Breddy Goncerned 2: Electric Boogaloo

Last thread got shoah'd so here is another political analysis: Does the left vs. right dichotomy even exist?

I might go as far to say that the concept was first coined in by (((Karl Marx))) to create this form of descent; "The X's are our enemies so we Y's have to stop them at all costs but the Z's are the worst because they secretly work for the X's.". Researching some of the people that were the most critical of that Jew were also weren't fund of (((capitalism))), either. Most even agreed with him on some issues. And yet the kike made it seem like these types of people were even bigger enemies than the (((bourgeoisie))). This is a perfect example of how the so called leftists see anyone who doesn't side with them 100% even if it meant agreeing with some of their arguments.

For example, the so called far left and far right will at times express the same rhetoric on certain issues:
And this is basically were all of their shared ideas end. Every other remaining issue and both will unhesitantly disagree with each other (i.e. supporting/not supporting feminism, homosexuality, transgenderism, miscegenation, open borders, mass 3rd World immigration, etc.). Now does this mean that the Plebbit-tier "Horseshoe Theory" actually exists? No, it just means that even if certain people are going to label themselves in some way when it comes to political ideologies and have ideals that can be debated upon to no end, it can never take away the most basic forms of the collective hivemind. So my question to all of you Zig Forumsacks ITT is, where is even the unity to begin with?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ever think there might be a reason for that?
No, the far left isn’t against themselves, you fucking retard.
No, the far-left doesn’t support gun ownership, you fucking retard.
Those aren’t the same thing, and no, they don’t have the same positions, you fucking retard.
Well, your premise is faulty, so the unity is among racial groups and the disunity is among other racial groups trying to destroy the unified ones.

No. There is only jews trying to control non-jews.
Lurk a few more years before posting.


not really both have lost whatever meaning they once may have had and they are mostly irrelevant.

"I can tell you exactly why.

I've seen this a couple of times now. People on here seem to be under the illusion that the leftists hatred for Israel means that there is a
common ground between pol and them. This is wrong for the following reason:

The only reason leftists hate Israel is because they are stronger than the Palestinians.

You cannot overstress this point. It's really the very core of the fundamental divide between the leftists world view and that of a reasonable man. The leftists understanding of morality is to one hundred percent what Nietzsche called the slave morality. They don't care if an action is just or unjust on itself. Not one bit. All they do is that they look at the status quo of whatever the topic is and automatically sympathize with what they perceive as the weak side. In their mind any inequality axiomatically means injustice perpetrated by the strong side. Please never forget the reason leftists dislike Israel. Because it is the exact same reason why they hate white people, men, straight people, healthy families, art that is based on skill instead of post modern drivel and the list goes on and on and on. It is the same reason they hate Christianity while defending Islam, the same reason they hate masculinity and call themselves feminists while defending Islam.

Everything that is seen as part of either our own group identity or just in general as something unapologetically strong and dominant is something that is hated by the leftist and must be subverted. This is the eternal struggle of the leftist, to topple everything healthy and successful so that in the ruins of civilization we can all be equally as miserable as he is."

take a hint, retard

>the concept was first coined in by (((Karl Marx))) to create this form of descent
nope. it was first coined in the French Revolutionary Government, dipshit

















Back to Zig Forums.

Fascism is neither right wing or left wing. It is centrist, because it incorporates aspects of both far left and far right ideology.

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It's the opposite of the right.
It's the opposite of the left.

And the right of today is the left of 30-40 years ago. These are arbitrary terms used to keep people arguing while the progressive agenda keeps moving forward.


Is that a selfie, dipshit? We’re not falling for your horseshoe theory shit and we’re not falling for your 1-dimensional political spectrum.


i know, shame on me, but i'd sodomize the one holding that retarded thrift store shotgun. he's a qt.

Nope. It's a false narrative, and a classic case of divide & conquer having been used since the fucking French Revolution (where "Right" was pro-monarchy and "Left" was anti-monarchy). Though yes, marx popularized the idea for the modern context.

It's "dissent".

lol wut? The left largely doesn't give a shit about Israel, or straight up supports them because MUH POOR OPPRESSED HOLOCAUST VICTIMS OY VEY. Neocons and other 'tards obviously support them, because of some retarded "Judaeo-Christian" bond that's force fed to them since infancy. If by "far right" you mean "fascist", then congrats on conceding to the notion of the dichotomy in the first place you fucking retard.
The "right" in every way, shape, and form are pro-capitalism to some degree. Some might prefer corporate domination, while others (Libertarian-right, etc) prefer something closer anarcho-capitalism. Remember, marx also popularized the term of capitalism, anyway.
Fucking what? The entirety of the leftist movement despises gun ownership for the common citizen; they only want to tout them around for MUH REVOLUTION and that's it.
again, blatantly false - both of them are pro-war, but in very different ways and often for different countries/reasons. The left thinks we should wage war with "MUH EVIL RUSSIA", while the right thinks we should glass Iran just 'cuz.

All of these traits are supported and allowed to exist as definitions for the left/right dichotomy, which yes is largely artificial- but your clumsy summary does nothing to prove that point.

The political identity artifice is a cultural shibboleth that needs to die. It serves us no purpose in our ability to effectively organize, and instead only defers leadership to the faceless institutions the neo nobility have created to control us.

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Learn to read you goddamn autist. OP's talking about the far left (Marxists, communists, etc.), not the Obongo-tier libtards and frankly the commies think the libtards are also their enemies. Because they are "too racist/sexist and not left enough" for their tastes.

Even the term "political" is used as a way to manipulate any discussion of anything that's remotely important to the world. Nobody wants to be "political", so when you bring up important issues, you're being "political" and thus "divisive" - even though the very term is meant to be divisive.

Okay, but I don't see how that detracts from the point of my post - the idea of a left/right dichotomy is certainly a false one, and as put it, it's only there as a means of control. Further trying to explain that "the left and the right are just, like, the same anyway!" is irrelevant to that, because they're both (intentionally) nebulous identities anyway.

I feel your brother. The very term implies instantaneous submission to their control strurcture. We need a way to effectively eliminate these sorts of associations from the collective subconscious, and instead illicit all their worst aspects in the peoples minds when these sorts of terms are mentioned.

I feel like its already at a critical level of general distrust. A level that can quite easily be manipulated to cause widespread unrest.

The answer lies within the usage of superior linguistics. Forked-tongued snakes lead the charge of civilization straight into the pits of despair. We must secure the language of our land if we are to rightfully reclaim it from those who would turn it to rot.

I like the way you think, but this requires the creation of books, media, films, to truly permeate pop culture. Its no easy undertaking.

So the far left and commies will only ever support Palestine because it fits their narrative? Since kikes don't have brown skin but the Palestinians do so therefore pro-Israel kikes are Literally Hitler™ to them? I guess this explains why they don't give a shit about the poor White South Africans, in fact they think they "deserved what they got" because of muh ebil whyte devils. If they truly cared about human life then why couldn't they see that the niggers are killing other niggers more than any White cop would ever do in their lifetime?

Correct. This requires a solid formation of a cohesive identity - something I'm well aware many on Zig Forums are loathe to partake in, but must be done in order to create a foundation for a better future. This identity must be palatable, but uncompromising in its formation - it must be strict, solid, and absolute. It must not allow for corruption, nor be nebulous in its defining platform, characteristics, etc. Thus, it must be removed from the imageboard format - a true movement of all-encompassing characteristics.

A social, cultural, linguistic, spiritual, economical, and above all truthful movement. One built upon passion, but not lacking in any of its lofty traits - it most form a cohesive gestalt, one that cannot be destroyed or corrupted by a few mere saboteurs. It must take upon the form of life itself - that which serves as the foundation for the world we see today, disillusioned from the subversive nature of the burdening beast.

It never will be.


Great post.

Their mentality is also driven by the group. They have no sense of self or individuality which is another hallmark of these types. This creates so many problems on a personal level and i cant be assed getting into right now.

Pandering to these people will be the death of us, we need to remain strong and firm with them but also compassionate when the hammer drops very soon.

Communist ideology is founded on the base morality of "always support the underdog!". Furthermore, it also is founded on some hefty mental gymnastics to always see everything as a fucking class struggle so they'll twist shit to ridiculous proportions. Everything has some kind of invisible fine print attached, used to define who's "good" and who's "bad". "Whites" are bad because, despite being a minority ethnic group worldwide, they see whites as oppressors due to having perceived power over other countries. Hilariously, they'll almost always quote some statistic which lumps jews in with whites for this point. Keep in mind, commies and commie sympathizers will always fail to define what kind of "power" this is - because eventually, they're faced with the reality that almost every conceivable form of "power" really doesn't lie in the hands of "the evil white oppressors".

Commies "support" Palestine, but only because Israel is Big Meany Heads. It's really nothing more than childish virtue signalling, though - they just want to look good by pointing at an obviously tyrannical government committing genocide, while they ignore other obviously tyrannical governments committing genocide. I don't think a single commie or commie sympathizer would seriously partake in trying to topple Israel. They're much too busy trying to topple western civilization instead.

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Well the center certainly doesn't exist. Ever since the left-right divide came about, the center has just been what the left was 20 years before. The center is what the right will become and the left has already been. The policies of most 'right wing' parties today were the policies of the 'left wing' parties a couple decades ago (gay marriage, noguns, diversity is our strength, etc.).

An example of this is, is how commies are very highly apologetic of the deliberate genocides done by Jews in the (((Soviet Union))).

Spot on. I've never seen these commie faggots support politicians like Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan or people like David Duke, Arthur Jones and Patrick Little.

I get you OP
I had seen this as well, where I somehow managed to agree with a far lefties on a bunch of issues, specifically regarding globalism…
Only problem is, that they are extremely ignorant of the globalists in their own ranks and also strive for Internationalism, which is no matter in what light you put it, bad.

Also knowing German politics… "Die Linke" and "AfD" actually have quite often the same opinion on different issues.
Though the former remains part of the establishment


anarchism is right..
conservatives believe in order, order is facism, economic order is capitalism

anarchism isnt* right (srry)

also anti-israel is not an ideology … thats all types of vague mix of support self interest of political groups. Its not an "ism"

It's a narrative that is relatively popular among the far left especially the ones in (((uni))). The thing a lot of these anti-Israel leftist movements are run by Jews who keep saying how "evil and oppressive" Whites are. These type of kikes are in favor of globalism and multiculturalism and other kinds of degeneracy.

I hate niggers. Jews too.

Here's an example of what the so called "Democratic Socialists" believe. As you can see, they are all just useful idiots waiting for someone to give them attention, because Zig Forums would have already agreed on the anti-Israel part of the poster. They may claim themselves to be different from mainstream liberals but will generally believe everything they spit out (i.e. pro-abortion), anyways. Wouldn't it be bad for Marxists to support abortion? Because those "oppressed minorities" would be affected as well. Trying to explain anything leftist gives me a headache.

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And surprise surprise, they support (((gun control))) just like any libtard would. This movement is an amalgamation of what happens when you mix Marxist cuckoldry with Obongo retardation. For further details:

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No, lurk for 10 more years.

This is evidence that the mods are from lefty pol. No clue why it's so difficult for Zig Forums just to get normal mods.

No, jews control the let and jews control the right. We are third positionists for a reason.

The current left is

The current right is

btw, the left isn't actually anti-capitalist, anti-war/interventionist and anti-gun control.

bump some more.

Still bumpin'.

Well said, based user. It perfectly explains why even if you agree with some things from the left, they will still consider you an enemy.




ebil muh j00s are opressing us reee

Nothing you’ve said is correct.

says the flavor of the week authoritarian collectivist

you are a national SOCIALIST



Fuck off, Sargoy of Mossad. Go TORstroturf somewhere else.

pic related


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It's Nationalism vs. (((globalism))).

I have found more in common with any patriot who also wants more government intervention in the economy than an open borders capitalist. Communism is inherently internationalist and is therefore an enemy.

property agreements and rights of passage or invitation are the natural form of "borders" which are just a dirty statist socialist invention

if you dont believe in rights of association youre not a capitalist

the fags on this board are commies

dont forget that fascists are keen on bothering their neighbors


You're not thinking jewish enough AND thinking too jewish.

woops, two extra

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Well said, user.

Yes. Left is equality, right is inequality. Left wants to force everyone to be equal, the right wants to allow better people to do better just as nature intended.
>I might go as far to say that the concept was first coined in by (((Karl Marx))) to create this form of descent
Then you are a fucking retard. It was coined before he was born, during the french revolution. It literally comes from the members that sat on the left side and the ones who sat on the right side in the assembly. The left were for equality, the right were for the monarchy.
There is no far right in the US, and none of those issues are left vs right issues. What you are noticing for the first time in your life is that there are more things that matter than just left vs right.


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