Movies where a jew is the bad

Movies where a jew is the bad

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Other urls found in this thread:

Schindler's List

ivanhoe 1982
david lynchs' Dune (the Harkonnens)
Peaky Blinders (jews flipping sides and screwing over)
Krull - the alien invaders

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No, the actual jews that viewer knows are jewish, not the behaviour.

Lucky Number Slevin is literally about two white guys and their Japanese waifu slaughtering a kike mafia, a nigger mafia, and the corrupt spic police.

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Good example I think

all of star trek

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Every decent movie ever made.

The Godfather Part 2, the villain is supposed to be a stand in for (((Meyer Lansky)))
One of the few Mafia movies that even give a hint that jews were involved in organized crime, still mostly shunts the blame off on Italians though.

>When the original series had (((Captain Kirk))) and (((Mister Spock)))

Most of them were Italian Jews though. How the government ran operation paperclip, the mafia pulled all the hit man and Fascists from Italy. Created new names and papers for them all. The mobs gift from Truman after they kept the shipping ports working.

The movie was excellent but I know you’re just a nigger trying to say I am the Asian woman.


What the fuck are you talking about?

There was some movie. Oh no! the Jewish mob! or something like that. Not Newsies.. but something else.

but muh Kirk right?

Starsky and Hutch (the movie)

Krik loved or was fascinated by Khan's achievements.

movies are a kike invention, why would you willingly subject yourself to propaganda?

The Death of Stalin shows you how kiked up the USSR was.

yes…it was so kiked that jew Ayn Rand and her family had to run awy to the USA in order to keep living their corrupt lifestyle

you just had to mention the one woman uglier than Golda Meir or are you certain you haven't confused the two?

first movie ive wanted to see in like 5 years … there will be no movie about our times that will be funny


Any Pokemon movie

what was that english movie about a girls' school student who met an 'art dealer'? i remember watching it before and after being redpilled, and only then realizing the art dealer was a fucking jew

Jews harassing a senior citizen in his retirement.

The Pianist. They were clearly the main villain.

But they are not, they are a french invention
An european invention.

(((Burke))) from aliens that tried to sell everyone out for a few shekels.

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The Boy In Striped Pajamas

Did you know Nicolas Windig-Refn is jewish himself?

kikes can't create anything by themselves, they are only able to infiltrate and subvert.

(((They))) live.

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The Dark Crystal


The Best Offer?

Falling Down

The jew is LA


Jews are not bad, there is no movie showing jews bad, all Jews are good people, and everyone must support the good jews among us.

Ironic shitposting = shitposting.

Lord of the rings

name one

Where on earth is communism celebrated? If anything it's abhorred, because of aliens like the Borg. Also where's the proof for all these other claims?

Not a movie, but in pic related, the bad guys are a group of people who are descendants of God, and it's their duty to rule over everyone while being incredibly snobby, socially retarded, and generally not understanding anything about how the world works.
But if you cross them, they'll shoot you dead in the middle of a city street and even the world government is powerless to stop it, or otherwise willing, or even enthusiastic, to comply.
Good guys, among other goals, seek the truth of the "Void Century", a period in time when these people came to control everyone else, among many other mysteries. Research into the void century is explicitly forbidden. A main character's village was dedicated to researching this period of time, and was subsequently fucking nuked out of existence. Even the ability to speak or write a language from that period of time is punishable by death.
Themes include the importance of friendship (and judging who is a true friend, and who is not), the importance of actualizing dreams, being a virtuous person, and keeping promises.

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Original Godfather had Moe Green, though he's a minor antagonist.

Tropic Thunder; Les Grossman; Tom Cruise

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The Breakfast Club is incredibly jewish. In that they have the outsider (The Jew) wrecking havoc and pulling the goyim into doing even worse thing and corrupting the youth. Finished it off with him doing a victory fist-pump into the air at the end because he succesfully had subverted all of these nice kids who had done some shitty choices and were supposed to be reprimanded for it but didn't do it or learned about it. Instead they smoked weed, did pranks on the supervisor and talked about feelings instead.

Greatest Tom Cruise performance in his career, didn't even know it was him until 5-6 years after the movie was released.

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(((Jared Kushner)))

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jews are successful because they control a fiat currency via the US federal reserve bank, and jewish institutions on wall street.

This gray haired jew motherfucker would look better being burnt alive.

They are Russians.

Jews were Bene Gesserit.

Some JEWS are bad, some JEWS are good. One thing's for sure, the their nose has a hook.

Every friday you cunts troll the dead threads and resurrect them, run out of the same shit folders to dump?

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A dead one.

Shylok by Shakespear

nah, it was about a top of her grade highschool girl who keeps running into an slightly older guy who takes her to auctions, jazz clubs, horse races, and other cultured affairs which provides her an escape from a boorish middleclass life.
she effectively leaves school for him, and later it all falls apart.

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I only watch old movies that doesn't contain niggers. I am strictly avoiding all media with even the slightest hint of a nig.

Keeping your mind free from nigs is great cognitive hygiene.

you will not be able to defend yourself against the samurai no matter what you do

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Lord of War. Nicolas Cage and his family are all kikes in the movie, there is even a minorah in the deli scenes.



kek rerolling

… tryhard no dubs

Independence Day, both of them.

Why would he? He is fine with seeing you for what you are..

Almost any of the original Tintin animated shorts.
The Penguin Man in Batman.
Dark Crystal (check out the Skeksies (sp))
There are many more, noticed a few watching some older stuff lately and had a laugh at how blatant it used to be.

That one also, too bad whichever autist made that fucked the spelling up.

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not too kiked with remote american scenery
and better than decent yet slightly non-degenerate actors.
must watch
this is a good thread. unkiked movies, but belongs in /tv/ but looks better here
one good movie for me where the jew is the bad guy would be the believer and imperium

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Titanic, obviously.

Kikes haven't created anything. They only steal, distort, and corrupt. Remember this. This is truth.

They don't like vampire movies because it makes them think about blood libel. How about Once Upon a Time in America?

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The Magnitsky Act - Behind the Scenes

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Heil'd u punny bastard

Many redpills in this vid for those with ears to hear, and one could even present this to a skeptica person and say "look I'll be using their own best propaganda against them and expose the discontinuities, showing you that some aspects of the war on germany are misrepresented.


Bene Gesserit seemed more like druids, the CHOAM company were the real kikes

The jew fears the samurai
Oda knows.

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oliver twist

Drive is comfy

There are none.

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fuck sorry im retarded replied to wrong post
meant as reply to this

Here's some quotes from CoC. Read it yourself!

but at worst it is presented as sick and evil compared to other cultures (Powers et al. 1996, 211).

warns of the Marxist (((SJW))) infiltration we see today

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Inglorious Basterds

Double posting.

Once you see the above, you cannot unsee it in movies anymore

On This Day Of Our Lord, the first post delivers.

why the fuck is he blinking so frequently?

Triple 9. Kate Winslett as a nasty Jewish Mafia Qween

Federation might be more socialist than communist, it controls the means of production. Picard remarked on how in the 24th century people have gone beyond "material needs" to these time traveling guys from the past when he lamented about losing his office.

Angel Cop
properly translated subs on top
transliteration of (((manga entertainment))) dub on bottom


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