Why do we ignore ancient Aryan Vedic religions?

In this thread, I would like people to see why arguing over religion is D&C. Even though like man is a social creature, he is also a creature in need of a God. I'm having trouble finding God or Providence and I don't think arguing in Divide and Conquer threads will help us.

I've never seen anything bring more passion out of the far-right than pagan vs christian threads.
Yet every argument on the subject only concerns the exoteric and metahistory of each religion. I haven't seen anyone discuss the deeper meanings of christianity or paganism and its impact on our soul. Only which is our tradition and which did our ancestors follow. Yes over time in history Europeans were pagan and Christian.

I've started reading authors like Evola and Miguel Serrano but I still have more questions than answers but I believe I have valid concerns for what we argue about today.

But what about the Aryans who conquered India and spread their Vedic religion with them? Its clearly evident that civilization was brought to the Indus Valley by the IndoGermanics. Today's secular westerner can only comprehend Hinduism as "Being nice to one another", but ignore the warrior castes or even Kalki the filth destroyer who fought against the Dravidians to prevent them from mixing with the Europeans in the Indus Valley. There have been a number of far right authors who were Hindu/Buddhist like Savitri Devi, even Julius Evola, and Miguel Serrano (who believed Hitler was a reincarnation of the Avatar Vishnu which explains why he fought for the Germanic peoples).

And for you pagans, do you actually fully understand the pagan traditions like your ancestors did or are you just larping?

In Herman Wieland's Atlantis, Edda, and Bible, Wieland discusses how the stories of the OT and NT are plagiarized retellings of older Aryan stories and traditions. His book was burned by the allies following WW2 but is still available in small circles.

What about ancient Aryan sun worship? Quezecoatl, depicted as tall, pale, and blue eyed, brought the Incas civilization, agriculture, and Sun worship. Then there's Sol Invictus in Rome. As well as Mithras. Even since the Renaissance, we've seen Christ in art depicted with golden discs behind them representing a solar deity.

We are children of the Sun. People of light. This has appeared recently. This is what we should focus on. Stop being divided by Christianity vs Pagans.

Today's secular Christianity is empty. Today's paganism boils down to larping. We ignore all of the other European Aryan religions spread throughout the world that. As Carl Jung said, Medieval man and world was presided over a divine omnipotence and providence. The spirit of man in a traditional society as Evola would say, is what we are all searching for.

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Shills, shills and newfags fresh from the cuckchan.

Pajeets hijacked it. They can't even poo in loo, how did they do this?

This would be a d&c shill.

Isn't there already a thread or two for this?

I guess if you need some sort of spirituality go for buddhism. It'll help you focus and maintain discipline. Idk. I don't need any particular book to feel as though my life is validated. NS is about science, rationality and order. Religion is a side-note. Hitler was ambivalent about christianity though I will say a lot of the christian moral codex is effective and western so I will myself support it if forced to make a choice (NOT MODERN POZ CHRISTIANITY AND POLITICAL CUCKERY!! Orthodox or go home.)

While I want to find something for myself I also don't want to see people in our movement just bicker over 2 sides and not get anywhere.

What the shit didn't you understand about LURK FOUR YEARS before posting?

The cro magnons did have a rivalry with the neanderthals. But not all Semitic peoples are neanderthals, and cro magnons were not the aryans.

The aryans were the Aesir in Europe, and the Asuras of central Asia.

Fuck off jew.

Because the D&C shills will always resort to paganlarping or christfaggotry. The Vedas are part of the same pagan catch all phrase. Many of the stories can be translated into the Egyptian or Sumerian ones and they share many elements, theres just the obvious regional differences when dealing with historic events like the nuking of cities in the Mahabharatha, and the vimanas.

Fuck you asshole. Go tongue some somali anus you little poznugget.

Are you retarded? Neanderthals are exclusively in Europe. Kike homo sapiens is the semitic ones.

There's nothing wrong with Neanderthals, in fact they were a superior species.
And it's us Europeans who carry on their legacy, not Jews.

Yeah that's nice and all but only the Bible with it's manuals of architecture, science and co elevated Europe out of primitivism, that's why other nations and countries that are Bibleified are not on the same level as Europeans who practice Christianity in a highly heathen way, fancy that.

t. disgruntled Christian that is bound to be in here.

but these two


that must mean they're the same thing! If you say otherwise you're a kike shill! Fuck your genetics and shit.

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Sol invictus was brought to Rome by a massive faggot emporer who wore makeup and diddled kiddies and called himself a queen. Christ was depicted as sunlike by the early church to associate him with Mithra.

Caste systems don't work. People breed. If you conquer a people, never enslave them, always kill them all to the last child. If a people is your people, why have castes? They are your people and you should want the best for them.

Important Point

The sun isn't an awful thing to worship, but its not a helpful thing to worship. The most important thing to revere is your blood and your people, so one's people needs to be the central feature of any new religion.

They don't look similar at all, but they are in fact closely related.
We do have Neanderthal DNA, and I'm personally proud of it.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Kikes aren't neanderthals. Europeans and asians have some neanderthal dna, meaning askenazis have a tiny bit too, but other jews would have no neanderthal dna.

Oh look another religion thread
Only 29371825617823 threads so far. Retarded shills. They might lack in IQ but they sure are persistent.

Okay those are good points. So I'd assume you follow something like Alfred Rosenberg's Myth of the 20th Century?

Could you explain that a little differently? Are you saying the bible elevated Europe? I do agree that Europe definitely flourished through the Renaissance. But older civilizations (Persia, Babylon, Indus Valley) had great golden ages that might have rivaled Renaissance Europe.

This is wrong.

Move to Germany, damnit.
Grab a fucking clipboard, damnit.
Go visit old libraries, damnit.
Go compare behavior of Germanic people with Christian teachings and tally things up, damnit.
Analyze the language and words they use carefully, damnit.
Look at contemporary behavior and customs of them and observe them carefully and tally things up some more, damnit.
Go to cathedrals and tally things up, damnit.
Go to the different cardinal directions of Germany and study their low German which had been in use until very recently, damnit.
Look up how certain Trees are regarded by them, damnit.
Look at their cemetaries, damnit.
Look at their old farmsteads, damnit.
Look at their old buildings, damnit.
Look at the names of landmarks, damnit.

You'll see little crucified jesuses everywhere, yes, but if I dress up like and call myself Paul the Fucking Apostle of Lord Christ Jesus and then proceed to jump over a fucking fire with my girlfriend because that's what the heathens do then I could be covered in fucking crosses and Christian iconography from head to toe, I would NOT be doing something Christian.


Eddas are basically the OT of Europe and predicted the coming of Christ. This is why they could be converted in the first place, Odin/Wotan is also very similar to NT god's Trinity as Jesus never actually says Yaywhey or Jebhova.
It's very interesting reading what missionaries told Odinists in the past.

Religion is extremely important, most men forget it's how you maintain households with women and children with exoteric beliefs and the foundation of what is fair. Hanging your hat on positivism and the humanities is suicide since it's completely beholden to the whims of the bank rolled and is suffering from a major crisis trying to reproduce experiments.

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I don't wanna repeat myself for the billionth time since this is religion thread #3408234023804283048230423
So I'll just repost something from even yesterday.

Our ancestors abandoned it to not get fucked by their infected leaders.
That's why you always see so many kike *expulsions*, which imply that they have been allowed to stay before the population, that has feared the leader with military clout up until then gets too pissed off by the henceforth meddling jews, who produce NOTHING except usurious debt "currency".
In other words, here the three steps of "Christianization" of Europe.

Step 1.) Faggot leader gets cucked by promises of mammon and judaism liteā„¢.
Step 2.)Leader threatens plebs until they "convert", they "convert" but secretly still cling to all the stuff that worked up until now, hence the necessity to make saints out of pagan heroes and co, and adopt their customs and celebrations
Step 3.)Since Christianity has always been philosemitic since it's a semite invention, semites were allowed to live in the host nation and debased it over time, often further than the cucked leader would have thought and they either left and called it "oy vey we got gessed de milliens it wos oaful my fibromyelgia is ekting up just thinking about it we got expelled" or they were just transferred over to another.

Sadly, our insular cousins were unable to keep as much of the old things than us since Christianity had to sweep over the entire heathen continent and the mainlanders always had neighbors and stuff that kept them in check before it spread even further.
the UK and USA, well, it could fester like a petri dish.
The effects have been completely devastating.

But yeah Christians, usually American ones seem to think all the nonchristian stuff that is being done all the time and has been done since forever is just random stuff they kept because "Christianity unlike Islam and Judaism" is a religion that keeps customs, even though that's total bullshit since America is very low on non Christian customs aside from superbasic ones like celebrating birthdays and naming children after dead relatives and having graveyards.

It's annoying, highly, and sad.

Nah, the jews which followed Christianity since day one were made out to be like the to be converted and the Egyptians and other "evildoers" were made out to be rival tribes like Vikings.

Have a survive the jive video on that, it nails it.

Also, look at the history of jew expulsions.
Do you know what this word requires?
Even as early as 400 ad (and probably a lot sooner) jews had more rights than the average heathen even in "highly Christian places" like the Byzantine Empire, with Theodesius allowing them to be circumcised despite the ban on that, allow them synagogues, etc.

Yeah, very antisemitic, very much a bulwark against jews.
Only not.

Jews don't exist anymore, Talmudic jews are just a bunch of mutts larping and formed a syndicate so they could practice usury under Charlemagne and the slavetrade in Spain.
I don't know why you guys take Talmudic jews claim of being jews so seriously, it's less valid than the Black Israelites and Mormon's claims. They're just plain old greasy camel jockeys mixed with Whites.

If it kvetches like a duck.
Looks like a duck.
Is circumcised like a duck.

It's a bloody duck.

The same as saying a white guy is Mexican or a nigger.

No one is honest.

Great work. Did you come up with that yourself David?




unanchor tis thread u fucking faggot nigger kike

Good thread

(((Mods))) fear it

Come to >>>/polk/

Fuck the libshit mods here!

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how is jumping over a fire purely pagan; pretty sure lots of people have done that from time to time

Or >>>/fascist/ rather