Why would two young men in Turkey cut off a little dog’s ears and post the photos and video on social media?
TheRifleBird (h/t Pat) The two proceeded to cut the dog’s ears off with a sharp knife, with no anaesthetic whatsoever. They had a friend record the scene – during the video, which was uploaded online but has since been deleted, the dog howls in despair, begging for mercy, but the cruel attackers just keep on going.
At the end, they pose for photos, each with a piece of the dog’s ear in their hands, seemingly proud of their achievement. A picture of the dog all covered in blood has also been posted online.
Why would two young men in Turkey cut off a little dog’s ears and post the photos and video on social media?
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So what?
They hate dogs for some retarded fucking reason.
To them, "son of a dog" is an insult.
Low IQ.
Turks are shit. Empathy is the sign of developed peoples, try that shit near me and I'll burn your house down a few days later.
Shitskins and animal abusers deserve the rope. bare minimum the same tortures they practice on aimals, that goes double for jews and muslims who practice kosher and halal slaughters, it's only fitting, and true justice.
White people care about animals, so it should at least induce an emotional response.
What does the quran say about dogs again?
Muslims are subhuman. Just look at how they treat animals. Same with a lot of other subhuman races, especially the kikes.
Only white people domesticated animals. Only white people care about animals.
A red haired turkic spawn, obviously a european rapebaby which was turkicized after centuries, all because those fucking greeks have their habit of stabbing everyone in the backs.
Lower races mistake pointless cruelty for "toughness."
Living up to their status as cockroaches
kike alert
Hate is all I feel. Only a subhuman bullies those who have no possible way to defend themselves.
Oh please. Turkey is more secular than the United States.
They torture animals, women and children to show strength but in actual fights with whites they only will try sucker punches while outnumbering them in multiples vs 1, like 3/5/10 to 1 like the weak filth they are. Only seek to seem strong. Meanwhile all the countries subhumans are from are filled with war and cartels and cannibalism and other filth and if we are ever to succeed we need to cut off aid to them all, purge the filth in our borders, and go to Mars (also purging the rest of the world but spreading from Earth in a sustainable way is a priority).
They have the shit genes if not the shit religion. Fucking filth.
Pretty much nothing. The hatred for dogs comes from Arabic tribal crap and isn't a thing in Qur'an itself.
That's why the focus on islam is stupid. Even most of the rapefugees in Europe are not devout Muslims. They get drunk and do drugs every day and never pray to Mecca or any of the shit they are supposed to do. They're just shitskins practicing typical shitskin behavior
Religion ain't genetic. Turks are shit "humans" regardless of their religion.
This has nothing to do with politics. BTW, how would you like this?
Two teens kill animals they took from shelter and upload the record of it to internet. Oh wait, they do not look like muslims so it does not belong to Zig Forums, right?
If you would like to see video of what they did, try finding it yourself, I never cared.
culture is influenced by genetics
Even so, almost all nonwhites should be purged from this world.
Nips only sought to go against the chinks and gooks and other SE fucks when in imperial mode so as long as they realize their shit it's ok.
Any proof of that? Lurking Zig Forums for years, have never seen any.
Sounds like you need to lurkmoar
Ever noticed dog abusing nations are always shitholes?
Those are Asiatic churkas, same as Turks.
We treat animals like shit too. When DOTR comes we're hanging every soulless fuck meat factory worker and owner. Then we're doing things the way Hitler would have wanted.
0/10; thanks for admitting you’re a shill.
You just outed yourself. Lurk 2 years, commie faggot.
Yawn. You’re done.
Yep, thanks for exposing yourself, too.
Why do you hate animals, commie? Is it because they're above you?
You’re done.
why would two turkroaches cut off a dog's ears if they were going to push him out of a plane afterwards
I'd be more worried about the Russian plane they shot down, or the thousands they've killed in syria, or the oil they've stolen, or the constant torture they've used for decades despite being against international conventions, or the fact that the country was the Christian capital and the filthy hordes are still occupying it, or the fake coup that the dictator set up against himself as an excuse to kill off a few hundred he didn't like
Moslems hate dogs and pigs, they consider them unclean. What's strange is that they like cats because allegedly Mohammed liked cats and would leave without his cloak if his cat were sleeping on it. Dogs slobber and can stink, pigs roll around in the mud, whereas cats lick themselves constantly- thus, cats are considered clean and are allowed inside mosques, whereas Moslems aren't even allowed to touch pigs. All three animals are very intelligent and can be very loving, it's atrocious to intentionally cause suffering to an animal. I'm one of those that believes pit bulls should all be put down, but I don't want them to needlessly suffer in the process.
You can judge a group by the way they treat animals.
While I find this abhorrible, ear cropping is still common in the USA and everywhere else. Any dog you see with pointy ears that stand up had their ears cut off, aka cropping.
see: ear crop
Worked in a pork processing plant, yes they are called processing plants, the pigs were herded into a chamber, given the gas, and by the time the chamber's air has been exchanged the pigs are comatose. Then their rear feet are fitted into a hanger pulled up till they are suspended and have their throats cuts. Should a single pig wake up, the entire kill floor, where the pig is gutted, skinned, etc, shuts down. Happened twice in the three years I worked there, and each time it was over fifteen minutes for the line to start moving again, that's about 270-290 pigs that that shift won't kill and will be left in the pens nearby until the next shift/day. Does that sound as barbaric a practice as kosher/halal methods?
So yeah both of you are nincompoops speaking on a matter you have little knowledge of. Except for the being filled with spics part, you are 100% correct on that.
They think it shows that they're manly and badass.
Mongrels doing mongrel things. Hardly surprising since they're barely above the beasts they're killing. I'm not going to defend middle eastern mutts too much since they are largely uncivilized animals and dangerous, but the people are hardly better.
Problem is we seem to deem every thing that has two arms and two legs as being "human" or "people". Yet nobody can explain why KoKo the guerilla isn't.
Guess that isn't too bad. The problem is more the living conditions are poor than the slaughtering methods.
We as national socialists have no qualms with Muslims, as long as they are of pure European blood. Our issue lies with non-whites as a whole. Hitler respected Muslims, and viewed them as allies in the struggle against Jewish villainy.
I believe it said something about Muhammad fucking them, but I'm not sure. You should probably go to a mosque and ask.
Does that work anywhere else? I mean… does ANYONE fucking fall for this?
Yeah, well you'd need to replace all Corporation based farming/ranching with old school farming.
For fuck's sake you'd have the ranchers and farmer on your side in a heartbeat. Knew a chicken farmer down the road, and he hates how he HAS TO treat the chickens. Raises some for himself and his family, cooked me some of each one fourth of july, tasted much better the the "barn birds".
I’m conflicted, most (((modern))) breads are mongrelized genetically inferior fur-kikes, and this need to be purged, but as a good Natsoc I have a lot of compassion for dogs are they are mans rightful companions. Maybe it’s best we just celebrate the deaths of nigger dogs.
Kill yourself, drone.
it says moHAMmed hated them and said the angels that spoke to him hated dogs as well so pretty much doggos are a aryans best friend
Hitler would slap you, then castrate you, kike.
Dogs are some of our greatest gifts. These niggers deserve death.
t. just lost my dog, she was 15 and it was still far too soon
A reminder these are the niggers that the Kikes and Lefties want filling our society
You don’t seem to get what this place is.
wrong. niggers are not dogs. dogs are not niggers. Only ameriwanks think pitbulls are nigger dogs. It's a sick fucking culture. Lab's and Rotti's are just as aggro as Pitties, doesn't mean they deserve to die. Come on user, use your head. (((who))) is responsible for this shit? Fucking kikes hate dogs and nogs too. So do muzzies. Zero tolerance for animal abusers. They, along with the pedos get a rope.
Also, cockroaches are seen as pests in most countries. Really makes you think.
Zig Forums has always been anti-dog. KYS you weak cuckolds.
This is exactly why I started hunting for my family's meat. Taught my children to respect the animal and make sure it dies quickly, make sure every bit is used, make sure that the shot is a quick death and to not take chances because those chances can lead to the animal suffering or dying a meaningless death. Just because an animal can be eaten does not mean that its life was solely for a source of food, and every part of the animal needs to be used or it feels as if its death was a waste. There is a balance that has been ignored in order to mass produce food for people that don't deserve to eat. As a bonus my dog is.much healthier than when he ate fucking China's Best™ dog food with added cardboard and rat poison.
kikebot, I believe you're mistaken. Judge a man by the manner he treats animals. Only 3 groups are afraid of dogs. Don't glow in the dark pls.
It says that any bowl from which a dog drinks has to washed 6 times. Mohammad though said that there are no angels in any house where dogs live.
Semite detected
Ears first. Then fingers, toes, dicks & testicles (if any).
Good man. You're better than the fatass hunters who sit in a hide at a watering hole and wait for the animal to arrive on schedule. What makes you different is the respect you have for a living being of nature and its sacrifice of life to feed you and your family. I really wish more people had the same outlook as you did, especially supposed (((PH's))) .
I mean really now
You don't even know how many fucking "hunters" go all out with expensive blinds and camp to be invisible when hunting. I understand the usefulness of it, especially in a shtf scenario where feeding yourself and family becomes much more important, but they take it as a competitive sport for who can afford the most elaborate ways to become invisible to the animal rather than a useful skill. I have seen guys like that just leave the kill because they were more concerned about how cool and high techy they looked compared to the actual animal. They are just as fucked as the guy who eats Big Macs every day, partially because I think they have the same diet and just kill for fun. Like I said, balance is all out of whack.
Very true, and that is actually done in those processing plants. Me and most of the guys i worked with called it a "Pig Disassembly Plant." the blood is drained out and then processed to be used as plasma, the offal is mostly rendered down into a paste and shipped to pet food plants, the intestines are cleaned and used for their God Given purpose, sausage lining. Hoofs are sent south, where the natives will gladly eat 'em. I forget what the hearts, stomach, and sphincters are used for. Liver and kidneys, sent to the market after being checked for tumors/fecal matter.
My dad worked in a beef plant during college. Stood straddling the cow conveyor line, encaving cow skulls with a sledge hammer one by one.
Labs are absolutely not as agressive as pitbull or rottweilers (both nigger dogs)
That is good, my main gripe with it is the animals existed solely to be used. Reminiscent of how people are treated. We work, same as before, but it is no longer about working for the better but instead working for others. Have seen a lot of the edges of the spectrum though, and there are just as many correct ways as incorrect.
Eating your own dog food is more than just a saying. I like giving dogs stuff I eat. (Just never chocolate or grapes.)
RIP, pup.
It always annoys me a little bit when people hear these stories and say sarcastically, "ha, a thousand kids died today in Africa and everyone cares about a dog". On the surface that's a fair argument, but the reason I think that so many care about the dog (or some endangered animals being hunted for trophies, etc.) is because it's absolutely helpless, apolitical, and innocent - and some piece of shit human being decided to just eviscerate them. Shoot a dog because it's rabid and loose in the neighbourhood? Fair enough, there was a legitimate purpose for it. Shoot it just because it's a random Monday and you're bored? You're ironically just an animal.
islum is shit.
Animal husbandry and meat products are a core and essential part of White heritage.
There must be a balance.
Farming animals is not wrong as long as it is done intelligently and ethically.
That said, companion animals (such as dogs) must be treated with respect and care above and beyond other animals.
What those shits did is vile.
They should have done to them what they did to that dog.
Furthermore, gas yourself.
islum is a vile cult.
All abrahamic "religions" are jewish garbage, or at best heavily corrupted by kikes.
Christianity has some value, but it needs to uncuck itself massively, and I seriously wonder if it can.
ALL farming in White countries should be done via White family farms.
Corporate farming is a terrible mistake.
It is bad for the Volk.
It is just bad.
GAS yourself
Well that's about the worst thing I'll see today. Thanks.
How can the left even ignore this? How could they just stand up and say they're "proud protecters of animals" while never calling off any non-White that does this type of barbarism? Why do they somehow still think Whites have it all in Western nations while their "poor and oppressed" shitskin pets "otherkin" are being held down by le ebil Whitey debil?
Topics where a dog or any animal are tortured/mistreated by subhuman filth always make me so fucking mad to the point of tears. Seeing an innocent creature being hurt like this just destroys me, the pain in its face is just unbearable.
Literally everything you said is complete bullshit. Gas stunning is done with CO2, which causes pain and panic. Any plant using gas stunning on hogs has non-stop constant screaming going on, all the supervisors wear ear protection (they don't give any to the spic workers obviously). The line does not stop unless a federal inspector orders it stopped, and they make 2 scheduled inspections per year. Stop lying. The kiked out corporate agricorp monstrosity is an abomination and can only exist due to the use of subhumans with no empathy as workers.
That has nothing to do with what he said Schlomo. You can have livestock and meat without corporate torture factories.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, I'm a saffa so we're a tad different but leaving a kill is something I've never heard of and I personally find it disgusting. Not a hunter myself because I do not enjoy killing for fun, do however appreciate bushcraft and you do what do you when you're in that situation. Venison is delicious and springbok is great, but I respect life and a lot of dickheads, including the guys you're talking about are found in all areas of sportsmanship. Call them out when you get the chance, they're all pussies.
Rottweiller's were Roman guard dogs for centuries kike. Sorry you had to leave the baby cocksucking tournament to post your sentiments here.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, I'm a saffa so we're a tad different but leaving a kill is something I've never heard of and I personally find it disgusting. Not a hunter myself because I do not enjoy killing for fun, do however appreciate bushcraft and you do what do you when you're in that situation. Venison is delicious and springbok is great, but I respect life and a lot of dickheads, including the guys you're talking about are found in all areas of sportsmanship. Call them out when you get the chance, they're all pussies.
Rottweiller's were Roman guard dogs for centuries kike. Sorry you had to leave the baby cocksucking tournament to post your sentiments here.
Does shitload of astroturfing count? Every thread gets a mention of how anything non-white is subhuman yet no factual evidence of that genetics cause culture.
Adversity can only make you stronger. It's bitter-sweet.
Stop the presses.
I can watch gore all day with people getting destroyed to pieces and I don't blink an eye, but I can't stand animal cruely.
I had two dogs that were loyal beyond reason and couldn't help to feel that humans should apply too that kind of blind and powerful loyalty to the things we believe are more important than ourselves.
You must not be from around here (kike). Blacks nigging out and rioting are an example, spics go from having what the spanish gave them to making a bunch of shit hole countries, and Jews. If you were 1488, you'd understand Jewish compulsive greed, subversion and nepotism all come from a genetic compulsion that's expressed by there inferior genes when forming the neural pathways of their brain. Just like animals are born with insticts, Jews are born with instincts that like a parasite, subvert and/or try to control the host nation they migrate into. Like the nomadic Turks post Christ/Roman-expulsion Jews hail from, these mongrels made from interbreeding are rootless by nature, the operative word being nature, and will try to take the pioneering and frontiersman spirit and subvert/mutilate it into jumping from home to home, country to country to weaken the bonds and identity different peoples have for a multitude of reasons. (original jews did not at all resemble arabs, they were like their Aramaic offshoot as fair skinned, medium to dark hair, and light eyed (((researchers))) have been lying for the last 60 years about Jews being dark (((coincidentally))) since Jews gained further influence)
One: they wish to profit by both governmental means and market means by the construction, sale, and even seizure by forfeiture on homes.
Two: they wish to blend in, not only by making communities with whites of different nationalities to take advantage of a radical slip in homogeneity to seem like another type of white because of having a white father or mother, but also by letting in other races to destroy homogeneous race neighborhoods so they can fit in at first by being more white than the black man, and also at a certain point being put on top socially by championing the idea we all belong together (which will always tend to fail eventually).
Third: taking away the act of steading means that there is less of a chance for whites to create a safe and steady land to raise families, create bonds with a close knit extended family that can all prosper in a home and possibly land and work the land to make for an independent family, community, country and people who would all not rely on globalization, market specialization, and market manipulators that wish to steer society.
Fourth: and this is a personal theory I share with Adolf Hitler and the knowledge Christ spoke of when talking about the corrupted kikes and the Jews that were following them and were to follow, that they truly are a synagogue of Satan; this evil is to promote misery through the world as to bring about the damnation of the souls of men by either direct or indirect means (those that sin and those that do nothing to stop sin)
What his poor dog is the symptom of the fact the German people were not permitted to either exterminate undesirables such as these, or at the very least give governance to subhuman scum and use them as slave labor.
This rootless international clique of mongrels will have your children become meat for the grinder for their interests to succeed. WILL YOU RESIST?! JA ODER NEIN?!
(((The "chosen" of the Yahweh))) had us fight our brothers and cousins and destroy the best hope for the world so thay they can control us more easily unapposed, so there wouldn't be examples of good men after that generation, so that they can trick us into and eventually even force us into mixing our blood til the identity of the best race with the best aesthetic to ever grace the universe is lost forever. We lost good men so that we could kill good men, got them to hate each other unjustly. WILL WE AVENGE THEM?! JA ODER NEIN?!
(((They))) will try and corrupt your daughters and sons into sin and degeneracy. WILL YOU RESIST (((THEM)))?! JA ODER NEIN?!
(((These))) bastards of the fallen and a mongrel race from the plains of mongolia and the steps in Pakistani India will have you made lesser and replaced like cattle, they call you goy…they called me goy… WILL YOU FIGHT THEM?! JA ODER NEIN?!
I sense commie jew
You see, other races, like the animals they are should be treated as such (for the ones we don't exterminate due to our empathy). Like dogs, some are very loyal, and with the possible genetic cause, maybe we can keep some around in very small numbers as novelties for friendship so long as they know their place like a good house nigger and don't try to interbreed.
We basically need to get Hitler Mk2 into power, use non whites as auxiliaries that get to live in Africa if they survive the big war, but the point is to purge the world of shit peoples. No more weaklings letting shit slide. I saw boys raped in Afghanistan, came home and told my twin brother about it and his reaction was perfect "They better not be coming here and trying to rape my sons and daughters! We better kill them all before anyone gets hurt!"
I was so desensitized from SHARP training and being told hearts and minds, afghans are people too, but it took a pure white man with righteous rage in his heart from a threat of a mongrel race to show me America and the Western world have become cucked! Forget every black man in the Army is either a Freemason or involved in some way to get out of duty, that women are usually shit at their jobs, that most hispanic NCOs, Officers and Privates are shitters and that the few that are worth their salt are mostly if not all white with Spanish surnames. Forget that this generation seems to be more globalistic than previous generations. Are Army is the only one besides semizogged Russia's that can save the world. There is nothing stronger or better than the white American infantryman and der Kamerad who are made honorarily allowed to stay on islands for nobly fighting for the White cause and giving up their freedom to become 2nd class and only civilians (not citizens)
But I thought red haired middle easterners were based?
Hatred comes from the Hadith.
lmao britbongs are so gay
It's because islam views dogs as haram (forbidden). That's why you hear about horrid animal abuse in the islamic world.
God can't wait to kill those subhuman
And like everything else in islam, it's literally because their dumbass prophet decided on a whim that he hated dogs and had somebody write in down. Islam is basically Mormonism with triple the levels of retardation.
He's either freezing, or has distemper (an incurable virus that affects the nervous system). Either way, he will probably die not long after this was filmed.
It wasn't a whim. Mohammed was a massively weak pussy who was terrified of dogs, probably because they can smell fear and hate cowardly faggots.
Animal cruelty is one of the most unforgivable crimes for me, I'd murder these little shits with my bare hands if I could.
Non-whites need to be wiped out. They value nothing but death and destruction.
These fucking savages would have done this with or without Islam.
I think that's just misplaced rage based on the modern environment we're living in where humans are hardly worth giving a shit about but animals are seen as more innocent. Humans were tortured by other humans on a far more massive scale and in much worse ways than I've ever seen happen to an animal.
But that a dog was trained to be mans best friend probably makes it worse. They're now weakened from their natural state by our mere existence.
This might help answer some of your questions: kevinmacdonald.net
You tell that demented agro-shill user. Animals are not machines. They feel. Im not opposed to agriculture, but industrial agriculture is depraved. Dehumanizes all in the chain and produces an inferior unhealthy product. Hail Victory.
Leftist ranks are packed with "dog mom" types who care more about animals than humans. This is excellent anti-immigration propaganda, and I don't mean just the illegal kind.
You're a fucking moron who knows nothing about dogs. Aggression is built into genetics.