How can I take care of my teeth without being tricked by (((the)))?
How can I take care of my teeth without being tricked by (((the)))?
Dentistry is kiked and fluoride products might literally destroy your soul sonthe only option is to stop eating pricessed shit everyday and start living off of a wholesome, primarily vegetarian diet.
delete this aweful thread after you read this
That's why I didn't brush my teeth in 8 months.
Can you prove it? I've doing a paleo diet for the last months and I'm ok with it.
Floss your teeth regularly. I had a check up recently and they did way less work than usual because I started flossing 5 times a week. Brushing afterwards almost makes your teeth feel dentist-level clean.
no you know what, thats just fine. There is evidence to support meat proteins breaking down bones and teeth over time but it doesnt matter. Brush your teeth sometimes, man. At least do it for the people around you. You can find fluoride free products and baking soda also works.
Consume minimal amounts of sugar. And if you ever have some trouble with teeth, rub fresh garlic on it. If you're an incel, brush your teeth in garlic. Not even kidding.
That's pretty much the only thing I do, and clean a little with my finger nails.
I spend most of time alone, and I'm happy if I'm making anyone's day worse.
Wow, I don't though it existed. I'll check it out.
That's how everyone knows you're a kike.
This. If you want to be a weakling who shits once every other week, be a vegetarian or vegan. If you want to be strong and healthy, get your red meats.
When you said "meat", I though you were talking about red meat, pork and chicken, which is basically 70% of what I eat. Of course burgers are shit.
well most of whats sold is shit regardless. Literal cancer tier hormone stewed shit. I think you need to be much more cautious about meat products than fruits and vegetables because of the disgusting conditions they are raised in so I really do think its best limit consumption of it unless you could find a more natural source. Anecdotally I do know someone who is vegan and a bodybuilder so Ive also come to think there are a lot of myths around exactly how much meat you neet to eat. I think the issue with the stereotypical leftist vegans you typically see is that they are leftists, and has nothing to dowith their diet.
stop eating carbohydrates
Steroid abuse isn't healthy.
I see hundreds of skinny faggots around me every day who eat meat as well. I think the thing is, the skinny faggots dont exercise.
Just stop eating it will sort itself out.
Has no relevance to anything.
You're, but I can't do a lot about it until I buy a big place to have my own animals.
Alredy stopped last year.
I don't have any problem, just want to know what to do to mitigate even more the risk of fucking up my teeth.
Ok, but how much meat they eat compared to their carbohydrates?
Depends on whether you focus on the dick or the semen i guess.
I am not a vegan btw
1. Make own toothpaste using baking soda, coconut oil, pepermint oil, and salt
2. Buy natural floss with no flavor wax
3. Floss and brush after every meal
4. Eat foods high in disolved minerals like milk
5. Eat foods that are hard or tough to chew like carrots and some breads
6. Soak in ocean or sea salt bath every day if possible
7. Iceman breating daily
Tooth decay is less about the acids from foods and from your mouth flora waste from fermenting those foods and more about the lack of resources such as minerals and oxygen. The tubes in your teeth, the dentin, deliver minerals to the surface. This is how you can have better teeth as you age.
Thanks, man, I'll search about it.
No worries.
I do:
1 part baking soda
4 parts coconut oil
Drops of pepermint oil (to taste)
Pinch of salt
You can add drops of grapefruit seed extract if you want.
And a water floss (waterpik) is good if you have the space.
Also, don't leave your mouth cleaning stuff in the shitter, leave it in the kitchen if you can't have multiple cleaning rooms.
Meat is equal calories to carbs = ~4 cal/g.
Fats are twice the calories = ~8cal/g.
If you eat equal macros by weight, 1/3 each, you get a meal that is 25% cal from carbs, 25% cal from protein, and 50% cal from fats.
More fat than this and you will get the runs and/or ketoacidosis. Don't do it.
The average man needs ~60g protein/day just sitting around.
That's 20g protein per meal.
Most meat is ~7g protein/oz.
3oz. of meat = ~21g protein.
~21g protein x 3 meals = ~60g protein/day.
If you lift or skate or both your body needs more.
Double what you normally eat in protein.
6oz. meat (~42g protein) each meal x 3 meals = 126g protein/day.
Body builders say eat 1g protein/lb of body weight. If you are 160lbs that's 160g protein which is ~1.5lbs meat/day. If you are 200lbs it is ~1.75lbs meat/day.
Also eat saturated fats, no fish, because the polyunsaturated fats oxydize
(become rancid) in the body and cause severe inflammation of the gut, circulatory system, and brain.
The only thing good about fish is the fatty acids, which is also in milk, which has saturated fat instead of polyunsaturated. And when you consider the seal worms and the polluted state of the ocean, bison, deer, and elk sound so much better. Snake is good but too many bones.
Are you mental? Fish is an excellent source of omega fatty acids and protein. Fish is the healthiest thing you can eat, polyunsaturated fat does not get rancid once you ingest it, where the hell are these pseudoscience bullshit coming from?
I am a dentist and from my expirience dental hygiene is 20% of importance when it comes to dental health. Usually is genetic, diet and lifestyle, especially in your child years. Soda and monocarbs are the devil. We dont really know what causes caries.
Stopped reading right there. You have no right to be a billion dollar industry, you must be lying about something.
Get off all fluoride products and stop drinking tap if you're stupid enough to already be doing that. You should only be drinking quality, bottled spring water (watch out for brands owned by Coca Cola), even when going out to eat. Just bullshit and say it's for a health reason like I do. For dental products you should use, get on tea tree oil and tea tree oil toothpaste immediately. Throw any product with fluoride in it away unless you like steady decay of your mouth.
I am from eastern europe, its not a 6 figures job here but I get what you are saying. Dentistry is extremely hard and demanding job. Like everything else USA has made it a multibillion industry.
Also fluoride masshysteria is idiotic. Yeah your third eye is gonna close from all that fluoride hahahaha
I can't help but worrie about it. I only drink water from my well.
you need to be more careful about throwing the baby out with the bath water, this is beyond retarded.
Why do I have to believe? This is not a religion, there are anatomical and physiological facts.
Im saying the spiritual bullshit derived from the fluoride epidemic spawned from genuine biological impacts. Im not asking you to believe anything, Im saying that it looked like you started from the wrong side of information when you dismissed the fluoride hysteria.
The genuine biological impact is "taking in excess". Like everything. Water will kill you if you drink 10 liters
there are acute and chronic exposure issues. The insidious thing aboit6 flouride is that it very gradually builds up in your brain over time. It honestly reinforces in my mind whenever someone brings up this argument because the whole point of the fluoride thing is that its very gradual. you briah your teeth twice a day with fluoride products, drink small amounts in the water every day and gradually it saltarts to impact you. What if the exposure is from birth until death? Well, then we end up seeing shit like calcified pineal glands etc.
so, tap water in the US is fluoridated, but what about other countries? britain? australia? europe?
Your water is fluoridated to a lesser extent from use of fluoride products. Fluoride is one of those things that isnt filtered out of greywater very well when it's reprocessed into drinking water so its not like its something thats beneath your consideration. Fluoride in toothpaste is honestly bad enough anyway.
Wrong. Ketoacidosis occurs in type 1 diabetics due to their inability to produce insulin. Also, you won't get the runs from eating higher amounts of fat. Actually, consuming high amounts of fat while keeping carbohydrate intake low seems to be a good approach towards a metabolic treatment of cancer. Read "Tripping over the Truth" by Travis Christofferson, if you are interested.
The human brain consists mostly of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Most people easily comprehend why fertilizing a tree with woodash might be a good idea, nevertheless they refuse to grasp why consuming fatty fish is beneficial to your brain health.
tl;dr: You are confusing ketosis with ketoacidosis and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with omega-6.
top kek, you can get toothpaste that doesn't have fluoride in it. weleda and earthpaste are two examples of brands that make it; I find earthpaste does a better job. hell, you could brush your teeth without toothpaste.
i'm going to let you in on the best kept secret breakthrough in (((dentistry))(.
i'm no biochemist, so i couldn't explain to you how it works, but Novamin is the most effective wonder chemical that has been repeatedly, clinically double-blind PROVEN to remineralize teeth better than anything else.
those links above show there is a huge global conspiracy to lock Novamin out of the US market.
the kikes at (((GlaxoSmithKline))) bought the intellectual property rights to Novamin and they simply refuse to sell it in the US.
if you buy Sensodyne anywhere in the world outside of the US, it has Novamin in it.
by the way, for this act of pure evil to subjugate American peasants into slavery to the kiked up drill&fill tyranny of the (((American Dental Association))) and to force all of us to suffer from the scourge of tooth decay, while the kikes pump sugar into our entire food supply and engineer the food industry to poison us with GM Frankenfoods and McDonalds and Soy Fattucinos being easier to access and cheaper than Real Food, all in a plot by GSK kikes to fuck us in both orifices, with our teeth decaying from being force fed their poison.
but you can buy Novamin on (((Amazon))), just make sure you order from Intl vendors in Canada or Japan.
i also recommend a competitor to Novamin called Livionex. it uses the same chemical design to remineralize teeth, but it's a little different.
i use both Novamin and Livionex and i swear to you that it works as advertised.
i had a bunch of plaque built up from years of being oppressed by The Jew and being unable to afford dental insurance.
i used Livionex once a day and in 2 weeks all of the visible plaque on the back teeth cleared itself up!
and the beauty of Novamin and Livionex is that it's PERMANENT.
once its molecules bind to your teeth to trigger your own body to remineralize your teeth, the effect stays.
i don't know how effective Novamin and Livionex are to heal existing cavities, but they can be remineralized too, up to a certain extent, like if the cavity is small.
so if you want to preserve your teeth from the kike's (((sugar))), and avoid paying the (((dentist))) tens of thousands of dollars to only wreck your teeth, GO BUY NOVAMIN AND LIVIONEX RIGHT NOW.
Apart from removing plaque, does it also whiten yellowed teeth? My teeth aren't 'bad' per se but they're certainly not as white as they should be.
I only drink water, don't drink coffee or smoke, but am still susceptible to eating (((sugary food))) often because that's what's available in my circumstances. Really I'd like to know if there's a more natural endogenous way to make teeth white without brushing them but I kind of already know that me eating sugar isn't helping.