Brit/pol/ #2851: Cleese Edition

John Cleese criticised for saying London is 'no longer an English city'

Knife crime, burglary and robbery all soar in London under Sadiq Khan, damning figures show

Army officers are warned soldiers calling themselves 'patriots' or who make 'inaccurate generalisations about the Left' could be right-wing extremists in their ranks

Lord Sugar is trying to prosecute Boris and Gove over a fucking twitter poll

ooga booga where de whyt wimun at?

Collapse of nuclear power may increase reliance on fossil fuels

EU Confirms Italy Risks Massive Fine Over Debt, Sending Euro To Session Lows

'Compact living' flats proposed for New Kent Road

Attached: john cleese london twitter (1)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do you always post hooktube?

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nth for are saboteur
r-rate my memi lads okthankyou

good lad

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I’m 100% sure the dailymail just printed a fake news story.

That “right wing extremists” army thing was blatantly photoshopped.

jej lad, quality


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Good lad

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what a shocker

hahahaha the floating farage face got me

nth for Fred

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good lad

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Fucking kek

he was a one man race war tbh

Joe smirking/10

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oh fuck off, their main fucking character is a female who didn't even exist

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Imagine if they'd cast him as Bombadil.


Cheers lads

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of t' pub

Meanwhile in the radiation zone

man amongst men r Fred

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

Tbh it prevented a total famine here

alreet frodo lad elp us get up steam an I'll take you far as bree

For them

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Inevitable part of the buildup to the apocalypse.



These are two of the most ordinary in the case of the one on the left, and actually ugly on the right. Yet betas worship them, pathetic

I'm trying to find a video of Woes where he says "I'm very attracted to men. What can I say?" but it's been scrubbed from Youtube.

cant even argue with this tbh, scoobs getting rich off the backs of British lads
come pls


why is it so large

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Kek, looks like the alligator's running away.

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I hope he stopped for the sake of his soul.

Cleese looks pretty cool there ngl

Stop strawmanning him lad

Never liked Monty Python that much tbh.

Yeah he's the type of lad to get into new lifestyles at the drop of a hat

i literally bought the complete fawlty towers on DVD from CEX yesterday

These 6 states have only 1 abortion clinic left. Missouri could become the first with zero

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Some sketches haven't aged very well but then there are those that have.

Zig Forums memid it

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You forgot to precede Carl Benjamin with "popular YouTuber"

Laugh tracks make anything awful tbf.

The thing about going far-right in any way is that no one will let you forget about it, so the only change he could make at this point is to be one of those grovelling "ex-nazis" the left media drags out as a manipulation tactic. Generally though, far-right is the last stop for the reason that you're pretty much done socially outside of far-right communities.

I was joking about his pathetic lazyiness, if he was a fag then he's a fag now.

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EXTREMELY VIOLENT rhetoric (no specific incitement tho Mr. GCHQ) towards homosexuals has to be part and parcel of traditionalist politics because if you're even neutral, they worm their way in. I think gays are attracted to exotic things which is why dissident movements end up with lots of them at the top of the movement. The only answer is scare them away and bully them and expose them.

Holy Grail was pretty great

The reformed nazis are never really forgiven, either.

They are, these people are pathetic suckers for anyone telling them what they want to hear, like that fat swarthy fuck Picolini the 'ex-nazi' who does Ted talks and is married to some google heifer

tbh the latest article at counter currents on being a trad bronze age mentality was such clearly a psyops to make zoomers into homoist masculinists

won't somebody think of the chillun

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One hit wonder material, don’t you think? I mean, he definitely won’t be allowed to do anything else. Don’t you think so? I think it’s just, they “forgive” them, use them, then chuck them like a used condom.

Agreed. Seen this happen a few times and fags really do ruin things tbh.

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Because children couldn't just be making edgy jokes, they have to be ultra nazi fascist 5000.

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kek he looks like an Arab in that video

grinder greg tbh

It's good to bully people like Spencer too, cause even if he's not literally a poof that kind of banter promotes the right kind of community and scares off open fags like greg.

what would be the punishment for strawmanning in your ideal world?

this article is clearly a gayist psyops for zoomer neets. the denigration of women as sex objects is the most obvious mene (as a real trad would see them as mummies or daughters and that the most famous hellenic story is about a man returning to his wife from a pointless war, as well as andromache's tragedy which is that the good men die in war and leave the sniveling rat men around who view women as sex objects) and then the general masculinist themes. the whole thing is just a gay shite. I realized bagans were mostly secret poop dick infiltrators arond 2015. plus catholicism allows for polytheism with warrior saints so baganism has no point

Thought you were excited for it tbh. Watched the video (with low expectations) and thought it looked like a twilight zone mgs5 with added on meaningless traversal gimmicks. The story and everything just seems so gay atm. Maybe it'll be good, and I'm sure everyone will lick its arse, but presently it just looks like pretentious shite.


It's not even true kek. No one killed mosley.

You get put inside a giant straw man and burned epic bagan style XD

Agree but
I've never felt comfortable with being ruled by Rome. You can say the Anglican Church is completely gay, but it's all modern and pozzed catholic or not, so we can fix it. I want an English Chrisitianity.


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I thought it was English blood

Weird how you look back to when you were a kid and see things in a different perspective.

Didn’t realise how fucked up that was until I just remembered it.

Same thing.

OK then


Based scoob

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oh, so that's what you say in English

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*spots English manlets*

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This was in London.

is this real

post comfy architecture

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I am joining the Catholic church tbh
Been a few times already with the missus. Going round the priests house next weekend to learn about conversion

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London is one of the best proofs that it isn't muh segregation that causes nigs to nig because the yank 13% memi is exactly as true in our former capital city.

do a vocaroo where you reminisce about your school days lad

Film's starting

One thing bothered me about last mass. The priest said the bible tells us we are united by what divides us. But that literally sounds like some globohomo garbage. How can divisions unite? But I think he meant finding commonality in each other and whatnot.