Could the 2% of the Jew population just be bred out? They seem too fear it will be.
The Nuremburg Laws considered one Jew grandparent an acceptable amount to absorb the Mischling.
Could the 2% of the Jew population just be bred out? They seem too fear it will be.
The Nuremburg Laws considered one Jew grandparent an acceptable amount to absorb the Mischling.
Yes, I have some Jewish ancestors and I look more Aryan than 100% of this board.
You get the gas
yes goy, give us your genes
So you would rather your daughter get creamed by Andy Warski?
Youre a double nigger
I've come to the conclusion that the kike obsession with racemixing is based on the fear of their own identity slowly disappearing
They cant be breed out, because they dont care about dna lineage. White jewess fucks a black guy - offspring is a jewess, she fucks a black guy - still jewess is born, again and again. Black as coal, but "here a jew".
Get rid of jewish women, dont care about jewish men - their offspring isnt jewish anyway, then they will be gone.
Obviously it would take a while to breed out the thousands of years of inbred genetics and you run the risk of a regressive gene requiring a nose job for your great great grandaughter….yeah…it's not worth it.
Fire up the ovens.
You can't breed out a parasite,
and you can't clean a piece of shit either.
You're just giving it more food.
Making more things dirty when you add them to it.
No. These mongrelization threads are fucking perverse, retarded and counter to everything we stand for.
Breed them out with niggers. The next jewish generation will be twice as stupid and deficient.
Highly unlikely.
Wonder how a lot of jews gain wealth if already wealthy(ier) jews are penny pinchers?
They marry into rich white (European) families and slowly turn the family more and more jewish over time.
Still no jewish dna, and they dont practice religion anymore - its a cult.
I’m all for it.
Hitler didn't go far enough.
Nuremberg laws stated one jewish great grandparent was acceptable, but that no more mixing would be allowed to take place. Learn your facts, nigger
Why so mad, user?
Cheerleader effect
dibs on the middle
Do I get the gas?
Well, I suppose I could stand to suckle on these vile milkers. For the white race, of course.
Why hello (((fellow white)))! How many white goy babies have you genocided for ZOG today? :^)
Stupid question. Do you act like or identify as a jew? Do you pass the one drop rule or do you have tons of their DNA? Get specific or get lost you goddamned braindead idiot.
For about five reasons, no. Just kill them and get it over with.
All the mishling traitors in Germany sabotaging the war effort may be the greatest single factor to why the war was lost. We have to be honest and admit the NSDAP was not perfect and when it came to the Nuremberg laws they frankly cucked hard. It is our job to not repeat those mistakes.
Nuremberg laws lost Germany the war. We're not doing that again.
Yes, they could be, but it would take generations and the war is nearly upon us.
Sage for /b/ tier effort.
I would call myself less ideal than an Aryan, I'm often prone to bouts of blackpilling despite overall wishing for the eternal reich. I don't even know if she was Jewish or not, only that if she was she would've been pure Yid.
Possibly, but not through whites interbreedding with them.
Jews in the US have sub replacement birthrates and many low level Jews are far left and their daughters breed with nignogs.
Jews who breed with whites always end up having Jewish kids as the cult pull is strong with them.
The treachery gene could be made increasingly recessive, over hundreds of years.
Bleaching is a messy ordeal. It's far more efficient to dispose of the trash.
2% united tribalist people that practice usury vs 98% self hating slaves that hate each other
Kikes have all sorts of mental illnesses. Have you guys even met these freaks? That Seinfeld show isn't a joke, they really act that way.
What a retarded threat.
Kill every jew without exception.
No pity.
No mercy.
No exceptions.
Simple. Clean. Finished.
Interbreeding will create a conflict of interest in children. How is your half Jew child supposed to take a side in a Whites Vs Kikes war?
i reached the same conclusion as you user.
i also think the reason the kikes are so obsessed with (((identity))) politics for everyone, and are incessantly meddling in other races and by culture bombing them through the founding and promoting and funding of schism and sedition and rebellion all comes from one root psychological flaw present in everyone who identifies as kike.
the root of The Jew's penchant for subversion is their infamous anxiety as applied to their own non-existence.
suspend your disbelief momentarilly, now
imagine if you were a Jew.
your people don't really exist like other people. you are not a race, you're a religion. but your religion is now impossible in the post modern world. the last of your ancestors who could legitimately claim to be Jews were all exterminated in 73AD when the Roman army sacked Masada and killed the last real Jews.
post Diaspora, it is impossible to even practice Judaism strictly according to Mosaic law. the temple was destroyed by the Romans, and Mosaic law forbids rebuilding the temple unless a set of specific criteria are met. one of those criteria is that The Jew is forbidden from rebuilding the temple themselves. only the Goyim can do it for them. The Jew is also forbidden from causing the return to Zion from the Diaspora. only the Goyim can make The Jew return. even worse, with the Holy of Holies destroyed, the Ark of the Covenant Lost, and the tribe of Levites, who are the only kikes allowed to be Priests, are mostly lost because their lineage can no longer be verified.
besides the fact that without the Temple, no red hefers can be sacrificed, meaning no new Priests can be created, even if you could find a Levite.
and worst of all for The Jew, Hashem has withdrawn and no longer talks to them, meaning there can be no new Prophets to lead the Bachaim.
The Jew's own fixation with arbitrary mental rules has damned them into double jeapordy and a permanent state of stasis.
by the way, all of this is exactly what Hashem told The Jew he would do to them to punish them for their wickedness and idolatry.
The Jew is a despicable creature that has been cursed by God to roam the Earth like Cain, where any man who meets Cain will try to kill him.
now imagine if you are a kike and you have to believe all of that hopeless contradictory superstition, what would you do?
of course it would drive you insane and into an existential rage, where you are so frustrated by the impossibility of your own existence that you lash out in revenge and try to destroy the possibility of anyone else having an Identity as well.
i believe this angst is the root psychological cause for The Jew being the instigator behind nearly all of the divisions, wars, and genocides we have seen for the past thousand years.
and The Jew won't stop until it's either us or them–somebody has got to go.
Jews are already a mongrel tribe, so it's not possible for them to race-mix.
Also, it doesn't matter if the mother or father is a jew, the offpsring are always considered jews.
Anyone promoting "matrilineal descent" is a kike shill and a fag. The last thing we want is our women being defiled by kikes.
As a 'half breed' they would have to be killed. I am not sure why Ethnic Europeans can't bring themselves to the true conclusion…as a mongrel can and will regenerate this tribe if left to flourish they must be exterminated to the last man, woman and child if we are to live and prosper. If you want to race mix with a jew and live to see your children slaughtered, be my guest…but that is not what I want for my offspring. Same goes for all the other mongrels on Earth. We need a Ethno-Globe. There is no other way to end wars or that results in a Fourth Reich…we must have the war to end all wars…a pure ethnic cleansing of the Earth.