George Soros foundation is apparently hacked, and about 1,3 gigabit of documents leaked. That's if it's real. In another chan they put forward this link. Someone with proxxy can check and confirm if its real.
Why no thread?
George Soros foundation is apparently hacked, and about 1,3 gigabit of documents leaked. That's if it's real. In another chan they put forward this link. Someone with proxxy can check and confirm if its real.
Why no thread?
Humongous if veritative.
monitoring thread
I have no idea about this dude's credibility and the claims sound too good to be true
Fucking kill yourself for even posting this here.
That's why i did this thread.
So anons with proxies can dig the dump.
So we can verify.
Not gonna click until someone posts images of those the documents.
t. leftypol
Nothin' personnel, kid.
Kill yourself too for continuing to call attention to it. Please. I'm so fucking sick of Q. I can't even fucking filter it because of the number of words that use the letter.
3tb on a proxy isn't hard to follow.
That said I'd love to see some documents
I am running antiviruses. If they turn up clean I will begin digging.
Sick of the shills d&c regarding investigating anything because they hate Q.
You sound like the pieces of shit at the strzok hearing.
Nice try.
So confusing.
I think you dont know how IDs work newfriend.
I am Zig Forums and I'm going to dig instead of being a whiny little faggot.
Seems clear. Shall I go, lads?
filtered for poisoning wells
kill yourself Israeli
To Valhall!
I'm looking through the SOUK zip.
The online virus scans turned up clean with a single hit on antiy-avl.
Seems legit, internal osf documents. There are a lot.
We need anons who arent Q/antiQ spergs reading this reading into these.
If you mention Q your message isnt true. Its Jewish hasbara, yea, we dislike Jewish hasbara.
I'm getting a sandbox ready just in case
probably a good idea.
It’s not happening. Your fantasies aren’t real. Nothing you’ve said is going to occur. The ZOG won’t arrest the ZOG.
It's good stuff, I think, and it seems safe too. You can download now. But Jesus, there's a lot here.
Shit I had work to do.
how important can this be if nobody has given a shit for two years? sounds like nigger honeypot to me
Shit no Africa?
Excuse me?
They got their dirty hands in everything.
This is the document.
(((Goolag))) translation:
Subject: child labor in cotton fields in Uzbekistan
Dear Mrs. Ataev,
I work in the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tashkent in the department of politics and human rights. The Embassy is currently working on the issue of child labor in cotton fields in Uzbekistan, and would like to study some individual cases. Of course, the official side, as you know, refutes child labor in Uzbekistan. In this regard, we would like to ask you if you have information about child labor in the cotton industry? Could you help us on our question?
Yours faithfully
on behalf of
Ette Baranowski
That's the same guy who posted a link to an old wikileaks directory and claimed he leaked it.
Yeah sounds like a massive faggot blackpilling normies by posting impossibru claims which lead nowhere, I just xposted it from another chan
Jesus, look at all the fucking Jews…
I think he's trying to sell some kind of anonymizer to retarded Q boomers.
This will be dug through whether or not you want it done.
So why keep moaning like a 3 dollar whore?
its been around for two years, why hasnt anyone touched it earlier?
fucking awesome
keep this bumped
hmm, left off any devil worship and aliens so it would see this is a thought out ruse.
Does it matter?
If none of it's worth a shit, why do you care if some anons spend time going through it? What's their time to you?
Clinton, of course.
Please post all Libya/Al-cianigger and TS stuff please.
I'm just picking things more or less randomly cause there's a ton of stuff.
It would really help if I wasn't the only one doing the digging, thank you.
That spiral symbol again, I'm sick of it.
This is stale. Data is from 2016 hack
Don't let them own that symbol.
It's a very ancient symbol, used primarily in Europe, and it represents eternity, and the never ending cycles of the universe.
It does not belong to them, don't let them ruin it, the same way faggots ruined the word "gay."
There's tons of names, it's pretty spicy, in my opinion.
Think-thanks, the brain of the Beast.
Fuck off, Debbie Downer. Go to a thread you actually like already. If such a even thing exists. Something tells me you just roam the board shitting on everything and calling people kikes.
and its cia bullshit
Fuck off.
People didn't fully absorb the fuckery afoot at the time
We did. Who cares what anyone else thinks?
You're thinking of the circle and the ouroboros. The spiral represents the path of the labyrinth, and is connected to gnostic not the demiurge gnostics, the Greek "gnosis" form you fucking spergs concepts. Think theuseus' quest inward to slay the Minotaur. The maze/labyrinth is you user. You must quest to the centre and back for the illumination of god, your "divine spark" hidden in the twists and turns of your inner world. Is it any coincidence that the Celtic symbol (a sunwheel like the swastika) is three spirals for the three worlds of body, soul and spirit that meet in a centre?
Polite sage for off topic.
The constant detailing in this thread reeks of desperate disinfo shills.
Has anyone encountered ANYTHING relevant from these leaks or is this another false flag?
Yes, use your eyes, or better yet, download the fucking thing and dig, you lazy nigger.
It is split in parts by region
so you dont have to download the full 1,3gb
currently downloading
dis is yuge!
anyone else?
Interesting. I'm going to look through the USA files, then the President's Office files, then the World Bank files. I'll decide which to dig through next after that. I'll tell you if I find anything good. Here's some images to ponder over in the meantime.
gotta train those little negros as soon as possible
Holy shit, are they actually bitching about Iceland letting the banks shit themselves?
BUUUMMMPPPP i will be digging all night long
So far, I got some .pptx file I don't know how to open will require Google-fu, and a SHITLOAD of documents about lobbying. I mean several files talking about lobbying.
Servers getting hammered?
I'm getting frequent 506: Bad gateway
*502: Bad gateway
Last screencap on this file.
qcumbers are fucking retards.
This stuff from 2016 is presumably about diversity quotas when it comes to """gender""".
Soros and the world bank collaborative.
this damage control
Error 504 Ray 2018-07-15 01:40:18 UTC
Gateway time-out
we are on it
Post a version of the first image that isn't ant sized damn it.
Stop fucking posting Q larp you retard. We used to have good discussion here before you reddit summerfags came.
anyone check those mega files yet?
Aye annon. Thank yeh. I will as i listen to an independent source reading over the Mueller results and the Strzock media damage control.
Remember this is all the dems and soros have.