Damascus and Tehran look at this “deal” positively but this does not mean they trust a US establishment led by a President who can unilaterally revoke his own signed deals, just as he did for the Iran Nuclear deal he signed with his allies. Moscow, Tehran and Damascus are aware that Trump cannot realistically keep his forces in Syria for very long, particularly since the south of Syria is about to be liberated.
>https:// ejmagnier.com/2018/07/13/us-message-to-assad-we-will-pull-out-of-al-tanf-and-the-north-if-iran-withdraws-from-syria/
Total war time! Kikes are starting to shat their pants and there isn't a damn thing they can do about it. Good luck motivating americans when over 85% couldn't give two fucks about engaging in more ME wars.
Trump cant mossad the Assad
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck yes Hail Trump & Hail our people.
We need us troops at the border not in the dustbowl.
This is what americans want, jew.
We are tired of the dustbowl.
Why would he ever do that when he could just cuck out for Israel like he has been? Go away, Alamonigger.
Meh, it's just another bone thrown to hopefulls to prevent them from going full blackpill.
Assad is gay. Sage.
Yeah, he is the only president leaving Israel vulnerable to attack since 50 goddamn years.
Best you can do, huh?
This is refreshing news. Assad is no saint but if he can calm Syria down and keep things on the level with us, I don't take issue with him doing as he will over there. The Middle East will rapidly lose importance to us anyhow as we move toward net-energy exporter. Let us remain strong by not bogging ourselves down yet again. And bring our boys home.
Lol at the kikes in this thread never giving up. Trump could stab Bibi through the heart on live TV and they'd say he failed because he didn't go for the jugular.
I don't think Trump wanted to Mossad the Assad in the first place.
What's the matter mossad? Assad ruining your (((Greater Israel))) plans? Tough shit, Golan Heights will be brought back to the Syrians whether you like it or not.
Gas yourselves shills
Haha, Trump getting absolutely cucked
Shill assblasted.
I can see a compromise in this tactic that would please everybody.
The Syrian force do need the help of Iran in this war. But do they be in the Levan?….. no they don't. They could be transferred farther east and Assad troop could be redirected to the Levan. Win, Win. The US leave, Pissrael is still piss BUT they have no more "reason" to be belligerent. And Assad…… WIN his country back.
Assad is a saint. He loves his people and country more than any US president since Teddy Roosevelt.
WTf??? Trump was the one who ordered marine and army combat arms units into Syria. Obama didn't send in the marine field artillery or Army Rangers. You guys are unbelievable. Trump gets BTFO'd and you somehow turn it into a win. Even after he promised to NOT get us involved in Syria.
Trump was pussyfooting around though. He knows dead Americans look bad, especially in a place they're not even supposed to be.
Of course, the (((Pentagon))) covers up combat losses with "training accident" stories. Sure is funny when all of those helicopters start crashing all of a sudden and the "crew members" look like Force Recon marines. I've seen chopper crews, they're nerdy guys, not beefy jarheads.
That is quite the lies there.
Trump objectively deescalated the US involvement in Syria.
oh jew stop the shilling.
You know Trump does not desire war in Syria. He is consistent on this.
Why does the United States armed forces continue to occupy Syrian land and operate bases in Syria?
Because they are moving out of Syria.
The united states constructed operates and mans a base in a country it was not asked to enter, so that it may leave? You're not making much sense.
I will ask again. Why does the united states continue to operate military bases on a foreign country it was never invited to enter?
Because they are moving out of Syria, as said by both the syrians & the americans.
Or Assad could just wait till the South is fixed, set up boarder defense, then all three coalitions move to the northern territory as he asks them to leave. The US shut down a nato base when Turkey did the same thing the other year, so if Russia backs them or at the very least promises to condemn the US at the UN the US will not have much of an option.
Trump is smart, if Assad isn't going to budget and he knows there is a bad deal here for the US he will just pull out. Not out of cowardice, but just to shut down a bad situation started by Obama.
this is the
type of troll.
he's pretty common.
he's related to the
Just yesterday, I was looking into ol' teddy on his thoughts on the jew.
It doesn't look very good user.
If anyone is able to provide information of him changing his mind on the jews; that would be great, but I haven't seen anything, but that might be because of the search terms I'm using.
Sage for being off topic
You mean shills, they are paid overtimes here.
No nigger. These bases where constructed during trumps term, not obamas
t. Rabbi Bergman
Except for that whole 7 years of war crap, sure. If the US went to fucking war, it wouldn't be 7 years. The games being played isn't war.
Israel will just continue to be belligerent and put pressure on the US to fuck thing up. This is a good compromise. If Assad accept he will gain his country back.
It's a pretty good deal.
While this would be good what OP doesn't realize is that this probably isn't real. It's propaganda designed to tie Trump to a decision he didn't make and get US support for this course of action.
What I don't understand is how Zig Forums can think every unnamed source is fake until it's something they want to believe. Be better than that. Be best.
lol, hasn't the US been in the ME since ~2003 bc 'terrorism'? wouldn't it be poetic irony, if the US left Syria and Iran stayed indefinitely to 'fight terrorism'?
[fingers crossed]
Face facts, faggot. America fucked it up, again.
Thanks for outing yourself.
One day the shekels will dry up and on that day hotpocket stocks will definitely plummet
But it was. Maybe not militarily, but the US was defeated (and arguably destroyed) culturally thanks to the social change the war helped create. South Vietnam doesn't exist anymore.
I don't know man, those Russian SAMs are pretty fucking good. We should put those on the southern border instead of the wall.
So, what you're telling me is that you're from another dimension and the Republic of Vietnam exists in your timeline? That's cool.
So not defeated, which in the context of what we're actually talking about, proves you wrong.
Dude don't post these news in ZOG/pol/ don't you realize that we MAGA now
You're right we should trust (((white nationalists))) instead.
I know, right? Next he'll be telling us we should trust (((NatSocs)))! Doesn't he realize long dead antisemitic foreigners don't make good leaders?
What does any of this matter? Israel will soon be a thing of the past because every jew over there takes 30 minute showers while hoping that they can get away with it because everyone else is following the water conservation laws.
Found the jew.
"America didn't lose Vietnam" is a talking point on the far left. Their point is that America's war aims were the total annihilation of the Vietnamese economy and infrastructure, which they argue was largely accomplished by 1967.
On the contary, it was about how US did not lose militarily.
There was no winning that shit and Lyndon Kike Johnson knew that.
By wiping out half the country and still leaving with nothing? Sounds like everyone involved lost.
The end result is the same faggot. South Vietnam no longer exists. The goal of the Vietnam war was to stop the spread of communism in east Asia and prevent North Vietnam from taking over the south. Whether you defeat an opponent militarily or culturally, it doesn't matter. You should be happy that the US can't fight unconventional wars.. It will make the second civil war far easier for us to win.
The US was out of country in 73. The nva zerg rushed in 75.
America pulled out in the middle of a war they were fighting on behalf of an ally. They'd been in the country for over a decade, and then the other side won a couple of years after they pulled out. Explain to me how abandoning your allies, who proceed to lose, isn't a loss.
Obvious anti-Trump kike is obvious. Fuck off back to >>>/cucktianity/
If I recall correctly, the reason we had more troops was part of his promise to destroy ISIS, which has been done now for the most part except for a few pockets. I hope that is their only purpose. I keep agnostic about Trump, I support him as long as he follows through.
Few things I like: he said he wouldn't intervene in what's going on in the Golan recently. I could give less a shit about the whole Jerusalem thing, I enjoy the agitation / salt if it works contrary to Itsnotrael's goals in a sort of accelerationist way. What did we see shortly after that? Erdogon vowing to unite the OIC to create an army to take back Palestine. If he really did that, that would be about 57 (I think?) different countries contributing. I mean the way things are going, I'm enjoying it. The Hezzies are in charge now more than ever in Lebanon and they alone can hold their own.
On a related aside, as I didn't see a topic on this in the catalog, I think it's possible that with Itsnotrael's recent "Nation-State Bill" it's going to trigger more sand-chimping than the Jerusalem thing. Suppoedly it's also pissed off the Tikkun Olam types too, which is funny because you have the left ones advocating the same multicult poison in their own homeland but the zio-right ones, while appreciating the need for a nation-state, think it's smart to arm Azov in the Ukraine. Probably because they think siding with them will allow for some sort of agreed alt-rightish pan-nationalism "nationalism for everyone" or something.
Although from what I gather, the real reason they want to arm Azov and friends is because they want them to fight with russia. Supposedly Azov thinks Putin's a jew. Maybe he is, maybe he works for the rothchilds, I don't know. Or maybe he doesn't and he's been doing a good job of keeping those 6 (((bankers))) that were in charge of the economic bloc in check and they're pissed off that he's fixing Russia, allying with China, Iran, Turkey, and helping Assad.
D&C thread.
You'd have to be an absolute retard not to see it.
Fuck you OP, you filthy kike.
As much as I think Trump has done too much in Syria, what have those ground troops done other than supplant the work that had been done by CIA-sponsored terrorists? Now the real tests comes. How will Trump handle safely turning over territory to Syria government forces while not causing Turkey to sperg out or other problems? Is Trump even planning to do that?
Looking at this from the outside it sounds pretty silly.
"I wasn't invited to your party but I'll leave without a fight if your Guest of Honor leaves too"
I imagined a kike speaking when I read that.
Because Israel you fucking retard. Trump is telling Israel to fuck off with this move you retarded cunt.
You’re not in charge anymore
Roosevelt went to go see Israel Zangwill's The Melting Pot and shouted in the theater, "That's a great play, Mr. Zangwill, that's a great play." Notwithstanding his tough guy visage that has made him popular on the right, he was a pawn of Jacob Shiff. He was also one of the original Progressives (back when the term had meaning).
America won in Vietnam but lost the homefront.
I'm so glad things are wrapping up in Syria and Assad is still in power.
won what?
still better than any democrat ever , democrats will never be desired after you chose the black guy
in the video , the dems are jerry mcfag and /pol is the football player
"I just wanna play videogames"
Get fucked
1. All shitskins and mudslime collaborators will be brutally executed along with their entire families and their genetic line considered death on sight.
2. Trump wasn't going to do that. But anyone who thought he might will also be eliminated with prejudice as they deserve.
3. You have been logged. You and your entire family will be tortured and killed slowly because you are a subhuman traitor.
Torture and "slow deaths" are nigger tier behavior. You should be executed too.
You're right. We are more humane than them. Plus slow deaths are a waste of time and resources.
Assad is great.
didn't intend to sage
Yeah. The guy who decided to run for president against his very successful successor, and wound up getting Wilson elected. Seems he loved himself far more than his country, or he never would have split the Taft vote and subjected the US to Wilson, the bank, and WWI.
You guys know this shit was going on and you just watched it.
Assad knows a slimy kike when he see one
Assad works for ZOG now, Spencerpede. Find another based muslim to worship.
Epic maymays, fellow magapedo.
Fox and the Grapes
Could you be more obvious? Post the rest of the article which says nothing of the sort. Israel thinks they control Russia and Russia controls Syria.
I know the Assad cant be Mossaded, but sometimes I worry anyways. Stay safe, Assad.
Bullshit. That fucktarded nuke deal was made by Kang Nigger, not Trump. Of course he abolished it, along with everything else that mudskin faggot ever did
10/10 president. Would invite over for tea and stories of shelling k*rds
Surely Obama helping Iran get a nuke is what we on Zig Forums only ever wanted
Trump abolishing that deal only serves your israeli interests and goes against everything Zig Forums stands for
Here I made a little cut out and keep formula to help make is easy to remember
If X kills jews = good
If Y only defends and protects jews from slaughter = bad
Russia is literally flying interference for Assad, to stop kikes shooting them down as they fly along the golan border to bomb ISISrael mercs.
Filter/ignore the kikes. And come help in the 400 million and voterID op threads (there are no shills there, strangely).
Trump didn't make Jerusalem the capital of anything. Is that the best you can do?
Well put.
Heil Trump and get our forces out NOW.
It's almost like Trump had a plan to get out of Syria and the Middle East, and didn't actually want a Syrian war.
sure thing hipster ahmed, now fuck off back to your shithole