Pure Cohencidence: Same jew lawyer representing Apedre and Jonestein
Pure Cohencidence: Same jew lawyer representing Apedre and Jonestein
Yea, that would make sense considering his mission is to redirect whites from actual resistance and be a de-radicalization shill for burger nationalism and voting with niggers.
KYS kike, trying to shut down the important exposure of a kike who stands to condemn our race to its death. Youre a piece of shit, suffer.
WOW, so like, in order for Anglin to beat his case against that kike, he hired a kike lawyer to help him out? It’s almost as if kike lawyers are good or something, or that kikes kike other kikes all the time.
Yea, thats something an astroturfing kike would say.
You know that Anglin’s been in this for several years, right? Yeah he’s gotten overly autistic over the past year with >muh optics, but anyone who laughs off or flat out denies his contributions to the white race is either a Jew or spiritually Jewish.
It's all about the shekels user.He probably stands to make a pretty penny from out-jewing another jew.
Did you know Hitler had Jews in his ranks or is that something you literal 8kike niggers just deny when it’s convenient?
Yea and Jewdan Peterkike has done so much to oppose leftists! and Spencer the nazbol has done so much for our race! Angloon betrayed his race when he countersignalled racewar and tried to divide people into only voting with niggers in the kiked anti-discrimination based system. Youre not welcome here and every post you make is just another reason you need to be treated as a traitor and be physically removed.
Well yeah, that’s the other side of it. I can speak on this with impunity because I used to practice law until my license was revoked for reasons I won’t get into, but rest assured, Jews Jew other Jews more in this profession than you would imagine, and they’re technically the ones who write the laws as it is, so why trust a goy in that case over Goldsteinblatt?
Reminder these guys are fed de-radicalization shills trying to prevent the racewar from happening while whites can win it, and Angloon sided with Ricky Bobby against racial nationalism. Hes a self described anti-racism activist. Kikes will defend this.
You sound like a Siege faggot on Gab who calls for RaHoWa and gassing all kikes while you sit on your hand so it can get numb enough for you to jerk off to interracial fetish porn.
Nobody worth a damn trusts Azzmador, Ricky is long gone and Anglin is back to his good clickbait articles that have always been his niche.
Antifas like you will be dealt with before Jews.
Off yourself IDF, I didn’t realize you kikes worked overtime to try and disrupt our progress.
Anglins not the figurehead of anything except civic nationalist and anti-racism. Youre a kike shill astroturfing, were not aut kike, youre not a National Socialist and we arent part of your kiked vote with niggers based zionist faggot "movement".
Should look into jewish history. They have absolutely zero problems profiting off other jews if they can. Profiting off both sides has always been the modus operandi.
It's undeniable that some of the best lawyers are jewish for obvious reasons. Their connections and verbal manipulation of language and law to suit their needs is unparalleled when it comes to the legal system which is practically designed for them.
None of what you said is remotely true, but given this is 8kike, I’ll just greentext my response:
You want a leader, look at Billy Roper and his "Balk-Right". Hes for balkanization of the US and calls out impurity spiralers like kike enoch. Anglin is a deradicalization shill and is the enemy of white survival. Roper organized for Pierce and was part of the NA, hes a serious revolutionary, not some larper like the TRSodomites who want to vote with based niggers.
Yea youre a shill, this is called astroturfing and you can leave, no one gives a flying fuck what you have to say.
This seems to be a trend with you.
He flipped after Pierce died and the NA dissolved into infighting. What do you call someone with no platform online or the real world who claims to be the only pure “white nationalist” and can’t work any regular jobs as a result? An informant.
Really gets the ol’ noggin joggin.
I have only one response for you at this point:
You also spoke in favor of a bolshevik, you cant really expose yourself as a shill any further at this point. Youd be banned for this bullshit a month ago and your opinion is worthless.
The only person you can trust in this day and age is yourself. Everyone you meet like minded should be treated as a temporary relation of associates without putting much energy into.
They're defending this crap so they can't be held responsible for all the websites they own and operate to push people to do the shit they want when it gets turned around.
Nice try kike, were the big dog and we intentionally dont spread our name. Youre a complete joke, honorary kikes any of you that are white at this point and havent joined the winning team.
Roper is a real leader and is the exact opposite of these impurity spiraling optics cucking aut-kikers.
Smol brained responses from more mystery meat 8kike niggers. Alexa ratings are notoriously inaccurate and Jewish, but leave it to Zig Forums to act the opposite with them.
Roper is literal SOCOM. Off yourself.
Badjacketing is what 8kike does often, actually. Any thread having to do with the alt-right or any one individual even remotely considered alt-right leads to outright false accusations.
The thing with Roper though is that he’s a literal informant like most WN 1.0 types and this is so commonly accepted amongst even normies that it’s a meme.
I pretty much decided to stop reading his site at all when I saw this article the other day:
The article contains almost everything wrong with DS in one piece.
The site at least used to have some humorous commentary, but that has been replaced with 4D chess theories and urging his readers to adopt bourgeois mentality and center their lives around making money and other inane shit.
Yea, you support bolsheviks and anti-racist civnats etc but wtf I hate balkanization now because you made up some bullshit claim. Youre the fed.
Says the badjacketer. Nice try.
He also said that National Socialists dont exist and you cant be one, that they all died in WW2. Pretty much everyone agrees that hes a shill now. Its probably Weev (who we now know for certain is Jewish) shilling this bullshit.
Ol’ Boris is a literal white Turk, not a Jew. More lies coming from this irrelevant, decrepit shithole that all true dissidents laugh at.
Zig Forums is not alt-kike
Time to head back to TRS. At least you tried
Weev is a good man who’s been constantly smeared by supposed “leaders” who I won’t name; and by you user faggots who claim he’s Jewish.
Anglin admitted Weev is Jewish to Cantwell who then leaked the private discussion after Anglin betrayed Cantwell. Whoops. We always knew he was a kike anyways by his looks alone. You shills are disgusting, just like kikes, shilling a cultural marxist subjective lie narrative.
Hes also obvious more Jewish than Anglin admitted, hes at least 1/4 with those looks.Deny it all you want, your reputations are in the trash.
That's not good enough. If it's not perfect, it's not good enough. The purity spiral will continue untill everyone is pure or everyone is dead. Deal with it.
t. Amerimutt
He's a self-admitted Jew, retard. Of course, daily stormer is run by self-admitted Jew weev, so that obviously doesn't bother you
This man looks Jewish to you?
Yes, so anyone who wants to be more successful than Hitler would do well to avoid some of his more obvious mistakes.
He has claimed himself that he is Jewish. In multiple interviews, his reddit posts, his old videos, etc.
Yea its been funny to see you shills not give a fuck about Kessler threatening to hand pro-whites over to the feds and pursue brutal legal action against them in his words, when Cantwell merely gave information on antifa. Being Antifa yourself, I see why you would kvetch about people like bikelockscum being put behind bars. Youre defending the enemy, you are the enemy.
Theres a cap around here somewhere where he admits he also has american indian blood.
He's a prfag and trumpnigger like every other alt kike faggot, but I'll get called shariablue or whatever over pointing this out.
Okay, Moishe.
He’s admitted it as a joke, but until he does a 23&me, you’re all just disinfo shills.
The hypocrisy here is almost surprising, if not for the fact that you niggers play favorites with movementarian e-celebs.
No, you’ll just get chased off like Ricky Vaughn one day.
The number of people defending Anglin…
It says Anglin hired a TEAM of lawyers… now please explain how a jobless guy can afford a whole law firm?
I always thought something was weird how the Daily Stormer was on the top of the Google search results. I remember it just appearing out of the blue during those nigger riots years ago.
And Andrew used to call the Alex Jones show. They even did that little skit with convicted felon and fraudster David Duke.
This, his shilling of kike enoch. Weev, the obvious jew. It really is amazing just how these kikes prop up these e-celebs and spam this board with their bullshit.
I bet there is probably only >10 actual white guys on here, the rest of you are just muds having fun. Oh well, I'll keep coming here just to say: EAT SHIT AND DIE KIKES.
Leave. You don’t understand what this site is.
Anglin gets paid to write his articles, and (though I can’t say how I know this) he gets paid quite a bit. Everything else you said is literally J U S T
Was his mom joking too?
Youre either a white Jew, or not white. Youre not welcome, thats for sure.
I understand this place well. The majority of you are disinfo shills and nonwhites trying to sow discord and failing badly. The rest of you are alt-right, but in denial of it. Anytime someone “calls out TRSodomites” or Anglin, you better believe they have a paywall account for TRS podcasts and are in a local Stormer book club.
Right, because a jew is exactly the kind of person who'd warn about the dangers keeping jews around.
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
He’s likely an actual informant in the sense of what it means to be one (and not the loose and inaccurate definition you 8kikes use all the time), but don’t you think it’s weird that Cantwell keeps having interviews with leftist shills like Elle Reeve and can continue to do his show despite “facing 40 years in prison”?
Astroturfing a far-right community that is farther right than you when you know you are not welcome is race treason. You are promoting civic nationalism, based niggers, voting with niggers, faggotry, zionism, #NotAllJews, all of that. Its you, its not us. We oppose it, you oppose us for that reason. That makes you antifa, youre the enemy of white survival and we will stop you. Civil war is coming, you will not survive.
The amount of edge in that post is remarkable. Maybe I can pitch to Anglin the idea that some of you would make for good contributors.
Leave. You don’t understand what this site is.
Thanks for admitting that every word of the post and images is correct. Thanks for admitting you have no argument and no evidence for any of your own claims. Thanks for admitting you’re a paid jewish shill, here to spread discord.
I think you hope a bit too much. Civil war will come, but ZOG will simply burn us all with napalm and nuclear fire.
Yea, were opposing white genocide and your argument for all that kiked bullshit you promote is "muh edgy". What a non-factor you are, you exist to oppose whites who are prepared to die for their race. Youre cancer.
You freaks are further validating me, Andrew Anglin, Weev, TRS and everyone on the alt-right by being absolute nobodies who’ve done nothing. You have 1.0 WNs like Harold Tubbyton who got nothing done, you have spergs like Kessler who come in to D&C and fail, and then there’s the chan boards who think they’ve made any difference. TRS and Daily Stormer have growing communities and all of us share a bond that only true Aryan men can understand. It’s the Faustian spirit. We’re the ones making waves. People come to read our articles, follow our figureheads and listen to our podcasts. Nobody cares anymore about some shitty image board that consists of 10 niggers and Jews using proxies to talk to one another and being run by some Turkish global mod.
Funny because I know of several who survived WW2 and continued being national socialists and helped to create ideologically sound national socialist groups like the ones Anglin claims are all Feds.
And how will Warlord Tom feed the people under his command when all the food is rotten or poisoned? How will Warlord Tom do anything about the lack of clean water? How will Warlord Tom convince normalfaggots to fight along with him instead of informing on him to the ZOG? How will Warlord Tom deal with Artillery Emplacements, forest fires or anything else?
They don't have to have planes or drones, they just have to provide basic services to the normalfags and they'll turn you over gladly to get their next bag of rice and beans.
Okay Pierce-fag. Answer the questions that the civil war-fag wouldn't. How do you provide benefit to people so that they'll follow you? How do you prevent the lemmings from informing on you? How do you prevent the ZOG from just killing you like they did the mormons at Waco?
How do you stop Samson?
You don’t
Lot of false premises there.
Exactly. I don't get why people are holding out hope at all anymore. I certainly haven't; then again I haven't had hope in anything for as long as I can remember. It's just how things are.
But if you don't feed the people under your protection, they turn on you so long as there is an equal or superior armed force in the region. If you don't have supplies, you don't feed your army and that causes desertions. There's not going to be anything in our future other than the boot of ZOG stomping on whites until we're all dead. And after that, the world gets worse. I wouldn't wager that the world post-Samson would be one worth living in. Even if nuclear fallout isn't as bad as it's portrayed, most whites would still be dead and the world will be so harsh and difficult after the fact that it makes all effort put in it wasted.
Point them out. In detail. Which premises are false? How do you keep normalfaggots from informing on you?
Jew lips, Jew brow, Jew nasal bridge, Jew eyes. It's most apparent in profile. Compare Trump's straight vertical White man profile to Johnson's ratlike jewish profile. Trump's face projects at the brow, giving the typical White man appearance of gravitas and virility. Johnson's is projected in the mid-face, giving the typical Jewish rat look.
So why does Trump loves jews so much?
Because he's a shabbos goy. That's why he likes Johnson.
Here's a better profile pic of both, where the Jewish vs White profiles stand out
Kikes have hook noses, and tend to be thin at the bridge. Not seeing it.
Yes, he admitted it over and over again for his entire adult life right up until he got out of jail and spontaneously decided to join the DS crew, as a joke. The same daily stormer that also worked with Jewish terrorist Joshua Goldberg and optics-guru/ex-con Azzmador
this tbh
if i was a nazi that was in trouble with the law, id probably get a jew lawyer too. not having a jew lawyer is just setting yourself up to have the book thrown in your face. at least in this country
makes sense from the jews perspective too, as i bet anglin is paying an arm and a leg
This nose isnt hooked?
And since Boris is only part Jew, the features are not as strong. But they are still visible where I indicated.
Kikes will always choose agenda/tribe over money. In this case its helping out their controlled opposition.
…but let's ignore all the joos in Trumpstein's circle, r-right fellow MAGApede?
Nope. Let's focus on both. Let's put every single jew on every single side under the most intense scrutiny possible. Fuck Anglin. Fuck Trump. Fuck everyone who would ever collaborate with jews.
Sure, everything you said.
It won’t happen, because his land is conservative land, meaning non-city land, meaning farmland and suburbia, meaning PLENTY OF FUCKING PLACES TO GROW FOOD.
Dig a goddamn well.
You clearly do not understand anything about how white people think.
The same way as any other guerrilla fighter.
Proven false by the other images.
So we take over power plants.
We know who you are. Don’t post here anymore. You’re going to be banned every single time you do.
Don't forget the Australian porno jew Nathan Sykes, who was recruited by Goldberg, but allowed to stay long after the arrest.
Conservative land can still be poisoned, agent orange still works. Why would they not use that and just blame the land failure on you?
Digging a well does nothing when the groundwater is poisoned from fallout and radiation.
I'll post here however much I want. And you can kvetch and get kikey to ban me as much as you want. I'll just wait the ban out, come back again, post again and be right every single time.
What is there to hope for? Show me something real, concrete that can benefit me personally.
Hearts and minds.
Cell phone cameras. They can’t get away with it.
If they’ve shot nukes off, so have we. They’re dead to the last man and we’re still alive. See the other images.
No, you won’t.
No, because he’s castrated.
Nah, you’ll be banned until the day you die.
How can you take over a power plant if the government shells it out first? Who among you revolutionaries will know how to operate it without causing massive blackouts/brownouts? White people think in terms of basic needs first; so when all the food runs out and the government is hading food to informants, what do you think will happen? If whites were as loyal as you say we are, we would have no democrats or cuckservatives. We'd have only national socialists. We don't; therefore, there will be more traitors than you hope for.
1. They wouldn’t shell their own source of power.
2. Hearts and minds.
Only paid shills think that conservatives aren’t engineers. See the other images for a cross-section of revolutionary capabilities.
Nothing, because the food won’t run out for anyone but government sympathizers, since they live in cities, would be blockaded, and all farmland would be owned by revolutionaries.
Sure, but still not enough.