Man Accused Of Plotting To Burn Down Condo, ‘Kill All The Jews,’ Faces Attempted Murder Charges
Man Accused Of Plotting To Burn Down Condo, ‘Kill All The Jews,’ Faces Attempted Murder Charges
Those firearms were totally legal
So were (are) the swastika and reading msterials
The comments are hilarious
wat …? Why don't you light the fire first?
as a German in Miami Beach I bet he had to suffer a lot of shit from the jews around him, sounds like they were unfairly ousting him from the building from the comments made
Like anuda Shoah!
The Nazis are liberals line is an organized effort from hasbara kikes, that shit never existed before, its coming from somewhere.
The nazis are (group i don't like) is pretty popular and has been for a while.
Fucking hate boomers
Whatcha doin' Rabbi.jpg
Yea but the comparing them to leftists and liberals thing is new even if they still ran on the claim that we are marxist socialists before. Its an organized effort, its widespread. I see kike shill accounts push it for example.
What is it with fucking alphabet soup and fire?
You can thank that wonderful "Zig Forums colony" that is /r/The_Donald.
FFS, when will people learn not to say such things, even if they have no intention of following through?
They aren't in the court of public opinion, user.
And considering how kiked Miami-Dade is, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the police did this intentionally to skew the perception among the pool of potential jurors.
burns evidence
"Holocaust" means "all burning." It's a Jewish sacrifice ritual from the early days of Moloch-worship.
Never say what you'll do. Just do it.
This, although, I suspect it's also that jews have a primal, genetic fear of of fire, which is why it is so prominent in their history/lore and keeps being brought up: they're both terrified by and obsessed with it, for one example
Quads confirm.
Hitler knows what's up.
And you can bet that if someone's a shitty-enough person that you'd wish violence upon them, you're probably not the only one, and if that other person happens to go through with it, you're now a suspect simply for spouting off.
And a fascination with it. Pic related is the school where the IDF trains officer candidates.
If that design was not intentional, it may very well be the greatest Freudian slip in history.
In any case, it certainly helps to confirm my hypothesis…
Hit it with a MOAB.
(((He told me…)))
This shows a lot of boomers can be redpilled.
Dude–boomers are actually redpillable and have had enough of all this shit. OP is case-in-point
Checked. Yep, it's bizarre and sudden. Like th
*the kikes are suddenly worried about the rise in popularity of Nazis.
I find this story hard to believe tbh.
After further investigation, authorities have found 6 jews that were burned to death in the apartment building. Mr. Stolper is now being charged with war crimes
but, did he leave the gas on?
was Stolper pissed because movie night was canceled?
Remember : The leftists have a narrative. Boomers do comprise a large proportion of Trump's base. Most boomers weren't degenerates during the 1960s and 1970s.
"For the sake of making a clean estimation, I'm going to exclude Baby Boomers who weren't yet teenagers in 1968 as "ineligible" to be part of the counterculture. That means the relevant Baby Boom cohort to use as a denominator is all Baby Boomers who were born between 1946 (the start of the Baby Boom) and 1955 (the cohort that would have turned 13 years old in 1968). Based on data I found at Births in the United States 1930 to 2007, the size of the 1946-1955 Baby Boom cohort was 34.13 million. If we use Yablonsky's estimate of 400,000 hippies as the numerator, then the percentage of Baby Boomers who participated in the 1960s counterculture would be only 1.17% (400,000/34.13 million = .0117)."
When will they learn not to say anything at all but just to do as they desire. CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE LIVING IN A BUILDING FULL OF FUCKING JEWS…what a nightmare.
Fuck trump and fuck you, drumpfcuck
sounds like it could be funny like living next to Steinfeld, always meeting Kramer in the hallway or George in the lobby, elevator, or parking garage. And who was that cunt? the dark haired neurotic slut? I bet she was good for a freebie twice a month….
(((they're))) just like us goys, america loves 'em…. everything is funny, come'on you need a good laugh
very, very, very=
as much as the rat cries about anti semitism and even false flags it on a regular basis to keep up their holohoax gravy train going I am curious to see first hand what they do when real anti semitism starts happening on a mass scale as has so many times before.The lamentations of the rats will be music to white ears once again instead of boring,lame,tired,empty screechingand instead be complete and total stripping of all standing,confiscation of all property,denounced as citizens of any nation,DNA outlawed and israel incinerated by nuclear heat.
oh baby