Italy’s far-right party Forza Nuova (FN) and Poland’s National Radical Camp (ONR) have joined forces for what they call “the first European security operation” on the beaches of the Italian Romagna Riviera.
The two groups met last week in the city of Rimini for a conference, street demonstrations and “patrols” of the beach where a Polish tourist (and another tourist) were raped last summer.
The meeting of the two ultra-right-wing groups has sparked concern in Italy (among Leftists.).
Who are ONR and why were they in Italy? Both ONR and FN are part of the Alliance for Peace and Freedom, a European group chaired by FN’s leader Roberto Fiore and whose members include the likes of Greece’s Golden Dawn and the National Democratic Party of Germany.
Also remember to filter the faggots that come to every thread and call groups like ONR, Golden Dawn, and NRM controlled opposition
Jaxson Butler
Groups or people that openly call out the kikes and their crimes are NOT controlled opposition.
Xavier Long
Good luck pols and spaghetti-niggers and remember, you can't spell "Europe" without "rope" Or maybe you personally can, there's still many aspects of the languages over there that I remain unaware of.
Evan Powell
True dat.
pic is a banner of the 'Alliance for Peace and Freedom'. They are growing & held a demo in Prague not long ago.
What is going on with them? I haven't read any news on GD for years. Last I heard, there was fracture over claims of corruption. What's happening in Greece and has GD made any advances in saving its people?
Cooper Morris
an international gathering of informants. how cute.
Jordan Parker
Forza Nuova are literal fascists, so this is good news!
Ayden Thompson
They were openly banned then crushed.
David Hill
Self defense patrols, glorious. The fire rises. This group stands to become the spearhead of anti-white genocide resistance from this.
How typical. Anybody here remember BEWS? He use to come around with GD updates all the time. Then one day he disappeared, saying GD was gearing up for something big. He never did show up again. I wonder what happened.
Blake Williams
Just the start. the white race will reclaim Europe in its entirety, and then we'll reclaim our institutions.
Ah yes, the fuckers who have supporters of Islam in their ranks.
Evan Fisher
Benjamin Cooper
What has Christianity done for the European races?
Dominic Walker
deebly goncerned goys
polite sage for shitpost
Ryan Perry
Dats guud.
Eli Johnson
this is just not true. they're still like up to 10% in the polls and very much exist today.
Dominic Gray
Okay. What are they up to, then? Brighten my day.
Carter Mitchell
The absolute state of Occupied Europe.
Dominic Lee
Right Wing Death Squads!
Jeremiah Bennett
This. Work for it, study and work, and apply to all facilities, government positions high and low, casting and advertising companies, media, education bodies, text book manufacturers, police and other defense agencies. Remember that we are the vast majority, that the jews are a minute fraction, that they are utterly outnumbered and all they have is nepotism and tricks. If enough people enter agencies, within 10 years they will become the recruiters, and can draw in like-minded people. That's all you need to do. Rebuild from the inside out, they'll never see it happening.
Jace Russell
negative defeatist faggot detected. go back to sleep you idiot
Jackson Young
How do we support these groups materially?
Jace Reed
How is this defeatism you fag?
Ian Thomas
Fuck yeah! Now this is the type of stuff I like to see.
That to me proves they're not full of shit. Those previous actions are a tell tale sign (fascist salute & outfits…among other things) the movement is a honeypot. Not sure why they're after public attention though.
Benjamin Gonzalez
Wow, imagine my shock. The only non-honeypot group were Pamyat until their leader died in 2003 and Jewtin arrested most of the members. Reminder to sage threads about alt-kike and “white nationalist” honeypot organizations.
Siege fails to understand national socialism on a basic level and only appeals to fags who unironically think the Holocaust happened. The holocaust did not happen but it will. The core of nazism is optimism and life, not death and negativity. We will have our Reich and it will be something beautiful.
You might be talking about Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency..
The Jews manage to shut down Right Wing organizations' financial accounts, and thus choke off the org's ability to receive funds through Visa, MC, Amex, etc, or through Paypal or Stripe & so on.
But block-chain currencies like Bitcoin are beyond the reach of the ZOG Jews - (in terms of control). Nobody controls the real crypto currencies.
Civnat cucks like you fail to realize that revolutionary National Socialism is the only viable way to be a National Socialist and that you are the larpers if you think you can vote with niggers. One of the 25 points is that non-whites cant be citizens or have any rights, can be deported any time they want. Not only is that against discrimination laws but you would never get niggers to vote for it. The army would step in to stop it. Youre a joke and democracy is a control system. You cant game the system, its designed to wipe us out. The system will fall apart, on its own after a white minority. Niggers will vote to take our stuff and the exact same things that happened in Rhodesia will happen to us - that is unless we win the race war while were still a majority. The holohoax never happened, but it will.
This. We need to stop fucking around with being electricians and bricklayers and concentrate on obtaining positions of power. Let's not forget officers in the military. And yes, you're going to have to learn to hide your power level and play 4d chess.
The issue with Siege isn't the desire to kick libshits heads in, we all want to do that, it's the overall tone and inherent glorification of death that exists with in. War is tragic and the DOTR is going to be another brother war, as sad as it is. Violence is the answer here but shouldn't be considered the ideal.
Nathaniel Watson
Cameron Morgan
The issue with Siege is that it's literary garbage and exactly the kind of misanthropic drivel that dominates the western media's association with fascism. It doesn't offer any coherent ideology, just death cult-esque ramblings.
Ethan Gomez
Bump. Euros, any of you personally know any of these guys?
Kevin Wilson
The time for that plan is long past, I think. Your mileage may vary.
Gavin Perez
Depends on the situation of your nation. I would completely agree if you were in a potential "allied" nation or region such as Austria, Poland, Greece, Bavaria or any of Central/Eastern Europe generally, but there are certain nations that have systematically locked any of US out of the reigns of power. The United States has done this, despite Trump. You can see that Trump can't legally do certain things that his voters would clearly like (mass deportation, primarily), whether he wants this or not. There's an argument to playing 4D chess, but some areas are too lost culturally squashed that anyone who sticks their head out will be shot down. I'm thinking any of the UK, Sweden, France, Germany. These particular states are complete enemies of European populations.
Joseph Carter
I propose political party apparatus and creating organizations that cater to us – strict, hierarchical membership and community (mostly rural) organizing. Youth membership, meetings, book clubs, religious ceremony, cultural studies, etc. Anything that has this goal in mind and can organize and educate and solidify progress. This will work far better in Europe than in the US though.
Noah Garcia
People are reading Culture of Critique
Luis Kelly
America needs organizations like those
Lincoln Anderson
Won't happen, not until the next civil wars happen and borders are redrawn.
Colton Cruz
I read it. And I used to be the neocon rooting for the Iraq war, reading billy kristol and krauthhammer. You know what tipped the scales?
Jews in the msm
It was easy for me to see the constant propaganda. Breaking down the cognitive dissonance took awhile.
Matthew Cooper
Right on (((time))).
Alexander Sanders
This only says what form to put it in, not where to send it. Though there are other ways to render material assistance.