In this thread, I would like people to see why arguing over religion is D&C. Even though like man is a social creature, he is also a creature in need of a God. I'm having trouble finding God or Providence and I don't think arguing in Divide and Conquer threads will help us.
I've never seen anything bring more passion out of the far-right than pagan vs christian threads.
Yet every argument on the subject only concerns the exoteric and metahistory of each religion. I haven't seen anyone discuss the deeper meanings of christianity or paganism and its impact on our soul. Only which is our tradition and which did our ancestors follow. Yes over time in history Europeans were pagan and Christian.
I've started reading authors like Evola and Miguel Serrano but I still have more questions than answers but I believe I have valid concerns for what we argue about today.
But what about the Aryans who conquered India and spread their Vedic religion with them? Its clearly evident that civilization was brought to the Indus Valley by the IndoGermanics. Today's secular westerner can only comprehend Hinduism as "Being nice to one another", but ignore the warrior castes or even Kalki the filth destroyer who fought against the Dravidians to prevent them from mixing with the Europeans in the Indus Valley. There have been a number of far right authors who were Hindu/Buddhist like Savitri Devi, even Julius Evola, and Miguel Serrano (who believed Hitler was a reincarnation of the Avatar Vishnu which explains why he fought for the Germanic peoples).
And for you pagans, do you actually fully understand the pagan traditions like your ancestors did or are you just larping?
In Herman Wieland's Atlantis, Edda, and Bible, Wieland discusses how the stories of the OT and NT are plagiarized retellings of older Aryan stories and traditions. His book was burned by the allies following WW2 but is still available in small circles.
What about ancient Aryan sun worship? Quezecoatl, depicted as tall, pale, and blue eyed, brought the Incas civilization, agriculture, and Sun worship. Then there's Sol Invictus in Rome. As well as Mithras. Even since the Renaissance, we've seen Christ in art depicted with golden discs behind them representing a solar deity.
We are children of the Sun. People of light. This has appeared recently. This is what we should focus on. Stop being divided by Christianity vs Pagans.
Today's secular Christianity is empty. Today's paganism boils down to larping. We ignore all of the other European Aryan religions spread throughout the world that. As Carl Jung said, Medieval man and world was presided over a divine omnipotence and providence. The spirit of man in a traditional society as Evola would say, is what we are all searching for.