Chimpout UNDERWAY in Chicago!
holy fuck
they are yelling SHUT IT DOWN now
these fucking people
Gloom's up. youtube.com
An angry crowd gathered Saturday evening after a Chicago police officer fatally shot a man on the city's South Side, and some protesters scuffled with police.
Chicago Police Department spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the shooting happened when officers on foot in the South Shore neighborhood tried to question a man "exhibiting characteristics of an armed person."
Larry Merritt, a fire department spokesman, said the man was taken to Jackson Park Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
No police officers were injured, Guglielmi said. A weapon was recovered at the scene, he said, but did not say whether the man was armed when he was shot.
No stream, no link, no background. KYS my man.
Excellent- Looks kinda low level right now.
finally - gloomtube is up
When are these uppity niggers going to be shut up?
Low energy. Less than a 100 apes.
Wtf is this even about
How many more incidents like this are going to be tolerated? When are whites finally going to take matters into their own hands and form the death squads?
The time for cleansing is long passed. These dangerous creatures from Africa are steadily destroying the foundations of white society, with every welfare dollar, rape, murder, riot, and drug deal.
You know what the solution is. When will the blood of the West finally begin to boil?
How come all of the chimpouts are such low energy now? Back in 2015 (I think) we had some pretty wild ones and the streams were comfy.
Agitators probably ran out of Soros bucks
user please.
Soros realized he was hurting his cause.
When the cops stop showing up then the niggers can be annihlated. The cops are there in a sense protecting the niggers from the Holy White Mob that will not just destroy the nigger group but the nigger's housing projects removing them from the area. Once this happens expect more chimpouts and a full on race war because niggers know that if they get uppity their entire community goes.
this could be good
….is that furry or no?
My blood can already melt steel.
it's a good gig and citizens will do nothing, this is what corruption looks like.
Why wait? Just go set fire to their shit right now. Obviously, the niggers themselves will get the blame, and who would suspect a law-abiding pillar of the community like you, who doesn't even seem to have a motive?
This is why we hide our power levels. No obvious motive.
This guy is actually spot on, there were next to no police in the US over 100 years ago and anytime some ape got uppity a mod would lynch them. The police just let the niggers loot and destroy and then give them a hot meal and a place to stay on our dime then release them for "lack of evidence".
There will be some event in the future where enough Police die from being overrun by a nigger mob that will put enough fear into the Police that they will stop showing up. Or if the Police do show up they will retreat and the niggers will destroy things. When the Police stop showing up The Holy White Mob shows up and removes niggers from the area, and the nigger housing. This creates a scenario where niggers flea into another urban area after their free-nigger-housing areas are burned to the ground. Then once the angry niggers move into the next urban area and get uppity then the Police don't show up again but the Holy White Militia does and removes the niggers again. Until there are no more niggers.
One way to accelerate this is to bring these Niggers booze. Get these nigger mobs drunk by handing out free 40 oz bottle. They will consume the alcohol and throw the bottles at police. The police will shoot at the niggers and the niggers will panic and do a bum rush. This will cause more niggers to show up the next night to chimpout again.
What happened to you faggots?
Or. . . just start right now. What the fuck?
A very revealing slip. I approve.
I'm not in that area. But if someone goes there and brings them 40 oz's I will reimburse them with bitcoins for the Booze 2 the Chimpout Fund. Up to $1000 USD in bitcoin.
Is it over? gloomtube seems to not be live.
You heard the man, Chi-anons. Any of you feel like playing Santa for the South Side niggers?
are you seriously that foolish? I thought this place was called Zig Forums
it's ironic the boring ideas people have here. A year in jail or prison cost anywhere from 35k to 45k a year, a ten year sentence generates in excess of 500k a lot of these niggers are in prison now, they are a never ending resource to the corrupt criminal justice system, frankly the are a cash cow. there are millions of these niggers in jail, and they breed like rats, the cops love this shit, it provides them with a purpose, and income, an ego, and lawyers, judges and politicians all make money
the entire system is corrupt as fuck, if you wanted law and order, you'd hang them, if that didn't work (((which it doesn't))) you execute them, but who want's to kill their cash com? you? your a nobody, get used to it just like the boomers had too.
If someone does this take a pic with the nigger mob handing out the 40 oz. no need to show your face and post a btc address for me to send the btc to.
pic 3&4 are those GAGS OR ANTI BITE H Lector ?
4th looks like DARTH JOCKSTRAP
That's excessive. Buy some rolling paper too.
I'm not paying for rolling papers If you want to pay for that you can. I'm ONLY willing to pay for 40 oz's or glass booze bottles.
Still,$1000 worth of cheap nigger booze? We're trying to get them to chimp out, not give them a Kwanzaa feast.
Niggers will drink the booze and then have their "supreme nigger confidence" and will throw the glass bottles at Police. At which Point the Police will disperse the mob forcefully or open fire on the niggers. Drunk Niggers with empty glass bottles will result in a happening.
Uh so what’s the story of the first picture with the nigger with the mask covering up his face?
(((the last straw)))
Yep, that's niggers. Valuable redpill for the white girl, though she'll get a hefty dose of the Jew in school telling her this was all her fault. Then she'll screech at someone like me for being racist, and not a good person like her.
Why am I thinking of Ana Kasparian right now?
are they still chimping? what's going on? ICE?
sage bc shit op
martial law when? then move in and gas all non whites then when the dust settles use extraction teams to pile all the bodies out in the street to be picked up and burned or could make compost out of them so at least their lives will finally served some useful function in our white created societies they have grown to accustomed to leeching from.Then everything wll be shitskin free golden wheat fields.
I wonder how far I could throw a niglet?
Both live streams I had open ended.
The answer will always be not far enough
pretty sure any use of that retarded kid is a psyop
he's no nazi role model
Could you throw one back to Africa? Cheap plane ticket.
this is why we need to ban the fuck out of summerfags and cuckchanners. i'm tired of low-energy OP dicksucking
chiCongo user here & our mayor is an ultra kike so every once in a while he'll order a niggnog murdered just to stir up the pot & release tension in the air. Btw I beat the piss out of ape a few months ago & it felt great!
it would just be a shame if people started eliminating the mayors of blue cities, like i don;t know.. finding where they live and shooting them dead, i know i would cry
t. the fucking fbi
what always surprises me about your scenario is with all of the former military and special operators in this country that never ever happens. A good 6 man or 12 man team (((well financed))) of operators could literally wreck havoc on all of the corruption in the US but, then we have our pozzed as fuck military command and we have to live in a cesspool
One of the problems with that is that the entire earth is filmed / watched from satellites. When someone starts a fire in california or when someone blows up a building in the middle east they simply rewind the tape to see where the person / car came from and then send a missile in. I do agree the USA needs a night of the long knives scenario to happen.
Boohoo, ONE fucking nigger. Ya'll need to learn some American history. Because in the 60's and 70's, cops would fucking massacre people. Some fantastic stories to read about how they handled protesters. Holy hell was it brutal.
That's why I disagree with this guy. I think a major chimp out against police will be met with, you dun goofed Tryone. Say hello to my military surplus I just got in. .50 cal head shots.
Beatings with police batons, dog attacks, water canons, yup it was brutal. Bloopbloop can't hurt nigger's feelings now.
It's pretty funny what you think we can do.
t.Glow-in-the-Dark Nigger
Kike Emmanuel literally served in the IDF, and his daddy was supposedly in the stern gang.
T.guy who left Chicago.
The amazing thing about it is he went from kang nigger WH to Chi and basically said I am the fucking mayor now just vote me in and nobody fucking flinched.
damnit Zig Forums why did no one take this user up on his offer
truly low energy
Yes, 100% furry.
what's this?
If the "bourgeoisie" they would fund the fuck out of fascist right wing death squads that would do what the cops can't do without outrage from cucks
Kill yourself.
because it's evidence of whitey inciting violence by being paid by the cia and or fbi
literally day one shit summerfag
I am sick and tired of this uppity niggers thinking the whole world ows them everything because they are niggers
geNOGcide when?
Looks like it's already over too… Damn.
Depends on where the trash can is.
hello new friend.
I'm having a shit day, where are the livestreams of niggers murdering one another?
gloomtube has a stream of the riots just starting in france and he'll probably be covering the hopeful chimpout in chicago later tonight
France still exists? Holy FUCK I had no idea. Checking it out, thanks.
feels good to be out
where did you go to? I'm still looking for a place to settle down, but I was thinking ND, NH, or MI.
Just stay the fuck out of Wisconsin and we're all good Illinigger.
Nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask.
Fucking why? That's some super niggerish shit right there.
Baltimore was a good chimpout. Very comfy time that.
After watching these vids I now instinctively move at least 2 additional feet away from any black person, several more additional for any young black male.
My mind is so rotten i tought first it was his penis.
That's niggers/shitskins in a nutshell, always a cheapshot or always in packs, usually both. Notice that in every of one these where you see one nigger walk up to one white (man or woman) trying to start shit, the nigger will get steamrolled.
It might not mean much in the grand scheme of things but I'll admit this is the kinda shit that really makes my blood boil.
And sometimes Lady Luck smiles on us so not all is gloom.
We have our own shit to deal with but you Americans have my sympathies.