Your turn lads
Alright lads, what would you do in an anarcho capitalist society where you were rich, i'll start
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Whattya sliding shlomo?. Non existence of jewish dna?.
If you were in an ancap world you wouldn't have any workers because they would all be working for the guy that pays them 0.6 cents instead
Nah i can just pay them 0.62 and they'l come back
I'd live a simple life
>you can do anarcho stuff on your farm or homestead as long as it isn't absolutely retarded unlike your ideology
go to >>>/b/
Why would i post this on /b/?
It's something political kek.
I'd put as many resources as necessary into making sure your faggot ass was dead for making this fucking shit slide thread.
You'll get better responses there. Try it.
Came here to say this. Is OP a retard with no understanding of market forces? "I'll just pay them .62 instead" now you're causing wages to increase and it will continue to do so while you attempt to remain competitive, and if you don't know how to run a business - you'll be demolished by someone who does, and uses that knowledge to save money elsewhere and pay their employees a higher wage than you can afford.
sauce? funny if real
National socialist? i thought this was politically incorrect
Also whoever said about competing businesses i can just use my fusion bombs and take their land,
i might make an ancap board, /ac/ if it isnt already taken
Fucking kill yourself. Back to reddit.
No thank you, i like this place, although killing myself is quite intriguing
Fuck off. Your thread is literally worthless and I will not be replying anymore.
This is not an on-topic thread.
>>>Zig Forums
ok then leave
Top kek boys, thanks for making saturday more interesting
Unchecked dubs require slow sardine can gutting. Then the lamentations of your women and children driven before me.
This thread violated my NAP
Mods will hang
This is retarded.
Gas yourself.
You are vile.
You are a kike.
You do not value the Volk.
You do not seek an economy tailored to the Volk's needs.
In the shithole society you describe 99.9 percent of people would be slaves.
It would be WORSE than the current shithole, not better.
There is jew DNA.
But not all religious jews are ethnic jews.
(they are all bad, though)
Gas yourself CivNat.
Actually, no.
What would happen is that cartels and cabals would form and rapidly transform civilization into oligarchic despotism where the vast majority of people would be, effectively, slaves or serfs under the iron fist of a tiny minority of wealthy families and their slightly larger minority of enforcers.
AKA exactly what the kikes are trying to form.
It would be utter shit.
Excess wealth MUST BE TAXED.
Otherwise monopolization (aka "mergers") transforms society into oligarchic despotism.
Encourage small and medium sized business growth and family businesses, while regulating (taxes, etc) large businesses and preventing trust formation. It's the only thing that makes sense.
Billionaires and megacorporations are WHY things are going to shit. Soros, the rothschilds, the saudis, and the royal families come to mind.
As shocking as this might be to some people, I'm a NatSoc who has an interest in the utility of Ancap as well as many other political theories.
You know what I would do? Start business in every field, start buying land, incentivize people to come work for me and to live on my land in my high quality apartment on the basis that my corporation is built on the vision of Adolf Hitler. Maternity leaves, environmentally friendly, etc.
It adapts the a similar means of becoming it's own economy with an internal monetary system modeled on the treasury certificate system of the NSDAP.
Forgot a few things.
Only hire whites/europeans. Have a seperate branch for asians.
Invest in a CRISPR race-change procedure so that all the haters that aint us can just agree to change their race to either white or asian and join us so we can spend more time advancing our people instead of having to deal with wars and chimp-outs.
We'll have another branch for whites who like fucking asians. It'll be the Eurasian branch that bonds our two peoples while we still retain the uniqueness of our two sets of cultures. After conquering everything, we set aside a good area of land, probably in deserts, where people can take part in Ancap or any other sort of anarchism etc. as long as they don't violate our NAP. Which is bound to have to be regularly maintained, which is a given, but if people dare to venture into those lands for the fun of it or something it's up to them.