
Really nigger?
I got an inside White House source that says Trump likes to bang 13 year old Haitian girls in the Lincoln bedroom.
Read nigger.
Are you for real with this bullshit? You can't seriously tell me you are taking this article seriously and then try to call NYT or WaPo or CNN fake news.
Obvious slide thread.
Actually it does because there is no kike or African added to my results. I'm white. I don't post from an VPN, and I've been permanently suspended from Twitter multiple times. They don't add to the results. It's an estimate based on SNPs.
Found another non-white who thought they could cheat a genetics test.
>what we DID was add '< 1 percent' to each African category of ethnicity.
No one's buying your (((product))), Wojcicki.
I bet you think NYT has inside sources in the White House too.
>Sends all data to Calico, which is (((Alphabet/Jewgle))) biotech company.
And the incident in question:
>Be (((23andme)))
First of all you gave away your DNA: this is absolutely a "don't"
Second: they are kikes so they are probably faking all the results they get; only them know the real results and now ZOG knows too.
Third: kys kike.
its not
1-2 years ago suddenly every single test posted showed up 0.1%-3% jew
So obvious what they where doing.
Oh, and tell me what company this totally real person named Morgan works for. I'll give you a hint:
Morgan doesn't exist.
Under what confidence level?
That's what I thought.
You dumb nigger that's just a reblog of the Cracked article from here:
Craig Cobb wasn't even referenced in the Cracked article.
You think this isn't likely? Remember when TRSodomites found out their leader was married to a kike and even brought her on the show? Remember when the guy called himself King of Zig Forums admitted to being a faggot? Turns out a lot of (((white))) nationalists are a bunch of half-breeds, homos, and thots.
My test is from April of 2018.
As they say down south, there’s a nigger in a woodpile somewhere.
Oh and to answer this:
>>Sends all data to Calico, which is (((Alphabet/Jewgle))) biotech company.
Read your own source. That's AncestryDNA that does that.
This isn't 23andme, all of the data has them talking directly with people who wanted their DNA tested which isn't how 23andme works. You don't deal with any labs and there's no way to call those labs. The interview specifically has them calling in and saying they want to be proven they aren't niggers.
That being said they do point out in the article that the tests are highly inaccurate and that you'd need to take a whole pile of tests before anything lines up which makes them rather pointless to take in the first place.
Plus this is fucking CRACKED, not the most honest guys
came up with thsi business model in 2009
The kike-ess that owns your company is married to the co-founder of Google. It's spelled out for you.
only one solution kike
23 and me offers a sliding scale for confidence. For example pic 1 is 90% confidence level.
Oh no! Then clearly I know her because my results are un-fucked with! IT'S SPELLED OUT FOR YOU!
you stupid kike, 13% isn't even a valid ratio of genetic inheritance.
12.5% is valid, but 13% is not physically possible on this planet.
the only way you could have ended up with 13% kike blood is if Space Aliens abducted your Shiksa pregnant mother aboard their flying saucer, and performed cloning experiments on her to modify your DNA in the womb and pump extra rat blood into you.
by the way, being 12.5% kike only makes you a Mischling of the Second Degree, which under the Nuremburg Blood Laws of 1935 still permits you to be a full citizen of the Reich.
you are only forbidden from marrying or fucking any Jewess or anyone who increases the percentage of the Synagogue of Satan flowing through the blood of your offspring.
if you break that rule, you will be deported to FEMA Camp, forever.
also, do your best to not get infected with the mania of Jerusalem Syndrome and allow your new awareness of your Mischling status to dominate and exaggerate your affinity with The Jew, as we so often see when weak willed cryptojews act as if they are full-blood direct descendants of Isaac and become annoyingly more-Kadosh-than-thou pests.
23andme lies. They've admitted that they intentionally add 1% of Jewish or African to pure European samples so they can "BTFO racists" or however the fuck the put it. Anyway your results are untrustworthy so don't put any stock in it.
They've admitted to tampering with DNA results to "fuck with racists", the company's CEO is the kikess who runs jewtube, and 23 and me has recently announced they share their DNA database with the US government.
OP of this thread is a shill that is in fact trying to make Zig Forumsacks voluntarily give their DNA to the government by making them feel nervous about their heritage. Do not fall for the DNA ancestry test jew.
They do this deliberately depending on region. Some white regions get nigger dna and others get kike dna just to fuck with people like you. Because you are a fucking newfag that needs to lurk two years, you fucking killed a thread to 'ask pol x', something you would have already known if you had lurked for two years. You are an ignorant nigger.
No they didn't. That's bullshit claim based off of a Cracked.com article. Read the thread.
My DNA has been on-file for over a decade.
The only people worried about a DNA test are people who are questionably white, or already know they aren't fully European and are trying to poison the well. Everyone loves science when it shows how dumb niggers are, but it's bullshit when it shows you're part nigger.
This is untrue.
Another person repeating the same lie.
1453 was 565 years ago. The average human generation is 28 years. 565 divided by 28 is 20. You have twice as many ancestors in each older generation. The number of ancestors in the 20th generation is 2^20 = 1,048,576. The number of intervening ancestors is about the same.
yeah no
can you offer proof that this claim is false? Links? Anything?
No one believes you.
is that Phil Collins?
why the fuck would anyone trust these companies with their DNA? I guess if your narcissism is greater than your wisdom, you can't help yourself, but you should at least be aware that these companies are full of post-structuralist, cultural marxist, nihilistic relativists. They want to see western culture destroyed.
Well you know the commies will protest you faster then the Christians do for Jewish Jesus.
Read the thread.
You're part Jewish, aren't you?
Man, you sure put a lot of trust in hard to verify results from some random DNA-testing company run by people you don't know.
you can't deny they sell the DNA to corporations for god knows what.
That alone if enough to make me think twice about using these larger companies to do a DNA test.
I had mine done through a physicians office. Hence the results are protected by HIPPA laws.
My results were pure Nordic so I don't know what happened with you. But IIRC they use Polish markers so 13% kike is probably actually Polish so even then it wouldn't matter since you aren't practicing and your mom wasn't a kike.
Is there a reputable way to get my DNA tested? I'm adopted and would like to know.
Also fuck this guy →>>>11856119
as I stated here,
you can usually find a local physician who does these tests.The results are protected by HIPAA laws - making it illegal to sell your results.
what a coincidence that he is ½% too jewish to qualify
What all does the test entail? What results do I get back? Cost? Also, How do I know that they're actually following HIPAA Laws. I know that sounds like extreme paranoia, but with all this shit with the FBI, I'm starting to realize that the government pretty much just does whatever it wants.
If your children commit thought crimes leaving DNA evidence behind they will be found through your DNA being in the database.
Did you have an ancestry test or a genetic screen for disease?
Both - Ancestry/Disease, it was a simple blood test rather than the "spit in a bottle" bullshit. They took one vial. I got my results in two weeks. It isn't covered by insurance and cost me 600. Like I said just search online for "local dna testing" and you should find a place that does it without selling the data. I assume that you could have your information leaked even if it is considered private, but if a government agency wants access to your records I think they'll need a warrant.
Psh that’s not inclusive at all goy. What about the Muslim penis-enabled person of color who forcibly rapes the penis-lacking individual, and the asexual who cannot get enjoyment and thus must watch all of it take place from their furry-diaperplay safespace?
Like I said, my DNA is already on-file so I'm not concerned. $600 is a lot of ask for most people.
Apply for a citizenship to kikesville and report back.
Become a rabbi, and see how far you can rise. Keep tabs on everything. Release it before you die. Keep us posted, user.
You've just doomed all your descendents dumbass.
Why? Do you think we're going to lose?
Strong contender for best post of the day.
slide thread, also 1 and 2 from .
It was never about wining, user.
Odd thing is, there are Zig Forumsacks who are straight up nignogs. I understand being black and hating all blacks, any race can hate all blacks honestly. Not that big of a difference for me as long as they don't have anything to do with white women.
1-2% jew or black, or even 13% means nothing. If anyone attaches it as his main personality hes retarded like people saying that theyre native americans because their grandgrandmother was one. Major background matters.
Fake "im 5% ashkenazi, shalom!" jews are one of these complete morons, used for the cult purposes.
they manipulate results to add more diversity
old news as fuck
1/8 of 100 is 12.5 so a great grandparent of yours was 100% jewish or so how you have multiple kike ancestors
Don't you understand why wiping out of jews is the goal so that more of the white race isn't infected?
Holy fuck, back to reddit with you.
Another mixed breed.
already proven
sadly im too lazy to google the article again
gotta do it yourself, isaac
It's a Cracked.com article. It's garbage.
Sorry, you were proven wrong.
you would even screech if it was nyt
Okay, newfag. You were warned.
You're definitely on the lower end of the bell curve for whites if you are white.
You would accept an NYT article? HAH!
Funny how the shills don't want white people discovering that they aren't mixed like the kike propaganda claims.
You're probably a kike they gave White results to.
You neck yourself to save us rope.
What's it like to be retarded?
no, you