Why is James Woods Asking if Hitler was into Spirt Cooking
The article of reference and some hot takes
?Eric Voegelin, a political scientist who fled Nazi Germany, diagnosed Nazism, along with communism, as a political religion. Kulander’s valuable book provides extensive documentation to support this analysis. Losing faith in orthodoxy does not mean losing the impulses and needs that seek satisfaction in religion; it merely means they will be redirected. Traditional religion may be perilous, but spirituality without it may be even more so. Monsters rush in where angels no longer tread.
Because he's a hardcore shabbos goy, who starred in a jewish propaganda film to defend the Satanic McMartin pedophiles.
Isn't everyone?
Kurlander is also a jew name.
James Woods is not /ourguy/ but he has a legion of neocon boomer proud boy 3% faggots who think he's redpilled. he's also (((tried))) sucking dick, claims he didn't like it.
In Hollywood, you probably have to go on record stating you don't like sucking dick, else every faggot in the place is gonna expect a dick suck.
Because James Woods is a retarded boomer who happens to be mildly more conservative than a neo-con.
He looks super redpilled in comparison with most boomers because boomers are the worst generation that has ever existed, inheriting everything and leaving no legacy, betraying their race and being gullible idiots all around.
His name has appeared on Bohemian Grove membership rosters. Assuming they're accurate, he probably really does like sucking dick, and given his protection of pedophiles….
Because he's bluepilled
Is anybody really surprised that nazis were LARPers?
Because he's red-pilled
He's using it as a sarcastic quip.
Basically every Hitler/Nazi occult piece of media still perpetuates the holohoax.
Woods is pointing out present day occult shit being practiced by Satanists/Jews
Nixon also went. Called it "most faggy god dammed thing you could ever imagine"
I'm sad it took this long for a reply that wasn't either a shill, a newfag, or normalfag moron. Still it's heartening that anons like you are still here. I was beginning to think I was alone. Sage for cuckchan tier thread.
It is a saturday night.
I'm home with my gf asleep next to me so I'm here
James Woods?
stay away from the candy for god's sake
Probably but the mundies here will never accept it.
brainwashed and not ready for the hitler redpill. he's a smart guy, but not as smart as he thinks he is, and not ready to deal with the cognitive dissonance.
i like the guy and much of his filmography, and he does a lot of good work for us on twitter, even though he's not /ourguy/.
my general suggested approach for these types, those that do some things that are good for us and some that aren't, is to not discard them entirely; use what they do that's good, ignore or minimize or punish if we can what they do that's not, and never trust them.
this kind of shit in OP, meh, whatever, it's so fucking ignorant that i'm no sure if he's poe's law on this, or if he honestly thinks it might be real, but regardless it's not gonna get traction, so ignore.
If the nazis did spirit cooking they would still be here today and the world would be one big happy nwo moloch sacrifice party
You do realize people like him have to muzzle themselves at least a little or get completely ruined?
interesting take. i was wondering here if it wasn't crossing into poe's law, fun to see someone convinced already that it was.
If the nazis did spirit cooking they would still be here today and the world would be one big happy nwo moloch sacrifice party
You do realize people like him have to muzzle themselves at least a little or get completely ruined?>>11860698
maybe not convinced, just about 80%
Plus James Woods is known for being a snarky bastard
Pilpuling is hard, especially when you're trying to figure out a way to convince a National Socialist board that an anti-Hitler post by a pedophile-protecting Israel-firster is really sarcastic and super redpilled.
Research McMartin, your hero made a movie defending them, and discrediting the reality of Satanic (really Semitic) ritual abuse.
Himmler was a Germanic pagan, not a (((Kabbalist))).
sounds like another classic and typical case of trying to get a projection angle going.
Not really a difference. All Satanic garbage. Paganism is the worship of demons ie Moloch.
How are people reading that as "he's a shabbos goy blue pilled."
He's literally saying "Hitler didn't do the shit Hillary does."
So basically he's regurgitating everything Serrano has ever talked about. Just saw a Michael Collins Piper clip today that confirmed yet another one of his "visionary" claims. When it comes to the Third Reich and mysticism the only source you can even remotely trust is Serrano. Everyone else is copycats with their own agenda.
things sure are weird these days whichever way you slice it
i can't say i follow him regularly but i've seen a lot of his stuff, this is the first thing i've seen that made me think he might have actually taken the hitler pill and was trolling the normies. mostly just because the idea is so fucking stupid. as points out, if the nazis were cabal then there wouldn't have been a war lel.
you may be about 80%, i'm just now crossing from 0% to 10% thinking about it. need more evidence.
it would be a shame if individuals started eliminating the useful idiots the normalfags call celebrities…. just a real shame if the frontline of social change was gunned down one by one, i know i would cry
t. the fucking fbi
Sure is a lot of chess in this thread.
Never bet on a boomer user. They'll always let you done and the worst expectations you'd come to expect were just exactly what they were all along.
Wouldn't surprise me. This guy is a literal nobody if his recent books are to go off of except this one that's being promoted by (((Slate))), (((Washington Post))), and the fucking (((National Review))) of all places.
one and done itt.
ctrl-f search "chess" and you're the only hit
fuck yourself, kike shill.
James Woods is an intelligent Roman Catholic and knows the majority of his boomer audience is neither.
McMartin case was prosecuted by Jewish DAs and media – Kurlander is Jew and Hitler was not.
Fuck if I know what he intended.
Because while faggot leftists are obsessing over Nazi Occultism they're ignoring the creepy weird shit their own leaders are into right now.
You stupid dumb faggot cunt. Learn some reading comprehension.
You mother fucking mouth breathing s()y-dicked Common Core turds really don't grok context do you?
It's a bit more nebulous than that. Once you understand the strong link between the intelligence services, Hollywood films, and military policy, it's pretty obvious Woods is part of a managed campaign to "conservatives" think they are wacky right wing radicals by forcefully reasserting and reconnecting with all the tropes of the postwar zionist order.
Pure projection.
Citation needed.
He's not my hero, you moron. He's a dude who occasionally says shit I agree with on the internet. He also didn't make the movie you speak of. He acted in it. Just like he acted in dozens of other films. Because he's an actor. That's what actors do, and they don't always get to choose which roles they are offered.
Woods is a high IQ White man who has spent years in Pedowood being openly right-wing. The dude isn't stupid or blind to what goes on. It's funny though, whenever his name is brought up on Zig Forums immediately a bunch of (((anons))) come out of the woodwork to slander him in every way imaginable. Really invigorates the intestines.
His jew agent dumped him and he's looking to get back into his good graces.
He's openly said he doesn't care he won't get offered another job because he invested in Apple in the 80s and has bank.
Mysticism and pseudoscience or pagan?
Not sure if you guys know this but over the past five or so years there have been a large amount of ancient books stolen from museums and collectors. All of which having to do with the occult. Big article on one a few years back that stated the thieves literally went Mission Impossible style down the roof and somehow got up the walls in a few alarmed corridors to reach the specific book which wasn't even on display. So someone/some group is definitely hunting old occult books recently.
This stash ended up being stolen last year as well.
G-guys is Clint Eastwood a retarded boomer too? I wanted him to be /ourguy/.
Are you implying the semitic god that you worship is not the patron demon of the jews?
Occult/mysticism books are the most frequently stolen in bookstores and libraries open to the general public too. I have a feeling that humans are instinctually drawn to magic, or at least what they perceive as magic.
I mean fuck, all of our leaders believe in it and practice it daily.
He's using the term to get it back into the mainstream consciousness before it fades into obscurity (again) via memory holing. That kinda shit is alright in my book, because it'll get people to think "wtf is spirit cooking", look it up, and see the very real wacky shit that these sick fucks involve themselves in.
I didn't know that they were the most stolen, good info. I will say though that all those books from various different places around the world all being stolen definitely makes me want to know who is hording them.
It's common knowledge if you've ever worked at a bookstore or library. I always remembered it. Never really payed it any mind until I started looking into the esoteric myself.
Do you/any other user have any theories on who is taking them? Must be someone/some very wealthy group or person given where they took some from and the crazy security they got by.
No he's not…he's already stated that he'll never work in hollywood again because he's been blacklisted. Never told us exactly why though. However, vid related.
Interestingly enough, he has a tested IQ of over 170. This kind of stuff is 4-d chess.. if you will pardon the cliche. A subtle redpilling by getting people to do their own digging on these topics.
That was Himmler’s archives that were stolen back from the Freemasons who discovered it in Prague in 2016. It’s back in /our/ hands user.
Your dubs reveal who it is.
Who indeed user.
He was a leftist cunt for 50 YEARS. You think he's free of all of it? Dude is just another old, salty has been on Twitter, upset he isn't in, gay jewish videos anymore.
idk if if it's because I'm fucked up but when I look at that card in my peripheral I see this dude
Most of these books are distributed by mainstream publishers and probably don't actually contain any hidden information. You'd find more relevant information studying ancient religions but most information on ancient religions has been purposefully hidden or destroyed by semites and abrahamists all throughout history.
It's my opinion that most humans, especially whites, are not spiritually satisfied with the semitic god and traditions. They're probably looking for something more spiritually fulfilling. Meaning something more resembling the ancient gods of their ancestors which would naturally resonate with them.
But most of them are lead to modern wiccan shit contrived by kikes to get white people to associate esoteric knowledge with casting magic spells with tea lights and making love potions with their own piss. Or eastern religions which the Jews say is all about nihilism and passivity and slave morality.
If the goyim aren't fulfilled with yahweh give them the illusion of choice and present them with another flavor of Jewish lies in the form of the occult.
The reason people steal it is probably because they're either too embarrassed to buy it or they want to keep the "secret knowledge" to themselves and never return it when borrowed. That or the kikes have a racket going and somehow attract people to steal them to create a false consensus.
Not sure if it's still as bad as the early 2000s. The kikes are probably more focused on other methods to pacify the dangerous goy instincts. Notably libertarianism and Jordan Peterson tier individualism
It does certainly seem that way.
Kind of off topic but when HermesAnon (so some started calling them) posted those interesting historical things they specifically wrote that the myth about vampires actually began due to the Jew and their occult rituals in drinking blood of children.
Correct, that folklore start with Lilith worship. The modern vampire folklore started in Hungary and Romania, spread from the Jews and their actual drinking of blood in occult rites.
Yeah they also claimed something about… shit… let me see if I can find it but had something to do with blood being an index and "Half breeds" attempt to gain what they cannot through their occult rituals. Hope I still have those they were cool.
Here you go. I wish I had the other posts but only have the first one but the other threads got super interesting and is where anons started calling them hermesanon.
I dont think so
Woods also played Trump's pedophile GRIDS kike mentor Roy Cohn. What a strange cohencidence?
Woods is classic CO. Don't be a gullible fucking goy.