I'm sure the Syrian army will put those to good use.
Assad would like to thank NATO for the loot
Other urls found in this thread:
Can people ever make well written threads anymore? No links or shit, just a kiketube vid? Christ
probably not worth all the destruction and loss of manpower but it's nice that they're getting some quality shit nonetheless
I'm must be onto something when the 2 first post glow in the dark
Explain to me Shill how is exposing the discovery of NATO made weapon in the hand of ISIS is advancing the Zionist agenda?
That shit looks Soviet made.
Because you included no additional information. No summary of who, what, when, where, and why. You just slapped a few images and posted a youtube video after the fact with nothing to add further. You want people here to become interest in the news you found? Articulate on it. This is about thread and board quality.
Im not saying the info you posted isn't relevant, I'm just calling you a fucking idiot. Wouldnt be surprised if you migrated from cuckchan recently. Lurk more and put more effort into your threads…
oh no that sucks
Pretty sure youre the "Assad is allied to Israel!" shill, as demonstrated when you suggested my pro-assad post was by a CIA nigger. Youre a shill.
(1) the source goes in the OP. this cuckchan shit of bumping your own thread is not acceptable here
(2) webm that shit, you insufferable faggot
(3) if the video is too long, then use hooktube embed, not youtube
(4) an OP with just pics/vids is unacceptable. you need to provide info
You obviously don't know what soviet arms look like.
This guy gets it. Pay attention, OP, you insufferable faggot.
Isn't hooktube dead? If it is, wouldn't that make you the retard?
I'm very Glad they took all those weapon from the Friend of Israel (ISIS) To think that Assad is allied with Israel is Bat shit crazy.
Yes let's hide the fact that NATO and Israel is arming ISIS in Syria!
Wow you are either retarded or a paid Zionist shill…….
Miss-understanding. So hard to tell sometime.
Yes, Hooktube is dead, you aren't a retard that believes everything he reads, this link doesn't exist hooktube.com
I'm proud of you, user.
So almost ten & seven years after Mossad & PNAC sayanim carried out the atrocity of a "new Pearl Harbor" in NY City on 9/11 2001 and set the stage for thousands of American soldiers' deaths and wounds, not to mention the deaths more than a million civilians in the Middle East, the murderous Kikes end up with sweet fuck all - or worse.
Now they have a Shiite strong zone in Iraq where they used to have mediocre Saddam Hussein, and now they have Iranian soldiers almost within reach of Israel's border - armed with Kornet tank killers & etc.
What did they get in exchange? They got the murder of hapless Gadaffi…
If I were a Likud-nik I would think that's hardly worth the exchange for a resurgent Shiite Hezbollah near their border with Lebanon, and Iranian Revolutionary Guard troops near their border with Syria.
Jews-ville - BTFO. :)
Poetic justice for the Goyim who died so painfully at the World Trade Center.
Good news… more loot coming in today
Inkhil and Jasim cities in Daraa north western CS, start today handing over their heavy and meduim weapons to the SAA forces.
(1) can't use embed and post images at the same time (which you'd know if you actually posted here instead of astroturfing like the israeli shill you are)
(2) 24 minute long video
(3) oh no, wasting more of google's shekels!
(4) its the highlights from the video
fuck you faggot if you want to tryhard then make the fucking threads yourself all you can fucking do is complain without providing any substantial discussion to this thread
more egg on the face of CIA / GCHQ / NATOniggers, here's to assad taking back golan
More info from the same Loot
In all seriousness, I wonder how many chemical weapons the Syrians have confiscated. Those chemical weapons are the same chemical weapons that the Syrians have been accused of using, which are the same confiscated chemical weapons that the ZOG-Backed U.S. government transferred from Libya to Rebel Forces.
Rebel scum.
Don't you mean (((ISISrael)))?
Arent they the same thing?
oh shit, now Assad DOES have chemical weapons kek
The mortar ammunition doesn’t look like made in the West.
The front row looks like Komet ATGM
In the back row looks like TOW, at the end maybe 2 Milan starter
In the front looks like a Komet starter.
Didn’t know that NATO uses Russian Komet ATGM
Like those?
The ATGM is called Kornet not Komet
Then look again……..
Day of the rope can't come soon enough for these kike format faggots. They're instituting the same propaganda that drives western education and media- elevating style over substance in the attempt to prevent the transmission of information by anyone other than propagandists trained in utilizing their format. They're trying to trick autists into rejecting the truth contained within a post in favort of dogmatic obedience of the "approved" format of posts.
If you abide by their guidelines, you're a brainwashed faggot that's been tricked by jews.
No. it's hopeless. You should fling yourself off a high cliff onto sharp rocks in protest.
Lots of NATO members still have surplus Soviet weaponry (Bulgaria, Albabia, Kroatia, to a lesser extent Poland and the Baltics), so it wouldn't surprise me if they shipped those over to keep plausible deniability.
As a fun fact, most of the East German weaponry and equipment West Germany "inherited" with the Unification was shipped to Bosnia during the breakup of Yugoslavia.
Kornet vs Merkava
Russian missile versus Israeli Tanks
this 33 sec video from Israel shows some Merkavas taking hits, (SMOKING) - but the video sees the action long distance
38 sec video showing a Russian Kornet hitting a Saudi tank in the current conflict in Yemen (Ba-BOOM)
the first 2 minutes of this video is informative about the (no) contest between Kornets and Merkavas - in Lebanon the Kornets turned the Israeli tanks into nothing more than mobile oven for the Jews inside of them
(after 2 minutes the video goes off into 4 minutes of history
Hooktube lost most of their features because they got a C&D from jewgle, presumably because they started running an ad for NordVPN a few days prior. It isn't 'dead', and still retains the basic functionality of fetching jewtube videos. There's just no more search, comments, channels, or related videos, which really sucks.
America is property of the international Jewry, this thread shall be forgotten and avoided as the american interest which are the same as those as the ones Israel holds are being impeded by it.
Oh yeah by the reaction I got by posting this info on different platform I'm over target Big time.
Bump for butthurt.
I'm pissed that these types of neighborhood defense weapons are not available here in the US. I live in a suburb outside of Atlanta and I'd like to see someone rain down mortar fire on the niggers the next two or three streets over.
What do Zig Forums?
2 years ago everyone was saying Assad must go because of all the opposition. Where's all the opposition gone CIA?
That Kike jump on that tread like Fly to fresh shit!
They got this: They strengthened ZOG so much that no revolution will ever occur in the US and that's their main source of never ending troops.
Why is NATO arming Al Qaeda?
Three guesses, newfag.
Because NATO is ZOG.
Because the goal with killing Sadam, destabilizing Afghanistan, creating ISIS, and killing Gaddaffi was to flood Europe (and to a lesser extent America/Canada/Australia) with mudshits to free up land for israel to take?
These aren't shills. They are the hyper autists who populate this board who Kampfy let hang around and encouraged and enabled.
So has Trump finally pulled the protection of these 'freedom fighters'?
yes you must be onto something here, can anyone confirm did the GRAU use english in their ordnance identification letters. Or who knows maybe that is cyrillic after all.
Last I checked it was proven they were using Bulgaria and Azerbaijan as proxies and suppliers for the bulk of the arms and basic munitions.
so how the fuck are you supposed to use it? just guess the fucking URL?
fucking kikes
Green peg in the green hole, user. NATO was founded as part of the jews’ desire to unify the entire world under a single polity. It remains today, despite the loss of its “reason for existing, the USSR,” solely to push that goal. Oh, and to fulfill the Oded Yinon Plan.
reported for shitpost bumping
GTFO cuckchan newfag. these are the rules. they've been the rules for years. go fuck yourself
thats part of it
but youre forgetting about the fact that iraq is LOL i mean was the second largest producer of oil in the world.
go look at a graph of KSAs GDP vs iraqs GDP going back to before desert storm.
pretty clear to see that iraq was making bank, while the saudis were circling the drain. till HW decided to smash the shit out of them. then fast forward to early 2000s. same shit.
i dont doubt that israel has a stake in all of it i mean they obviously do. KSA and israel are total butt-buddies. anything that benefits one, benefits the other but the major reason for HWs and Ws pointless desert skirmishes was to protect saudi/US oil hegemoney
< ((((((((((((((((((((((((israel))))))))))))))))))))))))))
The mods have banned all the oldfags who make decent OC.
Hello CIA, please send crate to 1488 Oak St, Eugene, Oregon. I am terribly sick.
How come every nigger and arab gets free guns? When the fuck am I getting an anti tank missile and some APMs?
Bump for time butthurt
A retarded argument, since more than enough sand-nigger stay there.
The reason the jew flood Europe is to destroy Europe and make the remainder jewish slaves in perpetuity. Read Kalergi, he wrote about this plan in the 1930’s, payed by the jews and is now the patron saint of the EU, Kalergi prize, first recipient of the Charlemagne prize, inspiratior of the EU flag. The stars of the EU flag stand for the twelve tribes of Israel.
Albania is quite popular, when the Saudis/Israel don't just go through Jordan with US supplied weapons.
More or less. The US told them they were on their own, so they've "reconciled" very quickly.
Indeed. All their scheming backfired, and they ended up creating a united Shia block on their Northern border with an axe to grind.
And now my tax dollars are actually going to a good cause for once, now these weapons are in Assad's hands. Feelsgoodman, I hope they end up killing many Kikes.
I'm ok with this
I don't think any of my tax money has ever been better spent than arming based Assad
inb4 America accuses Syria of owning chemical weapons now
going to say there is going to be another fake gas attack hyped up in the media soon.
Followed by a cruise missile attack that damages some syrian designated shitting spot and will upset Zig Forums.
Nope this shit is over. Those who have been doing this shit have been neutralize. The war in Syria is about to end by the end of summer. Tomorrow meeting between President Trump and Putin will seal the deal.
They have already tried that twice, and it hasn't worked. I wouldn't be surprised if Israel just started bombing civilian centers in Syria indiscriminately out of anger and autism, and expect the EU and UN to clean up the messes and start WW3 with Russia.
It's really not looking good for them, US is leaving, ISIS and other Muslim rebels are proven to be financed by Israel and the US and are losing power, and the UN is as incompetent as ever.
Who knows what they will do though, their neuroticism might not allow them to admit defeat.
There is very little Cyrillic on there.
Quite a lot of this stuff is new. Looks like a
10/15 production date.
Lot# 66-15, 23mm HEI-T
You want that packing sheet in the background. Syria hardly ever shows the really juicy stuff and I always wonder why…
They are still at the mercy of the mutts. One wrong move and it is "Syrian Freedumbz" on their asses.
Yeah true.
The mercs used to fuck up and leave the TOW videos public but (((Jewtube))) cracked down on them recently so as to avoid any crumbs.
In 2016 there was a failed TOW video which clearly showed the calibration dates as 6-7 months ago in a San Diego base.